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/lit/ - Literature

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17184455 No.17184455 [Reply] [Original]

Has English Literature lost all hope and status?

>> No.17184482

this is what happens when it's the lower class that innovate language, instead of the opposite.

>> No.17184484

>I was born in the wrong generation. In my day the language remained static and literally no new words were ever created. God has forsaken us! Literature is doomed!

>> No.17184528

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17184529


>> No.17184546

I think he's putting words in my mouth

>> No.17184547

that's so 2020. Keyed is what all the cool kids are saying now.

>> No.17184567

Then what is your point?

>> No.17184610

I'm shocked that "jerkweed" wasn't in there already.

>> No.17184621

What exactly does the status of English literature have to do with seven new words in a dictionary?

>> No.17184810

Literally OP's problem, but I bet he think Journey to the End of the Night or Death on Credit are the best books of the 20th century.

>> No.17184850

I only object to "awesomesauce" that is a dumb word and you are dumb if you use it.

>> No.17184911

I for one am for the use of bogosity.

>> No.17184943


>> No.17184951

based - originally coined by American rapper Lil B, it was later re-appropriated by Neo-Nazis and incels on the website 4channel.org to express enthusiasm for increasingly disturbing and psychotic beliefs and actions
redpilled - originally a reference to a metaophor in the transgender classic film The Matrix by the transgender Wachowski sisters for coming out, it was later re-appropriated by Neo-Nazis and incels on the website 4channel.org to indicate their belief that bigotry and unfounded conspiracy theories are a hidden truth

>> No.17184955

Only bad word here is awesomesauce

>> No.17184958

>The sheer bogosity of these new additions to the English lexicon, hath, I believe and maintain, made themselves evident in the gee-whizzery of the times; for, in the awesomesauce days of yore, when brewstered noblemen were not expected to endure the back-sassing of any and every hench jerkweed, there was, I do aver, a greater literary culture in England.

>> No.17184967

See bogosity is actually a good word, I'm not even joking

>> No.17185001

Yeah, it will come in handy, there are not enough informal options here: https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/falsity?s=t
Would even welcome something more coarse and vulgar, I'd use it a lot to argue on /lit/.

>> No.17185018

Cool and correct bogosity enjoyer, I too have wanted something better than just "deceitful".

>> No.17185062

wasn't it coined by Little Pete in Pete and Pete back in 94?

>> No.17185063
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Esto es un fenomeno unico entre los países Anglosajones. La Academia Real Española se toma el trabajo de preservar el Castellano en serio, no participamos en estas gilipolleces.

>> No.17185092

>implying slang doesn't exist in spanish

>> No.17185098

Are these words currently popular? I'm fair across normie youth culture and have heard of none of these. Awesomesauce is like 10 years old.. why now?

>> No.17185137
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Literal fake news. At least one of the words was added 5 years ago. Not gonna bother searching anything else up.

>> No.17185169

hey I like hangry, it's pretty cool

>> No.17185184

Does that mean that coomer, based, redpilled and an hero have a chance?

>> No.17185213
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there's a chad-tier hench in high window

>> No.17185227
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>> No.17185229

Can this new decade do any worse?


>> No.17185255

Is weeaboo in the dictionary yet?

>> No.17185356

>Category:1960s neologisms
Gender identity
Generation gap
Global South
Global village
Graphic novel
Hen (pronoun)
Kyōiku mama
Little Eichmanns

>Category:1890s neologisms
Antisemitism is the socialism of fools
Baby blue
Bite the bullet
Black legend
Crimes against humanity
Curate's egg
Ectoplasm (paranormal)

objectively these are no better than 2010s, which has some quite based entries:
Hell Joseon
Hipster sexism
Holy Shrine Defender
Homework gap
Indigo Era
Intellectual dark web
It's okay to be white
LGBT-free zone
Loot box

>> No.17185368

That's always the case.

>> No.17185399

bogus -- bogosity
balony -- baloniousness
bullshit -- bullshittery

>> No.17185594

hornswoggle -- hornswogglery

>> No.17187196

That's hella cringe brah, awesomesauce is amazeballs! Sadface on anyone whose not WITH IT!

>> No.17187266

Bogosity is a good neologism

>> No.17187272

all words are silly

>> No.17187285

I'm surprised back-sass wasn't added sooner.

>> No.17187297

Where were you when you realised that nearly every problem with modern society, every little way in which society has become gay, weak, or cringe, is due to women voting and women making up half the workforce?

Women make up a disproportionate number of media, consulting, HR and other office jobs. Men are doing all the real work, men still repair the shit pipe when it breaks. But women have wormed their way into every creative process, chattering it up with their saccharine feelgood nonsense and empty brains. Think about it for a second. Think about the chain of causality behind adding "gee-whizzery" to the Oxford dictionary. Can you see it? Can you see the sprawling network of stupid, stupid women? All of them yammering and blabbering about things they saw on twitter, all of them coasting through college and into meaningless redundant office and media jobs without ever having a single thought? Do you see the women? You're surrounded by them now. All around us are women, stupid women, saying nonsense and ruining everything, while men fix the shit pipes.

One day those shit pipes are gonna break for the last time. When that day comes, every first world government on earth will be filled with women. All the bosses and managers will be women. All the information distribution networks will be staffed by women. None of them know what they're doing. None of them feel any shame at being incompetent. They all think they're being "nice" and that's sufficient for any situation. None of them can handle a crisis. They can't plan their lives or exercise good judgement. They literally cry whenever something difficult happens. Adults, grown human beings, crying multiple times a week: women. They run everything. They're coming for YOU!

>> No.17187303

Jerkweed (ˈdʒəːkwiːd) n.

An obnoxious, detestable, or stupid person (especially a male). Often as a contemptuous form of address. Compare dickweed , jerkwad .

1980s. From jerk + weed.

>> No.17187307

Keyed and Locked response, my dude.

>> No.17187337

They add stupid words to the Oxford dictionary all the time PS languages change, everywhere, for any reason, all the time, forever, no exceptions. If you actually studied anything about languages or writing you'd know that.

>> No.17187339

then explain how latin has been the same for 2000 years

>> No.17187341

>heh let me school you on descriptivism

t. watched a youtube video. hang youreslf faggot

>> No.17187344


>> No.17187349 [DELETED] 
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>>I was born in the wrong generation. In my day the language remained static and literally no new words were ever created. God has forsaken us! Literature is doomed!

>> No.17187359

literally how it has always worked, just as there have always been knob goblins whining about how the language is being destroyed

try studying language instead of masturbating to it

>> No.17187371

The arbitrary use of the dash is what I don't understand.

Either way, the germanification of English continues (meanwhile in germany, the businessenglishification of german continues)

>> No.17187376

If you shed your prescriptivist delusions, not only would you stop getting buttmad at the unstoppable force of nature which is language drift, but you'd also stop caring about the hollow decrees produced by language 'authorities' who try to legitimize themselves by swimming with the current, like the OED, or who try to stop the tide, like the Académie Française.
It's hard for me to feel sorry for chimpanzees like you. Stay mad.

>> No.17187382

So sorry DFWchan!

>> No.17187390
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>> No.17187403
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>> No.17187405

No. Why would this be the case?

>> No.17187419

You have been brainwashed by progressive ideologues who use ivory tower deconstruction and cultural pluralism as a substitute for actual praxis. You are not vindicating the downtrodden or common folk by celebrating degeneracy. You are part of the same complex of ideas that thinks multiculturalism is self-evidently a good thing because you can buy sushi in every major city now. Useful idiot.

>> No.17187422

I see you're a fellow lingfag. Is it prescriptivism to declare that English and English lit tards are indeed actually retarded? Godspeed.

>> No.17187430

increíblemente basado si me preguntan

>> No.17187436

Lunfardo disproves this.

>> No.17187866
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This reply simply reeks of gee-whizzery

>> No.17187992

no one uses these words and plenty of words people do use aren't in any dictionary

>> No.17187998

The dictionary isn't comprehensive yet they add useless, gimmicky words that are barely used. It is purely marketing so they don't seem as boring as they really are.

>> No.17188773

i blame youtubers, followership requires a certain squashing of the adult mind.

>> No.17188898

Yes. We should’ve done what the Dutch did and just not teach the people we conquered our language and we should’ve cut the American so-called founding fathers in half from mouth to arse with a misery whip.

>> No.17188913


>language changes

Nobody uses the word "bogosity". The language didn't change so that "bogosity" is a common word. You can't defend its inclusion on those grounds.

>> No.17188942

Any other time I'd say this was dumb but I read Joyce last year.

>> No.17188947

bogusity , but not bogosity

>> No.17189065


>> No.17189097

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17189104


>> No.17189106

Language was always moving though, except in Shakespeare's time - up!

>> No.17189109

It should really be 'bogusness'

>> No.17189383

>nobody says hench
>nobody says back-sass

>> No.17189490

I just downvoted your comment.


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>> No.17189553

Vernacular languages were always the tongue of idiotic peasants. Blame Dante for the death of Latin as a literary language.

>> No.17190172

This is the faggot that defends "awesomesauce" being added to the dictionary.

Fuck off yank

>> No.17190178


>> No.17190209

I thought this was why Urban Dictionary was made.

>> No.17190224

Real shit tho should based be added to the dictionary?

>> No.17190279

rawr xD

>> No.17190684

>people honestly believe that descriptivism is possible
>people believe that it's possible for dictionaries to be descriptivist entities
Why are you all such lazy thinkers?

>> No.17190692

The irony

>> No.17191033

Isn't "hangry" the creation of some carbohydrate consortium?

>> No.17191133

slangasamente e no eres recognizado officialado vocabulario de lingua espana, perro anglero.

>> No.17192565


>> No.17192573

that is a false definition, the true definition is about the Bogdanov brothers that control the world, why are they censoring english to hide this?

>> No.17192591

Ajajaja true el espanglish jode

>> No.17193352
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El Anglosajon va a irse hasta el mas alla para complacer a las minorias marrones, submisivo, alterado, delirios de grandeza que llenan su alma superficial, el esta mas cerca del Diablo que de la Divinidad misma

>> No.17193379

I was wondering why people go out of the way to make sure that romans and greeks were white; but then I realized anglos, aryans, etc don't even figure into world history until they got conquered by swarthy short romans; and even then it took an additional few centuries.

>> No.17193500

You scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian! I’ll tickle your catastrophe!

>> No.17193682

We can thank the Jews and their golem the negro for sullying the King’s tongue.

>> No.17194291 [DELETED] 

>bunch of cuckwords they use in silicon valley while developing AAA video games
>not the most important word of the last decade
+*S L A T T*+

>> No.17194303

>bunch of cuckwords they use in silicon valley while developing AAA video games
>not the most important word of the last decade

>> No.17194736

I wish that I could kill the king and all his serfs at the same time.

>> No.17195683

Is vulgar Latin proof that Cicero isn't worth reading? The fact that non-academic usages of the language exist doesn't mean that academic and literary forms are worthless.

>> No.17195707

At least four of them sound like they could have been coined by Shakespeare. Curious how the intrinsic meme quality of the English language stands unaltered by time.

>> No.17195787

>Je(rk)w(eed) (an obnoxious person)

>> No.17196798


rkeed? i don't get it

>> No.17197446

lmao this guy can't even read, much less think original thoughts

>> No.17197490

No, corporations are just owned by people who hate you and want your language and the values and culture encoded with in to be destroyed

>> No.17197539

The kinda of people making complaints like this are completely missing the point. People aren’t upset that language is changing; they’re upset that linguistic institutions are endorsing specific changes they dislike. The inability for so called “descriptivists” to comprehend this is a good reminder of the impossibility of the position. Someone who claims that they hold such a belief just isn’t living in reality.

>> No.17198432


I think he means keyedposters are obnoxious people

>> No.17198641

>I too have wanted something better than just "deceitful".

>> No.17198729

Prescriptive vs. descriptive is a false dichotomy. Both sides describe, insofar as they observe language in its emergence and morphology, and both sides prescribe, insofar as they both have theories or ontologies of language, which they promote by recommending their respective policies. Prescriptivists view language as an organism. They think that organisms can grow or wither, can be healthy or unhealthy, and so on. They don't think language is indelibly mandated from some magical runes from the before-time or that Stuart era neologisms are inherently superior to modern neologisms by dint of sheer anteriority. But they do prefer to see the organism grow than to see it wither. And they know that growth takes place slowly, over generations, and that it's intertwined with cultural and historical developments that CANNOT be mandated. That's why they prescribe, to conserve, because what they conserve is precious and fragile.

Descriptivists view language not as an organism, but as a bubbling primordial ooze that maintains about the same level of chemical complexity at all times but is constantly shitting out new delightful patterns for mincing bohemian hipster fags to enjoy. They are not "hands-off" and committed to mere description rather than management of language, the very idea of being hands-off implies a certain view of language and how it should be managed, that is by letting it manage itself.

Language left to decay decays. Language grows and becomes richer when cultures are expanding and colonizing new areas of thought. Language contracts and degenerates into a creole when its only use is as a commercial pidgin.

>> No.17198845

butthurt is a real word. no-one has uttered awesomesauce since the '00s and even in '09 or so it was only used ironically

>> No.17198908

The problem is that language requires a certain level of prescriptivism just to exist, it's baked into the living structure, unless people enforce rules to a degree the language would just splinter and disintegrate. The descriptivist view on language has to itself take into account the inherent prescriptivism of how language actually exists. The analogy to biological evolution is not bad, you can't massively mutate in a generation, you need continuity just for things to keep working, but things are also always in flux, especially on the more superficial levels.

Im sure im not saying anything remotely new to linguistics but I often wonder like you how this dichotomy even exists.