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17163078 No.17163078 [Reply] [Original]

books on topics similar to this?

>> No.17163100
File: 16 KB, 188x300, Wicked-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17163101

'Evil' as a positive (self-evidentiating) quality? No
'Evil' as an absence of capability for Good/ negative quality? Yes. Sociopathy/Psychopathy are at least partially congenital.

>> No.17163108

why is evil the absence of good and good not the absence of evil?

>> No.17163113

Evil is absence of possibility of Good. Good is both benevolence and benignness.

>> No.17163121

okay then why is 'good' not the absence of the possibility of 'evil'? the prescription of 'good' as the positive is dogmatic and arbitrary.

>> No.17163233

The Bible

>> No.17163280
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hey tweaker, your "Intuition" lying to you. That's why in Yoga when you start developing ESP guru's advise you to ignore that crap.
That is to say Good and Evil is a distraction. It's just you and the rest of God.

>> No.17163284
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>> No.17163597

Yes all people are born evil I think this is self evident. No one cannot sin.

>> No.17163859

evil =/= 'sin'

>> No.17163867

Yes, there are people born with a lack of a functional amygdala, and a heightened killer instinct. Who do you think ends up being your serial killers/contract killers/mafia boss gangs, CEOs and Politicians?

Grow up

>> No.17163894


There are (very rare) cases of children seemingly born not only with psychopatic tendencies but an unusual urge to act out on them. From what I understand, in most cases psychopaths will blend in, rarely displaying any unusual behaviours at an early age. A friend of mine worked with a 4~5 years old that tried multiple times to set his parent's bed on fire whiles they were sleeping in it, and obviously the reflex is to try and dig out what the kid is acting on, but as far as he could tell, and the army of specialists they involved in the case, the kid was simply born that way.

>> No.17164734

East of Eden

>> No.17164771

Is light the absence of darkness?

>> No.17165928

>is it possible to be born evil?
Yes, but only if one is possessed of/by the false spirit during one's gestation, such as in the case of the Antichrist.

>> No.17167014


>> No.17167103

was wondering if someone was going to say this. just because someone has analogized good and evil with light and dark doesn't mean everything that holds true for light is also true for good. how is this retarded thread still up but mine gets taken down fuck this website