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/lit/ - Literature

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17199096 No.17199096 [Reply] [Original]

My plan to legally get every single audiobook in audible on your device, and donwload them, which means you can listen to them offline.

I will leave a short version over here first, in a bit I will smoke my joint, come back and write up the full in depth process in how this will work.

Audible lets you get 1 audiobook for free, I figured a way to get 6 free audiobooks per bank card you have instead of 1 free audiobook. Good thing is you get to keep it forever. Now I have 3 bank cards, i got 18 free audiobooks, even though these are on different markets/regions, and on 3 different email accounts, i can log in individually, downlaod the audiobook onto my iphone and baam, i have it forever, and if I sign into the next account and download that audiobook, now i have both audiobooks in my library from 2 different accounts.

So with each bankcard i get 6 audiobooks, that is PART 1. PART 2 is about the anonymity of it, now i used my own bank cards but then cancelled my free 1 month trial right after getting my free audiobooks. I then decide to replace my bank card with a fake visa card generator, because now it doesnt need to check to see if it gets verified for transactions in the future since I cancelled my free trial (which means in 1 month i wont get automatically charged) there is no incentive or reason to have a valid card, the website just checks if the visa card number matches the luhn algorithm (modulus 10 algorithm). I also used basic gmail accounts that isnt linked to anything else. Anonymity is needed for the next part.

PART 3, The Master List. The maser list is a list of the Audiobooks that have been acquired. So if there is 10 bank cards, that means we get 60 books. Now everyone can check on the masterlist to find the book they want, see the corrosponding email & password, sign in and downlaod their audiobook and waaalaa. This masterlist only grows and grows as more bank cards are used, best part is that there is no transactions needed, but if we are sharing accounts, thats why the bank card must later be replaced with a fake one since othere users could check the linked bank card on the account settings.

The master list is alongside the Waiting List, everyone puts out their books on a waiting list, the books that most people want goes on the top of the list, the books that 1 person only wants gets a lower priority. The beauty of the eaiting list is that by 20 bank cards, we already have covered the top 100 audiobooks that people would want to listen to, which would mean that very quickly would the more obscure and less popular books on the waiting list be allowed to be chosen on the next accounts being made.

The Master List has all books already accesible, the Waiting List has the books waiting to be acquired next.

The reason we need the master list is not to just easily find the corrosponding account email and password to download the book, but also i wanted to have a logical system like for example, audiobook1@gmail.com.

>> No.17199124

all those audiobooks are already available on torrent websites...

and why do you need them all now instead of just downloading them when you're ready to listen to them?

why is /lit/ to obsessed with amassing books instead of just reading them?

>> No.17199157

This is a simple way for normal people to get access to all audiobooks for free, without jailbreaking, without torrenting, without having to do anything, this all happens to be accessible directly onto the audible application itself, so with the full software support also. Having the master list means that we could have reandomly generated emails and passwords and there would be no need for memorisation of a sequential system. It allows for better spread meaning less suspicious activity. if there is 100 accounts from audible1@gmail.com all the way to audible100@gmail.com, this would raise flags within both google and amazon. This also means one thing,

Either we use real people first to start this with their own bankcards or we use stolen bankcards to open the accounts, get the 6 books from the Waiting List, change it to a fake bank card, and no transactions have happene to the stolen card numbers would have never been used actually.

>> No.17199200

read my comment on why not torrenting, not everyone knows how to torrent, jailbreaking their devices or getting the proper software. The reason is because with this you can use the audible application, making it verrrry accesibble to everyone. this is for the dumb and stupid, not for you and me

>> No.17199695
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>having to go through the trouble of creating trial accounts with fake credit cards and spam emails because you chose cuckbsd

>> No.17199808

its done, got my bank card numbers, got 57 cards so far, not a bad start but still have a longs way to go to have a grand library the retards of this world can use.

It's very simple, just because less than 0.001% of the world have the knowledge to know that it is easy to get free audiobooks by torrenting or just search it online, dont even need to torrent it, this does not mean that I don't want to make it easy for the rest of the world to be able to have access to this resource. Fuck amazon's monopoly on audiobooks, a piece of shit like yourself is contempt with going through life not having helped people with your knowledge, use your skills to help others who can't do what you do, dont be a cunt, be useful, be a nice man

>> No.17200070

ill help people as long as theyre willing to step outside of their comfort zone. i teach people how to torrent, not pick up the crumbs their master drops and think they got a good deal.

>> No.17200375

MyAnonaMouse exists.

>> No.17200402

holy shit this is what being an itoddler does to you, torrenting is too difficult

>> No.17200439

Are you an idiot?

>> No.17200844

Thats dumb, can't expect everyone to be autistic fuckers, you use so much that you don't know how it works, so much was made easier by specialists in their fields, if you're pretentious enough to expect everyone in this world to understand something as simple as torrenting nowadays (which a fucking dumb ass kid can do, click download and just fucking wait) then you won't get anywhere. Its not supposed to be one extreme or the other, you can slowly ween people towards whatever you want, but step by step

>> No.17200917
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>> No.17201009

Why are you stealing books, anon? And why are non-Whites posting on this board?

>> No.17201653

>download qbittorrent
>sign up for a free vpn if living in countries that care about piracy
>go to audiobookbayabb.com
a baby could do it