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/lit/ - Literature

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17203489 No.17203489 [Reply] [Original]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، و الحمد الله، و الصلاة و السلام
على رسول الله

To my brothers,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

This is a continuation of

Because all the text has proven too much for many I am going to try to break down the threads further. So for current events rather than tackling everything I will tackle piecemeal. I won't go too much into theology here as I already had a thread for that which discussed Wahhabism, Shia, Sufi,etc. I will discuss the major sectarian issues politically of course. How much is the Sunni-Shis rivalry about Saudi tensions with Iran? Did American funding of Afghan militants spark off what would become the war on terror? Etc, but I will try to stick to mostly the Qur'an's role in everything as this is a literature board and while contemporary events are worth learning about the scope of this series is the Qur'an.

For this thread the topic I've gone with is the Sufi-Salafi confrontation. Now

>> No.17203494
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there are major political issues here and I will explore those in another thread. Here we will just give a sketch of contrasting worldviews and the best way to do that is by comparing two major thinkers, Abdul-Hakim Murad (Timothy Winter was his name before Islam) and Ahmad Musa Jibril. The former is considered an authority on Sufi thought, the latter on Salafi thought.

Some backgrounds

Murad is a distinguished man of letters who often talks about how Islam can revive the true spirit of the west. For example he says his Muslim students instantly grasped Shakespeare whereas others often saw his values as totally foreign. In a lecture I will post he talks about Evola and Islam as the embodiment of tradition against modernism.

His conversion story is here, it's worth reading

Here is the lecture

>> No.17203503
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Jibril has always been outspoken, he and his father did significant prison time for insurance fraud in America (however considering it was seven years in maximum security I think it more likely the FBI was punishing him for suspected terrorist affiliation). He was banned in Saudi Arabia. He went to school in Madina and is very well educated. Here is an article he wrote, A Benefit of Prison

Here is a lecture series by him

Now, it should be noted that both thinkers strawman their opposition as is common in Muslim polemics. The fundamentalist scholar Ibn Taymiyyah is harshly criticized by Murad and indeed he made some very untraditional rulings, for example he said it is permissible for a woman to recite Qur'an during menstruation and that triple talaq is invalid and void, the latter ruling landed him in prison. However he didn't say you can make rulings based purely on faith, he was an extremely dilligent scholar.

As for Jibril, in one of his lectures he dismisses strict adherence to a madhhab saying you just go by the evidence and whatever is correct in the text. The fact is there are multiple other factors, first of all not all schools consider the same Hadiths valid, some need multiple Hadiths to make a ruling, sometimes one thing was forbidden but changed later (for example one Hadith shows Muhammad ﷺ forbidding reading the Bible but once the Qur'an was completely revealed he encouraged it and said there is no sin in reading it, but if you just know about the first Hadith you would say oh it's haram to read the Bible). Many other details I talk about in the Jurisprudence thread. Jibril is in fact effectively Hanbali only he doesn't know it, yet admits he is in the way Ibn Taymiyyah was (Ibn Taymiyyah actually changed the school by dissenting with prevailing opinion, Jibril means he supports independent ruling, opposing case law)

That's all for now, I will go into history and political details in later threads and how each camp approaches Qur'an

Questions and comments welcome

>> No.17203792


>> No.17204267

remove kebab

>> No.17205188 [DELETED] 


>> No.17205840

>Anyone who studies the Qur’ān closely, and tastes the unique and rich experience of living within its ambience, will immediately identify the distinct character of every one of its sūrahs. Every sūrah has an aura and a personality of its own, with unique and well-defined features, and a feel that makes it stand apart from all the rest. Moreover, every sūrah revolves around a central theme, or a number of major themes related to one another by a common thread or idea. Every sūrah radiates its own atmosphere of meaning and essence, within which its theme, or themes, are discussed using the same well integrated and well coordinated style and approach. It also has its own special rhythm and musical pulse which accord with the meaning and context of its topics and content.

Sayyid Qutb

>> No.17206983 [DELETED] 


>> No.17207008

is /lit/ the designated isis recruitment board now?

>> No.17207026

Is the Dajjal physical?

>> No.17207054

Yes, dajjal is a man who pretends to be the Christ. He was be given extraordinary powers including the ability to resurrect the dead. We are told to stay away from.him because he will easily shatter our faith. He will make the world and paradise of joy and peace for his followers but a wretched torment for his enemies. The Jews will proclaim him the Messiah and no one will be able to do anything until the return of Jesus Son of Mary, the true Christ.

>> No.17207078

Cute cattington

>> No.17207099

May Allah protect us from the Dajjal and the Jews

>> No.17207135

The better question to ask would be asking why the mods are in on it. If they weren't, these threads wouldn't stay up until archival, just like the christian threads that almost always end up getting deleted mysteriously.

>> No.17207140

You should be asking for protection from the fitna of al-Mesih ad-Dajjal every tashahhud you can but asking for protection from the Jews seems a bit much, you could pray for victory over them but as we know that can't fully happen until 'Isa returns, they're the final boss.

>> No.17207491

>every thread about Islam gets ignored like this one or flooded with autistic infographics the poster hasn't even read but has heard owns Islam epic style
>Christian threads get edgy fedoras at most
You know the things you say are false, why do you say them? I've seen people say the same about /his/ and that's almost as retarded although admittedly more sensible than implying this board is anything other than an anti-Muslim board.

>> No.17208067

Tbf I think these threads don't get a lot of traffic primarily because of the length of the OP's. It's just I find it difficult to make non-myopic OP's that remain within one post

>> No.17208107

To an extent I think that may have been the case but it's not like I'm only talking about this thread, most threads on the subject are like this.

>> No.17208884

Very much like the even handedness OP. Have to give it to you.

>> No.17208901

Why would you pick a convicted felon to represent the salafi group, why not someone like Shaykh Fawzaan

>> No.17208935


It's better pick one that opposes the House of Saud instead of works for them, that's not a matter of political bias on my part, it's just that he doesn't have a conflict of interest in what he presents or gives rulings on. This has almost always been the case in Islam that the reliable scholars are either imprisoned at some point or at the very least have a negative relationship with the state.

>> No.17209728

you are doing some nice work. what do you think of djinns btw? i have always wondered about them during my journey of faith

>> No.17209783

The thread on the Unseen will cover that. They were the first known creatures capable of sin and are fire-based, perhaps like a plasma, unlike man who is earth-based. The definition quality of angels is obedience, man is wisdom, jinns anger. Most are extremely delicate and easily killed and it would take an enormous hoard of them to move anything of density. The ones powerful enough to do things to people are extremely old but longevity is very rare for them due to their continuous fighting and tribal mentality, they have very little technology and smaller ones like inhabiting toilets, others watch people dressing, many are peeping toms who can develop a sexual fascination (they have sex and eat although they eat rotting and putrid things due to inability to masticate like we can). The oldest one (because he was given an indefinite lifespan, it goes on until creation ends) is of course Iblis, he is the most powerful. He was once the greatest Muslim and devoted his whole life to Allah until he was orderd to prostrate to Adam which hurt his pride because Adam didn't do anything like what he did. They come in many sizes depending on age and imitate human culture, language and religion, many are Muslims

>> No.17210812
