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/lit/ - Literature

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17178962 No.17178962 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading? And what are you drinking?

>> No.17179017

My diary and your moms tit milk desu

>> No.17179028

Octavio Paz, El laberinto de la soledad.
Tequila with lemon, ice, and sugar.

>> No.17179031

infinite jest, old man's semen

>> No.17179037

The Qur'an

>> No.17179062

Apple juice and Moot's recent autobiography.

>> No.17179072

Currently, nothing
Earlier, Imagined Communities and tea

>> No.17179081

poems by Joseph Brodsky and drinking some coffee with whiskey and bailey's in it

>> No.17179097

Buch Abramelin and water

>> No.17179104

What kind?

>> No.17179107

Do people actually enjoy reading Homer? Or is it just the desire the become cultured?
Nice photo anyway. It's definitely an aesthetic paperback.

>> No.17179109

Aquinas's Shorter Summa/Bible

>> No.17179120

Mixture of Ceylon and Turkish black tea

>> No.17179125

Data Science Strategy For Dummies.

>> No.17179128

I read homer because I wanted to know what he wrote. Didn't particularly enjoy it though. The illiad especially was a tough read. The aeneid surprisingly was a breeze.

>> No.17179136
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>Do people actually enjoy reading Homer? Or is it just the desire the become cultured?
Come because you want to look smart, stay for the gut-splattering violence. In my view, even if you don't like the books for what they are, they're worth reading just because so many other things allude to them.

Here's something funny I encountered earlier today. Sometimes Homer repeats dialogue word-for-word. In this case it was in the same spot on the page both times.

>> No.17179255
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I have been digging through parallels between The Kalevala and the Nart Sagas. I dropped the formality of a glass a few hours ago.

Want to give me a run down on Octavio, have heard the name many times over the years but know nothing of him.

>> No.17179270

>The illiad especially was a tough read.
What translation did you read? I found Fagles quite readable, aside from the occasional bits that are just unavoidably tedious (like the bit with the ships, or the funeral games).

>> No.17179316

Stoner and every chapter I get up to eat an ice cube.

>> No.17179335

I fucking love homer, but could definitely be because Im Greek. I also seem to be in the minority in enjoying the Iliad more than the Odyssey. I love especially the part with the ships and all the cities that came to fight. Every time he mentions Sicyon I get really happy because that’s my city, that’s the city of my people. It’s very cool to see ‘your’ city talked about in such an ancient and important work.

>> No.17179369

Dis you really buy this book just to epically pwn me? Dude, that's your money not mine....

I have to admit though I do feel like a shithead for the way I treat you. On the one hand I absolutely do think you and your nephews are annoying dweebs but that is not an excuse to mock your weight or appearance in front of LiPumas and Doughertys and whomever. Really I just don't want to think about you.

Like by all means live a good life with your actual friends but I am not sitting with those geeks again. No, I would be lying if I said I thought it was fun.

>> No.17179455

>I have to admit though I do feel like a shithead for the way I treat you. On the one hand I absolutely do think you and your nephews are annoying dweebs but that is not an excuse to mock your weight or appearance in front of LiPumas and Doughertys and whomever. Really I just don't want to think about you.

>> No.17179691
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>currently reading
Surprise, Kill, Vanish by Annie Jacobsen on my Kindle
>currently drinking
Melitta tradtional blend coffee :) 11pm right now btw

>> No.17179733

I've heard my own dad over the holidays saying shit like "I wish my mother was still alive" and that he misses his family. Do you have any idea how sad that is? Take it out on him cause I don't like you. If you want to spend time with my dad then do so but not with me because I simply do not like you. I am not sitting there and listening about cartoons or Bazinga. That is not an excuse to take it out on my father. My suggestions for if you want a new friend:

>Call up your ACTUAL stepson
>talk to your nieces and nephews
>Call up mrs. 7337 or whatever her new number is

Those options are available. I dislike you and you have to take it out on my father. Pathetic.

>> No.17179753

I am not spending time with you and listening to Rich's favorite kid cartoons from 1900. That is not an excuse to take it out on my dad. If you want to talk to him then do so but I am not interested to say the least.

>> No.17179768

wine and keats poetic works
Will probably be shitfaced in a few hours

O for a beaker full of the warm South,
Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,
With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
And purple-stained mouth;
That I might drink, and leave the world unseen

>> No.17179777

I'm enjoying the Iliad right now

>> No.17179813


>> No.17179814

The Lusty Argonian Maid

>> No.17179837

Do you have schizophrenia by any chance? You are talking to anonymous people on the internet, not someone you know.

>> No.17179958
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I need to stop drinking from the bottle
But it dosn't feel "right"

>> No.17179972

Nice, I'm a third of the way through City of Quartz but put it on hold to finish a volume of Proust, going to try and finish it up over the weekend

>> No.17179984

Okay sure. If you say so. Mendicino should be your new friend. Spend the day with her and don't take it out on my dad.

I don't like you and I don't like my own family but my dad for some reason does and complains about how he misses them. Question: Do you think I actually want to watch Football with some fat retard and his idiot kids? Or that idiot who was such a pathetic waste that Ole man Bob excommunicated him from the family? My dad actually likes those fucktards and expects me to pretend so for his sake. I put my foot down and say no. If Rich wants to watch Bazinga then he finds his own friends to do it with. I refuse.

>> No.17179995

How is is bro? Planet of slums is comfy but I feel that is more of an infodump (I mean, expected as much)

>> No.17180015

Yeah, gotta be real nice to them or they take it out on my dad. Dude, I am bwing nice. I do not want to watch Big Bang Theory with you or hear Bob's excommunicated son talk about whatever bullshit. If I was not related to them I would not even give them five seconds on the street. Do you think I enjoy my own autistic father talking about kid cartoons? I get enough of that shit at home. I don't need more of it. I need real friends.

>> No.17180022

what the fuck is going on

>> No.17180286

I only smoke when I read

>> No.17180300

The iliad and odyssey are definitely masterpieces

Go read them

>> No.17180325

Black coffee and the decline of the west

>> No.17181104

Coffee and The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.17181216

Coffee and Singoalla

>> No.17181236

>Secret Teachings of All Ages & Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.17181411

The Iliad
LBLA bible
I Ching (still at the preface)


>> No.17181450

kek, look at this schizo

>> No.17181456
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Water and Augustine's Confessions

>> No.17181465

read it because people said it was a good place to start, Iliad was hard going and then Odyssey was fun but in the end I think the Iliad was really a masterpiece.

it's one of those books that sits in your brain for a long time afterwords and spreads it's roots, I guess. It's not always immediately clear why it's worth reading.

>> No.17181525

Aeneid, solpadeine.

Does it get any better that this boys?

>> No.17181533

Aeneid is by Virgil my dude.

Both very similar though

>> No.17181535

Fuck Paz.

>> No.17181546

Paul Johnson's Intellectuals. I already drank some water

>> No.17181604

No fuck you, tripfag.

>> No.17181614
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>> No.17181635
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Bruh this thread? Fuckin poggers af bruh. It's just like I'm back on Facebook! I'm currently reading Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter, by Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson. I'm sippin on lean cuz my girl left me like bruh WTF???? lmaoooooooo. thx 4 this thread bruh. Bruh moment! Haha

>> No.17181645

dude iliad is literally every 80s action flick in book form and ulysses is just a fun adventure tale, both very enjoyable.

>> No.17181662
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>> No.17181668
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>> No.17181692

A history of the crusades and it doesn't matter what I drink, my taste buds are gone thanks to fucking Rona

>> No.17181712

coffee, the origins of the work of art

>> No.17181883


Ficciones and a Klein bottle full of water

>> No.17181916

I was rewatching "Heat" last night and realized that it was literally just Iliad.

>> No.17182033

LSAT loophole

Vietti Barbera d'Asti Tre Vigne 2017

>> No.17182046
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>> No.17182067

>I love especially the part with the ships and all the cities that came to fight. Every time he mentions Sicyon I get really happy because that’s my city, that’s the city of my people.
Everybody hates that part but your reaction is the reason Homer put it in there. Only a Greek can fully appreciate it.

>> No.17182087
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Based Faglesbro

>> No.17182117

The Epic of Gilgamesh and strong black tea.

>> No.17182128


>> No.17182790

4Chan and bleach.

>> No.17182854

sounds like a cool book. Special Activities Division of the CIA is interesting to say the least

>> No.17182860

Sonichu comics

>> No.17182997

Maybe its a refrain

>> No.17183208

It's probably because it helped people memorise them when they were part of an oral tradition, but I'm no expert

>> No.17183247

These, keep in mind Homer was originally performed, not read. You don't criticize a song for having a chorus, do you?

>> No.17183393
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Good afternoon /lit/.

>> No.17183484

t. Tripfaggot

>> No.17183553

Balzac and mate? lovely combo

>> No.17183562

Of Human Bondage

root beer

>> No.17183598

>Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.17183632

Very good book that I rarely hear mentioned on lit.I think a lot of anons would relate to it

>> No.17183649
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Reading this sipping some mate in the pool.

>> No.17183651
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>> No.17183661

Julius Caesar. Milk.

>> No.17183669

A daring synthesis.

>> No.17183692

The odyssey is adventure kino so I’m assuming you’re only on the Iliad if you’re asking that question.

>> No.17183695

Oh, yes. I just thought it was funny that it ended up in the same spot on the page both times.

>> No.17183697

Coffee, Robot Dreams

>> No.17183716

I always like this while I’m reading it, but it’s so dense with statistics that all I ever retain is the impression that shit is fucked beyond all repair.

>> No.17183740
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organic kagoshima sencha

>> No.17183782

>Arundhati Roy

>> No.17184663

the mug and saucer look like a tiny top hat

>> No.17184685

Based brandy and books

>> No.17184700

I was reading Revolt of the Masses but a combination of circumstances has really cut into my reading the last few days.

>> No.17184701

I'm reading your thread on 4chan's /lit/ board and drinking room temperature pabst blue ribbon.

>> No.17184708

Hardcore hentai
And drinking lemon juice

>> No.17184711

What brand of yerba is this?

>> No.17184717

unironically based

>> No.17184721

Doors of perception
Water infused with mescalin

>> No.17184759

> I love especially the part with the ships and all the cities that came to fight. Every time he mentions Sicyon I get really happy because that’s my city, that’s the city of my people. It’s very cool to see ‘your’ city talked about in such an ancient and important work.
That's so fucking cool. I love Homer but it's only part of my cultural tradition because of its impact on Western Europe in general. I don't have the same cultural and ancestral roots to the text.

>> No.17185236

Cbse serrana

>> No.17185276

I wish i could stab you in the fucking throat and just kick ur fucking skull repeatedly until it crunches. Ill fucking find yoy trust me u faggot, i will

>> No.17185306

Its fake, coronavirus doesnt harm ur taste buds ur just a fucking dumb sheep

>> No.17185359

Must be why I can't taste anything, thank you wise internet nigger.

>> No.17185364

I read it because I wanted to start reading more to help me as a writer, but I legitimately enjoyed the book, I love travelling so that is probably why.

>> No.17185365

>2$ has been deposited into your account

>> No.17185381

This, it is mentioned in the Falges intro in fact if I recall correctly

>> No.17185391


>> No.17185409
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Based and life pilled

>> No.17185432
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Raja Rao's Kanthapura, with some chai

>> No.17185469

Because the most obvious place to start shilling, is a relatively obscure weeb forum dedicated to literature. Honestly kill yourself

>> No.17185542

>5$ has been deposited into your account

>> No.17185561

"The Obstacle is the Way" by Ryan Holiday and water

I know, terribly exciting.

>> No.17185583

Cheers nig

>> No.17185640

The Iliad is genuinely my favorite book. I liked the Odyssey too. Homer rekindled my love of reading in fact

>> No.17185655

Ordered my copy yesterday

>> No.17185669
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hip hip cherrio ol chap

>> No.17185715

Cheers nig

>> No.17185775

This shouldn't have made me laugh.

I'm reading "Angels A to Z" but I don't like it. I'm going to drop it and move to a small collection of science fiction stories written in the 50s that I bought at a furniture store. And then the Dilbert Principle.
Drinking expensive Chinese soup.

>> No.17185803


>> No.17186478


>> No.17186871

Faust and water
I can't stop reading the clown in the voicing of a purposefully out-of-touch parody rap

>> No.17187478

Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the cover photo is not of Odysseus but of Hercules? It is says it on the back of the book for goodness sake!

>> No.17187487

Interesting post OP I actually have the same paperback but I spilled iced tea all over it and it's still sticky to this day. Great book though.

>> No.17187645

On one hand, yes. On the other hand, it’s such a fitting image otherwise.

>> No.17187651
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>> No.17187677

Humiliated and Insulted
I'm quite thirsty, actually. I should find something to drink.

>> No.17187695

nice, anon

>> No.17187835


>> No.17187842

Yeah I like it regardless, the orange cover is really nice. Perhaps they thought it symbolized the concepts of "hero' and "struggle" well.

>> No.17187859

Well, you've got a hero struggling with Poseidon. And I think the circular design neatly symbolizes Odysseus's seemingly never-ending journey home. The orange background is really snappy; usually Penguin Classics don't have such bold design choices.

>> No.17187875

Yeah, no shit to say the least. I've got so many books to read and a big fraction of them are on Vietnam and the Cold War.

>> No.17187905


>> No.17188121


>> No.17188163

Yes. The Odyssey is quite possibly the best work of literature ever written. You should read or, better, listen to it.

>> No.17188385

Good point

>> No.17189472

Claret I hope? It's what Keats would have wanted.

>now I like Claret, whenever I can have Claret I must drink it,—’tis the only palate affair that I am at all sensual in
>We all got a little tipsy—but pleasantly so—I enjoy Claret to a degree
>I ought to die content, and my friends should drink a dozen of claret on my tomb

>> No.17189778

Reading (trying to read) Moby Dick
Drinking Nescafe instant coffee

>> No.17190754
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Drinking Chinese Kool-aid

>> No.17190775

>globohomo art

>> No.17190785


>> No.17191065

The Grapes of Wrath
I'm drinking water. If anybody asks, I like Steinbeck's prose although you have to have patience to enjoy it. OP it looks like you haven't cracked open that book yet. How'd you like the Iliad?

>> No.17191078

>t. Arturo Belano

>> No.17191083

The Pound Era
Folgers Coffee

>> No.17191086

I'm currently reading East of Eden and adore it. If you've read it, how similar is it to Grapes of Wrath ? I might read it next

>> No.17191119

Flowers for Algernon.
I was super autistic growing up and was able to break through to self awareness using hallucinogenic mushrooms, had a lot of the feelings Charlie experiences. Very solid read so far.

Drink is a glass of coke.

>> No.17191143

Haven't read East of Eden but I've read Of Mice and Men and I like Grapes of Wrath much more because there's lots more detail, you really feel like you are apart of their world and in Oklahoma. Maybe it's just because it's my second rodeo with Steinbeck's writing and I understand him more now, I don't really know. Glad that you like what you're reading.

>> No.17191148

Coffee, Collected stories of Nabokov

>> No.17191237

>you really feel like you are apart of their world
then I would definitely recommend East of Eden, the prose is so smooth I feel like I go into a trance
>Glad that you like what you're reading
thanks, you too anon

>> No.17191249

Henry Corbin's A history of Islamic philosophy

>> No.17191359

It's a meme if you read it translated.

>> No.17191535

he's great

>> No.17191542

What kind? Spearmint would be appropriate.

>> No.17192673

>I also seem to be in the minority in enjoying the Iliad more than the Odyssey.

you´re not the only one, i read them back to back and i prefer Illiad, it´s a masterpiece, Odyssey is a pretty good book in comparison

>> No.17193212
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peppermint tea

>> No.17193267

Understanding Media and diet coke

>> No.17193510

Gunslinger by Ed Dorn. It's everything I've ever wanted from a book: drugged-out cowboy philosopher seeks Howard Huges. Dogfish Head Liquid Truth Serum IPA.

>> No.17193653

Currently revisiting some Thomas Bernhard and Peter Handke, knob creek neat.

>> No.17193658

Peppermint lowers testosterone.

>> No.17193716
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Some water and started my first Nabokov book...

Enjoying it so far, but not sure if I am reading the poem/commentary correctly.

>> No.17193787

I enjoyed it, the Iliad got a bit repetitive, and I glossed through the catalogue of ships, but the violence is fun enough, especially if you haven't read 'war' books like it before.

The odyssey is far more enjoyable, especially if you pretend you would have been quick-witted Odysseus had you the chance

>> No.17193804
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>> No.17193831

>look at my tea
fuck off

>> No.17193855

Just making sure you're aware.

>> No.17194031
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Vonnegut, Timequake, ice cold water

>> No.17194045

Year of the French

>> No.17194517

At-Swim-Two-Birds and some shite-arse white wine.

I'm enjoying the book and it's really helping with my understanding of Irish humour that wasn't written by filthy brits cosplaying Irish. My Grandfather is from a village not too far from where the man himself was from so it's helping me understand my heritage, especially considering how I betrayed my kin and went off to England for university. The wine is shite but my gf was having a shitty evening and I'm in a bit of a morose mood so dogshit wine is as appropriate a libation as I can think.

>> No.17195561

I want you to look at the cup, not the tea. The cup was a Christmas present. I like it.

>> No.17196035

silence of the lambs and tea

>> No.17196051

Nothing at the moment, and peppermint tea.

>> No.17196475

Not a big Amarone?