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17160725 No.17160725 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Take the time and list the books your read in 2020. Give your fellow anons names, not fungible numbers.

>> No.17160748

I tried 2666 back in January. Lost will for it in the Crimes section. I played vidya, did homework and shitposted in the website the entire year. No regrets.

>> No.17160761

already posted the list in the last thread like this but I decided that I don't care

Novels and short stories

Anonymous - The Epic of Gilgamesh
Apollinaire - The Heresiarque and co. (underrated gem)
Calvino - La speculazione edilizia
Calvino - The Castle of Crossed Destinies
Céline - Guignol’s band I et II
Collectif - Voyages en train
Cyrano de Bergerac - Journey to the moon
Cyrano de Bergerac - The states and empires of the Sun
De Quincey - Le Mangeur D’opium (unfaithful translation of Confession of an English opium-eater by de Musset)
de Régnier - Esquisses Vénitiennes
Flaubert - Salammbô
France - The Gods Will Have Blood
Gracq - A Balcony in the forest
Gracq - The Opposing shore (favourite novel this year)
Gracq - The castle of Argol
Grass - The Tin Drum
Huysmans - Là-bas
Huysmans - À rebours
Huysmans - En Rade / Un Dilemme / Croquis Parisiens
Huysmans - Sac au dos / A vau l’eau
Jünger - Sturm
Jünger - Die Zwille (underrated gem)
Mirbeau - Torture Garden (underrated gem)
Naipaul - An Area of Darkness (least favourite novel this year - though not bad per se)
Ovid - Metamorphoses
Perec - Life: A User's Manual
Petronius - Il Satiricon
Rachilde - The Marquise of Sade
Roussel - Impressions of Africa
Sacher-Masoch - Venus in Furs
Schwob - La porte des rêves (underrated gem)
Villiers de L’Isle-Adam - Tomorrow’s Eve
Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway


Arendt - Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
Augustine of Hippo - Confessions
Baudrillard - The Vital Illusion
Baudrillard - La société de consommation
Baudrillard - Le système des objets
de Tocqueville - De la Démocratie en Amérique, Vol. 1
Despentes - King Kong théorie
Gaddafi - الكتاب الأخضر
Gracián - The Art of Worldly Wisdom
Gracq - Préférences (underrated gem)
Héraclite - Fragments: Citations et Témoignages (favourite non fiction this year)
Jaspers - The Question of German Guilt
Jünger - Storm of Steel
Leopardi - Zibaldone
Serres - Esthétiques sur Carpaccio (worst book this year)
Xenophon - The Symposium
Xenophon - Anabasis


Apollinaire - Alcools (reread)
Baudelaire - Les Fleurs Du Mal Et Autres Poèmes (reread)
Char - Les Matinaux / La parole en archipel
Corbière - Les Amours jaunes
Dante - Vita Nova
du Bellay - Les Regrets / Les Antiquités de Rome
Éluard - Capitale de la douleur / L'amour la poésie
Gracq - Liberté Grande (underrated gem)
Lautréamont - Les Chants de Maldoror (favourite poetry - excluding reread)
Plath - Ariel
Pompidou - Anthologie de la poésie française
Prévert - Paroles (least favourite poetry book - though some very good poems in it too)
Saint-John Perse - Exil / Anabase / Eloges / Gloires des Rois
Tagore - L’Offrande lyrique / La Corbeille de fruits
Verhaeren - Les Campagnes hallucinées / Les Villes tentaculaires
Villon - Poésies


Molière - Tartuffe

>> No.17160925

I read (I don't remember the exact order):
>Mussolini's Intellectuals - A. James Gregor
>The Mystery of the Grail - Evola
>Aviccena and Visionary Recital - Henry Corbin
>Jung's Red Book
>Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition - Magee
>Starship Troopers - Heinlin
>Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe
>Urth of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe
>(also read Lexicon Urthus alongside them)
>The Bhagavad Gita
>Hunting Causes and Using Them - Nancy Cartwright
>Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans - Günther
>The Horse, The Wheel, and Language
>Nemesis - C. A. Bond
>Ancient City - Fustel de Coulanges
>Nos: The Book of Resurrection - Serrano
>The Great Delusion - Mearsheimer
>The Forge and the Crucible - Eliade

Comfy audiobooks while driving (bonus):
>Unfinished Tales
>Fall of Gondolin

>> No.17160960

underage b&

>> No.17161885

How’s Eliade?

>> No.17162195

i only readd towards the last 1 1/2 months of the year but i managed to read:

>No Longer Human
>half of Moby Dick

>> No.17162358

>Éluard - Capitale de la douleur / L'amour la poésie
dangereusement basé

>> No.17162382

Long Walk To Freedom - Very interesting
The Pale King - Fine
My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Not good
Little Women - Dull and low quality, with brief flashes of interest
The Denial of Death - a tragic waste of potential. Interesting only if you like interpretations of psychoanalysis
The Glass Hotel - Charming. A sweet, sad, (sort of) ghost story.
2666 - Great, but hard to recommend
A Scanner Darkly - Not what I expected. Worthwhile.
The Iliad - Good
Milkman - Not awful, not especially interesting either. Soap opera with lists every few sentences.
Lord of the Flies - Reread to be sure I still hate it. I do.
The Oxford Connection of Japanese Short Stories - Hit and miss, obviously, but some great ones are in there.
Ubik - Fine
The Interpretation of Dreams (first two chapters) - great summary of contemporary thought, but the original work is absolute trash
1001 Nights, A literal Translation - Somewhat interesting, as an artifact.
Galactic Pot Healer - fine
Hyperion - Great.
The Terror - Mostly good
Revenge (Yoko Ogawa) - Compelling
At the Mountains of Madness - eh
Hell House - Loved it up to the end.
The Fisherman - could have done without the frame. Liked the wizard parts.
Bag of Bones - eh.
Fathers and Sons - Interesting as an artifact
The Power and the Glory - Not bad
The Man who was Thursday - A delight
The Canterbury Tales - Pretty good
The Tsar of Love and Techno - Enjoyable
In the Country - a few were good, mostly interesting as an artifact
Lot - A few were good. Not great overall.
Frozen Assets - classic Wodehouse. Charming and light.
Journey to the End of the Night - Liked it. Will have to revisit it later.
Malcom X: A Life of Reinvention - fascinating. Wanted to read the autobiography itself, but this was easier to get for some reason.

The Worms and the Cheese - it's ok. Less interesting than expected.
The Kybalion - Not bad because it was low-effort. A little interesting.
No Longer Human - Not bad, but my expectations were higher than they should have been.
The Wheel of Time 7-9 - Hey, if you've come this far.
In the Distance - Not bad, mostly interesting for the setting, but enjoyable anyway.

>> No.17162403

>Storm of Steel
>The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea
>Alone Against the North
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Heart of Darkness
>Mine Were of Trouble
>Half of the Iliad I'm still slowly working through
>A half dozen assorted books on carpentry, alternative building techniques and traditional craftsmanship

I'm an incredibly slow reader and this is the first year I've been trying to get /lit/ so not too bad.

>> No.17162782
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Read a lot for uni so haven't had much time for leisure reading this year.

Pope's translation of the Iliad, really enjoyed it compared to Fagles
A couple of plays by Aristophanes (The frogs, the wasps, the one with the trial of euripides at the thesmophoria dunno what it's called). I really enjoy aristophanes for how he subverts the greek tragedians, though my knowledge of greek drama is fairly superficial.
Aristotle's politics and ethics - his system of ethics seems like boomer ethics. Politics is quite comfy.
Hobbe's Leviathan - based book, interesting seeing how much it has influenced subsequent political discourse.
Troilus and Chryseyde - I have read chaucer in the past and thought this was definitely on par with the best moments of the canterbury tales.
Hunter's sketches by tugenev - Several of the stories are very good, I enjoyed others less.
First Love and other stories by turgenev - good read, I think turgenev really excels as a short story writer, would definitely recommend if you enjoyed fathers and sons.
The Shepheardes Calendar by Spenser - great, his fowre hymnes are also good.
Keats' long poems - Endymion, Lamia, Hyperion. Hyperion is particularly good but unfinished
Crusoe - a reread but a comfy book
Ivanhoe - also a reread, one of my favourites as a kid

cant really be bothered to list them all but those were the ones I enjoyed the most I guess

>Silmarillion audiobook
check out the christopher lee recording of the children of hurin, it's comfy.

Reading slow is ok anon, your book picks are good so you're doing better than someone who reads bad books

>Ancient City - Fustel de Coulanges
is this worth reading? I've heard it mentioned on here and it looks good.

>> No.17162862

Master and margarita
No country for old men
Naplam and silly putty
The night dad went to jail
Fast times at richmond high
A Connecticut yankee in king author’s court
Live laugh love
Leo’s big meaty balls
The night before Christmas
Jason backfighter lll
Don “the Bruiser” segal
Marty phelps
Karen K. Kocktail
Howie Eliade
Mick o’connor
Frances de surrender lV
Tom “cheesy” George macaroni
Mcgustus mccabe
Leo mcboobies

>> No.17163865


>> No.17163916

Is that Hegel book worth reading?

>> No.17164402

nice, I really liked it: he as a way to create beautiful imagery by talking liberty with language that I really liked
>la courbe de tes yeux fait le tour de mon coeur
this hits just right

>> No.17164418

The Illiad
The Odissey
Capitalism Realism
Vidas Secas
O Alienista
Os Sertões
Notes from the Underground
4 diálogos Platonicos
O País dos Mourões
Plutarco - Alexandre e César
Borges - Ficciones
Moby Dick
Lavoura Arcaica

I'm almost finishing The Scarlet Letter.

>> No.17165264

>Capitalism Realism
Is it worth it? I've been tempted by it but I fear it's a bit of a meme

>> No.17165422

Dan Zahavi - Phenomenology, The Basics.
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Will to Power.
Ezra Pound - Cathay
Benjamin Noys - Georges Bataille: A Critical Introduction
Charles Jackson - The Lost Weekend
Ryonosuke Akutagawa - Hell Screen, Cogwheels, A Fool's Life.
Thanissaro Bhikkhu - The Truth of Rebirth: And Why it Matters for Buddhist Practice.
T.S Eliot - Poems in Swedish.
Édouard Levé - Autoportrait.
Édouard Levé - Suicide.
Yukio Mishima - Sun and Steel.
Pierre Guyotat - Tomb for 500.000 Soldiers.
Jean Baudrillard - Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?
Slavoj Zizek - Pandemic, Covid - 19 Shakes The World.
Louis Aragon - Irene's Cunt.
Cormac Mccarthy - Blood Meridian
Antonin Artaud - Collected Works Volume One.

>> No.17165549

1. A Time to Keep Silence by Patrick Leigh Fermor
2. A German Officer in Occupied Paris: The War Journals 1941-1945 by Ernst Junger
3. In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin
4. Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolano
5. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
6. The Last Tycoon by F. Scott Fitzgerald
7. On the Marble Cliffs by Ernst Junger
8. The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat
9. The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow
10. Round Ireland in Low Gear by Eric Newby
11. A King Alone by Jean Giono
12. Moneyball by Michael Lewis
13. A Bend in the River by V. S. Naipaul
14. Troubles by J. G. Farrell
15. Oliver Cromwell by C. V. Wedgwood
16. Another Day of Life by Ryszard Kapuscinski
17. Loving by Henry Green
18. Butcher’s Crossing by John Williams
19. Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life by William Finnegan
20. The Third Reich by Roberto Bolano
21. The Urban Crucible by Gary B. Nash
22. Nine Stories by J. D. Salinger
23. A High Wind in Jamaica by Richard Hughes
24. The Last Grain Race by Eric Newby
25. Arabia Felix by Thorkild Hansen
26. Zona by Geoff Dyer
27. The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
28. Ghost and Horror Stories of Ambrose Bierce
29. The Hill of Dreams by Arthur Machen
30. The Presence of Grace by J. F. Powers
31. Home by Marilynne Robinson
32. The Outlaws by Ernst von Salomon
33. Hitch-22 by Christopher Hitchens

Currently reading pic related
Probably won’t finish it tonight. Maybe tomorrow

My favorite reads of the year were The Last Grain Race
The Outlaws
A German Officer in Occupied Paris
The Leopard
A Bend in the River
The Adventures of Augie March

I tried Auto da Fe and An American Tragedy but couldnt get into them. Hopefully better luck next year.

>> No.17165622
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>> No.17165670

>Is it worth it?
I don't think so. I can sum up the book quite well by the idea that we can't even fathom any alternative for Capitalism after the fall of the Berlim wall and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union.
Surely, there's also his pop references which might be somehow amusing per se
but the book is pretty much unessential.
Maybe read some Kaczynski for someone more insightful and equaly memey.

>> No.17165703

Thanks for your answer, not going to read it!
>Maybe read some Kaczynski for someone more insightful and equaly memey.
Been there done that. Why do you think Capitalism realism has become a meme? Is the author himself memey?