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17190771 No.17190771 [Reply] [Original]

So I spent $200 on a book that just tells me I’m a basedboy brainlet for reading instead of spending that time working out?

>> No.17190786
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>spending $200 on a book

>> No.17190802

>paying for a physical book whose author is currently deceased

>> No.17190807

how did you spend 200 dollars? i got this book for free online in pdf.

>> No.17190818

even if i bought the physical book, i dont think it would cost 200. did you get a special addition of some kind?

>> No.17190826

isnt the shit out of print

>> No.17190841

The book is out of print and the run in English wasn't very long. Thus the leftover copies are more collectors editions than anything else and so the price has fluctuated to roughly 200 bucks a pop. The majority of people on /lit/ who have read it got it from libgen. The book is more an essay anyway, I'd hate to pay 200 bucks for like 40 pages.

>> No.17190878

I get it’s a waste of money but my mom was literally forcing me to come up with a list of Christmas presents and this was one of the few things I could think of that I wanted that I wouldn’t be able to easily ask for at a different time of the year. I know I could just read the pdf online very easily but I prefer to read physical books.

>> No.17190882

Is it? maybe in america. I just went on amazon and found a paperback for less than 10 bucks

>> No.17190887

should have asked for a prostitute or something

>> No.17190896


>> No.17190900

You didnt need anything but since mommy was paying you thought why doesnt she waste 200?? Actual zoomer

>> No.17190912

Should have asked for a weight set and SS if you were gonna have em' blow 200 bucks. Mishima would have written a 20 page essay about how fucking stupid you were.

>> No.17190917

CarThulePub sells it for a normal price

>> No.17190919

She’s the one that made me come up with a list, she told me I had to spend at least $400.

>> No.17190937

I bought mine for 12.99 when the /fit/ meme began. Junger suffers from this sort of markup as well.


>> No.17191003

it is in my language so it's not gonna be useful for you sorry
weird that it is out of print. is it a dangerous book for americans?

>> No.17191027

No. It just talks about the dichotomy of the mind and body. It’s an interesting read, but it’s not useful to people who never work out and most people that work out never read. So it has a small target market.

>> No.17191325

It also functions as a coda for confessions of a mask

>> No.17191332

>I quit the most badass sport in college to read more books
god kill me kill me kill me kill me

>> No.17192193

>He bought a rare copy and not the copy that was republished early last year


>> No.17192313

>the only way to read a book is to buy it physically, even if you've never read it before and have no idea if you'll like it or not

holy fucking retards, batman

>> No.17192343

Go apologize to your mother.
Holy shit you are comically spoiled.

>> No.17192642

Wow. I appreciate Indie publishers doing stuff like this even if email is obnoxious but their name and Twitter page is so fucking cringe. Why does everything even overtly right wing have to be co-opted by by either morons or shitposting autists and dorky internet meme culture?

>> No.17192842

Who cares? The book is there, it's cheap.

>> No.17194273

You could have spent $150 on a Kindle Paperwhite and pirated the book for free, you loser

>> No.17195765

True. I just think optics matter and they’re not good. It de-legitimizes good authors because it reduces them to internet meme culture.

>> No.17195805

I like physical copies but I wouldn’t spend more than 30$+ on it even then

Also you should lift as much as you read

>> No.17195845

>Why does everything even overtly right wing have to be co-opted by by either morons or shitposting autists and dorky internet meme culture?
hahahahaha! because it's overtly right wing

>> No.17195861


>> No.17196295

just go to the gay bar and have a good time. stop reading this bullshit and come out of the closet already you fucking faggot

>> No.17196355

I could have told you you are stupid faggot for just 100.

>> No.17196417

how can anyone even comprehend the beginning of this book? he's trying VERY hard to get you to perceive words exactly the way he does and its confusing as shit

>> No.17197764

Fuck optics. People who want to get the book will get it anyway, even if it were sold by clowns.
>It de-legitimizes good authors because it reduces them to internet meme culture.
Welcome to the 21st century.

>> No.17197867

Kys yourself you disgusting fucking zoomer

>> No.17197907

this must be the first translation you've ever read
translations are unreadable, especially of works by someone from a completely different culture

>> No.17197935

Why would you do that literally just use a pdf and a printer

>> No.17197952

read the thread before posting faggot
OP is still gay for his reasons tho

>> No.17197978

lmao, he is obviously right.