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1718577 No.1718577 [Reply] [Original]

What did /lit/ think when watching Game of thrones?

>> No.1718581

lotr ripoff with more sex to appeal to the 13 year old audience

>> No.1718587

> watch HBO
> be surprised when sex occurs on screen

>> No.1718595

there was at least 20 min of sex scenes which could have been used for plot/character development

>> No.1718596


>> No.1718603 [DELETED] 

>there was at least 20 min of sex scenes which could have been used for plot/character development
omg i really fucking hate this.

ty btw, want a fresh start.

>> No.1718607

>implying sex isn't plot/character development

>> No.1718618

:) a fresh start is something people like us need every once in a while

>> No.1718654

thanks for your support, i feel really good about this.

>> No.1718756


I watched maybe half of it and was thinking to myself, "Man, this shit is kind of boring." So, I turned it off and started watching it the next day and suddenly there were tits everywhere and I caught myself thinking, "Ooh this just got better."

>> No.1718790

I'm not fan of making the kids older, but I understand why they did what they did.

>> No.1718797

That I hate the way they did Khal Drogo. My only significant gripe with the show.

>> No.1718802


They made him a scary rapist.

>> No.1718815

They made him a tall, built tan guy wearing ridiculous amounts of mascara. I pictured him as the "noble savage" type, and I really wanted to see how they would do the bells on the moustache.

>> No.1718823

Game of Thrones is to fantasy as Rob Liefeld and the 90s were to comic books.

>> No.1718863

>Implying the sex isn't important character development for those characters

Oh and making that LotR reference means you sir have never read GoT.