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17196683 No.17196683 [Reply] [Original]

Why are physical books so much more superior to e-readers?
Booklet consoomers need not apply

>> No.17196730

I honestly can't think of a single reason.
E-books are superior in every way it seems... damn.

>> No.17196759

I'M FUCIING POOR ANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17196785

I really wanted one for a minute, and I'm really happy I didn't get one. Just another battery to charge. Just like when I want to take a shit and my cigarette is dead.

>> No.17196797
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>Can comfortably read in any position with ereader
>Don't have to move heavy boxes of books whenever I move house
>Can read in any lighting condition
>No books taking up space in my house
>No more lugging a heavy ass book around in my backpack and damaging it in the process
>No more hoping the book shop has what I am looking for
If you feel the constant need to show off what you're reading or to have a bookshelf in your house so you can show off how much of a big brain you are, then you do that, I guess.

>> No.17196808

>can eat the bugs whenever I want
>pod doesn't take up any space
>you will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.17196862
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>you will own nothing and you will be happy
Unironically true. Minimalism is top tier. Enjoy consooming and being owned by your possessions.

>> No.17196867


>> No.17196870

Based and reset pilled.

>> No.17196874

because we're human beings, we like to touch and hold nice things. we're already being dehumanized, why stare at another screen if i don't have to.

>> No.17196899

>free books
>easy access to rare and obscure books
>easy highlighting and note-taking
>actually increases retention

>> No.17196918

The difference between reading print on paper and electronic ink isn't that big.

>> No.17196934

>we like to touch and hold nice things
E-readers are physical objects.

>> No.17196941

e-ink isn't really a screen per se. kinda the whole point of them anon

>> No.17196951

You will never be a real book. You have no imprint, you have no paper, you have no binding. You are a series of hot electrical impulses twisted by slave-mined lithium, shitty ARM processors and DRM into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.

>> No.17196966
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>you will never be a real tablet

>> No.17196974

Paper is just a poor man's imitation of parchment. Real books are hand written.

>> No.17197000

You, soon:
>i can fuck my robot whenever i want
>no need for human interaction
>think of the savings
>no risk of actually breeding
>science says it's actually more pleasurable

>> No.17197032

you will never be a spoken oral story

>> No.17197065
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you will never be an interpretive dance

>> No.17197344

OP is a sign-posting codefag

>> No.17197773

>imagine paying for digital books

>> No.17197984


>> No.17198041

Go back ESL

>> No.17198058

I like the smell of book paper, and some book paper have edges that feel nice to touch.

>> No.17198162


This + Dictionary

>> No.17198224

Best part honestly. Helped my language learning immensely.

>> No.17198840

I do like physical paperbacks because they tend to be cheaper and I grew up in that era when apple said you didn't technically own the music you bought from them so I'm autistic about having physical copies of stuff, however, the dictionary function on ereaders is seeming more and more tempting

>> No.17198920

For me is:
I have the books at my disposal and are a constant environment thing that push me to read
Having the books around me with its different covers made me want to read at least on chapter each day.
I tend to be very practical with money and I don't like worrying about things. So if I lose or damage a book, no big deal. But with an ereader can lose all my books in once.
I have a large house and space isn't a thing I worry about.
If I were a college student or a poor guy I would surely use the ereader.

>> No.17199110

Enjoy your soulless home

>> No.17199137

There is no evidence that they are superiour. But people with soul will always prefer real books regardless.

>> No.17199149

>But people with soul will always prefer real books regardless.
Isn't that by itself evidence enough?

>> No.17199178

No, its just an unprovable assertion I irrationally believe.

>> No.17199201

I prefer physical books but e-readers are more practical.

I personally use both.

>> No.17199231

imagine being so (((conditioned))) you believe you need to buy commercial products

>> No.17199237

>commercial products

God you're stupid. Are you american?

>> No.17199246

I buy regular books but then read the e-version so I don't ruin the books.

>> No.17199254

minimalism encourages building yourself and buying used, unless you literally conflate youtuber tier "minimalism" as minimalism whole, the only alternative I see to minimalism is buying new things and using your purchases as a form of self expression which is truly tragic, the idea that your home doesn't have a soul because it's got used items, homemade items and no items that don't serve a purpose is really sad

>> No.17199266


Nobody is saying that your home doesn't have soul because you buy used

>> No.17199267
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Minimalism is the only way to live a fulfilling life.

>> No.17199281

this person said >>17199110 in response to a post about minimalism being top tier and you don't need possessions to be happy that minimalism and having no possessions means your home is soulless

>> No.17199287

Minimalists are the vegans of interior decorating

>> No.17199289

they're not contributing to climate change and have strong morals?

>> No.17199292

should say contributing as much

>> No.17199306

No you retard

I said it's soulless without possessions. You can fill it up with lots of second-hand stuff and give it soul

I think it's time you stop posting

>> No.17199312

Being frugal and focusing on solving problems starting within your inner self rather than material things
Spending money frivolously in an attempt to fill your sense of emptiness and “buy meaning”

>> No.17199315

so the thing that gives a home a soul is material possessions?

>> No.17199319


They keep yapping about how happy they are when they're obviously never seem happy

>> No.17199321

It sounds like you're referring to something more akin to the arts-and-crafts movement (basically DIY, make use out of raw or used goods, become skilled enough to make what you need and express yourself) than minimalism (make do with as little as possible).

Minimalism today has also morphed into almost pure consumerism - its adherents try to own very little, which is fine, but they also compensate by buying disposable or consumable goods from others. They buy their meals instead of having a set of pots and pans and plates. They buy ready built items instead of having a set of tools to use. It's almost entirely consumerism at that point, as the 'minimalist' can afford to just buy whatever they want/need when they want/need it, and dispose of it when they're done. Outside of the actually destitute, we don't see the ascetic Diogenes-like minimalism that is actually anti-consumerism today (and the actually destitute usually have a shopping cart with a bunch of stuff in it anyways).

>> No.17199334


Fill your home with stuff that tells a story and show a person of rich inner life lives there.

Or you know, live in a grey box. Up to you.

>> No.17199358

I love to own a lot of stuff. It helps feeling the void. I'm a libertarian and free thinker even if I voted for Trump (a president that is even more big government than Obama). I hate snowflakes but don't join my proud boys facebook group if you're not a proud boy, only us are allowed there (it's not a safe space I swear).

>> No.17199391

Heres a nutritionist going over the research showing plant based/vegan is best for psychological wellbeing and depression if you don't want to read it theres a 5 minute youtube video as well - I don't care about your opinion on if they're happy especially if their research showing you're wrong, that being said I kind of get your point about minimalism and vegans, when people constantly mention how happy they are it does seem fake and like they're trying to convince themselves, that being said the fact is vegans are happier and switching to a plant based diet will make you happier

>>Minimalism today has also morphed into almost pure consumerism - its adherents try to own very little, which is fine, but they also compensate by buying disposable or consumable goods from others. They buy their meals instead of having a set of pots and pans and plates. They buy ready built items instead of having a set of tools to use. It's almost entirely consumerism at that point, as the 'minimalist' can afford to just buy whatever they want/need when they want/need it, and dispose of it when they're done. Outside of the actually destitute, we don't see the ascetic Diogenes-like minimalism that is actually anti-consumerism today (and the actually destitute usually have a shopping cart with a bunch of stuff in it anyways).
could not agree more, it wasn't always like this then minimalism became a sort of aesthetic trait instead of a trait based on a set of beliefs - if you look up minimalism online it's all super expensive shit that has no additional functionality
that makes sense, sorry I was a bit abrasive but I see it as the less you have the more it shows you as a person, if I have 5 physical books and the rest digital I think that shows more about "me" than if I had all physical since theres prioritization

>> No.17199392

I enjoy the aesthetic experience of handling books, but apart from that, ebooks are superior in every way. The only physical books I buy are ones that either aren't available digitally, are particularly beautiful or nice to handle, or certain reference books in which manually flipping forward and backward is easier/more fun than typing in search boxes.

>> No.17199422

What research shows vegans are happier?

>> No.17199455

oh fuck me I forgot to link it here

A nutritionist breaks down all the research and links to sources if you find his voice annoying like I do theres a transcript underneath

>> No.17199485
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If you have unlimited money and space and don't ever need to travel then yes they're superior.

>> No.17199575
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Only advantage of having a physical book over an e-book is if you're studying a particular subject or text. Meaning that you need to go back and forward between chapters/topics.

There is no other reason.

>> No.17199590

Agreed. I much prefer ebooks. I feel trapped by possessions if I own more than I can fit into a medium-sized suitcase, so I'd never want to start hauling around physical books.

>> No.17199720

agree, though highlighting as you go then having a digital file can be very useful

>> No.17199749

how tf you weren't able to move back and forward between chapters in an ebook? Are you retarded?

>> No.17199762

he means because it's much easier and feels nicer to flip back and forwardi nbook vs ebook

>> No.17199766

EReader is better but books are great for presents and background decor

>> No.17199784

yeah true. Especially for books with lots of formulas or graphs which usually do not render very nicely on the e-reader

>> No.17199796

>>17199784When it comes to graphs etc I just load the epub on my PC, copy+paste and other nice digital features but can also be flipped through easy etc

>> No.17200786
File: 57 KB, 990x948, Screenshot_2021-01-04 How Much Of Your Reading Is On Paper Versus Ebook .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Much Of Your Reading Is On Paper Versus Ebook?

>> No.17200825

90% real books for me, with the 10% coming when I'm traveling.

However, 50% of my reading is on screens, but just isn't of books.

>> No.17200870

I wrote the poll with books alone or at least pleasure reading in mind, not news or academic articles.

>> No.17200962

That's not a vegan diet you dingus

>> No.17200977

That is austerity cope because nips went full Tai Lopez in the 1980s and destroyed their economy. Japan is also a terrible example in this regard because they have draconian copyright laws and almost everyone owns large amounts of physical media

>> No.17200990

Is that why Japs have tiny apartments but things like manga shops and merch are thriving?

>> No.17201002

I still prefer physical books but being able to look up words so easily is a fucking huge advantage

>> No.17201527

empty sterotype