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/lit/ - Literature

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17200939 No.17200939 [Reply] [Original]

What are signs someone is a midwit?

>> No.17200951

They unironically regurgitate those "A flock of X is called a Y" memes.

>> No.17200994

Books that feel like pic related?

>> No.17201018

reading russians
reading books in translation

>> No.17201024

>leaves um ackshully responses to posts
>drops NPC trivia like: Go is better than chess
>bogged down in gay details, misses the central point entirely
>reads DFW, Pynchon, Amerifat literature
>spell check and fact check their own comments before posting
>brown eyes, brown skin, ESL, passionate about their e-reader
>credulous, falls for obvious bait

>> No.17201048

People who have strong opinions but when actually pressed to elaborate beyond mantras of doctrine become increasingly ineloquent and confrontational about arbitrary digressions.

Bonus points if they are the type to call themselves dumb in completely separate scenarios but won't hesitate to speak as thought they are smart in political ones.

>> No.17201057

A Sportsman's Sketches because it reminds me of the penguin cover
Divides politics into left and right, reads only high school level literature, only watch popular movies thats approved by reddit and imdb, pseudo intellectual and watch the news

>> No.17201072

They have an opinion on everything, and when asked about a subject they have little knowledge on, they will never say "I don't know."

>> No.17201078

Cognitive dissonance when faced with deviations from orthodoxy, whether that be in interpretations, definitions, or grammar.
The midwit cannot "come to terms" with the galaxy brain.
He will try to assert his own frame of reference instead of coming to understand another.

>> No.17201080

Uses /lit/

>> No.17201081

People that think realism is the epitome of literature.

>> No.17201105

Doesn't understand aesthetics beyond basic forms, subtle emotional implications and interactions are lost on him, adopts new social conventions without thought or hesitation, doesn't read Amerifat fiction

>> No.17201110

lol which former soviet satellite are you from

>> No.17201121

snow country because there's snow

>> No.17201128

whats a flock of midwits called?

>> No.17201135

a thread

>> No.17201137

A /lit/any.

>> No.17201141

>bogged down in gay details, misses the central point entirely
This is how I feel about everything that has ever taken any influence from Tolkien, from fantasy novels to tabeltop rpg's. I die a little inside when I see all the sterotypically "I fucking love science" types obsess over muh lore and muh world building in fantasy.

>> No.17201149

I fucking hate people who don't understand that "I don't know" is a real and acceptable response

>> No.17201208

Sasha Sokolov’s Between Dog and Wolf makes explicit reference to and was inspired by this painting

>> No.17201238

Endorsing causes, voting, describing self as an -ist, debunking, thinking democracy is good, reading the NYT

>> No.17201240

I am a midwit AMA

>> No.17201278

they put the same text in the subject and comment

>> No.17201318

It's rare to see a mid-anything openly admit to it (as opposed to saying 'oh, I'm upper-middle-[insert-term here],' which is very common). Good on you, anon. Are you content being a mid-wit, or do you aspire to more (or less)? What are your reading habits and favorite areas of study, and what does a typical day look like for you?

Hope that you are well regardless and happy new year to you.

>> No.17201343
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Please get smarter or dumber. I cant stand it. I can treat stupid people like animals; like dogs. But you can see the seed of intelligence in a midwit and then watch it collapse in on its own gravity in real time and it fucking infuriates me.

>> No.17201366

midwit detected. only a midwit would hold such seething dislike for their immediate inferiors, whereas topwits cultivate an aristocratic, removed disdain for all their lessers.

source: am nitwit

>> No.17201375

Seething hatred of hicks for some reason.

>> No.17201388

I tend to see more midwit simps and genius incels

>> No.17201392

t. hick

>> No.17201419

Lower class urbanoid shitwit ty very much

>> No.17201429

>brown eyes

>> No.17201438

You're right, midwits do tend to say this a lot!

>> No.17201443

I say things like: Hurqalya, the World of Autonomous Images and Imaginative Perception, and step on it

>> No.17201448


>> No.17201450


>> No.17201466

they are on /lit/

>> No.17201469
File: 876 KB, 1280x799, 2018_35_nietzsche_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One need only observe the eye color of this known midwit to realize there's no wisdom to be found here.

>> No.17201477


>> No.17201487

It signifies what caste you're apart of

>> No.17201496

Didnt he have green eyes? And because one (1) guy who you don't like has brown eyes means everyone with brown eyes is a midwit? Thats some nigger-tier logic to be frank.

>> No.17201499

Skip to 2:30

>> No.17201518
File: 340 KB, 1200x1496, 1200px-Francis_Bacon,_Viscount_St_Alban_from_NPG_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Examine also this known midwit. Once again his deficiency of spirit is indicated by his dull brown eyes.

Triggered brown-eye detected.

>> No.17201521

>What are signs someone is a midwit?
Has a different opinion than me.

>> No.17201531

I have blue eyes, dilate.

>> No.17201533

Is hazel real? or browneyeoid cope?

>> No.17201547

They use a tripcode

>> No.17201550

There are many geniuses with brown and dark eyes

>> No.17201555

the subject of their post and content of their post are the same thing

>> No.17201563

Isnt hazel brown eyes with some green spots in it? And idk, most people consider it a seperate eye-colour.

>> No.17201577

clever bait post

>> No.17201581


>> No.17201595

did you read the last line of the post you're replying to?

>> No.17201597
File: 10 KB, 227x153, FEF7C6D8-797F-4AC3-B577-B90CC213C37A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a midwit the same as a halfwit ?

>> No.17201609

Hazel is what you say if your eyes are a weird mix of blue, green, gray and brown. It's a good catch-all category.

>> No.17201613

Why do you think midwit is somewhat more insulting than brainlet here?

>> No.17201635

No one wants to be in the middle. That means that the high-class and low-class are both allied against you.

>> No.17201638

A pity.

>> No.17201643

I think halfwit implies halfway to stupid while midwit implies halfway to smart.

>> No.17201654

Interestingly, being a halfwit is better than being a midwit on /lit/.

>> No.17201670

Why is a smug halfwit not as infuriating as a smug midwit?

>> No.17201671

Midwit post

>> No.17201677

A halfwit does not put on airs, which is always going to be better than a midwit who does.

>> No.17201680

My eyes are brown but the edges are green, is that hazel?

>> No.17201683
File: 107 KB, 946x1024, BBD50AD8-A913-4ACA-B1E2-7F23074ACB11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic midwit take

>> No.17201717

>this is what nit/midwits actually believe

>> No.17201735
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 46DBA075-2952-42E9-9EED-4DA0633273B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you put the money on nitwit?

Only halfwits will get this reference

>> No.17201756

wit ranking:

topwit > halfwit > nitwit >>>>>>>>>>>> midwit

>> No.17201766

If they like Atlas Shrugged they are a midwit

>> No.17201779

Not bad.

>> No.17201793

Consequently, if they absolutely loathe it they are also midwits. Topwits don't even think about it because why would I care what a woman thinks.

>> No.17201807

If you like anything from the 19th century basically

>> No.17201812

Probably making threads asking peoples opinion on what makes others midwits

>> No.17201813
File: 394 KB, 1400x2298, 81371F7B-A100-4BD9-9315-D177CF4D8283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t care about the dragon lance books

Yikes and midwit pilled

>> No.17201817


>> No.17201823

Could you please learn how to use this website before replying

>> No.17201828

Exactly. Feeling any sort of strong emotion about Atlas Shrugged is extremely midwit.

The most midwit take is strongly disliking it without having read it based on Reddit memes. I'm actually inclined to think of liking Atlas Shrugged as more of a halfwit take, and hating it as the typical NPR/NYT type midwit take.

>> No.17201838

Posting ITT (except for me)

>> No.17201841

not reading ayn Rand and making no value judgments about her novels... true galaxy brain

>> No.17201842

What if you read it and thought the ideology and the writing were bad

>> No.17201848


>> No.17201849

Literally me

>> No.17201886
File: 1.11 MB, 819x539, 7777777657567567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the tier one above midwit? What is the tier one above that?

I think midwits are the kind of people that read, which most people don't, but read some shit like Sam Harris, quillette, or Douglas Murray, and Houellebecq, maybe they've read Stephen Hawkings too, yet never get deeper than that, read actual research, journal articles, or theory.

>> No.17201899

reading Hayek or Milton is midwit too though. Also midwits usually support Israel very strongly, I don't think this is an accident.

>> No.17201915

Everyone bragging about being smart (let alone if they claim to be very smart). 100% of the times it's a midwit who is just one step above mediocrity.

>> No.17201919



>> No.17201928

The difference is disliking the ideology in a measured and detached manner instead of becoming emotional and passionate whenever it's brought up.

>> No.17201954

>I received plenty of questions about the Bildungsphilister in my Black Swan Glossary. Trivial: someone commoditized in his knowledge and tastes, lacking idiosyncratic traits. Say someone who likes Matisse because it is the thing to do and, when he travels, makes sure to visit Impressionist galleries arts museums in order to be sophisticated (true someone may be genuine in his love of Matisse but it should come from personal trial and error, after disliking the sculptures of the third floor, not because the vagaries of the auctioneer’s hammer. The same Bildungsphilister would have scorned Matisse before it penetrated our consciousness). Or someone who tells you that he “loves French literature” and then announces that his favorites are Flaubert, Sartre, Camus, literally authors commonly selected in a French literature class (there are thousands of French authors so you know that it is not his taste that is driving him, but that he is following a script and borrowing his selection from general accepted guidelines. It would be different is he said Modiano, Cesbron, Déon, Vian, Allais, Bove, Gary, and Elsa Triolet. No two people have the same tastes so why should someone be exactly lined-up to the common canon?). The Bildungsphilister has a pathological vulnerability to cultural constructions. The same applies to the philisto-academic: he just follows topics used by others, ranking them by importance, without a shade of intellectual independence. In fact in academia the great dominant majority of workers are Bildungsphilisters, with a small minority of persons in possession of a brain on their own. It is even more widespread among philosophers: In fact I am still looking for a philosopher who could explain to me why the problem of induction is called “Hume’s problem”, not Huet’s problem.

>So I find it always suspicious when someone’s erudition matches the common culture, with minimal variations. Or when someone’s bookshelves match the Penguin classics section at Heathrow airport. Typically they a know a few things but they are not truly driven by intellectual hunger. They might do well in school because they focus on the curriculum, given that they have no taste of their own.

>> No.17201993
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Crude scientism
Always asking for sources rather than engaging with the substance of an argument on its own terms
Slavish appeals to experts and authorities and unwarranted credentialism ("You don't have a PHD on this subject! Therefore your statement has no merit.)
Basically reddit

>> No.17202003

Also I should add, excessive overuse of various dead catchphrases and slogans
"correlation does not equal causation!"
"gotta see the forest for the trees man"
"think outside the box"
"Let's brainstorm!"

>> No.17202018

I am a midwit. >>17201954 describes me exactly. My favorite French authors are Flaubert and Baudelaire, Flaubert because of the sensuousness of Salammbo and Baudelaire for similar sensual reasons. However how am I to know if my liking for them is true? I was introduced to exactly these authors because others told me they were good. In a bookstore I am often struck by uncertainty when faced with unfamiliar authors.

I do harbor a strong dislike for Camus though because I found Meursault abhorrent to my bourgeois sensibilities.

>> No.17202190

Being into based chad(me) vs beta cucl (you) memes and using them online. That may actually be more of a low-wit thing

>> No.17202203
File: 73 KB, 1024x709, 1608837145621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched the mirror by tarko

>> No.17202219

A disappointment of midwits

>> No.17202243

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.17202351

The believe in anything relating to Marxism or critical theory

>> No.17202421

More like a lamebrain, or maybe a pseud

>> No.17202424

Does the midwit ever admit to being a midwit, or is one of the midwit's defining characteristics that they think they are actually topwit?

>> No.17202441
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a midwit. I can't read fiction. I only read while I'm shitting. I make 50 grand a year. I rent an apartment and bought both a new car at a high interest rate and an old car with cash that is a money pit. I have 3 friends left because I've been supporting Trump for the last 4 years. I can't speak my second language very well. Iget my news from Pol. I failed Java class twice. I'm an atheist. Ask me whatever you'd like to know. I'll bet my IQ is exactly 100.

>Coffee is good for You.

Pic related is from an anime called "rape man"

>> No.17202463
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, 1609367225943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Mensa

>> No.17202477

>i only read while shitting
eat some fucking greens or clean out your colon you fucking ogre, healthy people take a shit in 3 minutes

>> No.17202482

>I'll bet my IQ is exactly 100
Midwits have an IQ in the 110 - 120 rage.

>> No.17202491

My diet is mostly vegetables and I take metamucil fiber. There's nothing wrong with my shits, Anon. I just take my time when i walk away from work. I can get away with about 12 minutes with my boss not asking questions and that's roughly 1 chapter.

>> No.17202495

Why are all socialists and communists midwits?

>> No.17202502

then that's not a good name for it. average american iq is 100. why would above average be called midwit?

>> No.17202506

In this thread alone we have the range of midwit represented.

lower middle midwit (the earthy bedrock of america)
middle middle midwit (the average Joe)
upper middle midwit (the striving NPR bugman urbanite)

>> No.17202508

ah, i see, it was something i thought of, but i made an assumption

>> No.17202514

People in that range tend to think they are smarter than they actually are and put on an image of intellectualism but pale in comparison to higher IQ individuals. Someone with 100 IQ is more honest about their abilities and competence.

>> No.17202516

Master and man - Tolstoy

>> No.17202520

no worries anon. sit on a toilet or sit on an office chair. i get paid by the hour.

>> No.17202526

They type the same question in both the title and the post itself

>> No.17202527

>get their news from watching daily show, Colbert, John Oliver etc.
>read editorials in newspapers
>read pop-sci books by the likes of Michio Kaku
>can quote isolated facts but don't make up their own opinions

>> No.17202540

smart enough to actually read books and deeply absorb the ideology within
not smart enough for critical and outside-the-box-thinking, two things which they, ironically, praise a lot
don't be fooled though, most of them didnt even read the manifesto

>> No.17202544
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They repeat the title in the post.

>> No.17202547

What is the difference between a midwit and a bugman?

>> No.17202560

Midwit refers to intelligence and desire to project an image of intellectualism

Bugman refers to consumption habits and lifestyle of a certain type of person

>> No.17202563

being white

>> No.17202595

Stop trying to categorize you're ruining your life

>> No.17202599

That's so capricorn of you

>> No.17202619

shit, I've been spotted

>> No.17202625

supports neoliberalism

>> No.17202644

>t. book sniffer

>> No.17202652

stfu book sniffing is based

>> No.17202716

It's actually a bundle

>> No.17202739

Is the 130-140 range the midwit of the topwits, or am I just an ungrateful cunt?

>> No.17202793

>thinking IQ alone makes a topwit
you are a high-performance midwit

>> No.17202805

Midwit and an ungrateful cunt.

>> No.17202806

according to lit, people who i thought were topwits are actually midwits. that makes me a fuckwit lol

>> No.17202825

yeah, but what if /lit/ judges are mostly midwits too
who are you gonna trust

>> No.17202836

everyone on /lit/ is a midwit in denial

except for me, of course

>> No.17202840

it took me a while, but i think youre calling me an idiot

>> No.17202901

>posts on /lit/
>does not frogpost, animepost or christpost
>does not say nigger unironically
>reads for plot

>> No.17202911

frogposters are subhuman filth that should be eradicated for the good of the species

>> No.17202914

no, you are a fuckwit
a category outside of the general classification, characterized by susceptability to being fucked with regardless of the level of intellect, hence the name :^)

>> No.17202930

Animutards always have the most myopic takes possible

>> No.17202934

>I like free markets and Israel!
Worst fucking ideology

>> No.17202965
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>> No.17202984

>philosophy is useless and outdated!

>> No.17203017

real chads have been studying religions all along
your type still gets played by your own desire to seek truth, somehow

>> No.17203053

Brainlets: soul
Midwits: soulless

>> No.17203179

Arrogance and being quick to denounce anything. People who are smart try to think through even the dumbest, dull, boring stantements and idiots might not have anything to contribute but even if they’re arrogant they usually go about their own way and understand their limits. Midwits lie, put on airs of intelligence and put down those genuinely trying to learn. Most other things used to identify them is usually just opinion and doesn’t capture the essence of what a midwit is, which is the failure to admit you know nothing.

>> No.17203209

Midwit detected.

>> No.17203218

This picture was in my history book in like 8th grade or smth. Mini ice age if I'm correct

>> No.17203326

Uses the word pretentious.

>> No.17203392

Sounds like a modern day Socrates than anything. What's wrong with having an opinion on everything? Do you fear the idea that you might be wrong or do you fear it may hold a certain unfiltered truth that would be diluted by your "expertise"?

>> No.17203410

rich projection

>> No.17203429

>removed disdain for all their lessers
absolutely this. All topwits I've ever met have been the coolest people of all time.

>> No.17203545

Any Tolstoy, really. Tolstoy took that photo.