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File: 182 KB, 1080x1513, FB_IMG_1607822966046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17163119 No.17163119 [Reply] [Original]

>yes God
>no God

Any books about how these discussions are stupid and pointless?

>> No.17163137

>ignore the real theism/atheism and gonstic/agnostic axes
>wonder why the discussion is low-resolution and repetitive
Many such cases

>> No.17163142
File: 24 KB, 399x388, UBWiC1X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, their hair is so red

>> No.17163150

>t.hollywood casting agent

>> No.17163159

I want to one on the left to stamp my face in with her boots and then make me eat her dead foot skin

>> No.17163189

God I want to huff the farts of the one on the left.

>> No.17163210

Jesus Christ I would take that Mom out to a nice Italian restaurant and tip 25% in hopes that it would impress her.

>> No.17163219
File: 124 KB, 633x950, 92AA88E8-8C8E-4D7A-8AC1-843FA4863FCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance of never seeing this post again, OP?
You can’t just sit on the fence for the length of a book and say “hey, maybe you’re both right. Stop being stupid”

>> No.17163230
File: 99 KB, 760x445, thehatedpeterhitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, we meet again.

>> No.17163250
File: 562 KB, 1280x1920, A52C812C-3946-4314-9154-E312F1DEE6CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re an addict P-Hitch.

>> No.17163272

Every religion debate on YouTube features a rightwing conservative, anti-gay Christian debating an atheist who is on the political left. You never see leftwing Christians like Cornel West or rightwing libertarian atheists participating in these debates, nor do you ever see Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, or Wiccans ever debate religion.

Furthermore, everyone comes into the debate already having their own opinions which never change, which makes the debates more like cheerleading than a debate. I saw one where a student debated a professor, which basically just meant they were putting the student through the motions to prove they could participate in a tradition, not actually change a mind.

But perhaps the most ludicrous example is the Yale online lecture series on death, in which the professor says in the first lecture "I'm an atheist and I consider it my job to convince you to be an atheist as well, which is what I will be doing over the course of the semester." This means that everyone signing up for that course either already agreed with him, or thought that they could "own" the professor, and in both cases they wasted tens of thousands of dollars on something that is literally a worthless process.
It's not about "both are right," it is about the impossibility of objectivity and the futility of trying to make everyone agree with you.

>> No.17163295

damn thought you were based anon and making a point on the significance of faith in order to have any meaningful connection with God thus making a "debate" fruitless, but instead you decided to focus on social psychology. so close anon

>> No.17163325

You want an entire book about how a particular thing is not worth considering or having an opinion on?

>> No.17163341

You could read some Carnap, he doesn't specifically talk about that, but his view of science pretty much argues that "god is (not)real" is an useless statement.

>> No.17163352
File: 21 KB, 597x559, D010056D-A51F-455D-91D1-4CD78F966B19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurf dbur everything needs to be black and white
Me holding an opinion about God literally changes nothing substantial about my life besides the fact both atheists and theists will find me annoying. If you ask me whether I want a butter or mayo sandwich I might answer neither because I don't fucking like either, you mongrel. Fencesitters are unironically the oppressed race. Fuck you and your divisive moralfaggotry, your insistence on collapsing people's opinions to your overly simplistic politicizations. No wonder something something I just can't be FUCKED finishing this post. Neck yourself

>> No.17163371

It seems you don’t even know what you want.
So my initial response again: stop bringing it up.
No earthly invented deity could possibly be true and the only ones that might be possible are not at all likely. But if they were, they’re not asking for worship.
Enjoy your reality tunnel.

>> No.17163377

off topic, but has anyone noticed how ginger pussy smells so bad?

>> No.17163380

I have never seen a vagina

>> No.17163383

Literally textbook reddit atheism. I don't care for your arguments because they're applied in the most vapid and unnecessarily divisive way possible. You miss the point I'm trying to make because you presume I have to care for a God or no-God. I don't want your fucking mayo sandwich. Not least I'm not OP either

>> No.17163386

Malicious generalization at best.

>> No.17163394

>You’re being too right! That’s divisive!
>I want your fucking mayo sandwich
I did say to go enjoy your reality tunnel, now didn’t I?

Can we get back to discussing redheads now?

>> No.17163399

>Can we get back to discussing redheads now?
Yes but only if you promise to post the hottest ones. I enjoy a redhead as opposed to a mayo sandwich.

>> No.17163400
File: 845 KB, 2000x2272, ddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually butters, i am very fond of ginger girls. the more ginger they are, the better. i've gotten with 4 of them, and all 4 had extremely stank pussy. i thought i was just unfortunate, but i made an off-hand comment about this among a group of friends, and almost all of them had an immediate reaction confirming the same.

>> No.17163405

>nor do you ever see Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, or Wiccans ever debate religion.

yeah you do

>> No.17163410

>nor do you ever see Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, or Wiccans ever debate religion.
are you retarded? Its okay not to answer, that's the expected response from a retarded individual.

>> No.17163437

t. person with brown hair

>> No.17163444
File: 53 KB, 599x480, B63AF2C3-5485-4721-AD13-A2C879CEE0A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gingers > black hair > blonde hair >>>>>>>> brown hair

Simple as

>> No.17163485
File: 94 KB, 1125x1107, 1590230299178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, except
black hair >= brown hair (dark) >>>>>> brown hair (light) >= blonde hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>> gingers

>> No.17163501

Nah brown hair is so common and looks like shit. Blonde is rare and everyone wants to have blonde hair because it’s the definition of whiteness

>> No.17163503


>> No.17163526

How is different colors of shit based?

>> No.17163537
File: 113 KB, 1200x1200, gillian-anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will never understand you.


On the other hand I will also never understand you faggots. Hair color only matters in regards to a woman's skin color and clothing choices. I've always preferred redheads to blondes but I would have to be blind as fuck to prefer young Gillian over mature mommy Gillian.

>> No.17163538

>Blonde is rare and everyone wants to have blonde hair because it’s the definition of whiteness
jesus, you americans are unbelievably cringe. i live in norway, ive known more blonde people than anything else. its nothing special, and if you unironically define beauty based on your retarded /pol/cel ideas of whiteness, you unironically should an hero before 2021. also, loads of non-whites have naturally blonde hair, you unimaginably ignorant piece of shit

>> No.17163544

>Hair color only matters in regards to a woman's
Hair color and feet are everything I care about in a women. Go be a simp somewhere else

>> No.17163548

>loads of non-whites have naturally blonde hair
Slavs are white anon, stop the racism

>> No.17163567

You know that Norway has a small population, making blonde hair the rarest hair color in the world. Blonde hair genes are overriden by brown hair genes. How stupid are you?

>> No.17163570

>Any books about how these discussions are stupid and pointless?
Knowing God is the objective of your creation, you need to overcome fideism.

>> No.17163574

>blonde hair the rarest hair color in the world
and if your answer has anything to do with "preserving the white race", you can fuck off back to the other retards in /pol/

>> No.17163580

On the basis of Mendelian Genetics such a composition should not exist. All of the girls are either not from him or some of them are dyed their hairs.

>> No.17163584

Guys, the post isn't about the girls.

>> No.17163625
File: 262 KB, 1287x1249, e6f042c85f18b0a3703a6980e890f8e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It absolutely 100% is.

>> No.17163652

>that brown hair emerging
Why do people color their hair and larp as gingers?

>> No.17163688

Natural blondes can be found almost all over Europe. Redheads are less common.

>> No.17163693

Every thread is about OP image.

>> No.17163705

It's your fault for being a COOMER.

>> No.17163712

>making blonde hair the rarest hair color in the world.

It is 3% for blonde hair and 2% for red hair.
/pol/ once again btfo by facts and reality.

>> No.17163718

Brown haired people exist everywhere, what is your point?

>> No.17163725


That redheads are, in fact, the rarest hair color in the world?
You know, contrary to your entire fucking point?

>> No.17163732

>redheads is rarer by one percent than blonde hair
>argument refuted xD
Are you chimping out because I said how brown hair is the color of the unwashed masses?

>> No.17163741
File: 269 KB, 1920x1200, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you coping because you've been proven wrong? Picrel.

>> No.17163763

Probably something by black science man only he is that dumb

>> No.17163768

>Redheads are rarer by 1%
Low balling. You can find a few natural blondes even in med states like Spain. Gingers? No chance; Maybe in Galicia.

>> No.17163772


Yeah, him and Lawrence Krauss immediately comes to mind, however I have no fucking clue why you would submit yourself to that drivel.

>> No.17163794

There exist nordic postmen in medi countries you know?

>> No.17163884

3 5 1 2 4

>> No.17163998


Dude let the paint dry a bit will you?

>> No.17164067
File: 20 KB, 512x468, images (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.17164105


>> No.17164113
File: 108 KB, 564x929, d9c2c3b788312e96aedee9f3012ec1f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on your personality type. If you're materially minded, everything is about money and earthly goods, if you're not interested in ideas then the debate will seem like nonsense to you. However, if you're an intellectual type, if you are genuinely curious about things, if you're independently minded you will see that it's indeed one of the deepest questions possible and the attempts at answers from all sides of the issue are very valuable and interesting.

>> No.17164137

Umm... Kant? If you ignore the fact that he tried to smuggle God back into his system from the backdoor.

>> No.17164146

Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

>> No.17164297

Gods are fictions, all of them, you definetly need a date with reality.

>> No.17164469

Source: dude trust me

>> No.17164474

Put gingers at the top and you’re right.
Red hair is more rare than blond in America.

>> No.17164631

And you have evidence of the existence of any god?

>> No.17165562

3 1 2 4 5
No we aren't. Now bent over and pay reparations for slavery and racial discrimination against us.

>> No.17165785

>among a group of friends, and almost all of them had an immediate reaction confirming the same.
>not realising it's more likely your friends fucked the same redheads than found four other redheads
Never had that problem myself, but you probably have BV or some other shit running through your friend group. Stop fucking the same skanks as your skanky homies and it should clear up.

>> No.17165937

Just read atheism by kojeve

>> No.17166261


>> No.17166271

Both are right, though.

>> No.17166341

Is this family possible...? Gingerism is a recessive trait

>> No.17166391

Probably burned by abrahamists.

>> No.17167324

did you reply to the wrong post, or are you really that stupid?

>> No.17167423

>have redhead gf
>be pale slavfaced brunette
she's always all so we can have redhead kids right anon? Is it impossible bros? There's a nonzero amount of redheads in my family but almost all of us are born blonde and turn brown later. Our kids would definitely be very pale and probably pretty autistic

>> No.17167488

There's no way of knowing who's right. And believing one or the other doesn't change the reality.

>> No.17167500
File: 95 KB, 994x794, 3938295E-8E5F-4719-99F8-BB7B3E24AA75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the more pointless discussion is the one concerning freewill vs determinism.
>oh man I can make my own choices? Time to live life like I was before
>oh man my outcome is preordained? Time to live life like I was before
Literally changes nothing either way

>> No.17167831

BV? No. We don't fuck the same girls, these were just different experiences from different places with different women.

>> No.17167863

I’ve only ever been with blondes and brunettes, the blondes smelt of nothing and the brunettes smelled great

>> No.17167872

I agree, same applies to simulation theory

>> No.17167892

damn look how happy that dude is. he should be given a metal of honor for producing so much prime cunny. what a lad.

>> No.17167903

Wittgenstein and Zen.

>> No.17168497

Who are you talking about though? The christian, the Muslim, the Buddhist etc. are all knowably wrong.
As for the second claim. Absolutely not. Schizophrenics running around killing over which of their fairytales is real hurts many.
But today it’s especially the secularist religion of state-capitalism that hurts us the most

Categorically you mean? The in some respects, very few that I can think of.

I prefer them, yes.

>> No.17169194

>But today it’s especially the secularist religion of state-capitalism that hurts us the most

On the contrary. Every evil ever inflicted upon me has been in the name of """egalitarian""" principles, principally spearheaded by a false representation of justice as portrayed by """equity""" of convenience.

>> No.17169228

>if it wasn’t for those damn egalitarians the deservedly wealthy of the world wouldn’t have to pit everyone in poverty, wage wars and steal other nation-states property, and drive society right up to the brink of extinction
You’ve failed, in everything, if this is truly how you think.

>> No.17169250


Your privilege is showing. Poverty is the worst form of violence. Consider that in terms of social currency and then, kindly, kill yourself.

>> No.17169294

fuck off tranny retard you're mentally ill
you will never use the female restroom

>> No.17169325

What's wrong with the youngest one? Is she retarded? Her eyes are all fucked up.

>> No.17169351

I believe real pantheism is equal to real atheism which is equal to real christianism

>> No.17169495

I agree with you that it's one of the deepest questions possible, but someone can be interested in aesthetics, political philosophy, or even metaphysics and also have little interest in the philosophy of religion. I just think it's a bit reductive to label someone who has no interest in one particular question non-intellectual.

>> No.17169517

Please stop. If you starve her of attention, I think she'll leave.

>> No.17169534



>> No.17169564

>always loved auburn hair like that
>wife is East Asian

>> No.17169771

just dye her hair that color ez

>> No.17169893

Formosa East Asians have a different red head gene which is more commonly spread among the group than the western one.

>> No.17169901

>Oh no you wouldn't know her she lives two towns over

>> No.17169988

Where is Formosa? Is that an island?

>> No.17170057


>> No.17170148

Really? Is it a rare gene? People from Taiwan I've seen just look like regular East Asians.

>> No.17170195

They got invaded by the Han like most of east Asia. The native population is much smaller than the Han one now, but they're Austronesian and probably the origin of Austronesian languages.

>> No.17170267

Huh, I'm Asian and I just learned this today.

>> No.17170326

I had a Japanese friend in primary school who had dark red hair. Was it just sunbleaching or is there a redhead nip gene too?

>> No.17170411
File: 26 KB, 300x332, Susumu_Yokota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be the same or similar gene. I have seen some japs with dark red hair and they are 100% natural AFAIK.

>> No.17170422

He might be Ainu. They're paler, more likely to have blue eyes and freckles, and have red hair more often than regular Japanese (who don't like the fact that genetics meant they're probably a Korean Han off shoot, because they consider the Koreans Han and Ainu to be subhumans lol) Red hair is still pretty rare among them compared to Formosan natives or Scotland, but compared to the rest of the Japanese it's more common in Ainu by a long shot.
The Formosa used be attributed to the Dutch invading until they found out the Formosan red hair was caused by a different genetic marker to the European red hair one.