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17199683 No.17199683 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any philosophers or psychologists who talk about people without friends? Anyone who talks about inability to relate or get along with other people?

>> No.17199700

you're just inexperienced lol, nothing to stress about
just make a plan you think is moderate and achievable and go practice it
everything else is a cope

>> No.17199877

look i know this is going to sound dumb but there's no real secret to making friends besides spending less time on things you do alone and spending more time on things you do with other people. think of it like working out. the more you interact with others, the better you become at interacting with others.

>> No.17199888

I'm 24, there is no way I can make any friends now. Oh and also I never had a gf in my life. Now how far I'm gone?

>> No.17199936

>I'm 24, there is no way I can make any friends now
people pick up new hobbies, change careers, cure addictions, move across the world, and much more at much older ages. literally the only thing keeping you from changing is you. there are plenty of people out there who are very understanding of "awkward" people. if you desire to make friends, you have to be okay with failing.

>> No.17199951

>the only reason you can't make friends is you
>the only reason you can't be successful in your career is you
fuck that hits hard, anon

>> No.17199976

frend I have social anxiety, I am overweight and I have gyno. I look bad because of it but I still believe I can grow and change myself. We can do it fren.

>> No.17200021

are you an OP, anon?

>> No.17200181

>are you an OP
what does this even mean

>> No.17200183

I'm the OP of this thread and I only posted the OP, nothing else. I don't think you all understand I really can't make friends. There's many reasons.

>> No.17200192

explain the reasons or keep coping

>> No.17200198

Schopenhauer had no friends except man's best friend

>> No.17200201

what are you doing on this site even? OP is for Original Poster

>> No.17200215

your grammar confused me i thought you were trying to meme

>> No.17200219

he means the presence of the indefinite article esl friend

>> No.17200227

I have a laundry list of mental illnesses including actual autism. I have never had friends or been able to maintain a stable enough lifestyle to do so. I somehow never seem to get along with others. I get intensely sick and woozy around others and I never seem to adapt to their presence.

>> No.17200241

sorry, English is my second language desu

>> No.17200249

>I have a laundry list of mental illnesses including actual autism
are you diagnosed by multiple professionals or are you a snowflake who self diagnoses?

>I get intensely sick and woozy around others
that seems to be anxiety

>> No.17200262

I've been diagnosed by professionals, but I hold little faith in that industry anyways. I've been on meds, to mental hospitals, in therapy, it doesn't work.

>> No.17200271

what were you ACTUALLY diagnosed with?

>> No.17200301

>He wants the therapists to magically cure his disorder
Doesn’t work that way
Go see a good existential therapist, you obviously didn’t get the message
Or read Heidegger or something

>> No.17200308

you can't cure autism and many other mental illnesses

>> No.17200322

ADHD, Depression, Ocd, Autism, and Bi Polar.

>> No.17200343

And yet you can take a suicidal autist and change them into someone with a real zest for life. So why would the autism matter?
You must learn to direct your will to power, you must take ownership of your own life and your own actions, live in accordance with your values and take responsibility for the situation you’re in. You have the power to make friends, if only you were just willing to do what is necessary

>> No.17200347

not curable
>Bi Polar
curable in come cases

>> No.17200351

I am in the same position m8. I read Adler and it made me aware that all my suffering is what I truly desire. So in effect, it's all me.

>> No.17200365

actual bipolar is not curable, neither is OCD

>> No.17200383

well, it is possible to reduce some of the symptoms of the OCD to improve the overall quality of life

>> No.17200394

>ADHD, Depression, Ocd, Autism, and Bi Polar.
These are just words someone labeled you with. It’s your choice to define yourself by them.
I suggest sitting down and listing the behaviors you perform which are in service to your values and goals and which ones aren’t. If you want your life to change you can’t expect anyone to do it for you. You have to make the changes yourself.

>> No.17200403

>These are just words someone labeled you with. It’s your choice to define yourself by them.
are you actually that retarded?

>> No.17200407

No, I’m a mental health professional telling you how it is.

>> No.17200409

If you actually have autism the rest can be explained by it i guess. I don't know anyone with both BD and autism but i definitely know this one chick with BD and she certainly has friends and she enjoys social gatherings. she is a google engineer and frequently gives talks at google and other events to educate people on what BD looks like. you can either mope about the cards you're dealt or you can fully embrace it and move on.

>> No.17200415

you're a fucking retard

>> No.17200419
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looks legit

>> No.17200427

You’re deluding yourself into believing that some therapist’s diagnosis defines who you are.
If you knew the science on the subject you would not pay much credence to diagnosis. Not at all.

>> No.17200436

He's not me/OP. I don't hold faith in my diagnoses but it's still true I simply can't be around others.

>> No.17200437

Post the science behind the subject

>> No.17200440

Where to go from here?

Truly flipped my perspective around: I hate to admit it but all these years of suffering was self-imposed because I wanted it so that I could fuel my own ego. It is hard to change because deep down I still want to be a khv incel as being so confirms my beliefs about the world and myself - that I am someone that I am not and that I have always been someone that I am not. Essentially, all my suffering was caused by myself. Not just in how I reacted to things, but how I continually brought on more suffering so as to validate myself somehow. I am a fucking awful human being by every metric. That statement isn't some kind of self-loathing but in fact a revelation: I am unhappy because I choose to be, and because of this, I am a person no one would like to be around as I do things that I shouldn't be doing if I wanted friends. Yet I complain about not having friends, thinking that it is an external problem. I always dismissed other's saying it was a problem with the sufferer that he has no friends, but reading this seemingly simple book made me reason my past experiences differently.

Has any book changed your perspective dramatically?

(I am diagnosed with OCD and psychosis in remission)

>> No.17200450

what book?

>> No.17200464
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Read Emmanuel Bove's "My Friends"
It's not philosophy per se but maby you can relate some, fren.

>> No.17200484

> it's still true I simply can't be around others.
I wonder how many times you’ve told yourself that in your life.
I believe that you do feel that way, but maybe feeling that way and thinking that way isn’t working for your best interest.
Would you be willing to tell yourself that “I have the thought that I can’t be around others” instead of “I can’t be around others”?
I believe that if you start framing your self-image in this way (in accordance with relational frame theory) it will work to your benefit.
When you start thinking these thoughts, instead of thinking of them as objective facts about yourself, just think of them as thoughts you are having about yourself.
Yeah I understand it doesn’t sound glamorous, but if you start trying to think this way, you will tell yourself negative things much less often.

>> No.17200503

your job depends on believing you can fix things, but you can't fix everything anymore than a surgeon can fix anything

>> No.17200510

Read this, it’s required for first years in psychology grad school.

>> No.17200535

Based Finn.

>> No.17200551

I don’t believe that I can fix everything, but I believe that you can make positive changes in your life which serve your goals and values with a little nudging in the right direction.
I have personally seen impossible cases improve. Worked for a while with a nonverbal autistic child. At 6 he was in diapers, couldn’t communicate at all, would get into fights at school, would jump headfirst onto concrete for fun. Yet after I worked with him for a year, he could write and communicate with both an iPad and basic sign language. He also doesn’t need diapers anymore. And he doesn’t get in fights. And he doesn’t throw things or jump headfirst onto concrete anymore. Sure, I did not cure him — but he could’ve grown into an adult who suffered from those things and now he will at least suffer from those things less. Even so, it wasn’t me who did it. I provided the child with many exercises, I reinforced his behaviors with rewards, but he is the one who made all of his own progress. You have to be, too.

>> No.17200552

What is the point of this shit? everyone knows that severe schizos, bipolars, ocd, etc are crazy and it fucks up their lives

>> No.17200578

>schizos, bipolars, ocd, etc are crazy and it fucks up their lives
I know of a bipolar man who uses his manic episodes to read business books and improve the businesses he owns before selling them. He’s a self-made millionaire.
I know a schizophrenic man whose symptoms disappeared completely after taking a daily pill. He’s expecting his first child with his wife and owns his own home and business.
I know a man with OCD. His obsessive nature led him to save his elderly mother’s life; none of his siblings noticed subtle warnings of illness like he did.
Don’t be so quick to dismiss these people.

>> No.17200586

I know a man who makes up things to support his cope perspectives. His name is (You).

>> No.17200590

But anon trust me I agree with you completely. But just trust me when I say it's actually really something I can't do. I mean just trust me what you said is true of many things in my life but this isn't one of them.

>> No.17200593

Most philosophers say that if you are a good person and love others, friends will inevitably come.

Of course, back when most philosophers were living, it wasn't actually possible to never leave your apartment while never interacting with anyone at all.

>> No.17200603
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>> No.17200607

>Essentially, all my suffering was caused by myself.
Very wise, anon. You'll make it.

>> No.17200657

When you say you can’t do it, I wonder if it’s true of every case.
Was there a time maybe early in your life when you were close to someone? Can you remember what that felt like?

I don’t lie, categorically. If I tell you something, it’s because I know for a fact that it is true. There doesn’t exist any motivation for me to lie to you. We’re anonymous here, it’s not like I can get clients in my clinic by posting on 4chan.

>> No.17200665

thanks, reading already

>> No.17200674

The Outsider, Colin Wilson

>> No.17200686

is this worth reading even if I've already learned and applied many of the lessons I expect it teaches? Or is it superficial and only useful if you're just starting out on your journey?

>> No.17200692

>Was there a time maybe early in your life when you were close to someone? Can you remember what that felt like?
No, not really. I was kind of bullied a lot as a kid and didn't get along with anyone. I have imaginary friends and 4chan to help me.

>> No.17200706

>I have imaginary friends and 4chan to help me.
No, you have imaginary friends and 4chan to hold you back.

>> No.17200718

You don't understand me when I say it's really not a possibility to make friends for me. It just doesn't work out. Imaginary friends are the best way to cure the loneliness. Seriously, I can't interact with others.

>> No.17200757

it was the logical explanation and case studies that resonated with me. Has a case study on a neet.

>> No.17200764

>You don't understand me when I say it's really not a possibility to make friends for me. It just doesn't work out. ... Seriously, I can't interact with others.
I do understand you. What you are saying is:
>I am currently unable to make friends
but what you are meaning is
>I will never be able to make friends
You are viewing yourself as immutable. It is not so, unless you desire it to be so -- and even then, change may come against your will.
The reality is that if you cannot currently make friends, you will not be able to make friends in the future unless you change, and you have convinced yourself that it is not possible to change.
>Imaginary friends are the best way to cure the loneliness.
Imaginary friends do not cure loneliness any more than morphine cures cancer.

>> No.17200777

I read a bit of the pdf you posted, but how can I actually know if there is something wrong with me? I know I am different from most people I meet, there are very few people in my life I get along with genuinely. I don’t really care for small talk and keeping on long conversations with coworkers and acquaintances, which comes off as me being cold. I get bored really fast unless it’s about a topic I am interested in, which most people aren’t. I suspect I have ADHD because sometimes when somebody is talking to me I start thinking to myself automatically and forget that I am having a conversation. I’m also very sensitive to all things physical, sounds, temperature, etc. Can you recommend me some ways I can tell if I have ADHD? I don’t really want to see a psych because my life is still going fine and I know it will take a lot of effort to find somebody good

>> No.17200778

That sounds pretty comfy. I'm a little put off by the cover mentioning the author's being Japanese, and then a description elsewhere calling the book "Marie Kondo for the soul"... I'm a little worried the popularity is related to the fetish of "oriental wisdom". But I read the introduction on Amazon and I enjoyed what I read. Might order.

>> No.17200785

If it is changeable it is too hard a change for me to accomplish. I have already kind of content myself with this fate. And Imaginary friends DO cure the loneliness, You wouldn't know how much we love each other.

>> No.17200828

>but how can I actually know if there is something wrong with me?
What does that mean? Do you mean, how can I know if I have a mental illness or other psychological issue? The answer is to consult a mental health expert and see what they think. But unless you plan to go through medical treatment and/or therapy to specifically treat the mental illness you're diagnosed with, it may be counter productive to apply a label to the symptoms you have.
>If it is changeable it is too hard a change for me to accomplish.
Or, maybe you are going about it the wrong way. Not all problems require trying harder; most require trying better.
>I have already kind of content myself with this fate.
If you are content, that is admirable. If you are resigned, that is a problem. In either case, it is both possible to be entirely content with your lot in life while striving to improve it. If you truly are content as you are, the process will be much easier, because you will be able to hold back your emotions better and act more rationally -- instead of putting all your hopes and dreams into a new acquaintance, overwhelming them and pushing them away, you can show more restraint, since you are already fine without them and in no particular rush to become their friend.
>And Imaginary friends DO cure the loneliness, You wouldn't know how much we love each other.
I'm sorry, but your imaginary friends don't love you, unless you simply mean that you love yourself, which, again, is admirable. Coping mechanisms unfortunately only delay the feelings they are intending to cure.

>> No.17200902

>I know I am different from most people I meet
This is narcissism. You are not different from them. You, like them, were born with a strong desire, need, and capability for socialization. You, like them, are inclined to care more about yourself and your own issues than you are about theirs. You, like them, want to have substantial, meatier conversations, about subjects that interest you personally.

The difference between you and them is that they have been practicing socializing for 20+ years and you have not.

Do you honestly think most people /enjoy/ small talk? Some chatty people do, but the vast majority do not. It is something that is /necessary/ as a stepping stone to more solid conversations. It is a way of finding common interests and points to discuss, so that meatier discussions can be had. If you have little in common with the person, you will naturally not have as much to discuss and are less likely to become friends.

But what I'm seeing a lot of in your posts is narcissism. You think you are different than other people -- even if you view this is a burden rather than a gift, you are creating a mental divide between you and other people, telling yourself that you are somehow different and that they cannot understand you and you cannot understand them.

You mention being bored and not even listening when others talk -- this is 100% why you have no friends. People with lots of friends listen when others talk, and not passively or just waiting for their turn to speak. They genuinely care about what the other person is telling them. And not necessarily because they actually personally care about the subject, but because they care about the person they are talking to and want to hear more about how that person sees and experiences the world, how they spend their time, what interests them, what is going on inside their heads...

None of this interests you at all. Instead, you talk to imaginary friends who likely worship and adore you, feeding your narcissism further.

Go outside today and look at a person on the street. Someone who you can't identify with at all. Someone who you think you would have absolutely nothing to talk about with. Look at them for a minute, then spend the rest of the day imagining their life -- what do they do for work? Where do they live? What does their home look like? Are they married, do they have kids? What do they do for fun?

When you care absolutely nothing about other people's lives, how can you possibly be confused when they care nothing about yours?

>> No.17200922

Given the PDF you linked, I am extremely sure that it is in the “mental health experts” best interest to diagnose me with something, which will be all the more easy given my atypical personality. You have a vested interest in diagnoses as well, I was just asking if you have any resources that I could use to determine for myself if I have ADHD and what methods are used for rehabilitations. I am not meaning to knock your profession but I would rather look into things myself before seeing somebody

>> No.17200926

>This is narcissism. You are not different from them. Y
If he is autistic then yes he is different than most people

>> No.17200978

I didn't link any PDFs. I've written these posts:

>> No.17201007

You really remind me of the therapists because you just don't understand at all. I can't socialize with others, simple as is. And quit disrespecting my relationship with my imaginary friends. It's the best I have right now. My posts have been meshing with others so to clarify I'm only:
Anyways, is it really so shocking to think in the plethora of human minds, one of them doesn't actually do well around others? That there's a mind who benefits more from solitude then interaction? Is that really so strange to you?

>> No.17201032

Your posts is full of a lot of assumptions, I do have plenty of friends that I see regularly. I am only genuinely close to a few people is what I said. I already know I am different from most people and my interests are different. This isn’t a mental theory that is in my head, I have talked to enough people to know this is true. You assume I am some autistic anon who has been in my basement for my whole life. Admittedly I don’t meet a lot of new people, I am sure if I did I would find more people I liked. Also, it’s hard not to be narcissistic when people are as bitter and resentful as yourself. You have no issues projecting things from God knows what onto me, are you insecure or something? Being different from people is a curse, I wish I could be like you and everyone else, but I already know your interest in people and “their experience” is something that has no value to me. I know it’s a fake interest already, so you are effectively telling me to pretend to care about other people because you have some belief that I lack about the benefits of socialization. You are spewing the cultural memes of our age, and you have already made me not interested in continuing a conversation with you because you have started it by calling me inferior to yourself. I am the narcissist, yet you label me as inferior? I suppose you are just venting because you wouldn’t have the gall to be this direct with anyone in real life.

>> No.17201041

>You really remind me of the therapists because you just don't understand at all.
No, you're just obstinate. I understand exactly what you said. You are currently unable to socialize with others:
>I can't socialize with others, simple as is.
You've mistakenly assumed this is a permanent condition. I already explained to you in very simple words, but let me break it down further:

Do you believe that there are humans other than you who are capable of socializing and enjoying it in a way you are not able to? (ie, they are not just faking enjoyment)

If yes, we're halfway there.

Do you believe that it is possible for a person to change?

If yes, we're 100% of the way there.
>And quit disrespecting my relationship with my imaginary friends. It's the best I have right now.
I will reiterate: you do not have a relationship with imaginary friends. It is impossible to have a relationship with something whose thoughts, actions, and very existence are controlled by you. I will also reiterate that these "relationships" are holding you back from developing actual relationships, because they have skewed your idea of what a relationship is. You think a relationship is about you and making you happy and feel good. This is the core narcissism problem that you need to address, and imaginary friends are only making it worse.

>> No.17201055

I just realized you thought I was the OP and I am not you retard. Now apologize because my narcissistic ego demands respect

>> No.17201075

OP is also a colloquial of “faggot,” faggot.

>> No.17201082

>Schopenhauer had no friends
>S had man’s best friend
>S is a man

>> No.17201115

>Your posts is full of a lot of assumptions, I do have plenty of friends that I see regularly.
Hmm, maybe I mixed your posts up with someone else. Are you not the person who said:
>I can't socialize with others, simple as is.
To me, that would indicate no friends.

>You assume I am some autistic anon who has been in my basement for my whole life.
I haven't assumed that all. I've assumed what I've read, which is that you haven't ever been able to socialize. Apologies if that was a different anon.
>Also, it’s hard not to be narcissistic when people are as bitter and resentful as yourself.
You're putting the cart before the horse. You are bitter and resentful because of your narcissism, not the other way around.
>Being different from people is a curse, I wish I could be like you and everyone else
Again, narcissism. You have assumed immediately that I am a normie who shares nothing in common with you, as is everyone else you encounter. There are a lot of people who feel just like you in the world -- this website is full of them, and you're talking to one of them. You have mistakenly assumed that your experience is unique and not extremely common. Again, this is due to your narcissism.
>but I already know your interest in people and “their experience” is something that has no value to me.
Then you are choosing to be alone. I didn't always care about others' experiences, I chose to develop an interest in them.
>I know it’s a fake interest already, so you are effectively telling me to pretend to care about other people because you have some belief that I lack about the benefits of socialization.
No, I'm not. You're making more assumptions than I've made.
>You are spewing the cultural memes of our age, and you have already made me not interested in continuing a conversation with you because you have started it by calling me inferior to yourself.
Where? I just called you a narcissist. Are you such a narcissist that this bothers you so much you can't continue a conversation?
>I suppose you are just venting because you wouldn’t have the gall to be this direct with anyone in real life.
I have spent an hour trying to help you by giving you advice that would actually help if you applied it. But if you want to just sit around being a sadcunt and not change anything, I'll stop trying.

>> No.17201119

I’m not OP but the truth is every human relationship is on the basis of mutual gratification. Nobody has the audacity or honesty to admit this because this is such a shitty thing to know, but it is nonetheless true. If you don’t get anything out of a relationship with another person, then you don’t have a relationship with them. Your benefit from being a relationship can be something as seemingly innocuous as being able to tell yourself you are a good person because you believe you are helping them in some way.

I want OP to read this. If you WANT to have friends, then you can get what you want. If you don’t want friends, then you don’t need any. It’s very important that you are honest about what you want or not. These so-called experts do not know what is best for you, only you can come to that determination. All I know is that you have no obligation to have a relationship with anyone, it is completely up to you.

>> No.17201127

No U

>> No.17201160

>I’m not OP but the truth is every human relationship is on the basis of mutual gratification.
>Nobody has the audacity or honesty to admit this
It's not that nobody has the audacity, it's just not a very interesting thing to say.
>You're only friends with me because you enjoy talking to me and spending time with me
>You're only helping me because you feel good about helping your friends
>You're only interested in what I have to say because you feel a deep connection to me and get satisfaction out of seeing me excited about things I care about.
Yes... you have described human relationships. There's absolutely nothing "shitty" about it.
>I want OP to read this. If you WANT to have friends, then you can get what you want. If you don’t want friends, then you don’t need any.
He clearly wants friends or he wouldn't have made this thread. Yes, if you truly don't want friends, that's fine, but the vast majority of people who claim to not want friends are just bad at dealing with other humans and coping.
Jesus, no wonder you're alone. Continue talking to your imaginary friends, it'll help, I'm sure.

>> No.17201224

for the last fucking time, I am not OP. Why would OP respond to your comment that was in response to the narcissist. I’m the narcissist.

If you admit your relationships are just you using people for your pleasure then that is fine. Believing they are anything beyond pleasure is where the problems start. I already heard you say shit about the deep innate human need for connection, you sound like a woman, which I doubt you are, but nonetheless you picked that up from seeing women as your equal (I bet you are in a committed relationship with one, ha!) Relationships romantic or otherwise, are not magic. They don’t make you grow. They don’t make you a better person. You are not a good person and you will never be a good person. Neither am I, are we understood? But some food for thought, I’ve never called anyone in my life a narcissist.

>> No.17201244

You are getting catty a little too easily for a self-proclaimed professional after seeing those posters not immediately accepting the authority of your advice. I hope you aren't like this with your real "patients".

>> No.17201272

>I’m the narcissist
>I’ve never called anyone in my life a narcissist

>> No.17201327

I never said you were OP. You're still a narcissist with no friends, as you've admitted.
>If you admit your relationships are just you using people for your pleasure then that is fine.
Lol, again, no wonder you have no friends. And yes, I know you're not OP, and that you've claimed to have friends, but based on your posts, it's quite clear that you do not have any.
>misogynistic drivel
yaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwnn. Again, it's not surprising you're alone. I feel bad for you, but you need to figure this out for yourself. I'm sorry you're so caught up in your own head, it must be really unpleasant waking up every morning.
>I've never called anyone in my life a narcissist
Probably because you've never thought enough about another person to notice, or, more likely, you're so accustomed to your own narcissistic behavior, you just assume it's normal and not worth its own term.

>> No.17201335

I never claimed to be a professional. I'm not the "mental health expert" guy

>> No.17201353

yeah fuck you too you mongoloid

>> No.17201356

I am only a narcissist because I was labeled as one by you or whoever I was talking to. If there is such a thing as a narcissist, he would surely label himself un-narcissistic and he would label others as narcissistic. A dumb man wishes to be smart. An uneducated man wishes to be educated. A sad man wishes to be happy. :^)

>> No.17201369

>guy takes time out of his day to give some tough love to aspie on /lit/
>respond by calling him a mongoloid
Again, this is why you're alone. I hope this gives you something to think about today :)

>> No.17201377

I highly suspect you are a woman now. Like I am 90% sure. Also all I can say to your post is lol. Why the hate my friend? Is your mans not dicking you down well enough? I heard women like narcissists so maybe I could help?

>> No.17201389

just be yourself bro haha, it worked for me

>> No.17201395

>Again, this is why you're alone
Nah its good, my narcissism won't go anywhere but its fun nonetheless

>> No.17201399

Have you tried going insane? I did years ago, life became so much more easier for me.

>> No.17201405

and i do have many friends FYI

>> No.17201411

No, I'll send you a picture of my cock with your post number on it when I get home

>> No.17201416

have you tried killing yourself? I did years ago, life became so much easier you piece of nigger ass

>> No.17201418

Also this wasn’t me, your tone is causing other anons to lash out at you. I think you need to have a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are proud of the person you have become. Also, can you post your milkers?

>> No.17201417

>explains how he views friendship as entirely transactional
>claims to have friends
You have no friends, you have people you spend time around.

>> No.17201425

Schizoid ans schizotypal disorder is also not curable

>> No.17201432

firstly, fuck you
secondly, I don't know what are you talking about. I am >>17201411 and I'm a guy

>> No.17201436

Just try it, you will stop caring and embrace your, and the world's imperfections. You just do a smug grin whatever comes at you

>> No.17201437

Arthur Schopenhauer in his book "Wisdom of life" says that ppl having less friends are tended to be smarter.

>> No.17201454

schopenhauer was right and wrong in many regards

>> No.17201456
File: 758 KB, 1725x2048, Screenshot_20210104-122950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no you're not, I'm him

>> No.17201465

Are you the mental health expert guy? If so, then I hope you don't tell this to your patients

>> No.17201470

That wasn’t me, I am the OG narcissist according to you miss. But the difference between us is you pretend to have friends and I don’t pretend. Relationships are transactions. You already admitted you have relationships for pleasure. You believing your relationships are anything more than pleasure is the start of your womanly delusions. You sound like somebody who is politically active too, you probably tricked yourself into believing you are changing the world for the better. That’s just the scent my narcissistic nose is picking up from your posts.

>> No.17201478

tf is going with this thread? We need tripcodes or op pics for god's sake

>> No.17201492

Your kneejerk aggression to the guy not prostrating himself after you graced him with your advice doesn't speak for your qualification as someone with experience in dealing with other people and maintaining relationships. Also if you're going to larp as a guy (agreeing with the other anon's suspicions here) you should be aware that this is a very weird suggestion coming from a man:
>Go outside today and look at a person on the street. Someone who you can't identify with at all. Someone who you think you would have absolutely nothing to talk about with. Look at them for a minute, then spend the rest of the day imagining their life -- what do they do for work? Where do they live? What does their home look like? Are they married, do they have kids? What do they do for fun?

>> No.17201510

no lol that guy hasn't posted in hours
>You already admitted you have relationships for pleasure
Yes... You're the one who is somehow obsessed with that being a bad thing. It's not. Enjoying being around someone else /is/ what a connection is.
>you're probably politically active too
Yeh, I'm pretty active on /pol/ actually
for the 100th time, I'm not the guy who said he was a mental health expert. I'm providing tough love to a narcissist who needs to get his shit together if he doesn't want to die alone.

>> No.17201513

more meds, less threads

>> No.17201523

>for the 100th time, I'm not the guy who said he was a mental health expert
Yes I realize but you are expecting all the more gratitude from him for "taking 1 hour out of your day".

>> No.17201526

Again, as I have stated previously, he is a narcissist shit with no friends. it is obvious, Lol

>> No.17201557

>I'm providing tough love to a narcissist
I don't need it, take your love elsewhere

>> No.17201568

Jesus FUCKING christ I try making a thread asking for some fucking shit on loneliness and instead I get insulted for having imaginary friends and watch an argument between The Narc and The Mental Health Guy. Get fucking Stands like in Jojo (mine will be my "friend") and we can duel it out at the next local anime convention. This website is retarded.

>> No.17201578

A based woman? Assuming you aren’t leftypol, you are making yourself really attractive to me. Now that another anon detected you are a woman, post milkers so your biological fitness can be assessed. I will potentially offer you my protection in exchange for sexual access, I can have my lawyer ready the paperwork to ensure our transaction goes smoothly

>> No.17201584

kek, this fuck is larping. This post was not from me the narcissist

>> No.17201603

you do need it, you just don't want it

>> No.17201605

Listen up faggot, I am the true narcissist, and I called the whore first so back the fuck off and we won’t have any issues. I’m going to show her what a deep human connection is all about.

>> No.17201622

Read >>17199877 again

>> No.17201628

That will be my LAST FUCKING post on this website. It is shit. OP out

>> No.17201648

yeah thanks i guess, already read it

>> No.17201676

Again not me, but I understand it’s hard to tell for a woman who is trolling (me demonstrating my empathy to you). I don’t understand why you think I should change myself so much. I really just don’t see much value in talking to people who aren’t fellow artists. I understand you are a politically active woman and you see people as valuable tools for furthering your abortion agenda, but I don’t see people like that. Perhaps it is due to ADHD, I don’t know. All I do know is that I’m in love with you, what do you think?

>> No.17201673

no we don't, we need the original mental health expert guy here, it was fun reading his posts

>> No.17201690

again I am not this woman 'you are in love with', fuck off from my thread

>> No.17201697

You're not OP, I'm OP

>> No.17201704

OP here and Yes, I am a Woman. What the fuck does it matter?

>> No.17201714

alright, where do I start

>> No.17201726

you can start by taking yourself out of here, for the last time you are not OP, I am

>> No.17201737

>OP here
no you are not you fuck

>> No.17201744
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210104_205243895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a woman

>> No.17201747

Well, it appears to me someone is LARPing pretty hard here

>> No.17201748

tfw I was arguing with a woman (not OP) who was impersonating as the mental health expert. Also for OP (if you are a woman), give me your discord so we can make a connection

>> No.17201765

I am not a woman
stop please

>> No.17201791

>I am not a woman
OP? I am the OG narcissist. Send nudes plz, we have a connection

>> No.17201802

here, I'm the guy who was calling you a narcissist >>17201744

>> No.17201826

well fuck you mongoloid, I don't care

>> No.17201833

This is another fucking incident where my thread was derailed by people posting their dicks FUCK this website seriously

>> No.17201835

I was just making a joke because your ideas sound like a womens. Have you no shame? You are the type of fag I would expect that thinks they know something about mental health. Also my dick is bigger. Narcissist out.

>> No.17201857

I have contributed to this thread for hours. I'm this guy >>17200978
It's gone nowhere. Thread was already derailed dude, a cock didn't do that

>> No.17201863

I know, and I was just showing you my cock. We were both just doing what was right for us :^)

>> No.17201867

>Narcissist out.
no you are not, you larping fag

>> No.17201907

how big are you?

>> No.17201916

bigger than you

>> No.17201934

That wasn't the question

>> No.17201966

This is why I love 4Chan XD

>> No.17201969

srsly why?

>> No.17201990

so randum xdddd

>> No.17202359
