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/lit/ - Literature

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17189480 No.17189480 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw you finally read an actual book that changes your entire outlook on life and your place in society, and you realize how lackluster you actually are, how wrong you've been and how much you are going to have to grow as a person to overcome this
>Tfw Its not even a book 99% of people know about
>tfw Its not even a book /lit/ would bother reading

I am so shocked by what I've learned that I am struggling to process it.

>> No.17189523
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Spill it anon whats this life hanging book

>> No.17189528

Stop acting like a woman and tell us the name of the book

>> No.17189533

You'll dismiss it right away, and if by any chance you actually bother to read it
It might change your perspective on life forever.

Are you sure this is what you want?

>> No.17189534

It's your diary desu isn't it?

>> No.17189536

No, it is not

>> No.17189547

Its my diary desu

>> No.17189570
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No, it is not.

I am willing to give you the book. But, I want you to ignore the cover and the title, and read at least 50 pages before you dismiss it completely.


>> No.17189572

Tell me

>> No.17189574

is it The Secret?

>> No.17189575

So what is this book?

>> No.17189578

Deal. Spill the beans

>> No.17189580

Yeah yeah sure come on now spill it

>> No.17189582

I will be banned for this. But it'll be worth it.

You can download it from here.

>> No.17189585

you're tearing me apart anon!
is it white fragility?

>> No.17189589

I'm not clicking that

>> No.17189591


>> No.17189593

Its the kind of book /lit/ would never even give a second thought.
Yet.. possibly the most eye opening book I've read after going through most modern philosophy.

>> No.17189596

OP is a faggot, but you can read the title in the link you fucking mongoloid

>> No.17189597

Heartiste On Game

That is the title

>> No.17189599

Is it some kind of fucking dating self-help book?

>> No.17189603

You fucking tease.
Now I'm never going to read it.

>> No.17189606

you're right. I can't claim to represent /lit/ but a collection of blogposts about toxic masculinity or whatever doesn't sound like anything I would willingly engage with
but why don't you try and sway me? give me a tl dr. you mentioned the last 50 pages. what is the big take from this book?

>> No.17189607

>it's another redpill dating book
You were right OP, you have much more to grow and realize in life, you're still wrong, btw

>> No.17189611

yeah, my bad. didn't recognize heartise, so I thought it was one of those jumbled titles

>> No.17189612

Suspend disbelief, I was once like you.

>> No.17189624

>Heartiste On Game
I mean, don't get me wrong, the dating game does not interest me much. Does this book have valuable information besides the dating techniques?

>> No.17189628

The big take away is pure truth as it is, what comes before philosophy and every structure in society, why things are the way they are and where they might be headed.
The absolute misconceptions of both liberal and conservative men when it comes to sex, and women.

It goes beyond a dating book. Its a hard look into the abyss without sugar coating.

>> No.17189629
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>> No.17189640

>Does this book have valuable information besides the dating techniques?
Yes, how social dynamics affects institutions, laws and public response.
How to actually keep a relationship long term.
Avoiding getting cheated on. (Very important for Christians specifically)
Being a good father
And a genuine look into female nature.

Its not just dating tips, that's the last important thing about this book.

>> No.17189659
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>Who cares

Every single man on Earth, whom I'll remind you evolved for the sole purpose of finding a suitable mate to breed with, and which struggle and male to male competition to qualify themselves led into the creation of everything around you, including the books you like so much, and this very website.

You guys do not understand. This is not a mechanic self help book about how to go about your first date.
This is look into the abyss itself.

>> No.17189660

Tell me the most surprising thing you learned about female nature from it

>> No.17189663

Ok, will give a quick look. Thanks

>> No.17189679

fuck you faggot just stop circling around it and get to the point. you're not giving this thing any more credibility by acting like a pseud, it's already a hard sell as it is

>> No.17189685

>You guys do not understand. This is not a mechanic self help book about how to go about your first date.
This is look into the abyss itself.

Look broski, I can tell you haven't read much books but there are lots of books that are the fucking same, I fell for the pickup scene and redpill 6 years ago and did all that cold approaching and manipulating women bullshit, you'll come to learn that you can ignore biology's calling and do whatever the fuck you want, you have a prefrontal cortex, use it, or don't. Time on this earth is limited and all you're doing is distracting yourself till you die

>> No.17189690

Every woman, no matter how sweet, taking, sensitive or prude. Wishes, and needs to be ravaged sexually, and how this idea of purity Conservative men have towards women often harms their marriages, and makes these ''angels'' cheat on them. And if you fail to make love to them that way, you'll eventually lose them aswell.
Then, the topic of marriage itself and the psychological effects it has on women's interest for you, keeping and maintaining sexual attraction over time.
Then the whole topic on social dynamics, how to respond to situations, what stuff actually means, the inner core game between people.

Perhaps one of the biggest ones for me personally is the realization that this is it. We are men, and we must take what we want. Society won't care for us, double standards will never go away. We are not women, we won't be coddled.
It is up to me to disassociate my ego and be willing to face rejection over and over again, seek to improve myself, let go of the resentment and my romantic teenage fantasies about love.

Embrace the hard, harsh truth that I either step it up as a man, or dwell in misery.

There is a lot of information in that book.

>> No.17189697

have sex

>> No.17189700

Ffs is this a new lit meme? It was recced in another thread and I added it to my list.

>> No.17189704

I heard about this, it's some PUA shit isn't it?

>> No.17189705

Chill the fuck down man. The book indeed looks fishy, but maybe it has some value in it

>> No.17189708

>Look broski, I can tell you haven't read much books but there are lots of books that are the >fucking same, I fell for the pickup scene and redpill 6 years ago and did all that cold approaching and manipulating women bullshit, you'll come to learn that you can ignore biology's calling and do whatever the fuck you want, you have a prefrontal cortex, use it, or don't. Time on this earth is limited and all you're doing is distracting yourself till you die

It doesn't have to be about picking up women, even if you are a Christian man that wants to protect his marriage from infidelity over the years and ensure you have the foundation necessary to keep your family strong and united over the years, then this book will help you too.

I know one of the biggest concern of Christian men, or conservative men is being cheated on.

>> No.17189709

>We are men, and we must take what we want. Society won't care for us, double standards will never go away. We are not women, we won't be coddled.
>It is up to me to disassociate my ego and be willing to face rejection over and over again, seek to improve myself, let go of the resentment and my romantic teenage fantasies about love.
you needed a book for this? couldn't you just discover it organically after finishing high school like everyone else did?

>> No.17189713

That's all I needed to know, won't read this shit

>> No.17189715

I already have, its beyond that at this point

>> No.17189717

>It is up to me to disassociate my ego and be willing to face rejection over and over again, seek to improve myself, let go of the resentment and my romantic teenage fantasies about love.
or gtfo and be productive in other areas of life

>> No.17189721

>you needed a book for this? couldn't you just discover it organically after finishing high school like everyone else did?

>> No.17189723

Heartiste is fucking classic. Right about everything and hilarious to boot. In our current truth desert that blog was like manna from heaven.

>> No.17189726
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People need different lessons throughout different phases of their life, i'm afraid most people here already have had the lesson preached in your book OP, but i'm glad it changed your outlook and perspective

>> No.17189727

>or gtfo and be productive in other areas of life
The only reason men are productive is for this.

>> No.17189733

Are there others?

>> No.17189743

>The only reason men are productive is for this.
what is `this`? Women, dating, sexual drive? Were moon landings made because someone wanted to get laid?

>> No.17189753

To breed.
>Were moon landings made because someone wanted to get laid?
Yes. US vs RU. Male to male competition. Status. All of which increases the sexual market value of an entire nation of people.

>> No.17189757

just pay a hooker bro why go through all the hassle to become an astronaut lmao men are dumb

>> No.17189767

...That's it?

>> No.17189768

Hookers don't want to make a family with you. Its not about the mechanical act of penis in vagina.

Its the entire metaphysical process, from courting and female selection based on your status, looks, capacity to influence her to your ability to reproduce with her and maintain a relationship long term.
This book concerns the most purist of Religion men first.
Even if you find this book tainted with the devils generacy, to know the tools of your enemies, you must be willing to look at it.

>> No.17189772

No, that's about only 2 chapters out of the 13

>> No.17189776

>Yes. US vs RU. Male to male competition. Status.
This is quite different. One can go on competing way beyond the goal of getting laid, and if getting laid is the goal, you suck at competing.
>All of which increases the sexual market value of an entire nation of people.
This merely explains why the trait persists (it replicates), not why it's the way it is, or why it has the associated phenomena it has.

>> No.17189791

>Yes. US vs RU. Male to male competition. Status. All of which increases the sexual market value of an entire nation of people.
Your argument does not look trustworthy. Humans are not merely the reproductive machines. I believe there are many more to the human psychology and goal setting than to play a sex game

>> No.17189796

To breed was its origin point, that's undeniable. And it so happens male to male competition and hierarchies of dominance (status) are one of the main qualifiers women look at to choose their partners.
This is not coincidence.
It might have began as a very simple mechanism, but it divided and replicated itself. Exponentially becoming more, and more complex yet maintaining the same core function. Allowing humans to reach even greater levels of influence over their environments, but ultimately serving the same purpose.

This is truth as it is.

>> No.17189804

>lifechanging book
>still on 4chan

not lifechanging enough, eh?

>> No.17189808

This is part of the process

>> No.17189813

Then why was this book written at all? Does the author gain more social status by writing it?

>> No.17189825

>Does the author gain more social status by writing it?
Of course. Monetary gain aswell.

>> No.17189834

that brings 'putting pussy on a pedestal' to a whole new level

>> No.17189836

I'd also imagine it serves another function in perpetrating life, which concerned all written knowledge in general. To pass down useful life experiences down the generation as a way to cheat death, which I'd like to imagine everyone is wired to do.
Since it is very difficult for us to keep our opinions to ourselves.

Thats just my thoughts tho, the book doesn't talk about that

>> No.17189844

seems legit

>> No.17189847

On the contrary, it lets you realise how pointless both putting pussy on a pedestal, and hating women nature, actually is.
It lets you cut through the bullshit of society, and your own aswell, to focus on what matters when the forces of society try to sway you.

>> No.17189857

>it lets you realise how pointless both putting pussy on a pedestal, and hating women nature, actually is.

how so?

>> No.17189861

there isn't. read freud

>> No.17189877

Because putting women on a pedestal is the quickest way to get cheated on your marriage, and hating on women's nature is as pointless as being upset at the way the waves crash against the cliffs.
Demonising or praising women above all is not the point of this book.

It simply tells human nature as it is.

This is specially important for Conservative men who have this notion of the ''Pure'' and ''Beautiful'' women that should not, and cannot be tainted by ''Evil lust''.

>> No.17189896

You think I didn't know that?
>Origin point
But not the end point.

>> No.17189902

>Humans are not merely the reproductive machines.
This is all life is. From the smallest to the biggest. The complex it grows, the more complex actions it can act on. And the end of the day, it all comes down to the same.
We might have been taught this on Biology in high school, but the ramifications, and how far the branches reach into everything in life, and perhaps reality itself. That's not easy to see.

>> No.17189907

so how should we live our life according to this book?

>> No.17189908

>But not the end point.
No one knows the end point, nor you, nor me, nor the book.
What we know is the process towards it.
To breed.

>> No.17189920

The book is more a look into reality, its not seeking to tell you how to really live your life since that's up to you. But the tools learned in this book can be applied even if you are the most religious of people who wants nothing else but to move away from modern society and technology. Or if you are a hedonistic rambo that just wants to breed with as many women as possible.

>> No.17189929

So are we just gonna ignore asexual people or autistic people

>> No.17189940

And trannies? What about trannies OP??

>> No.17189947

Maybe they don't even exist by this books standards

>> No.17189950

Pent-up sexual frustration at play lol

>> No.17189953

Yes, the same way you are ignoring down syndrome, bicephalus children, elephantism, cancer and whole myriad of genetic diseases/developmetal disorders and other dysfunctional and corruption.

Are you saying we should base what is truth for the avg, based on the outliers? In fact, think about it for a moment. The whole reason being asexual and autistic is seeing as a problem, is because it fundamentally incapacitates you to the purpose of breeding.

All the roads lead to Rome.

>> No.17189958

oh wow so u're saying that autistic and asexual people are dysfunctional and we should kill them??? wtf

>> No.17189967

Who said we should kill them?
I never suggested that at all

>> No.17189975

what about the wage gap between women and men?? how do u explain that

>> No.17189979

The book does not speak about that, as far as I know. I'd include trans in the same category as autist/asexuals. Its clearly a dysfunctional pattern. (Reflected by the high suicide rate).

If you want my opinion, based on my own anecdotal evidence as someone who was a friend to a MtF person. I'd say that the reason it happens is due to rejection from females, social isolation, depression.. etc and becoming the female form as a way to get some kind of comfort from the existential anxiety, almost as a twisted projection of that which you cannot achieve.
Which if you think about it, one of the most common jokes/memes I've seen in online communities is the phrase ''If you can't get a gf, become the gf''. I think that really says something.

Perhaps I am making shit up. The book does not touch on this.

>> No.17189980

nor irl

>> No.17189985

women make up for it by prostituting, either literally or through the dating game

>> No.17189989

nah I feel the thing you just came up with is much more poignant and closer to reality than whatever you read in that book

>> No.17189991
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wut aboot men taking.. 95% of the most dagerooos joobs? :o
how u explain dat?

>> No.17190009

Male to male competition explains it, they have more of an incentive to push harder since reaching the high end levels of dominance hierarchies is going to give you access to the best vessel for your genes (Yes, very beautiful women).

Maybe that's the core of the sex hormones aswell, guiding and driving this behaviour. If you want to get metaphysical for a moment, whatever behaviours are exacerbated by increasing the amounts of Testosterone, are likely to be what Masculine energy/Masculine behaviour truly is, or was meant to be.

>> No.17190029

I'm in the same position as you but I'm coming to terms with the fact that I have a personality defect from years of bullying and watching porn and browsing r9k. I've just given up on myself. I cannot bring myself to make friends without sperging out and being mean to them out of fear that they are bullying me. Honestly, I used to laugh at epicurus' philosophy and think stoicism was the moral high ground. But once you've experienced how nothing matters in the grand scheme of things, even your morals, then you realise the only thing left to do is to be as content as possible, which means giving up and embracing whatever escapist pass time you have at hand. And that, my ladies and gentlemen, is why people have sex, party, do drugs etc. So do it with movies, videogames, music and reading. We are all going to die and i can't fucking wait..

>> No.17190036

bsaed nad redpilled

>> No.17190044

I understand where you are coming from, and yes. It is not easy. Every empire will turn to dust, and we will indeed die.
But for as long as we live, you might aswell look at death in the face, show your teeth and try again. At least in your deathbed, even if you fail. You'll know you tried.
No one else can ask for more.

>> No.17190129

from book:
>You will silently mourn your impotent, shriveled manhood as the established order extracts the last penny of tribute from your broken spirit. You will numb the pain with alcohol, untold hours vegging in front of the TV, and leveling your character in World of Warcraft. Hours, days, months, years will slip away. Then, one lonely quiet cloudy day sitting in your well-worn easy chair, you’llcontemplate the arc of your life. And you’ll feelthe gnawing grip of emptinessasthe crushing weight of what a barren nothingness your existence proved to be presses down on you. Barely comprehending, you’ll shudder.
tfw literally me

>> No.17190150

That's many of us, Anon. Even Heartiste himself at some point in his life.

>> No.17190158

you are still wrong

>> No.17190163

Perhaps, but I am one step closer to the truth now.

>> No.17190192

yeah, will go masturbate to animu now

>> No.17190784

RationalWiki has some interesting article about the author: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Chateau_Heartiste

>> No.17190884

Just read part of it out of curiosity. Surprisingly much better written than expected. I probably won't read it but he seems to be a lot more competent and insightful than the average PUA.

>> No.17190939

A little too complicated phrasing IMO

And his constant appeals to human evolution to justify almost everything seems concerning

>> No.17191062

>every single man
what is a gay

>> No.17191121

This thread has died desu. The OP is gay and recommends shit reading

>> No.17191476

>PUA self help book just confirms your view of women you already adopted from being addicted to hardcore porn

truly an insight greater than all the philosophers.

>> No.17191519

>what is a gay

>> No.17191670

>brb clicking the link
>brb posting from my toaster oven

Thanks for the virus op

>> No.17191745

I already learned that from Jordan Peterson

>> No.17191814


>> No.17192309

>he's only getting into the 2010 season of the internet now
man you have a long painful path ahead of you

>> No.17193515

Any new developments worth following?

>> No.17193547

>truly an insight greater than all the philosophers.
As compared to what?
I've read all the major philosophers, last week I finished up The Phenomenology of Spirit.
None of them have taught me things more valuable, or applicable than this book.

All I got in most cases was the rambling thoughts of men, that when I looked into their biographies, discovered they were commonly virgins, or obsessed with some girl they met as teenagers but never couldn't seduce.
Some bits were useful as interesting insights, but nothing life changing.

>> No.17193625

A mating strategy. A Trojan horse. Infiltrator.
I can't count the amount of times I've seen my gay friends turn heterosexual when a woman showed interest in them.

>> No.17194188

do you really define the value of their lives and works by how many girls they have seduced and how their works can help you seduce women?

>> No.17194302

No, I do not. I judge them by the utility their philosophy has in my life in terms of letting me know core truths about the world so I can make more educated decisions, and better understand the society/environment that surrounds me.
Although, at some point you have to question if its really worth trusting the thoughts of a man who beyond his work, didn't take care of his physical body, couldn't seduce ANY woman (Or keep her around) and suffered from constant existential anxiety. Specially because it is easier to create a piece of literature with circular logic, that sounds convincing, than it is to give you genuine universal truths you can apply to anyone's life.

>> No.17194913


OP what age are you? I am currently 23 and I basically read all this shit when I was 16 and completely internalised it.

I agree with you, it completely changed my outlook on life, and towards the opposite sex.
There is a lot of truth in there, but try and not let the tone of it sour your heart. It's just the way things are

>> No.17194936

Early 20s

>> No.17194946

>There is a lot of truth in there, but try and not let the tone of it sour your heart. It's just the way things are
Indeed, I have no resentment towards women. It truly is just the way it is. Any resentment is reserved for myself for not knowing this earlier, and for not seeking to improve more

>> No.17194950

it takes a while of getting used to, but you will begin to notice these patterns in real life.
But never blame women. It's just their nature

>> No.17194956

I'm amazed that people can feel anything other than lackluster or think that they are of personal significance to society.
Society is designed such that any one person should be completely replaceable, and the way averages work is that most people are less than exceptional.

>> No.17194958

you pre-empted my reply. but yeah, you get it

>> No.17194963

If I roll dubs, the jannies ban you

>> No.17194966

How attractive you are is literally far more important than any other variable, in terms of its relative impact on your success in all fields. Its a brutal black pill

>> No.17195053

Yeah, but you don't need to be a 10/10 lookism man to meet beautiful women, I'd know cause I am pretty hideous in real life yet I can hook up with cute chicks

>> No.17195076

This whole thread is first world country anons arguing why they can't get laid. Go be productive to society bitches and you will be assigned a higher significance and social status

>> No.17195123

I don't see it as just getting laid myself, and the advice of just going build your wealth and ignore seems silly.
How many guys have spent their entire lives building wealth only to have half of it stolen away when they failed to keep their women in check?

Shit, it has happened even to Jeff Bezos. Status alone is not enough. You need to understand the mindset, the mental frame.

>> No.17195232

Yeah, better not to concern yourself with women at all -- it is too damn complicated and dangerous. MGTOW even maybe

>> No.17195264

I disagree, might aswell learn the game and get good at it. MGTOW is just a cope

>> No.17195293

>might aswell learn the game and get good at it
Don't want to, don't obliged to
>MGTOW is just a cope
I'm perfectly okay with that. Everything is a cope to some extent

>> No.17195321
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>> No.17195325

That's your choice to make, you and I are both going to die anyway. There's no escaping it. I don't feel like coping.
If you do, go ahead.

>> No.17195360
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>> No.17195361
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>a fucking pua book changed your life

>> No.17195365


>> No.17195381
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>476 pages
OP, convince me that I won't be wasting several hours on your gay /lit/ meme.

>> No.17195400

See these (presumable from OP):
this is enough to convince me NOT to read this shit

>> No.17195401

>Character assassination and trusting wikis instead of actually reading the fucking book

>> No.17195407

The fact that both incels and trannies are trying to convince you not to read it because it cancels out their philosophy of life, should be enough. Kek.

>> No.17195420
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How can someone be this based?

>> No.17195423


>> No.17195435
File: 16 KB, 664x175, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this is really funny, having a bad day this has really turned it around, its in bullet points so it can be skimmed quick as fuck. I'm not really into the player life, Dickensons my queen but this is actually a enjoyable read. Will finish and be posting qoutes all night.

>> No.17195445

>Dickensons my queen
extremely based

>> No.17195450

Thanks for your contributions to the thread. I am glad you are finding it funny, even if you have no further interest in it beyond that

>> No.17195452
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>> No.17195456


>> No.17195466


>> No.17195473

Gonna take some guesses:
You are 24, hopefully not older.
Have had 3 relationships last longer than 2 months, but only 1 longer than a year.
Fewer than 10 partners, more than 3.
You're 5' 10".
You currently make less than 50k annually and likely will for the next 3 to 5 years.
You rent your living space.
You read fewer than 10 books this year.
You have lurked on 4chan for fewer than 3 years.
You have unironically browsed reddit.

How'd I do?

>> No.17195475

>Thanks for your contributions to the thread
fu too

>> No.17195488

don't feed the trolls plz -- let this thread die peacefully desu

>> No.17195491

That's a very good way of putting it.

>> No.17195506
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Strong Draughts of Their Refreshing Minds
To drink — enables Mine
Through Desert or the Wilderness
As bore it Sealed Wine —

To go elastic — Or as One
The Camel's trait — attained —
How powerful the Stimulus
Of an Hermetic Mind —

>> No.17195513

>You are 24, hopefully not older.
>Have had 3 relationships last longer than 2 months, but only 1 longer than a year.
>Fewer than 10 partners, more than 3.
>You're 5' 10".
>You currently make less than 50k annually and likely will for the next 3 to 5 years.
>You rent your living space.
>You read fewer than 10 books this year.
>You have lurked on 4chan for fewer than 3 years.
No, since 2011
>You have unironically browsed reddit.
Everyone has
You are clearly just making general assumptions based on the average for my age demographic, Mr Gipsy Crystal Ball seer wanna be

>> No.17195514

why the fuck would anyone read the discredited ramblings of a cokehead?

>> No.17195533
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I think /lit/ like this is how we turn vile, snivelling incels into BASED and respectable gentlemen. Pic rel is a good one too.

>> No.17195537
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You've seen Balloons set — Haven't You?
So stately they ascend —
It is as Swans — discarded You,
For Duties Diamond —

Their Liquid Feet go softly out
Upon a Sea of Blonde —
They spurn the Air, as t'were too mean
For Creatures so renowned —

Their Ribbons just beyond the eye —
They struggle — some — for Breath —
And yet the Crowd applaud, below —
They would not encore — Death —

The Gilded Creature strains — and spins —
Trips frantic in a Tree —
Tears open her imperial Veins —
And tumbles in the Sea —

The Crowd — retire with an Oath —
The Dust in Streets — go down —
And Clerks in Counting Rooms
Observe — "'Twas only a Balloon" —

>> No.17195540

/thread already

>> No.17195547

what constituted a BASED and respectable gentleman?

>> No.17195552
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>> No.17195555

Have you read The Rational Male? How would you say it compares to Heartiste?

>> No.17195563

Someone that does not hate women nature for being the way it is, but instead smirks at it and grows into someone able to manipulate it to their benefit
Not a victim of life, genetics or circumstances.
The opposite.

>> No.17195567

Not failing to become a fully formed person because you spent your life dreading your apparent inability to please women (of all things!) is a good start.

>> No.17195570

Yes, I have. It is very eye opening, but nowhere near as full of truths as Heartiste, nor as funny

>> No.17195577

Interesting. I just finished it a few days ago, gave it a solid 7/10. A funnier and more eyeopening version would be enjoyable. Ty, OP.

>> No.17195580

>manipulate it to their benefit
not respectable at all

>> No.17195583


>> No.17195587

>not respectable at all
kek, fuck off. Manipulation is literally the modus operandi of every single woman on the planet.

>> No.17195590

That's a shame tactic by betas afraid of sexual competition, when I say manipulation I dont really mean in a bad or evil way.
More so influence.

>> No.17195606

Will i get anything out of it if my xbox display name is pussyslayer69? (I fuck a lot just dont wanna make you incels mad)

>> No.17195608

This is literally a beta pussy-grabbing attempt. You think some woman is going to see you defending their objectively bad behaviour and see how "not like other guys you are". Read The Rational Male and thank me later.

>> No.17195618

Maybe, I've seen natural Chads en up getting married to fat slugs. It takes wit to outsmart women

>> No.17195620
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this post is blessed

>> No.17195641

this post reeks of beta

>> No.17195682

fuck off, this whole thread is shit

>> No.17195695

beta denial lol

>> No.17195709

I hope the realisation of how much you had to grow involves the fact that by being deceptive you are always depriving yourself of true experience.
Narcissists aren't lonely because they believe their bullshit. They're lonely because other people believe their bullshit, and they get lonelier the more it works. The image of themselves they make and the attempts to get people to love them for the person they are not is at the root of their problems. Deep down, they hold a rock solid belief their real self is unlovable, and they need the image. Every time that someone believes in the image, that confirms how little anyone would like to know what's beneath.
If you tell women you're an astronaut or they should feel lucky you exist, if they fall for it, they're never going to be fucking you; they're going to be fucking the guy you are not, the guy you hope to be but know isn't real. Putting your dick in them isn't going to make you that fantasy superman: it's going to make you someone who can't put their dick in anything without six layers of irony and a fake name. And, while the women might never glean any knowledge of that guy, you're going to always know you've been him til you die.

>> No.17195721


>> No.17195745
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>> No.17195754

"the real you" is the worst fucking meme. what does it even mean? do you act the same around your parents as you do around your bros? on 4chan the same as you do at work? I act different in every fucking place I go to, because that's what society expects of you, and so does everybody else who's not a social autist.

>> No.17195764

what do you do when worlds collide?

>> No.17195768
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>> No.17195775

I adapt

>> No.17195776

Okay realistically speaking, how many (let's just say American) women have ACTUALLY been in a gangbang (assuming it's like 3 men 1 woman because IDK the "official" numbers for a gangbang)?

>> No.17195792

non-zoomers it's not more than 0.1%
zoomers probably 0.5%

>> No.17195794

I disagree man. A lot of "manosphere" writers are just helping people become independent instead of whiney. Their advice has value outside of dating.

>> No.17195810

I want to believe you.

>> No.17195822

how am I wrong?

>> No.17195824

Based, and redpilled.
I see myself reflected in your thoughts, and I like it.

>> No.17195831

>No everyone is fake and has no consistent sense of self
Narcissists and BPD think that. I've said things to >>17195709 effect to my parents, to my friends, to workmates, and to people with personality disorders. The people with personality disorders generally have enough social awareness to know they should feign agreement in words even if they cannot manage it in actions. You'll wake up tomorrow still being you. And everyday til you die. There's no running from it that will make that false. You can run from it, but it becomes a curse which will dog you, or you can embrace it and make choices you don't have to hide from. It's your choice though. Nobody else is going to have to live with what you chose except you.

>> No.17195832
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Got this part down

>> No.17195843

guess I have BPD then

>> No.17195846

Ok, this is good advice.

>> No.17195854

>Yon buxom maiden with the sweet nature and flowing night shift...

>> No.17195856

It isn't so much that it is shit, but OP is a cock monster sucking from one meme to the next. No internalization is done and no change is ever made. Pledge allegiance to one idol after another. He claims to finished Hegel and found nothing in it, but reads blogs and sees the cogs in the world. Poor kid smells pussy and it really is the rotten miasma of the dialectic gaping his asshole. I thought it was a bait thread until he posted so much pathetic shit.

>> No.17195866

I know many women who are not like what Heartiste and other PUAs describe most women as, therefore these "sages" are wrong. You need to stop assuming all women are pornstars or whores, it's not healthy.

>> No.17195867

That, or you're fourteen and still anxious what the cool kids think.

>> No.17195872

are you the >>17189607 anon?

>> No.17195886

>You need to stop assuming all women are pornstars or whores, it's not healthy
this, but unironically. Normies do not need a book to get laid, it comes to most of them naturally. And before you accuse me again yes I am betacuck and I don't care

>> No.17195894
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>again yes I am betacuck and I don't care
you said it yourself loser

>> No.17195923
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Everyone seething, this shits comic gold i'm already half way through (skimming mind you.) Talks about reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Not a player but i enjoy reading this guys thoughts, it's intresting when he talks about self image and tries to preform a Hamlet The Ghost encounter. Not trying to help you see yourself and women more acuratly or less subjectivly (like standard philosophy) but instead too see yourself and women in the way most benificial to getting laid, this is a intresting reason for trying to change someones ideaology/phycology.

>> No.17195924

So literally nothing new at all from reddit tier r/red pill. Let me guess anon, you're under 22 you dumb cunt you have a lot to learn

>> No.17195937

>not a player
what are you doing in this thread good sir?

>> No.17195958

curiosity made me start reading, haven't stopped gonna have a joint then finish this bitch tonight.

>> No.17195971
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>> No.17195975

true kek here

>> No.17195983

I prefere an autiste to a heartiste

>> No.17195988
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>> No.17195996
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good God

>> No.17195998

Lol faggot.

>> No.17196000

How do we know if this guy is LARPing or not? Remember how Roosh made up a whole lot of shit back in the day?

>> No.17196007

It's got to be at least a quarter satire kek

>> No.17196024

Ok this is untrue and retarded.

>> No.17196031

>a quarter
try 3 quarters

>> No.17196034

this whole thread is basically a satire, and a bad one at that

>> No.17196061

>I shall thrust my member into your engorged hole.
Is this good guys?

>> No.17196119

Females are disgusting. If you're not horny, vaginas are fucking gross. They look like stale roast beef, except smell much worse and release all sorts of godforsaken fluids. Not even gay, just saying.

>> No.17196142

Reads like a manifesto

>> No.17196153

Yes, and there are many like me, I feel no shame

>> No.17196155

>Females are disgusting. If you're not horny, vaginas are fucking gross. They look like stale roast beef, except smell much worse and release all sorts of godforsaken fluids. Not even gay, just saying.
Well this is true.
Wtf is this thread though. We should focus on quality lit and philosophy not pop culture shit. Dante, habermas, kripke not brainlets.

>> No.17196165

>We should focus on quality lit and philosophy not pop culture shit. Dante, habermas, kripke not brainlets.
This is true.

>> No.17196352

>Dante, habermas, kripke not brainlets.
Eh, what's a single thing you've learned from those guys that was directly applicable to your life?

>> No.17196367
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Holy shit this is mad, I can't belive he put this in. Kinda trolled himself.

>> No.17196368
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>> No.17196369


>> No.17196373

I love this guy

>> No.17196375
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Who's the alpha?

>> No.17196387

Wife beater, obviously

>> No.17196396
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This is just insane

>> No.17196402

Because if you never learned how to be independent and realistic about what you can accomplish in life, then there are resources to help you learn. I haven't read this book, nor do I even know what it covers. But from what I have seen from the "redpill" writers, they aren't just talking about scheming to get women into your bed, some are teaching genuine self-improvement. All some people need is a kick in the right direction before they can start figuring stuff out for themselves. If your life sucks and you are depressed, there are worse things to try. Again, my point is it's not just about dating.

>> No.17196421

This is what I've been trying to say, its not about dating itself, or some mechanical process. Its more so about the mindset, the philosophy behind it and the realization that you don't have to be a victim

>> No.17196428

Just read The Bible you pseud.

>> No.17196430

What did he make up? I think I missed this

>> No.17196431

>All of which increases the sexual market value of an entire nation of people.
Idiotic argument, most of those people rarely get out of their own nation, their "sexual market value" is weighted against that of other men in their country. This is a level of retardation worthy of Hori Belcea.

>> No.17196435

Kek, with the amount of Christians that get cuckholded you might aswell be telling people to go with their wifes to a swinger party

>> No.17196441

Anything but acknowledging almost everything a male does is built around getting sex

>> No.17196443

You didn't read the blog before it got shoahed? Oh man. Does My Posting Career still exist? Maybe someone can point you to an archive

>> No.17196461

I just visited this board for the first time because I started seriously reading literature and this post tells me I should leave right fucking now unless I want to converse with imbeciles.

>> No.17196462

Nah, wish I did tho. I am sure I'd be way better off by now

>> No.17196474

Stop for a second, and tell me why would I see nothing but the seething words of an incel faced with a truth that hurts them too much to do anything but express their discontent like a whipping child begging for mercy?

If you are going to say something like that, at least explains why you think so.

>> No.17196493

>makes rationalwiki seethe
Seems based.
>makes them seethe by being yet another pseudo-far right PUA-inspired grifter
Utter cringe. Better to read Jordan Peterson at this point.

>> No.17196510

>The dude that spend one entire year having a mental breakdown
>The dude who couldn't stop his daughter from leaving his nice guy husband who she had a child to go fuck some ugly ass boxing dude obsessed with fucking bitches, bling and money


>> No.17196514

Many of them were seductors or "Chads". I don't think you've read "all the major philosophers" or that you have taken much time to think about what they said quite frankly. Your complete lack of awareness about your own values (chiefly the fact that you seem to hold evolution as some ultimate value arbiter when it's merely a random process that shapes life on the very long term, and very haphazardly so) is enough to showcase your lack of real understanding of philosophical thought.

>> No.17196519

Ok, go ahead and give me a real world application of what you've gathered from philosophy that has been genuinely useful.

Let the pseud posting and your holier than tho attitude for a moment, and give us your real life experience.

>> No.17196527

Not by a long shot, see: anyone in really risky situations and working on seriously skill-related topics, see soldiers, scientists, you name it.
Being attractive is useful for social success or money, which is nice but can't replace actual intellectual achievement or save your life when you're facing artillery.

Charisma, confidence and people skills are also much (much much) more useful than raw attractiveness when it comes to social success.

>> No.17196537
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OP is based. Another soldier saved.

>> No.17196559

I learned that from /fit/ when I was 18 and boy was I autistic

>> No.17196575
File: 577 KB, 445x614, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i'm done reading, it's insane really. It could really warp a mind into thinking the most retarded things. Ideas like self confidence are common knowlage, the more strange ideas are really just funny but also sad if this is made and consumed genuinely.

The funny thing is it's like the witch trials, reader learns about being self confident and about how women like confident men (true) then procedes to out and get her. Have sex then leave her. He thinks the book not just the simple idea of confidence won him the bird. In the witch trails we tourtoured people until they admited they were in league with satin, the fiction confirms itself.

I've been in a good realtion ship, emotional support was one of the benifits. This book would lead someone to miss genuine moment of compassion in the tempest of life beacuse there too comsumed with the need for sex and keeping the realtion ships power in his hands.

The book can't answear why have sex if your not going to enjoy spening time with her afterwards? Or why have a realtion ship when your never gonna emotionally connect or develop. You might as well be alone which many choose than subjecting yourself to a realtion ship with a person who annoys you just so your in a realtion ship, this is a slaves philosophy.

In conclusion mabye a few grains of truth (which would offend most women to hear) to help get women into bed with you sifted from a lumpy pile of jokes, misused scientific satistics and strange fixcation on a symbolic victory. The jokes are funny, really funny at points but that dosent hide the sad mind state that created this work. Ecspecially towards then end its just plain bullshit. Nothing impressive, beyond Low-Wit. Slightly decent kek, would not recommend reading now i've done it.

>> No.17196579

Okay lmao. I made it half way and had to stop. If this is some kind of sarcastic joke it's platinum tier writing.

>> No.17196589

Ngl, as comedy this is top tier. As advice this is the usual PUA stuff, only getting old now.

>> No.17196593

You read the entire book?

>> No.17196608

Anything but admitting the argument makes no sense. If you want me to agree with you without putting forth anything coherent just say it.

>> No.17196611

Skimmed in about 4 hours, smoked weed half way through, quick comprehesnion plus the pages have very little writing on, the second half was all usless padding and strange deductions from images.

>> No.17196613

Yes, and that tells you exactly how cringe this Heartise guy is (again, judging by the description rationalwiki made of him).

>> No.17196668

I do

>> No.17196679

Does the book only broach women as a vehicle and recipient of sex?

>> No.17196726

Not letting oneself get mogged by meme takes and instead taking time to develop and understand one's values.

Not taking arguments at face value and instead seeing the greater environment in which they developed, including how solid they are. Some say: "it's all just evolution bro", but the explanations of how it relates exactly to your own life are always contrived and shoddy. Meanwhile biologists tell you evolution is 1. random 2. undirected and unprincipled 3. messy 4. leds simultaneously to a variety of outcomes, some horrifying and some wonderful.

The takeaway in this case: evolution is very imperfect as a moral guide, and almost detrimental to setting life goals. It's just a constraint to take into account, among many others. And meme takes on evolution are in most cases a rephrasing of boomer aphorisms plus occasionally a few tips for fucking (not dating) BPD girls. Extracts of the books itt have not shown otherwise, they're just good, 4chan-core pasta with some dating blogging thrown in.

So instead of harping about how "men do everything for sex" (exaggeration of a universal platitude), "women like to have sex too, and they often like it rough" (first part is known to anyone without a madonna-whore complex, second is known to anyone who had sex at least a couple times), "you have value too, don't sell yourself short" (valuable insight, but better learnt with my advice in the next sentences) you look at what you are: a man, yes, who wants sex, sure, but also someone who can enjoy physical activity, nonsexual companionship, professional achievements, and many others things.

And then you ask: of all those things, what are the most valuable to me? How do they relate to one another? How can I cultivate them? How do I prioritize one over another?

For some it means sex won't be a priority even if they enjoy the occasional wank and one-night stand. For some it means money and bitches. For some it means professional achievement and self-respect, etc. There is no point on vaguely gesturing towards the fact that it is all, deep down, just about sex, when in most cases the trickiest part is learning to moderate your instinct for copulation (among others). It's much more useful to see yourself as a hierarchy of sometimes conflicting needs and faculties embedded in a social and cultural environment. Look long enough at those hierarchies and that environment and you'll quickly see that 1. you're most likely not hopeless, that you have value 2. that chasing girls is secondary to knowing what best suits you 3. that success in life is about trade-off between constraints, desires, and capabilities, and that you need to experiment to understand how those three relate in your own case (emphasis on own).

In my case, I realized that spending time with my family brought me more satisfaction than chasing girls in clubs or even dating in general, therefore I prioritize the former.
TL;DR: Read Aristotle, read on virtue ethics.

>> No.17196729
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>> No.17196754

I commend you for admitting it.

>> No.17196761

Reread my first post, my point is that rationalwiki is cringe, but even being hated by rationalwiki doesn't save this guy from being cringe.

>> No.17196795

This guy has either knowingly or unknowingly looked into the abyss.

His post has just the right mix of pragmatic nihilism and common sense to pass as real advice

>> No.17196810

>Society won't care for us, double standards will never go away. We are not women, we won't be coddled.

I was 15 and cheated on by my first girlfriend too once.

You’re on the right track but you didn’t realize that people have to win you over too

>> No.17196823

I’m sorry, was that an actual bit of wisdom you pissed into this thread?

>> No.17196908

>harry potter fag

>> No.17196931

Never read any of the books or watch the movies

>> No.17197260

They're dead in all sense of the word.
Yet some bumfuck retard is having 20 kids and becomes effectively immortal forever.

>> No.17197290

The more I meditate and read philosophy the less I see a point to it. What's the end goal?

>> No.17197305

>muh genetic immortality
>also being remembered for your work doesn't count
Is this bait?

>> No.17197340

>and becomes effectively immortal forever.
Not really, assuming his descendants make it to the twentieth generation, his own genetic contribution will have already been diluted almost to insignificance. And his own alleles, each one rather unremarkable on its own, will only be transmitted piecemeal to his children, the exact mix that makes him unique never to be found again, his negligible contribution to the gene pool of far-future humans being entirely replaceable by that of many others bumfuck retards.

There are only two ways to "make it" genetically on the long term: either havi,g some extremely rare and significant mutation that keep getting passed down, or pulling a Gengis Khan and having hundreds of children that themselves will have hundreds of children, and so on until you've altered the genetic outlook of an entire people. Both are exceptionally unlikely, and everything else fades into irrelevance soon enough.

The logical jump "having children means genetic immortality" is one of the many intellectual shortcuts of the popevolution-driven mindset. In practice this immortality is either nonexistent or completely meaningless on the long run.

Focus on things that make sense to you. If you have kids have them because you plan on raising them, not because you hope to perhaps have a slim chance to pass on a fraction of your cookie cutter genes to the humans of the year 3000.

>> No.17197341

Then tell me why do you need money? Why do you work? Why do all that hard shit if jot to impress a potential child incubator?

>> No.17197358

>What is soul
What's the point of achieving praise for a great deed if you're not profiting from it?
It's exactly the same as donating 1000$ to a twitch streamer.
To keep going.

>> No.17197364

>why do you need money
To eat, to afford things I want, such as books. Do I read books to impress women? Why bother, I already know it doesn't work, and I enjoy reading more than I enjoy impressing women.
>Why do you work
To get money, feel good about myself, not be depressed, try to pass on the things that I've learned and keep the things that I care about alive (teaching is an important part of it).

>if jot to impress a potential child incubator?
Fewer and fewer people even plan to have kids. What's the point of impressing the nonexistent mother of the children you don't want to have? Not speaking for myself specifically but this is a definite trend. Note also that modern fecundation techniques plus contraception have strained the link between sex and procreation.

Your mistake is not believing that children and sex are important, almost nobody denies that, your mistake is collapsing everything into a silly little equation "evolution = procreation = sex = desire = all of human life", as if your purpose was explicitly to not understand human behavior, but to make snappy memes about it.

>> No.17197371

Let's stop that intellectual trainwreck before it gains momentum.

>What's the point of achieving praise for a great deed if you're not profiting from it?
Praise is a form of profit. Yes people care about what other people will think of them, even after their death, and to the point that they're willing to die for this. Shouldn't be news to anyone over 18.

>> No.17197432

>reads philosophy to seduce women
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.17197673

>To keep going.
That's ironic, considering the wrong philosophy can leave you nihilisic and devoid of meaning. Any philosophy that makes you do an action, whether asceticism for fasting, working our physicall or just going out to socially and meet women is going to do more for your mental health than reading about Hegel or Ernest Becker

>> No.17197697
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>What's the point of achieving praise for a great deed if you're not profiting from it?
Amerilards, everyone.

>> No.17197711

That's every single human on Earth, Mr Anti Americanism

>> No.17197759

>everyone must secretly be as miserable, materialistic, and greedy as I am
Well, at least we know why OP feels so touched by a PUA book.

>> No.17197990
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Any book/film reccomendations for this? I had thought about this before... I'm not unpleasant, but am kind of clueless on smoothly making a move/getting hints.

>> No.17197996

You are probably a poor person that hates the rich, and has built an identity of being ''spiritually enlightened'' as a way to cope

>> No.17198019


>> No.17198031

Cope this cope that, op who does not cope?

>> No.17198112

not OP but this thread is getting pretty annoying already. Constant unwarranted argumentation to 'muh evolution' and 'its cope bro'

>> No.17198125

>noooo you can't mock me!
>it means you're poor!!!
It's funny, given how usually poor people are the ones worrying about money: I suppose it's not easy to take care of your well being when you're trying your hardest to make ends meet.

>> No.17198152

Its Ok to cope, just be honest about why you are coping and where it comes from
You are free to leave
Hating the rich is pointless, just get rich yourself and stop whining

>> No.17198159

>Hating the rich is pointless, just get rich yourself and stop whining
are you american/anglo?

>> No.17198171


>> No.17198174

Let OP have his pussy already

>> No.17198180

I have a gf, getting one was never the reason I got this thread at all

>> No.17198193


>> No.17198221

Read the fucking thread, start with these:

>> No.17198230

Go ahead and refute it

>> No.17198274

It was already pretty much refuted by the weed-consuming anon here who sifted through the book in 4 hours and others

>> No.17198282

Don't think so

>> No.17198311

Your impression is correct
Evidence: >>17196474

>> No.17198319

zero argumentation i see

>> No.17198367

What argument? You write like the most stereotypical pseud. Grab your fee-fees and shove them where light doesn't shine.

>> No.17198412

That's not me (OP) but your jimmies seem rather rustled, what's got you so agitated?

>> No.17198445

>That's not me (OP)
totes bro, i believe you
Now reply to me some more so that this awful fucking thread could finally reach bumplimit.

>> No.17198452

>Hating the rich is pointless
But OP, no one in the whole thread is hating the rich.
No, being a miserable greedy shit isn't the same thing as being rich.
>inb4 le refutation maymay

>> No.17198456

Are you suggesting dating many women is greedy?

>> No.17198492

>totes bro, i believe you
fuck off, moron. Sincerely, OP

>> No.17198519

this thread and OP both are pretty fucking terrible. Not gonna lie, the /lit is going downhill lately. Not very suitable for serious discussion of literature it seems

>> No.17198524

you are free to leave this thread

>> No.17198544

we are, but are the reddit cretins with their shallow takes going to leave /lit/? you know the answer...

>> No.17198560

>I've read all the major philosophers, last week I finished up The Phenomenology of Spirit.

I seriously barely believe you.

>> No.17198561

>bro why are you mad that I'm shitting in the street?
>bro you can just leave
Tongue my anus, nigger.

>> No.17198655

It’s just some shitpost mate, there are plenty of good books to read

>> No.17198664

>reddit cretins with their shallow takes
literally whole /lit/

>> No.17198711

You don't fucking understand my dude. The Phenomenology of Spirit is childs play compared to this book. You should really give it a read

>> No.17198733

>Tongue my anus, nigger.
Omg he/she/they said the nigger word

>> No.17198778
File: 875 KB, 551x964, 1609716512302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I guess some Anon got so buttblasted by this thread they are larping as me while trying to be as obnoxious as possible. Any posts pretending to be the OP insulting/belittleing others are not me.

Anyhow, I am glad it was able to help some/make some of you laugh. I wish you all the best, take care guys

>> No.17198793

larping is core 4chan my dude, what did you expect

>> No.17198799

Now that's a funny pic

>> No.17198807

what did he do wrong desu in picrelated?

>> No.17198814


>> No.17198835

hes black

>> No.17198851

>I wish you all the best, take care guys
fuck you too presumably OP

>> No.17199072

top kek

>> No.17199208

Its difficult to accept but it is the truth.
The ones who shun attention publicly only do it to appear virtuous.

>> No.17199309

Grow up and stop being an attention whore

>> No.17199381

This, there is no one outside the game. Everyone has a role, you either are the dude getting the attention, or the cunt bitching about it in hopes to get some too.

>> No.17199398

female detected

>> No.17199411
File: 443 KB, 400x296, 1607781521655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grow up and stop being an attention whore
(Said posting on a public imageboard, hoping to get the attention and approval of others)

>> No.17199417

I am a male, kek

>> No.17199445

this >>17199309

>> No.17199446
File: 45 KB, 412x752, oh_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks everyone posts for (you)s
I'm posting specifically and exclusively to annoy you.

>> No.17199531

Conflict puts a smile on my face tho, I enjoy it. It feels like friendly banter to me

>> No.17199704


>> No.17199724

Good penetration, nice penis. Good grip.


>> No.17199789

Dude, they all are whores, some just deeper inside than the others, just the same way we all are manwhores, but a lil bit different, you wouldn't reject your fav pornstar, if you were married, would you? Maybe you wouldn't, if you're loyal or faithful or something, but you can only be that to a certain extent, same deal with women
It's just like in an old joke, it goes something like this:
A man asks a woman
-Would you sleep with someone for a million dollars?
-Yes, of course I would
-But would you sleep with someone for 10 dollars?
-Who do you think I am?
-We've already established who you are, now we're negotiating the price

>> No.17199890

Based ultrachad anon, not falling for "everything is about sex" meme written in books for easily impressionable virgin acne faced 16 yr olds

>> No.17199901
File: 152 KB, 322x570, 1608844990098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, very based

>> No.17199906

OwO Wuts this? *Nuzzles*

>> No.17199914

b-b-but muh biology

>> No.17199917

Never trust animeposters

>> No.17199934
File: 231 KB, 409x604, 16083933979220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your problem?

>> No.17199940

b-b-but muh metaphysics
muh hecking soulerino

>> No.17199950

I used to enjoy cuckholding anime guys in VR chat by seducing their online crushes, kek

>> No.17199968
File: 650 KB, 1536x2048, 16078016912140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having an online crush in VR chat
thats some /r9k-tier shit man

>> No.17199979

Kek, I know, now imagine having a 2D waifu you can't even interact with.

>> No.17200013
File: 922 KB, 800x1200, 1606596712849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah its fine -- noone is serious about their waifus anyway, its a long lasting joke from the start

>> No.17200083

>Muh biology
Muh biology makes it so, for example, that any girl can literally sniff your intentions a mile away, before you approach her
If you only have sex on your mind, and everything in your world revolved around sex then that doesn't make you an alpha male or sex god essentialy, instead it most likely makes you just a lame virgin/pervert obsessed with getting laid, and women smell and reject those very fast, and generally try to stay away from people like that
>But books like that did work for some people!
Sure they did, because they gave a little boost of confidence, every such books contains obligatory advice to try again and again, despite the fails, and you're bound to improve and succeed if you continue trying, that should be an obvious thought, not an enlighting one
>But what should I do then?
Stop being a pussy or an incel, talk more with the girls, hang out with them more, don't behave like a creep and don't think about the sex all the time, try to get to know somebody as a person, try establishing some lasting meaningful connections first and it will work out in your favour eventually, from there you can decide if you want to pursue only physical or metaphysical intimacy or both
General advise: learn from personal experience, not from books, you might cross-reference what you learned yourself with what is written there to make some general conclusions, that work for you, but don't fully trust every word in those books, that might do you more harm than good in the end

>> No.17200128

>that any girl can literally sniff your intentions a mile away
>every such books contains obligatory advice to try again and again
LLN here again. If you try something for very long the odds are you will succeed

aren't you the OP, anon?

>> No.17200251

I know it might sound like bullshit, but it's true, also some might make their intentions painfully obvious, so they fail, you either have to hide your intentions very well, or don't have them circle around something girls usually don't like guys having, like sex only
At the end of a day, even if both a guy and a girl both like each other and only want to have sex, usually they still have to participate in this foreplay, weird I know, but that's just how it usually is
>aren't you the OP, anon?
No, OP's a fag, who to me looks like a guy, who just discovered something which would be pretty much obvious, had he more prior experience, mixed with some freud-darvin-esque bullshit purposely dumbed down and easy to understand to appear to broader audience (acne faced teens)

>> No.17200311

Doesn't quite work for Genie.

>> No.17200331


>> No.17200369

I think he means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_(feral_child)