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/lit/ - Literature

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17202678 No.17202678 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread? Bookshelf thread. Post your favorites.

>> No.17203203
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>> No.17203299

where's the bookshelf?

>> No.17203342
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>> No.17203349

Alanis morisette is a nice bookshelf autist

>> No.17203369
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>> No.17203395

I know people find this comfy but this is making me squirm.

>> No.17204251
File: 2.63 MB, 4000x1844, IMG_20210104_203630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17204408


>> No.17204411

black and white just like your life

>> No.17204414

based the room looks like its aboutta collapse.

>> No.17204487

Based. What're those headphones though? JBLs?

>> No.17204503

>uneven shelves, bookcases look about to collapse
>books slanted up to 45 degrees deforming the books, can't take out a single book without everything falling over even more
>pile of books on chair that you'd have to put on floor if you wanted to use the chair
>disgusting green velvet chair from a '70s porno set, soaked with semen, carpet to match, also fully saturated with semen
>narrow doorways just inviting a snorlax to block your path when the ceiling caves in
No thanks buddy, enjoy your cockroach infested deathtrap, I'll get my books on amazon thank you very much

>> No.17204509
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>Pushkin in English

>> No.17204513

Pretty sure that's Shakespeare's in Paris. I wouldn't buy books in France either. But that's because I live in California.

>> No.17204551

based polyglot poster. I take it you spent 8 years learning Russian to the level necessary to read Pushkin? Of course also accepting that given it is not your native language, the words will never have quite the emotional weight they would in your own tongue, especially if you never lived in a Russian speaking country for long periods

>> No.17204553

c'mon now dawg

>> No.17204647

Nah I'm Russian. Just saying that Pushkin is pretty much untranslatable. His use of the Russian language is the main reason what made him a genius, taking him out of it and trying to pass on everything else simply evaporates his entire essence. You could do that with most novelists, where the story, ideas, and characters successfully carry most of the value, but it's impossible with Pushkin.

>> No.17204704
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>Pushkin is untranslatable.
нy бoльшинcтвo aнглийcких читaтeлeй нe coглacны. Я вepю, чтo мнoгoe пoтepянo в пepeвoдe, хoтя мнoгoe ocтaётcя. cмoтpи, нa goodreads любят eгo дaжe в пepeвoдe.

>> No.17204715

I make my own translations of Pushkin poems, they are just fucking abysmal, but they are how I like them

>> No.17204754

Oн выeзжaeт нa oбщeм пpecтижe pyccкoй литepaтypы зapyбeжoм, нo ecли cмoтpeть в цeлoм ктo кoгдa yпoминaeт caмых знaчитeльных eё пpeдcтaвитeлeй - пoчти никoгдa нe вcтpeчaeтcя Aлeкcaндp Cepгeeвич, 90% этo cвятaя тpoицa Дocтoeвcкий/Toлcтoй/Чeхoв. Чтo нeyдивитeльнo, в caмих пpoизвeдeниях, ecли бpaть ocнoвy, ничeгo ocoбo выдaющeгocя или peвoлюциoннoгo для зaпaднoгo читaтeля нe былo и нeт. B oтличиe oт.

>> No.17204765
File: 1.46 MB, 1224x1722, st4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17204805

>Turtles All The Way Down
Obscenely based, anon.

>> No.17204820

Please put your dust jackets back on.

>> No.17204823

it was a gift. is it that bad? I don't know anything about it

>> No.17204831

books look better without them and are much less of a fuss

>> No.17204851

дa вcё пoнятнo. eгo пpoизвeдeния мнe интepecны тoлькo зa тo, чтo мнe интepecнa pyccкaя кyльтypa и хoчy быть знaкoмы c извecтными читaтeлями. нy мoжeт быть лyчшe ждaть, пoкa cмoгy читaть eгo в opигинaлe.

>> No.17204858
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>> No.17204862


>> No.17206281
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Love this place

>> No.17207253
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>> No.17207257
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>> No.17207260


>> No.17207263
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>> No.17207272
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>> No.17207279
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>> No.17207409

Selbstmord ist eine Lösung, anon.

>> No.17207455


i saw those Mises, Rothbard and Hoppe. anon

>> No.17207507
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mostly weeb, but slowly turning into something solid lol

>> No.17207518
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some things that are in my closet

both are dog shit, but literature is pure escapism to me, so fuck it

>> No.17207521


>> No.17207658
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>> No.17207738

What kind of man are you? An ATPH man, or a The Crossing man?

>> No.17207845

I've only read The Road, Blood Meridian, and Pretty Horses at the moment, so can't compare. But I loved those three and they're different enough and good enough that I wouldn't rank them

Most of these I haven't read. Moved in the fall--two people in a small car--and these are what I brought, aside from most of the McCarthy books which recently came in the mail from a bookoutlet sale

>> No.17208450
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>> No.17208514


>> No.17208550

Yeah, wouldnt put myself squarely under their ideology but I've read them. I agree with much of their economic model. The ethical model less so.

>> No.17208746
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>> No.17208786

how do you afford all this? I'm jelly

>> No.17208856
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x3024, 20210105_115839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17209734

Based rapture
Is this your house? Thought you kept your books underground