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/lit/ - Literature

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17165512 No.17165512 [Reply] [Original]

>Welcome good sirs how has your year been? have a drink too, dont be shy!

>> No.17165520
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>May I propose a toast?

>> No.17165600
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>in vino veritas

>> No.17165617

I just finished my last book of 2020. What a great year to be a reader

>> No.17165642

here here!

>> No.17165648

I acquired a lot of books, read some
Improved my Japanese
Had my year plans shitcanned by covid
Still stuck in life
There's always next year!

>> No.17165658

The year has been... interesting.
Containing the best and worst of my life.
I've begun to learn latin, poorly.
I can only hope that the next year is a tad more stable.

>> No.17165669
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Raise your glasses, lower your expectations!

>> No.17165773
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>buy my books
>trannies aren't women

>> No.17165939
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A toast!

>> No.17166107

5 hours until new year Here in Germany.
I am Happy that this Board exists and thanks for all the Posts you fellow /Lit/frens made over The year.

>> No.17166114

Based Blom poster

>> No.17166119

I gained too much weight this year. Need to follow more BAP and less Kantbot in 2021

>> No.17166133
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The first half of the year was great, even though I felt lonely a lot of the time.
The second one was hell. Anyway, a toast!

>> No.17166231

This was the year that made me really appreciate normal.
That dull routine where your worst fear is forgetting to set the clock for morning. The freedom of going where ever you wish, without a mask, without having to wash your hands 100 times a day, without waiting in lines because number of people inside is limited, but mostly without feeling high level of discomfort because someone coughed.
After what happened in spring, it took me some time to get my old sleeping habits back, and here I am suddenly back to square one, sleeping in clothes, sneakers close by.
There were some good things that happened, I've read some really good books. I've read a lot.
I really want 2021 to be normal.

>> No.17166240
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A toast!

>> No.17166846

I hate normal. This has been a year of boring normalcy for me in spite of everything else going on. I want to live in interesting times that really feel like interesting times

>> No.17167117

Mixed bag honestly.

I’ve read less than I normally do this year because I had a mental breakdown down due to depression. Lost my chance of doing grad school too because of said depression too. On the flip side, I met a girl who became one of the most important people in my life as well as becoming more social in general. This summer was honestly magical in retrospect as it was my first experience with true mutual love.

I guess that means it levels out to being a middling year in quality overall. A mix of extreme highs and extreme lows. The goal for 2021 is to try and take these new and wild emotions that have been awakened in me and try to mould them into some kind of improved personality. I’m just at a loss for where to begin.

I’ll drink a toast to /lit/ when the clock strikes midnight. I wouldn’t have fully explored these emotions or found love if it wasn’t for the books you’ve introduced me too. You’re all faggots, but I love you.

>> No.17167180
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Stay safe, kings.


>> No.17167191

ly too anon

>> No.17167233

you look like a soldier from mount and blade warband

>> No.17167235


>> No.17167311
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Henlo frens! Happy NEW YEAR!!!

>> No.17167320

Which books?

>> No.17167327

Depression. Sadness. New job that I hate. I'm exhausted.
I want to go home but I don't know where my home is.

>> No.17167336

A tost to books, gentlemen!

>> No.17167340
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>I want to go home
I used to say this to myself when I was depressed (About 10 years, I was). Then one day, I said it, and instantly thought, "no I don't, I want to stay out and keep fighting" I literally snapped out of the 10 year long depression right there. I've been back in the dark forest a couple times since, but never for more than a day or two. It's been about a year and a half since then. Good luck, friend.

>> No.17167341
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Not a great year for me. I lost my job and I slowly began to hate almost everyone due to prolonged social isolation over meme virus. On the upside, I read 38 books which is a new high, and I started working out all the time. Anyway here's to you fellas, you're alright, except for Hitchensfag and that guy who kept spamming the "sparkle meg" pics all summer.

>> No.17167411

So create those interesting times, they will not come knocking at your door. Certainly not when pandemics has everything on halt, so really first one has to have normal to get the interesting.

>> No.17167416

Hey guys I'm here the party can start.

>> No.17167551

I got out of a 18 month slump of NEETdom. Got a job that I'm really happy with and everything in my life turned around. I finally found a way to live and I have started to accept things that I've struggled with for a long time. I'm honestly looking forward to the future instead of dreading it.

There are some things that feel almost divine, and that goes beyond the material. Love is one of those things, and I haven't been willing to look for it for the past few years since my last relationship ended. I'm slowly coming around.

Happy new year anons, I wish you all the best.

>> No.17167560 [DELETED] 
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Looks like I'll be spending another New Year's Eve on 4chan

>> No.17167575
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Looks like I'll be spending another New Year's Eve on 4chan

>> No.17167592

I'm hanging out with some my bros from Bates so we can go over the numbers from my book sales.

>> No.17167617

Happy NYE guys I'm feeling FAT AND SASSY!!!!

>> No.17167669

worst book I read all year ngl. Pointless burger dreck

>> No.17167697

Bold, but I'll support it. Way too much cock stuff. I was hoping for more rocket mysticism

>> No.17167737

Moby Dick and Les Miserables were life changing experiences for me. Tolstoy’s reflections also helped ground me a lot. I particularly think I would have never won that girl’s heart had I not taken some perspective on relationships from Tolstoy’s Family Happiness.

>> No.17167740

>This summer was honestly magical in retrospect as it was my first experience with true mutual love.

i really need to get out more, i don't think i've met a girl in a year.

>> No.17167770

Nice! I'm currently reading Moby Dick right now. Really transports you to high adventure. I'll look for the other books as well

>> No.17167775

any last minute thoughts my horror series before the new year???

>> No.17167777

>Tolstoy’s Family Happiness.
Which Translation?

>> No.17167799
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Ahh lit. Say what you will about this place but at least you can come here and have an actual conversation about the important thinkers. You can ask a question about Kant and you won't get told that he was a racist or that the humanities are a waste of time, you might get called a degenerate by some kid from /pol/ but they usually get bored and fuck off. There's alot of dumb shit that gets posted here some of which is delightful but just knowing that there's a community of people who want to talk about books like I do who aren't reddit-souled faggots is a nice thing. So thanks lit and *ahem*
to everyone else have a happy new year

>> No.17167808

a WWII horror story called 'Call of the Duty'. zoomers would buy it.

>> No.17167811

Take your meds

>> No.17167812

I'm in that same sort of slump still, can't see a way out right now and I've hit a dead end with the military option. How'd you manage it?

>> No.17167816


>> No.17167823

hey man whats up, us name bros should stick together this year

>> No.17167844

I meant to turn mine off lol I keep it on for my homo threads where my frens recognize me

>> No.17167845

Does anyone have the new 2020 chart?

>> No.17167847

She's right but for completely the wrong reasons

>> No.17167855

I have some weed. Should I get something to drink tonight as well? I'm running a little low on cash, may need to get a job soon. Have some books on the way.

>> No.17167859

Honestly it was just that I was ready to take an opportunity that ended up in my lap with by luck. Told my parents I wanted to start working again. A neighbour of my father says their company is hiring. I put my act together, got a resume looking decent and contacted them. Got an interview a few days later, and started working the day after the interview. I'm very thankful that the chance presented itself, but it only happened because I was ready to take it and talked with people who were willing to help me. Sorry if this isn't much help, good luck anon.

>> No.17167871

hell yeah NYE is a drinking holiday not a 'dude weed' holiday. I'm gonna get some champaign (cheapest kind the store has), a six pack, and some vodka.

>> No.17167877
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I wish "some weed" was still enough for me.

>> No.17167889
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elucidate, my good man

>> No.17167896

I tried the 52 books challenge this year guys.. needless to say I failed. 11 books :(

>> No.17167912
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Still pretty good, try for 15 next year! Reading and understanding (and enjoying) is much better than just quantity.

>> No.17167965
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Happy new year frendorinos! In 2020, I had a dark period in wich I took (stolen) drugs to force myself to sleep all day for weeks, my gf and I have broken up and I nearly failed my classes. However, emerging from this darkness I have learned to love the small joys of life and to persevere through the bad moments. I have also read all the epics, all the tragedies and the two great historians of the greek corpus (I had not read a complete book longer than 300 pages for years before that). My only resolution this year, is to start running; I used to be an athlete and I want to get back what I used to have.

>> No.17167991
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Rather than focusing on the fact that this was one of the most depressing years in decades, for everyone, we should acknowledge that we all made it through such a year intact.
Here's to good books, good looks, good health, and good wealth.

That's wonderful news, anon!

>> No.17168001

I mean, I feel that. I say some weed but I just went through an eighth in like 3 days.

>> No.17168002
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Very based posts, and extremely based thread.

Good luck to everyone in the new year!

>> No.17168016
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Hope things go better for you in 2021 fren

>> No.17168017

I think it was the Garnett translation IIRC.
It was the idea of love being more than just constant passion that I really took from it.

Also, love is a strange experience for me. It’s made me completely question who I am fundamentally and retreat back into my past to really question what experiences from past made me the person I am today. The whole year has felt surreal in nature because I plunged into a depression that threw me into the deepest existential despair I’ve suffered in more than a decade, I met a girl who was there to comfort me and remind me that I was capable of love and I would have never met her had I continued with my postgrad plan as I originally intended.

On top of that, a family member died suddenly and unexpectedly, and now even though I have this amazing woman in my life who promised she’d always be there for me, I’m still feeling confused and lost because now I don’t think I’d actually want to go back into academia even if I had the option now, but yet because that was originally my whole identity, I have to try and build a new identity and find new reasons to live from scratch. Right now, all I have is this girl who I love and some creative projects. I can’t help but feel like this whole affair has put me at a major crossroads in my life, with the bridge behind me having completely burned down.

>> No.17168024

I could smoke an eighth in an afternoon.

>> No.17168041

You'll be fine, Anon. An unexpected event worked out well for you, let go and enjoy. Something's gotta happen

>> No.17168064
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my view is that the novel is an upstart medium and that poetry is the highest form of literature.
When you read enough novels, you realise that the driving element of this form, narrative, is largely superficial. Whereas the novelist relies on story as a framework to present his themes, the poet uses the power of images and the structure of verse to present pure ideas and insights without extraneous prose. Poetry can allow us to make philosophical insights that are inaccessible to the dialectic approach. Of all the forms of literature, poesy is best able to elevate our thoughts towards the highest level of beauty.
The epic is the highest form of poetry, and a skilled poet can use this medium to weave an intricate tapestry of ideas and meanings. Poetry is also a more powerful moral tool than any ethical treatise, and can make the benefits of the virtuous life self evident. Checkmate Plato
*hits bong*

>> No.17168082

Have you ever read Dostoevksy? Novels can be poetry.

>> No.17168104

love you all anons, you introduced me a ton of interesting stuff, hope 2021 goes better.

>> No.17168112



>> No.17168118

that's fine, i am too

>> No.17168134
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Thanks for the explanation, Anon. I don't have any argument other than that I prefer reading novels, personally. But you have very interesting ideas, and I will think about them further throughout the night

>> No.17168171

It's not fair to judge novels because it's a medium that became popular only after the 18th century when everything had already gone to shit.

>> No.17168359

Happy new year frens!

>> No.17168366

Happy new year friend
I'm reading a book, I wish I could party but I have no friends irl

>> No.17168368

Hello OP, I don't post on /lit/ but I'm here to mingle among the readers and book minded people as a simpleton on my way to literary expertise.

>> No.17168370

The last 8th I got has lasted me six months. I take a hit or two maybe once or twice a week. I get higher from two hits than I used to from a big bowl. It’s absolutely the best period I’ve had with cannabis. Every high has been bliss.

>> No.17168375
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>> No.17168411
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It seems a trite thing to say but 2020 was a distinctly garbage year and I've had a few of them. I got fat and seem to have become afflicted by a mystery illness that makes me nauseous and tired all the time and makes even trivial activities exhausting. I spent half the time looking for a job during an economic meltdown and dealing with insufferable pricks who manage hiring and ghost you without notice. I went from being a strapping lad to a worn out old man in a matter of months.

I remember thinking to myself back in NYE of 2019 with starry eyed idealism that 2020 would be the year everything came together for me, that there was a special numerological magic to repetition of digits twenty twenty that would transubstantiate my lead into gold. Instead my lead rusted and got shittier.

Oh well, I'm sure I can pick myself back up again, each year seems to take a little bit more from you. The only good thing about 2020 was that my writing output was fairly sustained especially since I didn't have job. Like ailing and once childless king, his dynasty facing extinction, that is blessed with the sudden fortune of the birth a male heir, I have invested all my hopes and expectations for the future into this book that will most likely never be read. Still I cling to the hope that my groundbreaking ideas will eventually find a worthy audience.

>> No.17168439

I think we're in a similar boat anon (>>17167341). I wont dump any platitudes cause I know full well it's a shit world full of trash people and a nonstop struggle but, I think it's good you still have some kind of mission in life, no matter how arbitrary. Keep it up king. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger even if it actually cripples you and makes you weaker cause technically that's still experience

>> No.17168508
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happy new year my fellow literature lover

>> No.17168687

happy new year from britian lit, you guys are good friends to me and i hope you have a great one

bless you all

>> No.17168691

What are you reading? Anything good?

>> No.17168735

Happy 2021 from California! I still have 8 hours to wait. What's the future like?

>> No.17168803

Shout out to the Hegel posters, the Žižek posters, the effort posters, the filtered posters, the DFW posters, and the Paradife Loft posters

>> No.17168805

no gf yet bro but god willing we will prosper, god gives the year and god gives the strength for it

>> No.17168838
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Happy new year!
So far it's nice, peaceful and with clear sky. I'm keeping fingers crossed it stays that way.

>> No.17168859
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didn't read as much as i thought i would but thats all in the past, happy new year /lit/bros!

>> No.17168879
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Brit here. Brexit happened. We're free.
For my first post in 2021 I'd like to declare the following: fuck kikes.

>> No.17168896
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>> No.17168947
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I'm glad you are free. Every nation should be hold sovereignty over themselves. Great Apu


Aye, that he does!

>> No.17168966
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I completely forgot it was new years eve until i saw this thread.
Happy NYE boys, hope you are having a good night.
Cheers to a healthy, prosperous, and fulfilling 2021.

>> No.17168979
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Happy for you Brits. Been spending the last 4 years in the EU after a life abroad, and christ the constant march of laws no one asked for wears on those who bother to watch. For me the menthol cigarette ban was the final redpill. If only the EU was more in line with what Mosley envisioned. Oh well, I'm just an Irish bystander, god willing we'll follow suit one day

>> No.17168994
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What are my negroes reading/doing this evening? I'll be continuing on with pic rel with some very strong coffee and I'm also going to be having sushi with my mum later :)

>> No.17169009

Ireland seems nice, very chill and just the right balance of liberalism and libertarian.

>> No.17169016

Pretty shitty year overall, although in retrospect a lot of the shittiness could probably have been avoided. Didn't do much of note, in fact I basically squandered most of the extra indoors time we got this year. Next year should be better

>> No.17169019
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Still working on Cellini Autobiography, loving it!

>> No.17169021
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Happy new year frens. This year has been... weird. I've spent 10 months without going out except for groceries and stuff (and I wasn't a NEET before this year). I made a promise to spend all my time for self improvement in december 2019 so I really welcomed the pandemic and lockdown at first, but now I am very apathic and I feel I've become very sociopathic and anti social. Outside of this blessed board I haven't socialized with any of my friends or extended family for the last few months, and I don't even feel the need to. I feel kinda gloomy but I also kinda enjoy this monk/hermit mode. Hopefully 2021 will shake me out of this stupor.

I wish the absolute best to all of you frens here, this board is a gem and I love you. I'm going to pour a glass of fine wine in your honor now. Sorry for the blog post

Freue neues Jahr anon!

>> No.17169047

My new hobby will be to actually read books I've been meaning to read instead of dilly-dallying and skimming nonsense!

>> No.17169078

Year has been weird. Thought I would love working from home, but it started getting to me towards october or so. Started with high spirits due to being lead on a fairly big project, ended up having something of a crisis and getting sick of my job. Feeling shame at spending new year's with my parents. My younger brother is over at his girlfriend's. Ah, wish I could stop thinking like a fucking status obsessed highschooler.

On the other hand, feeling pretty good about finishing the Prince of Nothing trilogy, those are really great as far as genre fiction goes. Gonna take a little break from it and read Look to Windward and Blood Meridian before moving on to the Aspect-Emperor series.

>> No.17169094

Send 'em a "Happy New Years!" text

>> No.17169115

This post has good energy

>> No.17169130

Fren you can call me a faggot but I really think Brexit is going to fuck UK into shambles. I know the EU is lead by neoliberal authoritarian faggots but it should be heavily reformed rather than broken into pieces. Europe will not survive the coming era as a dominant world power if its not united. I might be biased because I am a pan-Europeanist and I love all my European brothers, but I've also seen a lot of simulations and projected economy developments for several post-Brexit scenarios and they are all grim. (I work for a large fintech firm). Anyway, I hope I am wrong but in my opinion you have made a great mistake, but happy new year and best of luck to you

>> No.17169141

Not that Anon, and you could be right. But I would argue that the competition between European States would push them to perform better, than if they are fat and happy together. I love all of our European Brothers as well. Best of luck in general

>> No.17169151
File: 93 KB, 625x531, 1609453957017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really think Brexit is going to fuck UK into shambles
I don't care anon, I'm happy the people won for once. We'll rebuild and take care of our country whatever happens.

>> No.17169160

Based picture, brings a tear to mine eye!

>> No.17169171
File: 419 KB, 500x601, 1600125902896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Years /lit/! This year has been a resounding confirmation of my ethos and a huge morale boost for me. For everyone out there who has anxieties or trepidation about the year to come, take heart! There is so much you do, if you only have the will to believe.

>> No.17169179

>the people wanted it, lads
>and the people won
simple as

>> No.17169187


>> No.17169186

Love you, buddy. Happy New Years!

>> No.17169202

Just finished watching Grave of the Fireflies with my mum. What a way to celebrate! Anyway, she liked it so I'm happy

>> No.17169210

I've read less books that I wanted (only 33). Got a job which kept me busy this year but I had a lot of time which was wasted anyway. Still no gf. To sum-up It could be worse. Cheers my friends, this will be our year

>> No.17169211

I often order books from the UK so the taxes will be a bit of a pain, but I'm happy for you and wish you the best.

>> No.17169212
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Good night /lit/bros. And Happy New Year

>> No.17169229

sleep well, friend

>> No.17169240 [DELETED] 

Postgrad life.. started my first job, turned 22, saved 30k living at home

>> No.17169275

danke dir.
habe dich lieb

>> No.17169332

very festive, anon

>> No.17169464
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Caffeine time
Let's fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.17169485
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lads I reported a onlyfans ethot on twitter for having a lewd profile picture and she got banned

its a new years eve miracle

>> No.17169499
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Thats pretty gay bro

>> No.17169508
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>> No.17169553
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I’m concerned everything I read and see is just infornography used to fuel my fantasy world of imagination. I need to start grounding myself in reality. I want to suffer and become a man next year

>> No.17169572
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Lie on your resume.

>> No.17169588
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>Poetry is the highest form if literature
Zarathustra would like a word with you.

>> No.17169594

I got two beers and some pizza. Just chilling now. Hoping some books I ordered will show up tomorrow.

>> No.17169621

take the battle against mediocrity, anon

>> No.17169647
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Pretty great all around, got into the jewelry business and that’s been pretty successful, dedicated much more time to poetry and writing. All in all had a lot good times all things considered. I’m sure 2021 will be even better and I hope you all have a great new year.

>> No.17169679

Hey I read that last week. Pretty good. Followed it up with Licensed to Kill by Robert Pelton, got Ghost Wars and Find, Fix, Finish in the queue next

>> No.17169684

Just signed up for a mountain climbing course for February. Tired of being forced to stay inside for months, so I'm going to go out in the world and experience as much as I can. Hope you all have an amazing 2021

>> No.17169732

Got my poetry published for the first time at a really major place this year, so honestly I’m pumped. World is going to shit but that’s nothing new.

>> No.17169754

congrats! bet that feels amazing.

>> No.17169757

I’m just starting with top rope belaying, anon. i’d love to get into that in the future tho

>> No.17169759
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That's funny/cool, because I've got Ghost Wars in my soon-to-be-read pile as well!
>picrel is my TBR

>> No.17169765
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Awesome dude!

>> No.17169778

That's really cool, good job, Anon!

>> No.17169785

Based, good job!

>> No.17169797

>jewelry business
You have exposed yourself schlomo

>> No.17169799

My main hobby is bouldering, but I haven't gotten into any lead climbing yet. I wish I had some friends in the area who were into climbing so I could learn. Hard to meet anyone like that since the climbing gym has been closed since March

>> No.17169827

>last name is an anagram of Anselm
Yeah no shit

>> No.17169878


The asemlen name is even cringier, I made it many years ago as an acronym of “Ain soph est mea lvx et nox” (yes yes I know terrible mingling of both the Hebrew and the Latin) it’s supposed to mean The endless one is my light and my night, the anselm anagram Was a double meme with it but not a perfect one due to the extra E. Asemlen also I chose due to the gematria aspects. It’s just a bunch of autism. But I keep it for sentimental reasons.


There’s an incredible amount of jews within the business. Minority of Chinese and Indians; but it’s mostly Jewish.

>> No.17169884

I'm 21 and still a virgin it hurts so much

>> No.17169965

It's literally not a big deal to be a virgin at your age. Be bold and talk to more women when you can!

>> No.17170001

In the days of old men would escape decadent society and head to the desert as hermits—asceticism not as an end in itself, but a means of loving God. Maybe with the experience in the desert one can return to society with his passions in check, hardened too. But where is the desert now? How do I make the jump from NEET to desert cave? Sometimes I just want to build a raft and get lost in the pacific like that one kid did—except for a longer stretch of time. Hell, a childhood dream of mine is Marine Biology (which got me into philosophy as it did with Aristotle himself) but how am I going to study life and find God in the ocean without having oceanic experience? Man I wanna get on a raft with a couple Vitamin C pills in my pocket, eating seaweed and raw fish fillets.....

>> No.17170060

your intuition is correct. heed its call

>> No.17170070
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Doing good listening to metal music and chilling. Already had a comfy news dinner and wine.

>> No.17170089

Go to school for Marine Biology. Or atleast take a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California and watch the Marine Biologists work (and pet the sea otters)

>> No.17170115

NEET is the desert, friend. Social ostracism, rejection of dominant culture, little in the way of resources, plenty of time to get lost in your head.

>> No.17170133

Just get trashed and introduce yourself to a looksmatch girl

>> No.17170414


>> No.17170430
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>> No.17170443

Happy new years, faggots
many more books to read this year

>> No.17170504

I don’t want to get lost in my head—I want to ground myself in reality. It’s the modern life that lives in illusion. I want to rescind imagination and get in touch with reality—that’s what Christian monks and hermits do!
Why yes I have been to Monterey Bay, and marine captive breeding is a central interest of mine, though in terms of “‘Marine Biology” I need to master the “Logos” portion of “BioLOGY” then the “BIO” portion, then the “MARINE” portion

Look, for me, Marine Bio is like seeing some cute girl and feeling immense shame and unworthiness to even be in its presence. The natural world is too overwhelming and too beautiful and I am too weak. I need to lose myself in metaphysics, mathematics, and proof before I gaze upon the incomprehensible beauty that is the biological world