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17182155 No.17182155 [Reply] [Original]

Write something that contains free-spirited rage towards an object you hate

>> No.17182292

I fucking hate catcher in the rye, everyone I've met who liked it was a massive pretentious faggot who thought they were just like holden.

>> No.17182401

same and I hate Steppenwolf in the same way. Both are whiny, overly sensitive losers used by self inserting authors to COPE. Steppenwolf is literally the most bourgouis possible character. OOOH I CRIED AT A CONCERT THAT ENSURES I HAVE S O U L. They are more obnoxious than the doomer meme. The pamphlet in Steppenwolf is cringiest thing I have ever read, including 4chan posts. Both represent the pure COPE withholding self-pitying losers from acknowledging their empty, soulless, slimy lives and moving forward. They replace the turmoil and self -torture of Raskolnikov and the underground man with a smugness inducing the rot of self indulgent mediocrity.

>> No.17182596

What is something that tells us about the state of masculinity in present times? is it social media? or the recent fashion trends? no anons, it's porn. The front pages of porn will tell you about two types of men. Bare in mind that both type are pathetic and weak, living in a bubble of fantasy and ticklish manhood. Type A are the men who watch cuckold porn, failing to understand that it sends them into the deepest abyss of inferiority complex, thinking of their wives getting pleased by someone else, their masculinity breaks. Type B are the men who are fragile and have a false reality in their mind about what it actually means to be a man. They are the ones that mostly enjoy japanese pornography with screaming women. Giving them a pleasure that only comes from sexual domination. They fail to understand that women aren't meant to be broken or played around like toys. They are meant to be embraced and cared for, but within limits, or we shall pass the line of becoming type A.
I have written this not because I hate porn(I do) but because I hate what I see in front of me. Masculinity has depleted and eroded. It's ideals stripped of it's virtue. Come with me anons, take the /fitlit/ pill and start out journey of achieving the purpose that every man has the potential to achieve.

>> No.17182681
File: 35 KB, 739x415, C1B1FCBA-8E96-42E2-BC2B-DFFC5562675A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an object, I just hate the fact that everyone needs to have an opinion, unlike back when only those apt enough to understand were able to access information on topics. People switch over ideas, ideologies and opinions flippantly like light switches. People who know nothing about economics or Hegel lecture you about how communism is great, people who have not even deeply looked into metaphysics suddenly convert themselves into zealous tradcaths. I hate this, and I hate the undeserved love of “freedom”. No one wants freedom, they just want to feel “free” and have the freedom to pursue their pleasures, but whenever someone acknowledges this, and the nihilistic truth about our search for meaning, and tries to propose controlling society down to the most minute details, for the benefit of all, and making meaning and thought obsolete, people start crying “muh freedom” “muh meaning”, meaningless copes. I despise this. I used to be a very sympathetic person to all of these “muh freedom” causes, to all of these searches for meaning, to the “muh dystopia” crowd, to those against eugenics and brainwashing, but I’ve come to realize that not only are they mostly retarded and can’t think past their innate biases, there’s also the issue that, to an NPC, all memes are essentially brainwashing to their uncritical and fickle brains, so why not brainwash them right? Overall fuck “freedom”, tyranny of the masses, tyranny of neoliberalism and tyranny of capitalism, none of these are freeing at all.

>> No.17182916

Normies are so fucking boring. The women are all do-nothing create-nothings who think their pussy makes them inherently important, so they end up being a glorified domestic cat whose only goal is to bask in the nearest sunbeam of attention.

The men are so utterly broken by the women that all they want is their approval. They don't even dream of sex with them anymore, they don't even get that far, all they want is a single nod of approval from the fucking women, to the point that they will degrade themselves even when women aren't around because they are imagining their internalized woman going "you're such a good boy, you respect me properly, you have correctly identified that I am above you and you know the proper deferential relationship to one's superiors."

You can always tell a normie on 4chan because they can't resist enforcing normalcy. The women enforce normalcy because it's all they've ever known and they've always been at the center of it, where it's nice and warm. They so immersed in normalcy don't even know they're enforcing it. It's just an "is" to them. It's like a fish "enforcing" being underwater. But then normie men are the real pathetic ones. They are the ones on the fringes of normalcy where it's cold, looking in at the center through trees and shrubs at night, at the privileged center where the fire is blazing and the women are sitting around being serviced by the Chad elite. In the normie perspective the Chads have the "honor" of dancing for the women and venerating them, like in Robert Graves' matriarchal femdom fantasies of primeval prehistory.

The dwellers on the fringe live in perpetual sexless twilight, making webcomics and tweets to "support women." They see a random man scoffing at a random woman, privately, and their reptile brain springs into action, they rush over and demand that he apologize to the woman who didn't even hear him. They have no sense of humor, no room for exceptions to normalcy. Exceptions frighten them because they remind them that there may be something beyond the normie life. They prick them with the possibility that some night they should turn away from the fire with the disgraceful dancing Chads and the barely even consciousness women and go off on their own, learn to make their own fire.

Normies are monkeys from a previous stage of human development, I piss on normies.

>> No.17183859
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>I just hate the fact that everyone needs to have an opinion
Blame democracy. Democracy makes all social issues to become political issues, so everyone is enarmored to convince/persuade/coerce people to join their gang.

>> No.17184198

I’m intrigued and I thoroughly agree. Schmitt seems great. Any other recommendations?

>> No.17184585
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You lying fucking coward

>> No.17185226

Hobbes and Plato are the most important thinkers in this space. Schmitt is fun and short.

>> No.17185727

Yeah and discourse ends up getting reduced to signalling your membership of a faction and slandering an opposing faction because they don't actually have an opinion so they can't talk about it.

>> No.17185760
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>> No.17185832

reddit tier take

>> No.17185835
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Hello there

>> No.17185958

Holy shit I hate myself.

>> No.17185964


>> No.17186026

I don't hate objects, like, no waitwaitwait...
I need to channel my rage.
Fucking. Bike lanes.
It' isn't the objest, it's what it represents.
the most annoying and dangerous thing you could put on a fucking road other then literally a four way green light is a bike lane, why? We hate the bikers, they fought say in and day out for a pece of the road, but is it really the bikers fault? no, it's the governments, because everything the government does is slow and fucking lazy so why the fuck would you expect them to make a decent bike lane when you fucking KNOW they wont. The lane is too fucking small, people get hit all the time in bike accidents it's fucking insane, and bikers simply ride down these things knowing full well it's not even close to reasonable to ask cars to go around you in a safe manner, but they blame drivers for driving to and from work and other places instead of just accepting the fact that the lane is a sorry ass excuse for a proper bike lane that the government lazily designed cause they have no business making one lest they have to make it actually right that meaning wide enough for decent riding along with wide lanes for cars so they don't accidentally go into the bike lane: no instead of all that cause that's alot of work, they'll make a bike lane just big enough for about half the width of your arms spread out, and tell bikers "you have the right to bike on your little unsafe lane, don't let anyone tell you otherwise", and no, no one actually wants to take away your right to bike on the fucking road, but if you think that's not a high risk thing that you're doing and expect us to have super fast reflexes in traffic 24/7 it's jsut not so the government knows it's not fucking safe but we just both haveto make up for the incompentency by both slowing down to a grandmas pace because THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO BUSINESS IN MAKING PROPER FUCKING BIKE LANES.

>> No.17186057

Transportation engineer here. Yes they're terrible and it comes down to acquisition of Right Of Way for construction and "Federal Guidelines" that tell you that you can design garbage.
One up-and-coming trend I've been seeing is converting abandoned roads and railroads into bike trails. This is very cost effective as there's already a good road base, ditches, and drainage pipes (the most important and expensive parts of constructing a road to last)

>> No.17186095

pretty smart.

>> No.17186491


>> No.17186804


>> No.17186814


>> No.17186861

God fucking damn it anon I was going to post something like this. No shitting you this is one of the reasons that ended up making me realize im a schizo. People are so fucking vapid and boring I really cant put it into words but I dread entering conversations with people because everyone is so goddamn predictable and gray and I dont even ask for much but whenever the conversation gets remotely interesting or something of note happens it has to be reeled back for the sake of normalcy like you said. I cant fucking understand it at all, how do these people not go mad talking about the same shit everyday, doing the same shit, repeating the same shit, hearing the same shit and not go fucking mental like me

>> No.17186892


>> No.17186908


>> No.17187191

Guess what move in just next door da me? Why don'cha guess? Niggers. nnnNNNIIGGGGEEeerrsss! Got dam greasy skin wide nose steal all my lawn furniture and be askin' tuh borrow my lawnmower NIGGERS! Wus this world come to when you can't just buy nice home take care th' yard keep to yerself and just live a peaceful life? But no, some dumb bitch fr' Californy wants to rent out that house next door her aunt and uncle give to her stead of livin there. Don't give-a-shit she helpin god damn dark as night porch monkeys post up on the lawn and pull a government check and raise their little nigger spawn ain't not a single one work and they makin racket all day and night blassin' that hootin' mumblin' chimp screech they call music. Got damn I hate a Californian and I truly do hate a nigger. That's all i gotta say.

>> No.17187420

I'm an adjunct English professor, and all I get saddled with are remedial courses for people who absolutely fucked up their ACT/SAT. The state I live made so that any fucking person that graduates from a high school in state can get up to an Associate's or a similar program for "free." They only have to pay it back if they flunk out.

I have caused so many students to flunk out. I hate looking at their stupid fucking faces and it brings me joy to see the disappointment and the heartbreak when they realize that they'll have to keep grinding at their shitty jobs because they can't satisfy basic grammar rules or construct sentences. Most of them want to be nurses, and the ones whom I would not want to even change my bedpan and wash my penis never pass. I feel like I'm doing a public service by being a gatekeeper. And yeah, sure, some of them got sorted in because they didn't take their tests seriously because it's just another test in the dreary prisons that schools became, and of course that faggot, Foucault, stated the obvious with that observation, and they do well. Hell, even some of the dullards are at least funny, but more than half are on the verge of mental retardation. I had one student tell me that she was in special ed. Special ed and she's in fucking college demanding that I slow down! And she wants to be a nurse! Of course, her stupid bullshit responses to writing prompts could hardly even pass as English. I thought Zoom classes would be more tolerable as I do not have to share a classroom with these gormless mongoloids but no, they don't even wash the crust from their faces and don't know how to activate push-to-talk, so there's always one in every class that has some fucking absolute dipshit popping off in the background or some crying child or barking dog.

>> No.17187960

shaddup millenial

>> No.17187965

Im being dramatic but I really identify with ops image, and the npc-tier layer I built around me to protect myself from loneliness

>> No.17187969

You are an edgy millennial who thinks he's better than Holden and that's why you hate him.

>> No.17187981


Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit and Fuck the Holy Spirit.

>> No.17188020

I’d rather be dead than live in your shoes for two days. What a shitty life

>> No.17188338
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My innocent, good-natured family is watching a netflix show about nigger nobility in 17th century Brittain. Can you believe it? NIGGERS, British nobility. NIGGERS, Roman soldiers. NIGGERS, Celtic warriors. WE WUZ ERRYBODY. Where did whites even come from? NIGGERS created every civilization in the world. NIGGERS, who were dragged from their filthy huts by slavers and used like oxen to farm sugar and cotton, were simultaneously ruling Western countries and apparently enslaving themselves during the time when NIGGER Samurai were being contacted by NIGGER captains from the Royal NIGGER Navy. They invented math and crucified Jesus, who was probably also a nigger. NIGGERS. God damn it I hate niggers.

>> No.17188490

I hate pornography. It's a tool of enslavement and a medium for creating all sorts of psychological and sexual issues in people, it's built on the exploitation of vulnerable parts of society and on the erosion of moral decency, and at the end of the day it's a giant waste of time, a trick, a lie that makes its users think all the effort they put into using it is worth the approximately 5 seconds of pleasure at the end. For a moment after completing the cycle of arousal, masturbation, and orgasm, one finds clarity of mind and in it faces abject disgust with what one has done, but at that point the well-worn pathways in the brain that support the habit of using pornography have been once again reinforced, practically guaranteeing that after the clarity retreats, the user will fall prey to the promise of enjoyable, pleasurable pornography use.
A greater tool of the Devil doesn't exist.
I hope I live to see pornography thrust into the lowest part of Hell.

>> No.17188505


>> No.17188559

Take your meds.

>> No.17188965

Read Edmund's Burke reflections on the French Revolution. It changed my life.

>> No.17188971

Object can be anything lad

>> No.17188982
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>Guess what move in just next door da me?
I guessed right

>> No.17189022


>> No.17189034

Whats it with the hatred for self inserts? The term is not equivalent to Mary Sue you know. What character could an author write with more depth than one modeled after himself? Seems natural

>> No.17189042


All I gotta say.

>> No.17189057

Camus is a faggot. I've just finished reading Brave New World. Why the fuck is it in the starter kit? It's fucking garbage.

>> No.17189064

Ok Incel

>> No.17189066

Looking at this prompt, I realize hate is not an emotion I am familiar with. Scorn is an afterthought to work in for the suffering of someone who swatted away an olive branch, but only if I can do so without going out of my way. Disgust a reflex to those who are coloring books for Christmas, but not something conscious. Same with disdain when I see 'traceable Naruto coloring books' left in the browser history of the logistics office work computer from the obese, anime hoodie clad coworker I relieved for my graveyard shift. I am trying, as a Christian, to judge an loath less and to empathize more. But I think the only thing I can truly say I hate, without any effort, the one entity which is my waking and sleeping recourse to bathe in mental acid and shout the word raca to is myself. Every cringing insecurity, autistic social freezup, every narcissistic, gormless thing I have done, and everything I have proven lacking in, these are the shards of metal and bits of spine upon the flagellants scourge I would have weilded had I lived in medieval Europe.
That sounds like Hell you have my condolensces.

>> No.17189088

Its Huxley you moron

>> No.17189124
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Those charts are garbage. Start with the Greeks if you want quality books.

>> No.17189137

God, do I hate Jordan Peterson and everything he stands for. Everything in his worldview is about being profound by obeying the status quo. What an absolutely horrifying prospect. Clean your room. Get a job. Go to church. Obey the government and the flag they defend. Find female mate and have kids. Then die when you’ve outlived your use. What an absolutely repugnant life formula. Pray - work - reproduce - die. A formula for life, all neatly packed into a consumer object. Mankind turned into a consumer object, who gets to contribute solely through this formula, then gets discarded.

Jordan Peterson represents the disgusting era the West is going through right now. If you’ve seen The Trap part 3 by Adam Curtis, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Find out what people want right now, give it to them, and nothing more. No grand vision of freedom being for something, a hopeful and better future we can all work towards. That’s postmodern neo-Marxism, and that’s wrongthink.

Jordan Peterson also reminds me of the criticism of Chris Hedges of the funeral of Michael Jackson. In it, Hedges criticizes celebrity culture, and how the whole of the entertainment industry groomed Jackson, turned him into a product for all of us to consume and then discard. Celebrity culture abducted Jackson, deformed and damaged his body and his mind, and then destroyed him. Something similar has happened, I fear, in the Jordan Peterson phenomenon. He represents not just a strange connection between on the one hand religion, philosophy and psychology and on the other hand consumption, entertainment and celebrity. To me, Peterson is the embodiment of the hostile takeover of the very concept of meaning by celebrity culture itself. It represents something deeply disturbing to me. This is amplified by all the weirdness surrounding his personal life, the very public access to his life, and the almost sickening devotion his followers have. They respond to all his bizarre behavior, such as the all meat diet, the coma therapy for his drug addiction, and the need to interview a man who is clearly not doing well. The lobsters respond to this in the most disgusting way possible. They simply deny it, and remain silent. I’m old enough to know what also responded to bizarre behavior of their idol with silence. They were the fans of Michael Jackson.

>> No.17189151

He's right you know. Most people should get their shit together first and only then think about "a better future". If you haven't noticed, about half of zoomers have at least one mental illness and no idea about life. He's right that people need to be re-educated about the basics if they forgot them all, then we can work towards something. Look at the Greeks: they did all the stuff you enumerated from Peterson, and then they found time to advance the world too. You need a foundation first.

>> No.17189156

Starting with something simple like cleaning your room is the only useful thing Peterson has ever put forward.

>> No.17189158

Cleaning your room doesn’t help you when the house is on fire

>> No.17189162

The house is not on fire. Turn off the TV.

>> No.17189167

>The house is not on fire.
This assessment was made possible by a generous donation of Koch Industries

>> No.17189171

You have issues. Maybe you should clean your room.

>> No.17189180

i hate the faggot who wrote this post, the enlightened midwit who sees thru LE NEOLIBERAL HELLWORLD thanks to that one Adam Curtis documentary he watched, Curtis ya know he represents a genuine critique of society unlike those false opposition guys who just trick you into abiding by the STATUS QUO doing stuff like getting a job and doing the dishes, that's why his work is played on the BBC, like instead of just coping with life how about imagining alternate futures, like social democracy, like a welfare state, like a heckin green new deal, such ideas terrify the establishment, like imagine. RIP MARK FISHER

>> No.17189184

>pathologizing people for disagreeing with you
And this is why Peterson is stupid and dangerous. He has normalized cult practices

>> No.17189188

>le contrarian post with le parody youtube video
Oh god you’re so deep

>> No.17189193

An advice from a junkie money hungry guru can fuck up your life. He is condensing everything into some generalised bullshit. Everybody's economic, social, family, mental situation is different from one another and from an upper class privileged junkie retard.
All of the faggots in search of McMeaning who follow him should be better off getting some advice from their dad, uncle, granddad, their neighbour. Someone who grew up in same situation as them.

>> No.17189196

fuck peterson

>> No.17189207

Having a distorted idea of reality is pathological, yes. Thinking you don't have time to put your life in order cause the world is on fire is insanity. Get your shit together and stop taking your news from Twitter. Try talking to real people. There was a proverb for those like you: "If you don't have time to meditate for an hour every day, you should meditate for two hours."

>> No.17189217

I don't know much about Peterson and his readership--I was just going off what that anon was saying in his first 2 paragraphs.

>> No.17189218

disagreeing with your faggy basic bitch opinions doesn't make me contrarian, it simply makes me right

>> No.17189227

People who tell me about their drug trips. I mean the type of self-indulgent, conceited windbags who attribute vastly too much meaning to anything they experience while on drugs in an effort to show the world how incredibly deep and spiritual and open-minded and philosophical they are. Likely the same people who'd tell you they cured their friend's cancer by teaching them how to meditate and by making them eat their artisanally baked broccoli flavoured cupcakes. To anyone who isn't entirely consumed by pomposity, listening to such drivel is an excruciating experience. I once had the displeasure of sitting next to one of these freaks at a party. He was the brother of a girl I was trying to bone, which meant I couldn't be my usual frank and forthright self and tell him to shut it, so I had to endure an hour long lecture on how listening to the rhythms of African tribal music while high on acid had given him an out-of-body experience, during which his soul turned into a "metaphysical mosquito" that subsequently sucked the negativity out of his veins in a cleansing ritual he said left him feeling like a newborn baby, after which he spent the remaining 3 hours of his trip poking holes into a block of cheese with a toothpick hoping to free its soul.

>> No.17189231

A society is already doomed if they need a junkie retarded pseud guru to tell that they should get their life in some order. I don't know what's more miserable, the amount of youth in search for some messiah or a junkie guru telling them to do the most basic shit.

>> No.17189255

It's a start. I had some friends who read him, followed his advice, and they feel better. It's obviously not enough that a private individual markets himself on social media to random kids. It should be a state-sponsored program to bring back traditional values and hierarchy, but we all know that the states have other interests right now, so the opposition is done via other channels of communication.

>> No.17189286

what traditional values? like fucking twinks in the tradition of Greeks? like disobeying with prominent philosophy of times and having spirit of rebellion to imagine alternative futures like Greeks?
also he and his followers are the most pathetic assholes driven by individualistic ideology who can't imagine striving towards the common good. the common good for them is to move in suburbs where everyone have a car and a dog while their own parental community in their hometown drowns in drug addiction, poverty and disintegration but NOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T QUESTION GOVERNMENT'S ECONOMIC POLICIES THAT'S SOMETHING THOSE BRAINDEAD LEFTISTS DO.

>> No.17189301

I guess this thread is the least appropriate place to have a reasonable discussion as people are encouraged to let off their rage, so I shall not butt in anymore.

>> No.17189311

>left him feeling like a newborn baby
Crying all night and shitting and pissing himself?

>> No.17189320

When authors write self inserts, they tend to make their biases extremely evident to everyone else.
Most of the time those biases boil down to the classic "everyone is the hero of his own story", which makes them even less tolerable for the readers.
>What character could an author write with more depth than one modeled after himself?
Literallt anyone else, that way they have to think about it.

>> No.17189328

Yes, the whiny perma ironic tend to think this way. Keep going, I’m sure irony will totally save you

>> No.17189389

I fucking hate suburbia. It is the devoid of nature, devoid of charm, devoid of soul.
It is miles long strips of 3 lane mini highways surrounded by concrete blocks with logos. These highways branch off into 2 lane roads with, you guessed it, concrete blocks with logos. Every fucking building is the same, Its 4 walls of grey with some windows that have a small rectangle horizontally layed on the bottom, a thin piece of metal, and a larger rectangular plane on top of that, some kind of trimming or protruded shape in the front with a logo on it, a flat root, and a glass door. Those 2 lane streets branch off into houses that all look like they came from the same box. The houses are 5 feet from each other, share the same lawn, and the only separation possible is with a fence. One of your neighbors got a dog? Sorry bud, your sleep is at the whims of a canine that isn't yours. Oh you just bought a $300,000 house? Give the homeowners association money so they can tell you your mailbox is crooked.
So you bought a house, you're excited, you go out to dinner to celebrate. What are your options?
oh sorry, that was artisan potato salad, better luck next time
Theres no nature, theres no animals, theres no flowers, save for the blessed few who plant some by their mailbox.
Its grass. Grass and trees. Thats fucking it, in the whole of suburbia. its those 2 things and some hedges if youre lucky.
I honestly think the accident rate is so high here because people are bored as hell driving. It would be comparable to staring at drywall, youll probably get more excitement out of drywall though.

>> No.17189773

I imagine he meant void of responsibility and consequence. Unspoilt, if you will.

>> No.17190253


>> No.17190261

my diary desu

>> No.17190349

I also despise the metropolitan suburbian hell that I reside in.

>> No.17190580
File: 4 KB, 348x216, 3CCD7A61-F4E9-4108-A34A-E0CEAEE7B046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate what my homeland is becoming.

The people of my region are kept fat and complacent by consumer goods. They spend so much of their income on this that they are forever buying goods but never able to save for a house or land. The women are systematically made to hate their culture by peer pressure and mass media and men are kept indifferent by video games and other such distractions. I have asked a few women here what they hate about the nation but the just name a city they don’t like or give a shallow reason that does not correspond to the level of hatred they display. It is clear to see that they are pawns and are coerced into hating their homeland by mass media.

Men are kept artificially divided by “football patriotism.” People feel a sense of duty not to their people or homeland but to a football club. Thus the anger of many millions of men is funnelled into something that predator capitalists can use to sell cheap Chinese made goods. This allows people to take out their anger with the current poor state of Northern England without causing damage or making lasting change. People will not connect with people from other cities as they are told by their respective clubs that these other people are their rivals who they should despise.

What makes me especially angry about the current state of the Norf is that I know it doesn’t have to be like this. These are the same people that carried out the pilgrimage of grace and the same people who’s descendants carried out the Canadian revolution. They definitely could change things if they wanted and organised and used the current political system to their advantage but they are kept distracted.

People who lived in an age before the current issues reached the point they are at now will tell you that the north used to have a strong community spirit, but that is gone now.

What is worst of all is that in classrooms across the region people are told that the people in the north were the oppressors when we were the ones who had our land salted. Historical accounts actually show that a great deal of northerners didn’t actually know that the British empire existed (read road to Wigan pier).

>> No.17190735

Fucking cocaine, it ruined multiple friendships of mine. I live in the world-capital of cocaine consumption. I don't get it. You take it and feel like a suave motherfucker for the next 30 minutes, but all it does is make you behave like an egotistical maniac. I mean, how low do you have to sink, that you can't get out without this over-hyped coffee-shot. I hate how it turns my friends into the dullest most boring people. I can't deal with all the plans you make at 3 AM and then let yourself down the next morning because you feel "hang over". Fuck you for destroying the many lives of the consumers and the destruction of my fathers home country. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.17190778

I hate technology, I hate it, and yet here I am using it, this motherfucking retarded shit, it's fucking terrible, want to do a previously simple everyday activity? Too bad nigger, go through this confusing software 10000 times until you figure out how our 90's ass website works.
I wish I could go ted, but I can't I am weak, I can't even beat my own computer, I am fucked.

>> No.17191178

based Promethean anon
we shall bring the light,
if only to those who choose to seek it

>> No.17191685

It's not all bad. I get to tell people they're wrong and listen to myself talk.

>> No.17192047

Hedges is the ultimate fake intellectual, though. His daughter is also a whore who got her job at Farley's Books in New Hope just because Chris is her dad. I worked there. His nickname is Hedge Fund. His daughter went to the Unversity of British Columbia and studied fellatio and groupthink. Fuck her and her midwit dad. He isn't qualified to smell Zizek's shit.

>> No.17192080

You are right. I live in Italy and it's the most individualistic culture I ever knew. People only care about their short term happiness. They just want to eat pasta, watch football and ignore all the problems, because as long as they are happy they don't care if the country as a whole is becoming a shithole. The political parties only offers short-term crap like earlier retirement (which will be an expense for future generations), bonuses and pardons for abusers, flat-tax ecc. Nobody seems to worry about the future, nobody is willing to make sacrifices now such as doing long-term investments in infrastructure, education and innovation or fighting corruption for real because too many people benefit from the status quo. I envy countries like Japan or Sweden where people are capable to rally under one flag for the common good.

>> No.17192085

Ok schizo boomer

>> No.17192110

You invented fascism though so you have it somewhere in you to rally under one flag again.

>> No.17192118

What would happen if every single nigger just mysteriously disappeared overnight?
Would the whole world just finally stop acting as if they were interested in the fabricated plight of a nigger? Would the day be celebrated internationally? Would economies start to boom when charity, monetary aid and welfare lost on niggers could be channeled into betterment of a nation? You can't possibly claim with a straight face that anyone would miss them.

Imagine the leftover workers from international leeching organizations like the red cross. Imagine those, who spent their lives trying to fruitlessly educate niggers in their home countries. Imagine all the piles of unnecessary books regarding some nigger pseudoscience that would finally have no excuse to exist.
We could finally focus all that brainpower and money lost on trying to pander and babysit niggers or curing ebola/AIDS to any other dream we as mankind might have. Currently it feels like we are stuck on a planet with an unevolved species that we are trying to uplift out of pity.

We are at the point where every single other ethnicity pretty much acknowledges the inferiority of a nigger, but are willing to somewhat put up with their chimpouts and annoyances:
The chinx trick niggers in their own continent to do slave labour, westerners are introducing positive discrimination to force even some niggers past the minimum requirements in the name of diversity and boosting ones moral superiority, arabs are willing to act friendly with niggers as long as they spread islam, jews befriend niggers to undermine white nations and so on.

>> No.17192152

Yes and I was wonderful until an Austrian fuck ruined everything, just like WWI broke out because an Austrian faggot died. I hate Austrians

>> No.17192161

*and it was wonderful

>> No.17192372

Fish. The only food that i refuse to eat.
How i love and quite simply, adore other delights of the sea. Prawns,mussels and even fish roe, but fish itself makes my stomach turn and the very stench of it makes my stomach heave.
It was not always this way, i had eaten (and according to my mother, even enjoyed) fish fingers in my early youth. Enter kindergarten, where i was forced to finish an absolutely revoltingly tasting fish stew, that forever destroyed my appreciation for the bounty of the sea.
I have attempted to relieve myself of this avoidance by forcing myself to eat it. Surprisingly, sometimes it tastes good. In fact, it even tastes great. Then something activates within my brain and my stomach's muscles tense up. The food starts to taste awful and i will be unable to swallow it. Defeated and shamed, i spit it on a napkin not too discreetly.
School food didn't help. Cheap pollock drenched in a vile, mango based sauce. Sometimes it was simply almonds. God forbid what psychosis had afflicted the minds of the school food board. Then there's the anchovy and potato bake, known as Janssonin kiusaus, literally meaning Jansson's temptation. It was hardly very tempting to me.
Bafflingly, i greatly enjoy gravlax. Perhaps it is the awful texture of the fish that prevents me from delighting in it.
Still, fuck fish and fuck anyone who thinks it's better than moules marinière.
I hope i die chocking on a mussel shell.

>> No.17192650

Glad you understand

>> No.17192669

You're less likely to burn down the house if you don't let McDonalds bags pile up next to the space heater.

>> No.17192725

But anon, who would steal all the bicycles and rape all the women? Latinos are hard workers but they can only pick up some of the slack. They're only human

>> No.17192982

Did you finish the book? Steppenwolf might’ve been a self insert but the point of the book was to explore the conscious and subconscious mind of the self-pitying individual and to show that there is a better way of living. Steppenwolf comes off as cringy because he is kind of supposed to...

>> No.17193027

>I live in Italy and it's the most individualistic culture I ever knew.
Get out of the South bro.
Also never travel to the USA.

>> No.17193422
File: 138 KB, 873x506, Opossum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that way about Beef Stroganoff because i caught a giant opposum one night after it had been creeping around tearing open our trash bags. I poked it with a stick until it played dead and carried if off by it's scruff. It released some sort of foul oily secretions to imitate being dead and the smell clung to me. When i went inside to eat dinner we were having Stroganoff with sauteed onions and something about the similarity in the odor of the opposum and the meal made me retch. Now i can't eat Stroganoff without smelling an opposum playing dead

>> No.17193465

>frustratedjack. Totally not an NPC

>> No.17193469

I hate that shit too just because im poor and had it too many times growimg up. Its positively revolting. Couldnt stomach it if you paid me.

>> No.17193558

Freedom, without Wisdom, undoes itself.

>> No.17193677

I fucking hate deadlines and group projects, whether it's at school or work. Deadlines tend to make me stress, and unless you magically stumble upon intelligent and/or truly motivated people, group projects just plain suck.
The combination of the two can make me sick. I once had to spend two weeks in sleep deprivation to make up for someone's incompetence and finish a work that wasn't that hard just because some punk thought it was a great idea to integrate a 'brilliant' technician (that didn't even know how to write a fucking lab report) into our academic courses.

Thanks, covid. Thanks, fucking idiots.

>> No.17193700

I feel respect for you anon. Pity as your everyday life must be hell, too.

>> No.17193732
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 13C47089-750B-40FC-AF9B-8F133E4D6694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking you need metaphysics to be a zealous tradcath
>every medieval peasant in history who looks down upon your post from the heavens divine

>> No.17193761

A female friend graduated in Law and wanted to teach as a professor. She ended up as a substitute professor in a pedagogy undergrad course (which in my country is one step above being a cook or a cleaning lady). She wanted to uplift the students and asked them to write an academic paper as an assignment. They wrote a petition asking for her removal.

>> No.17193769

good salmon is godtier

>> No.17193780

>which in my country is one step above being a cook or a cleaning lady
Pedagogues, that is. Not professors. BR btw.

>> No.17195050

I used to like it but I've started to sour on it and J.D. Salinger in general.

>> No.17195905
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>> No.17196064

Two people had sex so many years ago, a human body was gestated and birthed, and through some cosmic strangeness I am that body and must deal with it's needs, until it and I (the same thing?) drops dead, and it's as if it never happened at all. Well, what was the fucking point? Human embodiment requires literal constant effort to maintain. You must feed and drink and seek warmth and shelter, which in your culture requires money which means working a job which means going to school and getting trained and educated to sell your labour to trade for shit your body needs to keep the whole fucking charade going as if you're toiling to sustain the very thing that brings about your misery in the first place. And it's not enough - the body has more needs, and more desires, and it's fucking endless. Sexual, social, existential, goals, hopes, dreams, desires - it is not enough to simply maintain homeostasis. And when all your needs are satisfied are you delivered over to bliss and euphoria? No. You're just directly confronted with the inherent emptiness and lack of life without an end or aim - boredom, ennui, restlessness. You must invent shit to absorb to your mind into, to escape this confrontation. You must find timesinks and hobbies and interests, shit to keep you occupied. And you grind this out for so many decades, maybe find a girl and spit out a few more sufferers to keep you company, and then you fucking die.

Like, fuck off.

>> No.17196078

Nice rant, retard.

>> No.17196172

Dear Procrastination,

Verily fuck you.


P.S. Fuck you some more you fucking parasitic condition which subsists on active non-engagement yet is nonetheless draining because it takes mental effort to put aside the opportunity cost of being a time-wasting fuckhead.

P.S.S. Fuck you some more, cunt.

>> No.17196702

Said like a true narcissist.

>> No.17196711

Fuck jannies

>> No.17196713

Just remember, you're here forever

>> No.17196724
File: 377 KB, 645x773, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find 4chan as a teenager
>see this post
>"Just remember, you're here forever."
>lmao that's pretty funny
>10 years have passed

>> No.17196734

you guys on lit have the worst taste.
I said it.
You just want to read books that are barely comprehensible and pretend to have a profound opinion on them to impress strangers on the internet.
Or maybe I'm just an autist who likes Sci/fi Fantasy too much.

Either way, fuck you.

>> No.17196745

But why though

>> No.17196757

Me Bukowski. Me shit on toilet. He he. Me write poem about whore. Smoke. Smoke. Life shit. Pussy good. He He.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.17196775
File: 61 KB, 888x894, 1591621888065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...women, am I right?

>> No.17196813
File: 1017 KB, 220x254, 1609104485086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too much information. I can't read fast enough or retain enough of what I read. As a kid I was led down the wrong path, resulting in a botched education. As an adult I realize how far I am behind, not the average person, but those with potential to change the world. It's hopeless and I'm too broken to fix.

>> No.17198092


>> No.17198139


>> No.17198213

I had to stop reading Steppenwolf because I was losing my identity in the character.

>> No.17198703

I got off here for a few months last year. I returned because the other websites are complete shit, the time I wasted on 4chan was then wasted on other shittier places. The only escape from this place is replacing online entertainment with real world activities, but everything is online now so there's no escape. Stress leads to procrastination leads to more stress and it never ends. I'll get out of here some day.

>> No.17199300

i hate women
u hate women
women love women
i hate women^2

>> No.17199497


>> No.17199526

Why did it have such an effect on you?

>> No.17199679
File: 8 KB, 225x225, fiend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I hear is the demonic screeching of seagulls and the cawing of crows in this neighbourhood, never any beautiful birdsong. It is as if when the immigrants moved in beauty itself moved out, and now all I have is noise. When I go outside I see trash littered everywhere because these fiends tear into every garbagecan they can reach, and I'm pretty sure the local immigrant pizza place feed them.

You have no idea how much this bothers me. I genuinely think this has affected my mental health.