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/lit/ - Literature

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17181857 No.17181857 [Reply] [Original]

How does the average /lit/ user afford to purchase books?

>> No.17182043


>> No.17182052

Work in tech it sucks

>> No.17182056

I'm single and have a job.

>> No.17182061

They're cheap?

>> No.17182082

I buy used books. It's fun because I never know what I'm going to get and just throw in the cart whatever I happen to find that's cheap

>> No.17182089

I don’t buy that much, I use the library

>> No.17182103

Pirating, used bookstores, uni library, inexpensive e-books, borrow from friends and family's libraries.

>> No.17182104

I work in a supermarket and live at home with mom despite soon turning 26

>> No.17182114

I work in data for advertisement, fucking hate it but it pays the bills. I wish I was an old money aristocrat. I just want to live in a small rural town with all my books

>> No.17182151

i buy used books, and i keep inhereting books from grandparent and other old family members

>> No.17182162

I have a job and use a small part of the excess income I have after paying my mortgage and utility bills.

>> No.17182165

Work night shifts. Make £200 a week working just two nights. When I need more I work overtime shifts. Spend the rest of the week reading and writing until I make it.

>> No.17182215

I used to work at one of my country's major printing companies so most of my books I brought from there for free. When I buy books I always buy used. Most times I'll read on my Kobo and pirate books though

>> No.17182236

If you need to buy books go to used bookstores / library sales. There are plenty of used bookstores online even.

Pirate if you can. Just hop on #ebooks on IRChighway. They have a good collection.

>> No.17182400

I take jizya from the kafir public library in the form of 3ilm

>> No.17182458
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I have a job.

>> No.17182482

i spend about 1000€ a year on books, that's not even 100€ a month. considering that reading is my only hobby i spend money on, it's really nothing.

>> No.17182541

this tbf, instead of buying that 5th pair of shoes or that gucci coat you could buy like 15 good books

>> No.17182930

I do task rabbit for some extra expendable income on the weekends. Just overcharge some bougie retard to hang a shelf

>> No.17182946

Rich parents

>> No.17182948

library card?

>> No.17182983

I have a free subscription to all libraries of my university (I stopped studying 2 years ago)
I pirate ebooks
I have a job

Seriously let's not act like reading is even a remotely expensive hobby.

>> No.17182993


>> No.17182998

I had a part-time job from April-October which paid pretty well. In trust, I don't buy that many books.
Instead, I mainly use my college library a lot
In non-termtime, I live with my parents, who have lots of literature from when they were my age and used to have a good taste in books (not any more)
Sometimes my dad buys me books he thinks I'll like and he's knows my taste fairly well
My advice would be to use a library if you can't afford many books

>> No.17183024

I have a kindle, which I quite like. They're expensive up-front, but if you read lots of books it's cheaper than buying physical copies, and I like being able to notate without using sticky notes.

>> No.17183040

Ok you got me, I don't actually read.

>> No.17183041

Buy used if youre a turbo poorfag... or you know the library. Otherwise a new paperback is like 20 at most if you can't afford that here and there and not buy like a hoarding faggot it's doable

>> No.17183045

To all the people who pirate books. Buy them assholes. Then you go and complain all that sells is YA

>> No.17183074

second-hand books whenever I can, otherwise pirated pdf or audio

>> No.17183138

You guys know libraries exist, right?

But let's say you're an average /lit/ user who doesn't know of the existence of libraries.

$15-20 a week will get you 52 hard cover books in a year. Even the ugliest man can make that much in a week by just giving eight to ten hand jobs.

With your pretty mouth, I bet you could charge up to $5 a cock. Free lunch, too.

>> No.17183380

Holy shit how retarded do you have to be to drop $20 on a paperback?

>> No.17183387

Instead of using it on bullshit, I rather buy myself a book.

3 days of eating trash food / drinks / spending = a new book.

>> No.17183400

Most of /lit/ doesn't buy books.

>> No.17183404

exactly, its not like books are expensive, there are much more useless stuff and expensive stuff that you can throw money on.

>> No.17183410

I have one used bookstore that I like
I donated all my old books there when I moved out of home, and asked for store credit
Now I buy everything on credit and return it there when I'm done for more credit

>> No.17183425

Got a library card this year, wish I had sooner. My state has a great interlibrary loan system too so I can get anything within a few days. Would recommend it.

>> No.17183458

I had a job, saved money, and I treated books as luxury I buy to treat myself.

>> No.17184966


>> No.17185096

What jobs do you all do?

>> No.17185386
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Used the university library until I became a fully funded grad student. Now I spend a bit of the excess cash from my research assistantships on a mix of new/used books each month to build out my personal library.

>> No.17185494

by working, you useless fucking dreg

>> No.17185578

books are basically free lol

>> No.17185751

*LIBGEN*. light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. *Li*, *ib*, *gen*. the click of the mouse taking a trip of three steps down the search bar to click, at three, on the torrent. *Li*. *ib*. *gen*. She was *lib*, plain *lib*, in the morning, holding 100k books in one nook. She was epub fiction at night. She was sci-tech pdf at school. She was the bookshop on my desktop. But ontop my laptop she was always *LIBGEN*

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

>> No.17185774

I do not buy many books, even though I can readily afford them now. When I was young and poor I would pay my bills, buy my groceries and then use the left over to buy books from the used book stores or rumage sales to make sure I would have enough reading to get me through dry spells where I could not afford books. I still have somewhere between 100 and 200 book back log from those days. A year or two or three more and I will have no backlog, which I am not sure how I feel, might increase my book buying and keep a decent selection of unread books, I have grown accustom to having a large selection to pursue and read at leisure.

>> No.17185787

you pirate 'em

>> No.17185804

>a gucci coat for 15 books
hell, the economy is out of control

>> No.17186180
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>> No.17186249

Just because you can afford a book, doesn't make it a rational purchase decision. Garuntee regular book buyers are financial illiterates and rentcucks.
Poor mentality. Books are not cheap. They're illiquid and generally single use items where free substitutes can be found. A book loses about 75 to 95% of its value after purchase. It's as stupid as buying lottery tickets. Actually, worse because you might have won something out of it, remotely, whereas books you get absolutely nothing.

I never bought a book my entire life. The only purchase I had was $500 for a Sony Digital Paper which can handle PDFs. I don't need anything else. I've read more than all off you for no cost at all. This device even got me through college as I could find all my textbooks on it.

>> No.17186286

Good article.
>6. You won’t waste hundreds of hours performing feminine duties
>8. You will be instantly unattractive to worldly (i.e. bad) women
Nailed it!

>> No.17186329

it literally takes 5 seconds to pirate any book off the internet and if you somehow can't find the book you're looking for online you can order a used copy for 3 dollars off ebay

>> No.17186406

also if you like bookstores and physical copies. There are tons of used book stores across the country owned usually by one old person who himself loves books and has collected thousands over the years. They are pretty comfy and you will unironically find better and far cheaper books than you will find in any popular bookstore chains

>> No.17186512

>used books
inherently reactionary and doesn't reward authors. no thanks.

>> No.17186533

I have a job.

>> No.17186969

Thrift stores. The most I'll spend on a books these days is $3.

>> No.17186994

My mommy

>> No.17187031

The government, unironically

>> No.17187040
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>overanalyzing every purchase as an """"investment""""
>"you literally get nothing from books!!!"

literally hang you insufferable cashcuck

>> No.17187056

>I've read more than all off you for no cost at all. This device even got me through college as I could find all my textbooks on it.
Wow, you mean you can get things for free by stealing them? Tell me more, Jamal.

>> No.17187072

Just budget properly and allow some spending money.

>> No.17187252

Thiftbooks.com, Ebay, and a lovely bookstore attached to my local public library that sells their old and excess books cheap. Paperbacks are ¢50 and hardcover $1 there.

>> No.17188040

I’m non-unemployed.

>> No.17188073

you didn't ask about making rational purchases, you asked how people afford purchasing books. and having a job is exactly that, you fucking goomba.

>> No.17188318

I pirate them for my kobo or buy second hand or get them from the library.

>> No.17188378

plague bucks

>> No.17188411

I study and am from a third world country, so I read mostly on my ereader, though in a few days I'll probably go to some used bookstores to see what can I get for cheap.

>> No.17188419

replace supermarket with gardener and youre me.

>> No.17188439


>> No.17188667

>whereas books you get absolutely nothing.
I get a book, which is one of my favourite things to get

>> No.17188681


I’m an analyst at an elite hedge fund I make 600k

>> No.17188702

A reader's comprehension is reduced on digital devices compared to physical books. So you do actually get less from your pirated PDFs.

>> No.17188758

I steal

>> No.17188785

Bullshit and you’re a semen gargling nigger subhuman for citing bullshit articles you found on r/fascinating to prop up your limp-dick argument

>> No.17188810

>There is no such thing as kinesthetics
>There is no such thing as spatial reasoning

Does it upset you that you've literally wasted your time by reading all of those books on a Kindle?

>> No.17188864

govt & parents' money lmao

ive worked before
its not worth it

>> No.17188986

You have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.17189036

>Even though I’m 41 years old, I currently live with my mother

>> No.17189050

>whereas books you get absolutely nothing
You get to show off your sick ass shelf, that's definitely something

>> No.17189092

I work in a book store. I can borrow books (which we will sell later, you'll never know it's used) and we get 40% on every book we buy.

>> No.17189102


>> No.17189408

Went to college and got a job afterwards

Now I slave in a soul-crushing office environment and seek escapism in reading and camping

>> No.17189749

>arrive at 4chan as socially autistic retard
>/fit/ makes me strong and aesthetic
>/mu/ lets me pretend to be an obnoxious music snob to slay arthoe girls
>/biz/ makes me a wealthy neet who has no need to work
>/lit/ helps me cope with the fact that I'm still the miserable fuck I was when I arrived here despite this place giving me all I wanted.

>> No.17190111

i get my dad to buy them

>> No.17190348

So based I almost started crying

>> No.17190377

>financial illiterates
And yet they feel joy. When do you feel joy? Not now. Anger and pain meld in your heated words.

>> No.17190408

Books are free online. If you say you don't want to read ebooks then you probably care more about owning them than actually reading them

>> No.17190414

I've stolen legit tens of thousands of dollars worth of items off Amazon. Including books that cost a grand.

>> No.17191217

Only on LCD. Not on e-ink. His ereader was e-ink.

>> No.17191258


>> No.17191269

he probably claims the book never arrived. Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.17191508

I'm a crypto trader and financially independent. I make my income there and nowadays I'm focussed mostly on reading and writing.
When september comes I'm going back to college for literature.

>> No.17192319

severely based.

>> No.17192332

I'm part of the Special Forces unit of my country's army.

>> No.17192359

doesn't justify wasting money on books

>> No.17192365

like this:
Roy Liuzza Beowulf filetype:pdf

>> No.17192366

Okay? If you don't like books then why the fuck are you on this place?

>> No.17192382

you can get books for free. blowing money on books is about as sensical as burning it.

>> No.17192411

You mean like stealing books? If I'm caught breaking the law I lose my job. And why the fuck would I? I earn more money then I could spend.

>> No.17192425

he means like finding the books online, pdfs
I do that shit all the time except for the rare cases where they're not online

>> No.17192436

Yeah, I can't see the point of doing that.

>> No.17192473

Really? From which country?

>> No.17192477


>> No.17192479

It's just to save cash

>> No.17192496

As I said, my job makes me more money then I could spend. I don't really care about "saving cash."

>> No.17192526
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i have an ebook reader. books are free now

>> No.17192533

Fair enough

>> No.17192546

by havnig money lol

>> No.17192593

lol, why are you so mad

>> No.17192595

I don’t really buy vidya anymore. Lotta used books. Ya know.

>> No.17192620

because stealing is degenerate behavior. You are subhuman.

>> No.17192711


>> No.17192770

Are you white? Be honest.

>> No.17193674

By being a NEET and dropping out of a comp lit doctoral program at an Ivy League school and living at home again and using my Trumpbux. Also, Amazon and ABE.

>> No.17193753

Just pirate. Dont let the more popular books with dead authors who wouldnt care even if they were alive guilt you into not reading!

>> No.17193756

>whereas books you get absolutely nothing.
Why are you on this board?

>> No.17194354
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pirate them

>> No.17194495

i sincerely hope this is satire, there is no way a 41-year old could have written this

>> No.17194519


>> No.17194523

I use kindle and Z library so it comes about 50 euros (which is the price I bought kindle). I do have some books from favorite writers but since i actually read books at least 2 times if i like a book on kindle i might buy it on a physical copy

>> No.17194536

I buy used books, there are plenty of stores in my city and theres a pretty large annual book fair, that said I havent bought books in a few years, bought so much during my uni years and got many of my parent's old books, been just reading instead of consooming for once

>> No.17194594

Wow anon. You’re an average twenty-something male in 2021


>> No.17195075

take your own life

>> No.17195119

He's being held down by the white man

>> No.17195120

So many books can be found for free.
I'm currently reading a pdf of the stranger. Don't think you need to own a book to read it. Or... go to a library.

>> No.17195136

My job is somewhat mediocre but I can still afford to spent more on books than I'd ever really need to. The amount of money that makes up a book budget is never going to be significant enough to impact my life in any noticeable way. The biggest moneysink is new non fiction releases but I enjoy them enough and can justify keeping them (unlike most of the novels I own and am unlikely to reread) so it's no big deal.

>> No.17196048

College book sales at my alma mater. You walk away with boxes full of the craziest stuff for pennies.

>> No.17196055

I live with my parents.

>> No.17196166


>> No.17196176


>> No.17196238

what is most /lit/ job n how i get???

>> No.17196467

I read mostly through pdfs, but I rarely spend money so if I'm really enjoying it I'll purchase a physical copy.

>> No.17198654


>> No.17198656

Most of us are independently wealthy or have large trust funds.

>> No.17198695

I have a job. I use the income I gather from that to buy books.

>> No.17199382

i steal

>> No.17199393

Used books are ridiculously cheap and sometimes they are completely unread.

>> No.17199407


>> No.17199458

I have a job you mong

>> No.17199464

Use my neetbucks since i'm not going out anywhere anyway

>> No.17200268

Books are pretty cheap. If they aren’t there’s the library or the internet. I borrow from friends sometimes too.

>> No.17200289

Books are free

>> No.17200309

I buy at most 4-5 new books every year. I buy used, swap or use my library card.

>> No.17200312

90% of the books i buy and own are used and rarely do i spent more than 5 dollars on a book

>> No.17200328

how broke do you have to be to worry about spending 20 dollars on hours of entertainment...

>> No.17200472

thats fine bro. in other countries, living with parents even after marriage is the norm.

>> No.17200625


>> No.17200661

How fucking Jewish can one man get?