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File: 124 KB, 1200x1000, 1608782656533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17165005 No.17165005 [Reply] [Original]

Tbh I don't understand this meme, I have read a lot of obscure medieval philosophy but yet I dont understand it.

>> No.17165197

I envy you.

>> No.17165210

look up saturnian signal

>> No.17165224

Isn't this the plot of the original Dune series?

>> No.17165260

Either they weren't obscure enough or you failed to understand them properly. Sinking to the swamps of your own depressed soul for 3+ years is, I think, inevitable for those who've acquired the right kind of point of view to life.

>> No.17165268

just the regular hermeneutic/gnostic mysticism of
"dude material reality is like chaos n shit, we gotta stop it by thinking real hard"

>> No.17166520

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of LiFe, one and two will sort this question. Your interstellar mileage will vary.

>> No.17166637
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heres a more accurate version

>> No.17166661


>> No.17166696

live your life
dont look into it too hard
its okay
i repeat... do not look for it

>> No.17166902
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> anything
> ""sacred""

>> No.17166929

You’re not meant to knew the truths of the world or understand them, consider yourself lucky

>> No.17166966

why? Mysticism gives me a sense of deeper and higher order purpose in comparison to the surface of modern hedonism and irony that isn't able to take things seriously that don't have anything to do with material goods and preplanned bourgeois life. Even if you aren't going to discover anything you still get some intuitions about the possibilities.

>> No.17166968


>> No.17167001

Book threads on /x/ reveal some enlightening tomes.

>> No.17167079

good luck

>> No.17167140

He's saying it will drive you insane.
From an outsider's prospective, if you have an interest in these things, you're already showing signs of mental illness and should talk to somebody. I don't think there are secret truths here, just people vulnerable to developing schizophrenic thoughts

>> No.17167172

That's because the meme is false. Learning keeps people fresh and lively. If you stop learning you will start to deteriorate and lose your vitality.

>> No.17167236

It's a reference to https://archive.org/details/moksha_video_20190830
tl;dw: just pop-gnosticism. Do yourself a favor and skip straight to either actual western esotericism, or eastern philosophy, but don't get lost in the surface-level /x/ bullshit

>> No.17167432

It's a criticism of the gnostic idea that knowledge can save us by way of illumination.

>> No.17167440

Bullshit I am a determinist

>> No.17167485

Silence demiurge!

>> No.17167513
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I'm a physicist who works in material science
How do I disconnect myself from reality to believe this stuff? I always think of scientific reasoning first and can't believe these things.

>> No.17167545
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Consume pic related.
And don't.

>> No.17167590

>oh no, not the bad thought! Your brain chemicals are chemicing all wrong!
People who think they are random machines whose only purpose is to carry their parasite-like genes through time, like Dawkins and Dennett, are infinitely more schizophrenic than someone who reads Plotinus to explore their inner soul.

>> No.17167686

Based. The more I know the more I withdraw into myself.

>> No.17167741

Now that you mentioned it, I actually thinketh that >>17166637 is on point.

>> No.17168504
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>watch schizos in jealousy as they increasingly destabilize and spew their word-salad on /lit/ etc
Why can't I unlock that unbound potential!?

>> No.17168578
File: 285 KB, 514x469, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking envy the religious people so fucking much, they got at least "hope" that there is afterlife... i dont believe in it at all. i dont want to be fucking knowledge pilled, i want to be bluepilled sheep, but that will never happen, and i cant fucking undo it at any cost imaginable... i try to fucking brainwash myself into thinking that there will be reincarnation of some sort, but i cant fucking do it... i wanna get out of this god forsaken way of thinking, like really, last week i thought about goin back to church, to maybe gain that "enlightment"... holy fuck bros how do i make those thoughts go away

>> No.17168632

What are you even afraid of?

>> No.17168659
File: 16 KB, 231x205, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dying, and that it will be the fucking end... fucking void of nothingness, its also connected to my other fear, which is extinction of all life in all of the universe, like planets dying and suns cooling down, it will take billions of years, but it will happen eventually... and after it, what comes next ? fucking nothing, life is fucking pointless if there are only 2 sure things in life. i dont want to sound like a hysterical cuck, but that's what im really thinking all the time

>> No.17168673
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Of death, and how it renders life meaningless without religion. Humans have always thought about this because we are self-aware creatures.
Take the Christ-pill.

>> No.17168705

God this shit is so dumb
>void of nothingness
Assuming that’s all there is it won’t bother you at all. Before you had been born what could, for the sake of this discussion, be considered “you” inhabited a void of nothingness. How inconvenienced were you by this in present life? So don’t even worry about it.

>> No.17168734

It is not dumb. That fear is exactly what characterizes humans. We have an inexplicable but unavoidable longing for immortality.

>> No.17168741
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>you were born and you didnt had the slighties idea that you were part of the void
but now i got conciousness and awareness that i exist, and i dont want to go back

>> No.17168748

Which is a mistake btw

>> No.17168756

Not him, but I've heard a number of arguments and other justifications for why you shouldn't fear death, but I think they all fail to take address and subdue the uncomfortable feelings pertaining to death, because it isn't a logical puzzle to be solved. Emotions are inherently irrational. No amount of rationalization is enough to fill the hole. You either come to terms with it or you don't.

>> No.17168767

true, return to monke, reject knowledge

>> No.17168790

Either a mistake or an indication we are not actually from this world in our very essence.

>> No.17168797

Whatever you say. Being afraid of the inevitable is dumb. Go talk to the coming thunderstorm and see if you can convince it to go away.
Once you cross over, and you will, you won’t take that fear and anxiety, let alone your knowledge of consciousness, with you.
We all have to make the transition some time. Live your life as best you can, consider it an actual miracle to have even existed for such a sparse amount of time, and try to get as much mileage out of it as you can while you can.

>> No.17168808

Abstracting existence and reality as a coping mechanism is also dumb.

>> No.17168813

>Live your life as best you can, consider it an actual miracle to have even existed for such a sparse amount of time, and try to get as much mileage out of it as you can while you can.
This philosophy leads to evil inevitably.

>> No.17168817

Nothing has caused more evil than our collective human efforts to rid the world of evil.

>> No.17168828

learn your conjugation man

>> No.17168830

based denial of death poster

>> No.17168894

Roadside picnic?

>> No.17168907

Allowing evil is evil.

>> No.17168925

So why are you here talking to me instead of going out and putting an end to evil? Surely because you must be evil yourself on account of your allowance of it.

>> No.17169095
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>He didn't get it

>> No.17169173

Because I'm not prepared.

>> No.17169657
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>> No.17169671
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>> No.17169682

cringe /pol/ LARP

>> No.17169688
File: 1.41 MB, 1222x3555, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rid of the whole racial soul bullshit and focus on what matters please, I'm too lazy to edit these

>> No.17169695

ok now i know that you have schizophrenia

>> No.17169724

What about the elites?

>> No.17169733
File: 348 KB, 964x964, PRI_133914256-e1581057056975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today I will read a boo-

>> No.17169790


Mysticism is what happens when two monkeys bash stones together to make fire. Then one of the monkeys throws the other one into it and decrees to God that the ashes of his brothers' bones are of a divine essence.

This post has meant nothing.

>> No.17169816

read Eliade

>> No.17169834
File: 32 KB, 600x655, 4354353461290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you try to figure out the truths of the universe you live in, you're mentally ill

>> No.17169896

Determinism is narcissism, even material speaking you are subject to forces beyond your comprehension, let alone your ability to influence. Torment and peace are the only two choices you have, the result of these choices begin and end within the confines of your soul.

>> No.17169959

thanks for the wallpaper also is too organized for schizophrenia at best this is derealization

>> No.17170026

knowledge is a mean and having a hold of it is nothing but pure masturbation. Action is a requirement.

>> No.17170041

You dont want this trust me anon

>> No.17170064

Books for hermeticism? No joke this image piqued my interest.

>> No.17170109

it's just a meme, man. but I'd suggest familiarizing yourself with Jung

>> No.17170191

I thought it was some lovecraftian reference