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/lit/ - Literature

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17190181 No.17190181 [Reply] [Original]

Most /lit/ hobbies (aside from reading of course)? For me, it's /chess/

>> No.17190189
File: 53 KB, 363x303, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-76052-0335,_Schacholympiade,_Tal_(UdSSR)_gegen_Fischer_(USA)_Crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also rate Bobby's personal library
>Fischer's library contained antisemitic and racist literature such as Mein Kampf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The White Man's Bible and Nature's Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen, founder of the World Church of the Creator.[436][437][438] A notebook written by Fischer contains sentiments such as "12/13/99 It's time to start randomly killing Jews".

>> No.17190201

writing music
working out to keep your mind sharp

>> No.17190255

Based and redpilled of course

>> No.17190608

Probably writing.

>> No.17190618

I also hunt during hunting season
I very much want to start mountain climbing but I haven’t done that yet

>> No.17190627

nice blogposts faggots
/lit/ hobbies....not your own personal hobbies. Are youfucking illiterate?

>> No.17190632

I like to LARP with my D&D group

>> No.17190642

Masturbating in the horror section od the library

>> No.17190643
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Nabakov and Richard Rorty collected butterflies.

>> No.17190647

I wanted to add "reading the news" but I don't know if there's a word for it and yes, it's a lit occupation.

>> No.17190648

Fucking male prostitutes

>> No.17190650

nobody plays chess seriously anymore you shit for brains

>> No.17190667
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Fishing, and specifically fly fishing, is a contemplative pursuit that is condusive to the literary life.

>ted Hughes busy fishing when he wasn't driving his wives to suicide

>> No.17190675
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>t. retard who can't play chess.

>> No.17190679

Writing is too obvious an answer. It's just the inverse of reading. I'd go with music, especially violin.

>> No.17190680
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I remember getting banned once because I started a thread about chess.

>> No.17190686
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pipe smoking

>> No.17190698

my fucking watch could beat the greatest grandmaster you can come up with.

>> No.17190701


>> No.17190708
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>> No.17190713

Literally not true and proves that you know nothing about chess and chess engines.

>> No.17190717
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More Heroin

>> No.17190720

tranny porn

>> No.17190727

Opium and laudunum seem more romantic

>> No.17190731

i know that the era of chess ended in 97

>> No.17190741

working out
learning languages
waste my time on the internet

>> No.17190768
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Walking, Hiking, Flânerie.......ooooooh "psychogeography"

>> No.17190788

based beyond measure

>> No.17190793

>Chess engines are better than humans.
This doesn't mean anything for human competition. We are still able to create fascinating and unique games over the chess board. Engines have perhaps devalued top-level competition a bit because all the players use them for opening preparation, but top-level games remain fascinating, and chess is only growing.
But for the patzer or the intermediate-level player, it doesn't make much of a difference.
>era of chess ended in '97
First of all, Kasparov's loss to Deep Blue was a fluke. He won the first match, and could have won the second, if he didn't choose to make an "anti-computer" move that was a blunder. Garry thought that a computer would never sacrifice a piece for the attacking initiative because chess computers had a reputation for being materialistic in those days. Kasparov purposefully played a blunder, thinking that Deep Blue wouldn't find the Knight sacrifice, but it did, and eventually he lost.
Secondly, chess is still growing today, so no, it didn't "end".

>> No.17190796

Sure, like professional running ended with the invention of the automobile and weightlifting stopped when we invented cranes. You cretin.

>> No.17190800
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>Excersise going to the gym working out etc

most literary figures are not fit and avoid physical exercise like the plague.
....and yes i know fit authors exist, but they're in the minority

>> No.17190810

it ended its mystery.

>> No.17190813


>> No.17190816

>Le mystery
Instead of moving the goalpost, try moving some pieces on the board. Your grey matter will be thankful

>> No.17190821

I am playing the organ and I enjoy teaching in a private institution for higher daughters.

>> No.17190832


>> No.17190846

Well obviously they posted their hobbies because they felt they're /lit/ related. Why must you be so literal, anon?

>> No.17190862

You're really stupid. We can't use engines when we play -- how does it "end the mystery"?

>> No.17190868

>all hedonistic activities embraced by atheists

>> No.17190869

this isn't /soc/

>> No.17190886

tolstoy and nabakov were indeed chess enthusiasts

>> No.17190902

If you think writing is just the inverse of reading you’re probably not very good at either.

>> No.17190909

translation seems to be a particularly literary hobby, especially with poets.

>> No.17190915

This. Dandy shit.

>> No.17190930

If they posted "Organ playing is a /lit/ hobby" you would've been fine but posting "I play organ which I think is /lit/" is not ok, do you see how stupid that sounds?

>> No.17190943

Fuck off.

>> No.17190964

go back to facebook

>> No.17190984

its arrogant. "i do XYZ therefore its a literary pastime because im a literary figure" when you I and both know that most of the cunts on post2016/lit/ don't even read.

>> No.17190996

So your critique is thinly veiled jealousy on your part?