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/lit/ - Literature

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17188937 No.17188937 [Reply] [Original]

Are e-readers the ultimate red pill?

Truly the next evolution in reading, before we are able to just download info straight into the brain.

>> No.17189291

yeah they are good, but still limited by shitty hardware/software(at least that's how I feel) because I think these are niche gadgets and also normalfaggots can't into pirating things
I'd say it's up to preference, but before getting an e-reader, I read maybe 1-2 books a year, now I'm reading a lot, mostly fiction, though
don't see the point of books if you upload them to your brain directly

>> No.17189348
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>normalfaggots can't into pirating things

>> No.17189358

We still need a fast screen refreshing and high resolution e-ink technology so we can read pdf on them.

>> No.17189945

I'm surprised e-reader and e-book sales have sort of plateaued in recent years, because in my mind, they're just objectively better than paper books. The built-in dictionary and search functions alone are god tier, and I don't feel like I can live without them anymore when reading.

My guess is that everybody who is maybe open to e-readers has already bought one, and those who are hesitant will remain hesitant unless they're forced to try it at this point. Maybe if some rich school districts start issuing e-reader to its K-12 kids, and they get a foot-hold in the education system, that will get the market to expand again.

>> No.17189968

They are very good for some things (short to midsized novels) but fail miserably for longer text books or works of non-fiction, and make me go crazy in novels with more than 650 pages, as it feels like I am not making any progress.

Watching my mother pay 11.99 for an ebook causes me physical pain. I beg her to just submit books she wants to me, but she told me she couldnt use 'high tec' stuff like calibre. Luckily a nice librarian installed overdrive for her.

Also, I have to assume you are a shill if you think current ebook costs dont justify pirating.

>> No.17189971
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I've been thinking of getting an ereader for a few years now. Are they really worth it? I like the idea of e-ink, and I like the idea of a little device I can take everywhere. Also it seems like it'd be nice to use in bed (with the blue filter).

>> No.17189978

Name one (1) reason to use an ereader over ReadEra on a smartphone or a tablet that even remotely justifies buying another device

I will wait.

>> No.17189986

>They are very good for some things (short to midsized novels) but fail miserably for longer text books or works of non-fiction, and make me go crazy in novels with more than 650 pages, as it feels like I am not making any progress.
It's that they're only good for certain types of books, not for every kind of book. Plus the fact that real books can't be altered or deleted.

>> No.17189992


>> No.17189994

My kindle touch lasted from 2011 until two months ago. I read probably 480ish books on it for free in that time. The battery lasts for months, and when i travel its far better than bringing 4-5 400 page books.

Every person here knows what it means to sit on your couch with a phone. The distractions, the tendency to page flip, the desire to throw your phone across the room. Push notifications. Battery life. This is not how I read. Fuck phones and fuck phone addicts. An offline e-ink reader is exactly like a book, and the new ones have great reference features.

>> No.17189999

because lcd screens are shit for long-term reading. especially on a tiny little phone. the difference in readability with a properly sized e-ink screen will be enormous.

>> No.17190017
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Tell me more. I use a tablet for reading non-fiction books and sheet music. It's really good for that, but I'm thinking of getting an e-reader for fiction. Tablets are really shit for reading novels but are excellent for textbooks and that sort of thing.

I have no social media on my tablet. I also usually have it on aeroplane mode. It's easy to not have distractions. However, I'll never understand people who read on their phones. That seems absolutely fucking insane to me

>> No.17190022

As long as you can pirate.
Once that option ceases to exist with the erosion of free internet they'll be worth nothing. I will never pay money for an ebook.

>> No.17190041

>don't see the point of books if you upload them to your brain directly

it could be like having a poem memorised, except with perfect recall in all aspects, as the whole and in the specific.

i agree that ereader tech is currently pretty shit on all fronts. it's fine, but it's not as good as it could be. perhaps because they last so long there's no major incentive for innovation like with phones. kindle upgrades are very minor.

>> No.17190042

>he doesn't know he can use his phone offline

>he doesn't know lcd isn't the standard for displays anymore

>tiny little phone
sure but what about tablets
also a kindle is barely bigger than a regular smartphone

I am not even trying to shill the app, I just use it and have liked it ever since due to having all necessary features for free. Just try it out, it reads p much every file

>> No.17190052

this was in reply to you >>17189291 btw

>> No.17190090

>no glare
>lighting that doesn't cause eye strain
>not taking up space on my phone with the quintillion books I'm reading at any given time
>nicer to hold, if you have one with buttons it's also nice to have that little bit of tactile feedback when you turn the page

>> No.17190101

got a kindle for Christmas, i am loving it a lot it's helping me a lot with my entrepreneurial journey at 22. i can highlight pages easy, it can go days without needing being charged, it's small and light weight, you can change the font of your books.
honestly you only get physical for the novalty, or if you really admire a certain book or it's author to the point you want a physical copy. but just take the ebookreader and libgen pill and you will be sorted.

>> No.17190107
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If you're a poorfag I guess, but if you have any money and you're using an e-reader you are soulless

>> No.17190112

>also a kindle is barely bigger than a regular smartphone

It's also about the dimensions of the e-reader, though. Smartphones are thin, and have a lot of wrap-around text. A 6" smartphone and 6" Kindle just aren't going to be formatted the same. E-readers are basically the dimensions of a mass-market paperbook, so they're very easy to read on, and transition to.

>> No.17190114

it's nice and lightweight, and it's just for books so you don't get distracted to use it for anything else.
phones are to distracting as they allow you to use them for other things.
you could say you are going to use readera but then you could concvince yourself to go onto youtube or the internet,etc and loose your focus.
an ereader is for nothing but books so you can't get distracted by other dumb things

>> No.17190125

if you only buy physical books to show them off you're soulless as well
it's almost like the point of books is not the exterior but the content

>> No.17190127

yeah i'm pretty more on the poorfag side, but you can take a whole library with you on planes or on trains, etc while you travel so again e-readers have their use that physicals can't keep up with.

>> No.17190140

>>no glare
good display, anti-glair foil for literally 10 bucks
>>lighting that doesn't cause eye strain
night mode
>>not taking up space on my phone with the quintillion books I'm reading at any given time
sure having a second device sure is more convenient than having enough space one the device you use anyways. a book takes up less than 1MB usually
>>nicer to hold, if you have one with buttons it's also nice to have that little bit of tactile feedback when you turn the page

I like how all responses are from people who obviously have never tried it or who have absolutely no idea how to use a phone.

>> No.17190143

I know it's cool to hate on the botnet but Kindle's highlighting feature is extremely convenient, I can just pick sections I like and they will be there in my Amazon notebook page for easy copypasting.

>> No.17190145


The biggest problem I've noticed with digital is that even with multiple monitors, writing a paper with more than 5 articles or books is a pain in the ass. I print out every article for this reason as well. A digital file is just a two dimensional image, and there is only so much space that can be taken up (unless I had something like 9 monitors, it would be hard to keep track of as many texts as if I just had two desks)

The spatiality of physical books is the most important aspect, as is the low tech nature of them. I don't enjoy feeling that I am required to be plugged into the matrix. The three dimensional nature of books qua pagination and the sensory olfactory attributes of books have shown in some studies to significantly aid in reading comprehension. And if I want to read by incandescent or oil lamp lighting I can do that with a physical book, I can't with a computer or tablet. Actually given that we are talking about tablets and not monitors and computers, it makes even less sense, even if you are poor, to purchase an e-reader. Get a used desktop for $20 off ebay and cheapo $50 monitors for the same price, and you'll have a lot more real estate than an e-reader. It's still not enough space for serious work though

>> No.17190149

You don't need to be a vagrant if you own your own house

>> No.17190152

>you could say you are going to use readera but then you could concvince yourself to go onto youtube or the internet,etc and loose your focus.
here buy this device to make up for your attention span that is worse than a 12-year-old's

>> No.17190159

I find it hilarious that some people post this without realizing how vain and superficial they sound while calling others soulless.

>> No.17190162

The appearance of an object is the only way that it can be presented to us, digital appearances are metaphysically transitory and have only a simulacral standing

>> No.17190164
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ITT we post things that paper book virgins will never be able to do. I'll start:

Read in the dark

>> No.17190165

you can have books in your home, but it helps to get even more reading in when you are not at home or if you travel a lot because of work, or other reasons.

>> No.17190170

You're poor and coping if you would trade that room for your $20 Amazon cuck-cage tablet, it's not being vain, it's not consuming copium.

>> No.17190188

nobody's coping, bro. But if you want to walk across the room and climb a fucking ladder every time you want to start reading some old, dusty ass book, go for it.

>> No.17190190

I have a home library, e-readers are better if you actually care about reading, referencing text, looking up notes and word definitions, etc. Real books are better if you want to leaf between pages but that's a very minor advantage.
Anything else like "feeling a book's weight" is pretentious garbage.

>> No.17190193
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>the Chad alpine swiss rolling briefcase vs the virgin Kindle Fire

>> No.17190203

Yes, I do want to walk across the room. I do not want to be stuck in a wagie cage next to my screen consooming and unable to move

>> No.17190205

>would rather carry a brick over a stone slab

>> No.17190221

it's been a lifechanger for me, best purchase i've ever made

>> No.17190238

>and make me go crazy in novels with more than 650 pages, as it feels like I am not making any progress.
why? ive read longer books on an ereader no problem. it's actually a plus not having to balance a heavy ass book while im reading

>> No.17190242

despite your supposed home library, your vocabulary is quite limited
will you bring up any good reasons as to why e-readers are bad or will you just keep being emotional and regurgitate buzzwords?
it's just a preference still some of you get real weird about this(on both sides)

>> No.17190251

>has saved images of "/lit/ bookshelfs" on his computer

>> No.17190257

>I like how all responses are from people who obviously have never tried it or who have absolutely no idea how to use a phone.
ah yea all those people on 4chan in 2021 who haven't had much experience with using a smartphone
some day you'll use an ereader and cringe at what a doofus you used to be

>> No.17190260

>criticizing the omnipresent surveillance consoomer neo-capitalist state is not big word enough for the /lit/ pseud
You got filtered son

>> No.17190270

>fetichizing products to the extent that you go out of your way to spend hilarious ammounts of money to build an aesthetic library so you can pretend you're some sort of image of an intelectual is somehow resisting capitalism
>meanwhile pirating books is consoomerism

>> No.17190276

Some people can't engage with words at all and derive pleasure from gamifying reading, they "enjoy" the process of balancing a book because it's the only thing engaging their senses.

>> No.17190282

I wouldn't know, I'm using a kobo with no wi-fi in sight, no way to tamper with my product, I suspect it's the same with kindle, though
keep clinging to your false superiority, son

>> No.17190288
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>misunderstands that the critique of capitalism is founded primarily on the extraction of surplus value by global Capital and is not a critique of materialism nor even necessarily of commodity fetishism

You will buy the e-reader
You will get in the pod
You will eat the bugs
You will own nothing, and you will be happy

>> No.17190287
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>> No.17190292

Do you even realize how idiotic you sound? Go back to /leftypol/.

>> No.17190295

Ok, but you're not reading in the dark, you're reading from the only source of light in the room, your e-reader. Without any other ambient light, you harm your eyes.

>> No.17190300

You shouldn't be doing that at all.

>> No.17190303

>>misunderstands that the critique of capitalism is founded primarily on the extraction of surplus value by global Capital and is not a critique of materialism nor even necessarily of commodity fetishism
what the fuck am i even reading

>> No.17190304

I have borrowed a kindle for several books and a tolino for 2 or so. I get it that they are nice at what they do but like I said, if you have basic knowledge on how to properly operate a tablet or a phone there is no reason for me to carry around another device.
>ah yea all those people on 4chan in 2021 who haven't had much experience with using a smartphone
like the ones who don't know what displays are common, the ones who never thought of turning their phone to flight mode or use night mode
said the guy who paid money on a piece of trash. Seriously if you get paper books that's something I understand. You are just going full on defensive on your shitty purchase though

>> No.17190317

>You're poor and coping if you would trade that room for your $20 Amazon cuck-cage tablet
it looks nice and also impractical as hell
i've got money and i'm never going back to paper books
i have an enormous bookshelf and i can hardly force myself to read a paper book after using an ereader

>> No.17190328

Onyx boox max lumi

>> No.17190334

source on this?

>> No.17190359

>if you have basic knowledge on how to properly operate a tablet or a phone there is no reason for me to carry around another device
a tablet is another device
>the ones who never thought of turning their phone to flight mode
what's the point of having a phone if i have it turned off for hours at a time during my waking hours every day?
>You are just going full on defensive on your shitty purchase though
nah. i paid $20 for it, if i didn't love it i just wouldn't use it. i'm not being hyperbolic when i say it's the best purchase i've made in my life.

i don't care if you like using your phone better though, that's cool. the only good argument i think you're making is that it's nice to not carry another device. just had to reply to you because you're being such a doucher.

>> No.17190371
File: 8 KB, 299x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more books and media with white characters and people exist in the world
>a small number of black books exist

how dare they!!!!

>> No.17190375

>he pretends he turns his phone off to read to respond to a criticism

>> No.17190384

t. 20 something

My wife bought me an e-reader due to the size of my library

>> No.17190385
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15 years from now I will be introducing my library to my kids, showing them my favourite books, letting them take some and read them. And I will actually remember reading those very books and referring to them and owning them through the years of my life. Which is, overall, an experience totally absent for the CONSOOM AMAZON KINDLE people.

And at an even more profound level, it's about self-sufficiency. With a Kindle you are depending on so many other people and things to be able to read your books. And many of those things are not trustworthy or reliable, and you shouldn't put your trust in them, certainly not on a long time scale. Whereas my books are mine until the goons literally break down my door and take them off to be burned. Which is a long time after Amazon bans your account for noncompliance and lobbies the government to shut down Project Gutenberg and Calibre or whatever, and makes you pay a monthly fee to unbrick your Kindle, and so on.

>> No.17190407

>t. 20 something
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? I can't imagine coming on 4chan after my 20s. Hell I can't even imagine still being here at 27-28. This website is for like 18-25 years old. After that...dude, it's time to grow up.

>> No.17190410

It's not about black people anon, it's about indoctrinating children. Kamala Harris does not care about black people

>> No.17190411

Or just don't be a retard and leave it in offline mode, you can easily transfer files through USB.

>> No.17190412

you might as well chastise people for not using typewriters anymore over digital keyboards while you are at it.

>> No.17190415

High IQ post, vast majority of literature has not been digitized

>> No.17190419

never seen this word used as a synonym for 'schizo' before

>> No.17190421

I'm 28 and have no desire to buy real books anymore (unless they don't have an ebook version) now that I have an objectively superior tool.

>> No.17190427

Not typewriters, but you should encourage people to write by hand in notebooks rather than typing up their manuscript in Word for the same reason as he has already illustrated

>> No.17190447

Can you name one reason why I should buy a LCD smartphone or tablet over an E Ink device?

>> No.17190455

>vast majority of literature has not been digitized
This. And it never will be either. And much of what is digitized, is low quality scans that are unreadable on an e-reader. Actual e-books that can be formatted correctly comprise a negligible slice of literature. Why is this point always overlooked in this debate? It seems pretty crucial.

>> No.17190458

>Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
the point is you've recently been living with mom and dad, with roommates, in a college dorm, with very little money and moving every year or so and you think that it'd be so nice to have your own space to settle down with a library. you're projecting like crazy.
a lot of us that have had money and our own places for a while still prefer ereaders and wouldn't want that library because it's less practical.

>> No.17190463

>evolution in reading
lol what, you must be new

>> No.17190465
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okay that's fair and justified if it's just about indoctrination and shitty politicians i can get behind that.
it's just there is rarely any media with black people, that is more than just stereotypes, or making the black character lame, or a token character. and when there is any some people immediately attack it when there is like literally a vast majority more media with white heroes and characters than black characters.
if your white or Asian you literally are spoiled with choice to find good media with characters and stories with people like you. if you are black you just don't have that same level of choice to pick from.

>> No.17190466

>Actual e-books that can be formatted correctly comprise a negligible slice of literature.
What? All I can think of are illustration-heavy technical manuals and concrete poetry.

>> No.17190486

I agree with you anon, perhaps you should learn Amhraic or something, there are probably more compelling books in that language than in English.

>> No.17190490

why don't you write every post on a piece of paper then and take screencaps of it while you are at it.
i'll wait for your next posts patiently to see you do it.

>> No.17190492

what kind of stuff are you guys talking about?
i keep these in libraries on Goodreads, so i have the info handy:
i've downloaded 936 books, 26 i couldn't find a digital version.

>> No.17190499

Tablets are better for anything that isn't pure text like PDFs with images, it's more about the right tool for the right job rather than a matter of preference.

>> No.17190501
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>you might as well chastise people for not using typewriters anymore over digital keyboards while you are at it.
In terms of a letter, an essay, your notes, anything like that, an actual paper and ink copy of something you've written, whether from a typewriter or a pen or anything, is obviously vastly superior to a .docx.

>> No.17190512
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>perhaps you should learn Amhraic or something
thanks for the advice i might do i already am working on my japanese, gaining more languages will only help me in the long run in life so i will seriously consider it.

>> No.17190524

stop typing your posts then, take hand written screencaps of your superior hand written method.

>> No.17190529

As long as the images are black & white I don't see the advantage of LCD over E Ink.

>> No.17190538

E-ink is super slow and painful to scroll around with and the resolution is worse than LCD, this doesn't matter for text but it does for images.

>> No.17190540

You will still be in shitty internet communities in your mid 30s.

>> No.17190551

thats why refresh rate is always in consumer reports comparisons

>> No.17190555

If you know which part of Africa you are originally from, learning that language might be better than learning Ethiopian. (given that Ethiopian language and culture is quite different from i.e south-west Africa) I just know that Amharic survived colonialism relative to other languages. It's important to learn your original language, English is the language of the colonizer

>> No.17190576

When I read a citation or seek a work suggested, I find it on soulseek/torrent/irc/libgen network 90% of the time. The rest of the time I find it at a library. Maybe 1 out of 100 books I have to buy used. There are tons of outdated reference tomes, local genealogical publications etc that sit in antique shops which make your post technically true, but its not like e-reader types are at a loss.

>> No.17190577

If people handwrote their posts for 4chan and read them before submission, the quality of discourse would be a lot higher

>> No.17190578

>and the resolution is worse than LCD,
Is it really? E Ink is 200-300 dpi, the LCD screens used in tablet fall into the same range.
I turn pages in pdf, I don't need to scroll around like an addict.

>> No.17190586

i'm from zimbabwe, but i have grown up in Europe since i was 3yr i know a bit of how to understand Shona but i don't know how to speak it or write it.
i just have a basic understanding because it's the language my mum sometimes talks in and i just absorb it.

>> No.17190590

yeah but think about all the shitposts and memes that would get lost.

>> No.17190597


>> No.17190598
File: 23 KB, 310x500, 149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One book I am currently reading is pic related. Published 1951. Find me an e-book version. I'll wait. This is completely typical of pretty much all 20th century non-fiction btw.

>> No.17190603

I cannot even find normie tier digitized Japanese language books on any major website

>> No.17190644

Aozora Bunko

>> No.17190665

Thanks anon

>> No.17190673
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>you can easily transfer files through USB.
Except you can't, the Chinese added hardware-level DRM to USB. Good luck!

>> No.17190700

i'm talking about English only
>20th century non-fiction
fair enough i guess. personally i'd wonder how much of that stuff still had value today, and would be looking for alternatives and updated versions when i could.

>> No.17190734
File: 177 KB, 800x800, 861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going to do this to the Nintendo Switch. It charges with USB-C but they are basically disabling charging from third-party chargers to make sure you buy the OfFiCIaL Nintendo charger (which coincidentally costs 4 times as much but trust us it's much better!!). I bet the reddit s*ys will love it because it gives them another opportunity to CONSOOM.

Hah, things like this make me feel so superior.

>> No.17190743

it's great but Kindle doesn't have blue light filter
However its light isn't like on a monitor screen and it doesn't hurt your eyes that much. Also you can dim it a lot. So the only issue is that the colour of the light is white and not warm. (But again not really invasive on your eyes, just unaesthetic)

>> No.17190750

No, I just saw an article linked on reddit the other day talking about how physical books still outsell ebooks by a wide margin.

>> No.17190752

>to make sure you buy the OfFiCIaL Nintendo charger
you get one in the box you whiny communist

>> No.17190756

>personally i'd wonder how much of that stuff still had value today
>new is more gooder since we no longer make any claims to truth

>> No.17190766

Or you could just get a Kobo Clara HD that has the same screen as a Paperwhite and a warm light option.

>> No.17190790

Ok, so first you have to use an approved charger. Next you have to read an approved book. Oh, you wanted to read an interesting book from Project Gutenberg instead of paying 11.99 for Kamala Harris's bestseller on the Kindle Store? Data transfer denied! Please visit the Kindle Store to buy Amazon-approved books.

Only gullible fools would be so trusting to think this could never happen in the mid-long term.

>> No.17190792

Well duh, imagine paying for something you can easily get for free

>> No.17190794

Doesn't emit light when you don't need it to (in sunlight it emits no light because everything is lit up by sun, or by a flashbulb)
Lasts for months after one charge so you don't have to think about battery at all
Has great DPI, sharp letters
Supports all fonts
Has really great customisability with text formatting
Is easy on your eyes
Has a screen large enough to feel like a book but small enough to be portable
Is cheap

>> No.17190808


>> No.17190809

I got a kobo clara hd recently and it's been pretty lovely. A little strange adapting to the touch screen from my old kindle keyboard. But over all it's pretty wonderful. I get all my libgen books on it. Calibre converts and manages everything. Plenty of space on it. The little magnetic case is really cute. It's the best thing I think I've bought over the past year of quarantine/pandemic. Means I don't have to order multiple packages of books or go out to shop. I miss used book stores so much, but this is the second best thing to keep my elderly family safe.

>> No.17190820


>> No.17190833

>tactile feedback

>> No.17190842

ask why we know you're incel

>> No.17190883

>come home from long day of staring at screens at work
>what to do in my meagre hours before i have to sleep and then go back to work?
>all options involve staring at screens
>guess i'll read that epub i got off libgen, quite a few errors but it's free
>fuck, my book is out of battery

>> No.17190891
File: 29 KB, 340x419, 340[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a 'reading on iphone' shill? Imagine coming on a literary image board and conducting a crusade on the behalf of reading on a modern smartphone. Someone who assigns emotional value to the success. Someone who legitimately believes this. Imagine suggesting another human, perhaps someone who could be your best friend in another life, read literature on their android phone, and having their interests stolen by a hungry cloud.

>> No.17190893

Stop trying to sell me a fucking kindle bezos

>> No.17190903

It doesnt happen. I have never had my kindle run out of batteries. I have noticed it at like 8% after not charging it for a month, and plugged it in, but aside from that this is a complete lie.

Furthermore the 'ebooks arent formatted' argument is a spook. I probably read 60 random e-books a year, and that shit stopped in like 2012 when bibliotik started gatekeeping retail copies and those copies were dumped onto filesharing.

>> No.17190920

Kindles (e-ink) are sold at a loss so as to generate big bucks from everpriced ebooks, so technically you are fucking them over by buying and pirating. Or you could just buy a nook or kobo. This argument is always retarded.

>> No.17190932

>just buy a different gay product
No thank you bezos

>> No.17190957
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>as he posts to 4chan from a device.

>> No.17190976

Even the Kindles with Advertisements aren't sold at a loss. People are simply retarded enough to buy them or to pay extra for versions without ads.
Amazon's biggest advantage is economy of scale since 9 out of 10 readers are Kindles. Small companies like Pocketbook just can't compete with that.

>> No.17191618

Yeah, they're great. Mine cost £50 and you can get any book you want for free, it's comfortbale to hold, even if you're reading a 1200 page tomb, you can put it in your bag or pocket if you commute on a train or tram or whatever, the screen is easy to read on, and most importantly, as I've already said any book is free. If you read a lot you will make your money back in a few months.

I rarely buy anything that I don't "need", but an E-reader is something I would recommend everyone get, such a good purchase.

>> No.17191635

We will see what you're doing when you're 28. Using 4chan is no different from using any other social media.

>> No.17191637

autist chimpout cringe, do you realize you bumped a thread that had been dead for 2 hours back to the front page?

>> No.17191666

Come on anow, show us your book collection.

>> No.17191674

Everything worth reading has

>But my random sci-fi short story collection from 1962!!

The entire Western Canon has been digitized, read all of that first, then you can complain that you can't find your random, pointless books

>> No.17192886
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I am in something of a pickle, my good fellows.
I am considering getting some kind of e-reader. However, I pirate all of my books. Do Android devices have an easy File Explorer type thing so I can transfer my books (PDFs) from my computer to my e-reader? Can Kindle on an Android e-reader open MOBI files I transfer that way, like how Kindle on my laptop can open MOBI files I converted from PDFs?

>> No.17192910

based and code-pilled

>> No.17192916

You can share kindle books with your family.

>> No.17192923

There is some potential for a new form of memes... We'd all have to get scanners.

Besides that though hand writing will basically become a permanent id... Wouldn't take much to start identification. Probably a bad idea

>> No.17192932

>We'd all have to get scanners.
Or use tablets with stylus support.

>> No.17192934

Yes. Basically every E Ink device aside from the remarkable allows you to transfer files via USB. They will register as USB drives on your computer.
The Android devices will also offer other types of transfer such as Bluetooth, cloud drives, SMB or HTTP.

>> No.17192964

>15 years from now I will be introducing my library to my kids, showing them my favourite books
and they'll respond, "what the fuck is this? I'm not reading these books for dinosaurs, old man"

>> No.17192970

i just use an ipad pro

>> No.17192997
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You're right. I like reading stuff digitally but if you don't also like having physical copies, something is wrong.

>> No.17193204

I tried ReadEra to check some books and it's dogshit. I don't know anyone can read anything in it for more than half an hour.

>> No.17193287

He doesn't know...

>> No.17193432
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I've done the most reading in my life this year and I didn't buy even ONE (1) book. I cannot fathom how people don't use ereaders yet unless you're very wealthy.
>buy Kindle or kobo for like $120
>get a cheap VPN
>Download calibre
>Go to zlibrary
>unlimited free books

>> No.17193559

Anons, I’m still using a Paperwhite from 2014. It works fine but I have always been frustrated at how sluggish it is (even when I first bought it). Are new e-readers any better or is the hardware no different with the latest stuff? I’ve read some anecdotal reviews saying there is hardly any difference but I would be shocked if the hardware hasn’t improved in 7 years.

>> No.17193621
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I'm not a normalfag for not being able to pirate stuff. Just stupid.

>> No.17193651

I like them. I bought one this past summer. It got me back into reading. I read more books in the past six months than I did in the decade or so prior. Admittedly, it's been trash tier books, but my excuse is that I'm "getting back into reading seriously."

I'm not pretending it's the only way to read, as reading actual books has upsides. I just like the convenience of ereaders

>> No.17193655
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Hey all you have to do is look up a book and download the correct filetype for what you're reading on. Use a VPN too unless you want angry letters from ISP.

>> No.17193663

As vain as it is, I like collecting nice editions of books to put on my bookshelf. But as far as convenience goes, e-readers are unmatched.

>> No.17193688

Based and thanks anon

>> No.17193708

T. 20something

>> No.17193723

i haven't used an old one so take this for what it's worth, but my understanding is it's not the hardware that is slow, that's just how e-ink technology is

>> No.17193740

i've downloaded ~1000 books in the last 5 months and haven't got a letter yet, am i good?

>> No.17193748

Depends on what you mean
I have a Paperwhite 4 from 2018 (bought it half a year ago) and I haven't had a single frustrating situation, it's pretty responsive for me.
The longest you have to wait is when
1. you turn it on
2. you open or close a book
About 3 seconds for each of the above
The reading process (flipping pages, highlighting, dictionary) and changing settings and all that stuff you do frequently is pretty fast and hasn't caused me any frustration at all..

>> No.17193788


>>1 reason
>>Clearly never seen one let alone fucking used one.

>> No.17193801

Foe me the big problem is price. Why drop 200+ on a bigger version of my phone with less features, with some unable to read any files beside the propetary one.
>yeah they are good, but still limited by shitty hardware/software
This. I own an old Kindle and they made the asinine choice to create their own "silk app store" and software's. Softwares to niche to have any real big app creators so it's just super shitty apps that look like some dudes pet project. A good fleshed out pdf reader doesn't even exist on it. This is an old Kindle though and I don't know how it changed

>> No.17193837

Probably, idk. I just always use a VPN.

>> No.17193844

im finna cop a libra h20. wish me luck

>> No.17193845

If you're from US or Germany or Canada, stop
If you're from Europe, don't worry

>> No.17193870

They're logging all your downloads for one last job

>> No.17193871
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>Foe me the big problem is price. Why drop 200+ on a bigger version of my phone with less features, with some unable to read any files beside the propetary one.
I get what you mean, but it's worth it. More so for me, I guess.

I have no space at home and I fucking loathe sit paper-backs. It's also very good for me for three other reasons:
-The dictionaries, which are vital for me since I need to keep fluency in 4 different languages.
-The backlight + e-ink are fucking perfect to read anywhere on any setting.
-The volume of books + price are also a very big plus. I can virtually read anything anywhere.

>Germany, not ok
>Europe, don't worry

>> No.17193881

Reading on a phone/tablet is very uncomfortable for the eyes. There's no denying it.
Also, the battery life doesn't even compare.

>> No.17193883

This is pretty accurate. If you're expecting a high-functioning ipad or something then you're going to be disappointed. If all you want is a screen to hold book files then you're love the PW.

>> No.17193888

i'm from the US on Spectrum

>> No.17193890

>micro usb in current year
why do these faggots seem incapable of making money? Do Kindle and Kobo realise literally re-releasing their current models with USB-C will sell? They've had 5+ years in some cases. The ereader market is a complete outlier in tech markets

>> No.17193892

even if you get a letter the ISPs are under no obligation to give your info to some private faggot suing party like Universal or whatever the fuck atleast in a first world country

who cares

>> No.17193898

Europe except Germany of course.. that's waste of two words that everyone except retards like you understands

>> No.17193900

I know you're on the spectrum, but what's your ISP? I'd be cautious about that level of piracy with no VPN.

>> No.17193909

le sensible chuckle

>> No.17193923

It's bullshit. They're right if you're not using a blue-filter, but any good reader has one, and you must be dumb if you're not using it. Absolutely nothing wrong with using a reader in the dark with the filter.

>> No.17193948

Get on a book private torrent site, download to a seedbox then transfer everything across to your home network on https

>> No.17194042

so what do you propose instead? steal books out of stores or library bins?

>> No.17194088

There's an economic downturn currently, do you think that ISPs are going to do anything about piracy? Especially if people will take their business elsewhere by changing ISP? No, ISPs know it's too much of a risk to call people out for pirating.

Also people like Gabe Newell understood that pirates operate not soley on economic factors but on convenience. Gabe provided a good service to stop piracy. If Amazon think they are going to charge me $15 an ebook when navigating to libgen is quicker and more convenient not to mention free AND I don't have to sell my fucking personal info they are kidding themselves.

>> No.17194101

E Readers are useless if you're reading for academic/professional purposes because of the shitty page numbering of files in epub makes it hard to cite.

>> No.17194374

what a retard you are

>> No.17194653

T. Ard

>> No.17194897
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i tried ereader after ereader, when i found out all i wanted was a tablet for manga and comics

>> No.17194940

i returned mine