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17156566 No.17156566 [Reply] [Original]

>Protestants have Kierkegaard
>Orthodox have Dostoevsky
Catholics have whom?

>> No.17156586

English speakers have Cardinal Newman and G.K. Chesterton.

>> No.17156602

Catholics have nothing because they are the absolute worst religion by far that is thankfully dying faster than any religion in the world. They are dying faster than mainlines and Latin America is already lost to Pentecostal.

Catholics deserve worse though they should be tortured and jailed by a just government.

>> No.17156607

Catholics have drink and fornication before confession, crusades, and torturing heretics, so they have no need for pathetic shut-in neurotics

>> No.17156670

Saint Augustine of Hippo, G.K. Chesterton, Cardinal Newman, Meister Eckhart, J.R.R. Tolkien etc. The fact that you went through all this trouble to prove absolutely nothing is pathetic.

>> No.17156692

Largest denomination in the world, seethe calvinist tranny.

>> No.17156701

I wouldn't even consider Kierkegaard a protestant, he was against the Lutheran church and probably would have been happy if he were to live among the Orthodox.

>> No.17156705


>> No.17156723

And falling! Used to be the largest religion period, but you fucked that up. Now its Islam.

>> No.17156733

Presbyterians have a higher IQ than Catholics in the US by like 8 points lol

>> No.17156740

There are more catholics today then there ever were in history, cope!!!
Yes, spread out over a hundred different autistic tranny schools and sects, kind of like protestants lol!

>> No.17156748
File: 77 KB, 1336x948, Catholic Readings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augustine, Aquinas, Dante, Tolkien, Chesterton, John Henry Newman
Countless saints, popes, and other Church Fathers.


>> No.17156753

Yeah but Calvin is burning in hell though...

>> No.17156765
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>b-but they just in mexico and shieet!

>> No.17156773

bye bye namefag

>> No.17156786

Now come on, all three groups have phenomenal theologians and philosophers and writers and poets.

>> No.17156801

I agree, just ignore this retarded tranny >>17156733

>> No.17156803


>> No.17156810

>Saint Augustine of Hippo
opinion disregarded

>> No.17156816
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>> No.17156835
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>> No.17156860


>> No.17156861

Sermon 131 of St. Augustine, September 23, 417 A.D.:
>10. …”For being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and wishing to establish their own, they have not submitted to the righteousness of God.” My brethren, have compassion with me. When you find such men, do not hide them; have no misdirected mercy. Refute those who contradict, and those who resist bring to us. For already two councils on this question have been sent to the apostolic see; and replies have also come from there. The cause is finished; would that the error might be sometime finished also![13]

Roma locuta, causa finita est.

>> No.17156865
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>> No.17156869

seriously go back to /his/
I cannot imagine the pathetic meanness and sadness in the heart of a boy who pores over numbers and statistics in an effort to demoralize random people on the internet.

>> No.17156876

If you read his Confessions, he literally talks about how he left the Manichaean heresy and joined the Catholic Church

I don't disagree, but LARPing retards of the Orthodog, Zoomer Tradcath and Prautistant variety don't realize this.

>> No.17156881

>The U.S. Religious Landscape Survey by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life has put hard numbers on the anecdotal evidence: One out of every 10 Americans is an ex-Catholic. If they were a separate denomination, they would be the third-largest denomination in the United States, after Catholics and Baptists. One of three people who were raised Catholic no longer identifies as Catholic.

>> No.17156884

>look at my statistics!!! that means your faith is wrong!!!

>> No.17156889
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>but muh hispanic in the US at least

>> No.17156890
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Non believers are getting filtered after realizing the Catholic Church demands a lot, just as God does.

>> No.17156902
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Wait a minute, these two aren't comparable. Kierkegaard is a philosopher, Dostoevsky is a novelist. Why would you put them in the same post?

>> No.17156908

>haha chud were the biggest denomination in the world
>post statistics

>> No.17156917
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>> No.17156926

They still are the biggest Church in the world though

>> No.17156929

Yes statistics are meaningless when discussing whether which Church is true. Unless the Arian heresy was correct because most of Christendom was Arian from the 300s to ~8/900s. Fuck you are retarded.

>> No.17156932


>> No.17156933
File: 36 KB, 760x507, Cardinal_Joseph_Zen_Ze_kiun_speaks_at_the_Asianews_Conference_at_the_Pontifical_Urbaniana_University_in_Rome_Nov_18_2014_Credit_Bohumil_Petrik_CNA_CNA_11_19_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African or Asian pope fucking when? I like the Catholics from those continents, they tend to be hardcore. The West could use a pope from one of those continents to crack the whip and get us into better shape spiritually.

>> No.17156934

fuck you cracker, my black catholic brothers gonna fuck yo sisters and daughters.
Ave Maria.... White boy

>> No.17156935

Dostoevsky just writes his philosophy in a different manner

>> No.17156941
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Now run the numbers on that once baby boomers are dead :)

>> No.17156958

Catholics have Shakespeare

>> No.17156957

those same baby boomers had rebellious youths but came back to the church like all generations do retard

>> No.17156973

Why are you so hateful?

>> No.17156975
File: 40 KB, 948x1327, cardinal_custom-7b77f77fe5e946c25d095b8e2d888c4b178f1e1b-s6-c301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newman is so cool, more people should read him. He's a saint now, too, which means there should be even greater emphasis on him.

>> No.17156979

>American Catholics are aging. The median age of Catholic adults in the U.S. is 49 years old – four years older than it was in 2007. Catholics are significantly older than members of non-Christian faiths (40) and people who are not affiliated with any religion (36).

>Just 17% of Catholic adults are under the age of 30, compared with 22% of U.S. adults, 35% of religious “nones” and 44% of U.S. Muslims.

Hahahaha only 17 percent! Tick tick, can't use those geriatrics as proprietary to pretend your denomination is still alive for much longer...

>> No.17156994
File: 34 KB, 641x504, PF_15.09.02_CatholicSurvey_divorce640px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post any numbers to substantiate anything like you're claiming. Pro tip: its not the same, you're dying.

>> No.17157007

>3 in four jews worship baal

>> No.17157024
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Fuck you whiteboy

>> No.17157037
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>we need the church because they defend the truth
Hmm not to its own members. Weird....

What religion are 7 in 10 catholics practicing?

>> No.17157046

There is nothing more funny then watching racist protestants squirm and post statistics to make themselves feel better. Catholic Church is thriving in the real world

>> No.17157047

How is that in any way quantifiable?

>> No.17157059

There's even signs of the beginnings of a revival in Europe, it's great. England might be majority Catholic before the century is over.

>> No.17157063

Being ignorant of all aspects of the mass is not a sin lol. Catholics in a protestant dominated nation like the USA will unknowingly absorb protestant ideas.

>> No.17157071

>More than half of the Christians in sub-Saharan Africa are Protestants (including Pentecostals and evangelicals), while about a third are Catholics and a smaller share are Orthodox Christians.
Catholics are losing Africa rapidly as evangelicals take over.

>> No.17157078
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Now do actual practicing Catholics who go to Church every Sunday.

>> No.17157088

Are you retarded? Augustine (pbuh) joined the Church that was wholly different from modern day Cuckolicism, why do you think Orthodoxy is named like that?

>> No.17157104

Marshall McLuhan was one of the first to realize how much mass communication would fuck things up

>> No.17157108

Augustine was a Roman Catholic.

>> No.17157120

Orthodox don't agree with Augustine's theology.

>> No.17157121

Roman Catholicism didn't exist at the time of Augustine.

>> No.17157124

Instead of looking at percentage look at population
The Catholic Church in Africa is old and has deep roots and loyal followers.

>> No.17157141

Yes it did lol. The Roman Church is a continuation of the Roman Church Augustine joined dumb tranny

>> No.17157154

He was literally part of the Latin Rite you retard. There's another part where he talks about how he doesn't know any Greek. Plus, Orthodox people don't usually rely on Augustine because they think he relies too much on "pagan" philosophy. It would do you a world of good to look into this shit instead of spouting retarded opinions about shit you clearly do not know.

>> No.17157157

Can you post a non biased secular source proving this from a peer reviewed source? Or just your own propaganda.

>> No.17157174

Can you suck my dick?

>> No.17157183

>actual practicing Catholics
oh so the others don't count? Gee I guess the catholic church isn't the largest denomination then!

>> No.17157187

You mean the same non-biased secular sources that say Jesus wasn't resurrected? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.17157188

>secular source
>not biased

>> No.17157198

how christian. I'll pray for you.

>> No.17157199

Also, you will never be a woman.

>> No.17157214
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oh no no no

>> No.17157218

You should pray for your own soul seeing that you do this on a consistent basis. Don't worry about anyone else, especially random internet people.

>> No.17157220

so you can't do it? I guess you can't make any sort of claim that the early Church was the catholic church then... tough...

>> No.17157221

Calvinism is literally some weird pagan version of real christianity lol

>> No.17157236

Is the Roman Church not the Roman Church? What sense does this make.

>> No.17157241

Catholicism, which I took to be the Christianity of history, was a world waiting to be discovered. I set about exploring, and I tried to bring others along. I debated tradition with my mother, sola Scriptura with my then fiancée (now wife), and the meaning of the Eucharist with my father. On one occasion, a Reformed professor dispensed with my arguments for transubstantiation in a matter of minutes.

Not long after this, I began to notice discrepancies between Catholic apologists’ map of the tradition and the terrain I encountered in the tradition itself. St. Ambrose’s doctrine of justification sounded a great deal more like Luther’s sola fide than like Trent. St. John Chrysostom’s teaching on repentance and absolution—“Mourn and you annul the sin”—would have been more at home in Geneva than Paris. St. Thomas’s doctrine of predestination, much to my horror, was nearly identical to the Synod of Dordt’s. The Anglican divine Richard Hooker quoted Irenaeus, Chrysostom, Augustine, and Pope Leo I as he rejected doctrines and practices because they were not grounded in Scripture. He cited Pope Gregory the Great on the “ungodly” title of universal bishop. The Council of Nicaea assumed that Alexandria was on a par with Rome, and Chalcedon declared that the Roman patriarchate was privileged only “because [Rome] was the royal city.” In short, I began to wonder whether the Reformers had a legitimate claim to the Fathers. The Church of Rome could not be straightforwardly identified as catholic.

>> No.17157260

Do you want us to post the list of popes or what?

>> No.17157261

protestants are just seething catholics.

>> No.17157268

John Henry Newman became my crucial interlocutor: More than in Ratzinger, Wojtyła, or Congar, in Newman I found a kindred spirit. Here was a man obsessed with the same questions that ate at me, questions of tradition and authority. With Newman, I agonized over conversion. I devoured his Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine and his Apologia pro Vita Sua. Two of his ideas were pivotal for me: his theory of doctrinal development and his articulation of the problem of private judgment. On these two ideas hung all the claims of Rome.

In retrospect, I see that Newman’s need to construct a theory of doctrinal development tells against Rome’s claims of continuity with the ancient Church. And at the time, though I wished to accept Newman’s proposal that “the early condition, and the evidence, of each doctrine . . . ought consistently to be interpreted by means of that development which was ultimately attained,” I could not. One could only justify such assumptions if one were already committed to Roman Catholic doctrine and Rome’s meaningful continuity with what came before. Without either of these commitments, I simply could not find a plausible reason to speak of “development” rather than “disjuncture,” especially because what came before so often contradicted what followed.

>> No.17157277

No it isn't, the Roman Catholic church split off from the greater Chalcedonian Christian community when the Bishop of Rome decided that Rome had superiority over all the other Patriarchates.
The orthodox still consider him a saint even if he got some of his theology wrong. You don't need to know Greek to be a part of the church.

>> No.17157282

The more I internalized Newman’s claims about private judgment, however, the more I descended into skepticism. I could not reliably interpret the Scriptures, history, or God’s Word preached and given in the sacraments. But if I could not do these things, if my reason was unfit in matters religious, how was I to assess Newman’s arguments for Roman Catholicism? Newman himself had once recognized this dilemma, writing in a pre-conversion letter, “We have too great a horror of the principle of private judgment to trust it in so immense a matter as that of changing from one communion to another.” Did he expect me to forfeit the faculty by which I adjudicate truth claims, because that faculty is fallible? My conversion would have to be rooted in my private judgment—but, because of Rome’s claim of infallibility, conversion would forbid me from exercising that faculty ever again on doctrinal questions.

Finally, the infighting among traditionalist, conservative, and liberal Catholics made plain that Catholics did not gain by their magisterium a clear, living voice of divine authority. They received from the past a set of magisterial documents that had to be weighed and interpreted, often over against living prelates. The magisterium of prior ages only multiplied the texts one had to interpret for oneself, for living bishops, it turns out, are as bad at reading as the rest of us.

>> No.17157284

Gabriel Marcel

>> No.17157287

damn bro at least keep your trip name

>> No.17157296

But I did not remain a Protestant merely because I could not become a Catholic. While I was discovering that Roman Catholicism could not be straightforwardly identified with the catholicism of the first six centuries (nor, in certain respects, with that of the seventh century through the twelfth), and as I was wrestling with Newman, I finally began reading the Reformers. What I found shocked me. Catholicism had, by this time, reoriented my theological concerns around the concerns of the Church catholic. My assumptions, and the issues that animated me, were those of the Church of history. My evangelical upbringing had led me to believe that Protestantism entailed the rejection of these concerns. But this notion exploded upon contact with the Protestantism of history.

Martin Luther, John Calvin, Richard Hooker, Herman Bavinck, Karl Barth—they wrestled with the concerns of the Church catholic and provided answers to the questions Catholicism had taught me to pose. Richard Hooker interpreted the Church’s traditions; Calvin followed Luther’s Augustinianism, proclaimed the visible Church the mother of the faithful, and claimed for the Reformation the Church’s exegetical tradition; Barth convinced me that God’s Word could speak, certainly and surely, from beyond all created realities, to me.

Catholicism had taught me to think like a Protestant, because, as it turned out, the Reformers had thought like catholics. Like their pope-aligned opponents, they had asked questions about justification, the authority of tradition, the mode of Christ’s self-gift in the Eucharist, the nature of apostolic succession, and the Church’s wielding of the keys. Like their opponents, Protestants had appealed to Scripture and tradition. In time, I came to find their answers not only plausible, but more faithful to Scripture than the Catholic answers, and at least as well-represented in the traditions of the Church.

>> No.17157302
File: 105 KB, 1200x1639, 1588830094202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholics have Shakespeare, Dante, Mozart, and Michaelangelo.

>> No.17157317

retard, cool, fag, and fag

>> No.17157346

The catholics have the whole fucking tradition of philosophy of the middle ages

>> No.17157350
File: 110 KB, 1200x765, Funéraille de Lionel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Québec we have Lionel Groulx

>> No.17157361
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Protestantism is, ultimately, guilty of the sin of pride. Every single great Protestant was given the choice to swallow their pride and submit to Rome's rightful authority. They failed, claiming they were following Christ instead.

But if Christ Himself stood in front of them, and told them that what they were doing was wrong, would they truly submit? Probably not. "Christ" in their minds is not Jesus Himself. "Christ" is just a stand-in for their own preconceived notions. "This is what Jesus would want" means nothing, it's a fig leaf to justify things they themselves wanted to do. Protestantism is about a lack of humility, a lack of willingness to submit to rightful authority even when you disagree with it. And this is fundamentally a non-Christian thing to do. After all, the first being in the universe to disagree with rightful authority was Satan.

>> No.17157375

I DEEPLY regret having my dick changed into a vagina. I never know how much I'd miss it until it's gone. There are some things that are a pain with a vagina (harder to keep clean for one). But ultimately it's not about convenience. It's not about sex either. Kind of like how some women hate their natural hair color and would feel awful if they couldn't dye their hair anymore. Just 100x worse than that. Or how you would feel if you had to live in another person's body (even if the same gender). Or if you were missing an arm or a leg how you'd feel looking in the mirror. I just don't feel whole or complete or "like me".

>> No.17157381

They might both be considered Christian existentialists - something most replies itt miss

>> No.17157410

is that why protestants either die off or morph into crazy heresies? (calvinist, mormons, unitarians, universalists)

>> No.17157437

Hmm, that's an interesting point.

Does anybody know of any Catholic existentialists? It's not really a philosophical position that I'm used to in Roman Catholicism.

>> No.17157453

The catholic church said you shouldn't call protestants heretics. You are guilty of sin.

>> No.17157455

The only one that immediately comes to mind is Gabriel Marcel

>> No.17157459

Jacques Maritian comes to mind

>> No.17157480
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>> No.17157485

Predestination is satanic and heretical
Mormons are not protestant and are polytheistic
Unitarianism is a heresy
Universalism is a heresy

>> No.17157487

Also maybe Bernard Lonergan

>> No.17157501

*Double predestination is a heresy

Even Thomas Aquinas teaches that there is an elect that will go to heaven by God's grace. But to say that God actively damns people to hell like Calvin says is heretical.

>> No.17157511

No one, because the catholic church is the Synagogue of Satan

>> No.17157512

Go to confession an apologize for disobeying the last 3 popes + on this topic and the second Vatican council

>"There is no appropriate category in Catholic thought for the phenomenon of Protestantism today (one could say the same of the relationship to the separated churches of the East). It is obvious that the old category of ‘heresy’ is no longer of any value. Heresy, for Scripture and the early Church, includes the idea of a personal decision against the unity of the Church, and heresy’s characteristic is pertinacia, the obstinacy of him who persists in his own private way. This, however, cannot be regarded as an appropriate description of the spiritual situation of the Protestant Christian. In the course of a now centuries-old history, Protestantism has made an important contribution to the realization of Christian faith, fulfilling a positive function in the development of the Christian message and, above all, often giving rise to a sincere and profound faith in the individual non-Catholic Christian, whose separation from the Catholic affirmation has nothing to do with the pertinacia characteristic of heresy. Perhaps we may here invert a saying of St. Augustine’s: that an old schism becomes a heresy. The very passage of time alters the character of a division, so that an old division is something essentially different from a new one. Something that was once rightly condemned as heresy cannot later simply become true, but it can gradually develop its own positive ecclesial nature, with which the individual is presented as his church and in which he lives as a believer, not as a heretic. This organization of one group, however, ultimately has an effect on the whole. The conclusion is inescapable, then: Protestantism today is something different from heresy in the traditional sense, a phenomenon whose true theological place has not yet been determined." - Pope Benedict XVI

>> No.17157513

He subscribed to the filoque. His theology still has more in common with catholicism then Christianity.

>> No.17157519

Yes that is what I meant

>> No.17157525

Double Predestination is satanic and heretical
Mormons are not protestant and are polytheistic
Unitarianism is a heresy
Universalism is a heresy

>> No.17157531

Here Bishop Robert Barron states non catholic Christians go to heaven per the second Vatican council


>> No.17157540

Ok thanks for your private judgment but I'll listen to the actual catholic church about what catholicism teaches. Maybe you should too since you're so invested in it. Oh wait you're a larper that even your own church discards.


>> No.17157541


>> No.17157547

>Vatican 2

>> No.17157549

I'm not catholic :)

>> No.17157558

I don't care :)

>> No.17157565

He says they have the possibility to be saved through Christ's grace.

>"Outside the Church there is no salvation"

Second Vatican Council says this:

>846 How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers?335 Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body:

>Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door.
>Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.336

>> No.17157570

>Latin America is already lost to Pentecostal
this is a massive overexaggeration and you know that

>> No.17157574

That's just saying some some aspects of Protestantism aren't necessarily heretical. There still are very many heretical teachings within many Protestant circles as >>17157525
points out.

God isn't bound by the sacraments. If he sees fit to give graces to some 11th century Japanese tribemsan to live a life in accordance with natural law as he knows it so that that man will go to heaven, he can and has done that. Even Aquinas talks about as much: If you know nothing of the Church and God gives you the graces to live a good life, then that's a perfectly valid way to be saved. Just as well, Protestants who know nothing of the Church can still go to heaven: not because Protestantism in its myriad of forms is right, but because God gave them the graces to live a holy life.

>> No.17157588

Ok so great I'll stay Presbyterian then per your own church's teaching. Further you have to respect that and see me as a brother in christ who has just as much chance at salvation as you.

Now me on the other hand: you're a heretic and are going to hell. But I better not here you say anything of the sort if you actually believe your own church

>> No.17157589

and more,

The Council of Florence, Cantate Domino:

>The most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics, can have a share in life eternal; but that they will go into the "eternal fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41), unless before death they are joined with Her; and that so important is the unity of this ecclesiastical body that only those remaining within this unity can profit by the sacraments of the Church unto salvation, and they alone can receive an eternal recompense for their fasts, their almsgivings, their other works of Christian piety and the duties of a Christian soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved, unless he remain within the bosom and the unity of the Catholic Church."

>> No.17157598

Ok great so why don't you follow your own teachings you heretic loser??

>> No.17157601

Again, Barron is referencing the statement
>This affirmation is not aimed at those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his Church:
He doesn't do a good job of explaining it.

>> No.17157608

What makes you think you number among the elect?

>> No.17157616

did you not read the last sentence?

>> No.17157627

still doesn't change a thing. Presbyterians go to heaven deal with it larper

>he doesn't understand the westminster
Not surprising

>> No.17157628

You can unknowingly become a part of Christs Church. Any good done in the name of another god is done in the name of Jesus.

>> No.17157637

Did you?

>> No.17157641

Presbyterians believe in a pagan concept of unchangeable fate lol, they are fundamentally unchristian.

>> No.17157649

Not according to the catholic church... hmm

>> No.17157654

>Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.336

>> No.17157660

Not him but what do you think this means?
>Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.336

Bishop Barron was only referencing the ones that are unwillingly ignorant of the Church's teachings. It seems to me that you are not ignorant.

>> No.17157663

right so then I'm still going to heaven thanks for clarifying

>> No.17157667

Find where the catholic church says double predestination is a thing.

>> No.17157672

not what he said not what the church says. Your private judgment doesn't matter heretic

>> No.17157675

not when you are obviously refusing to enter the church Christ founded :)

>> No.17157680

Rejecting the Church counts as still knowing it was founded as necessary by God through Christ. Unless heretics like Arius and Donatus are also in heaven (protip: they probably aren't).

>> No.17157684

I don't need to I still go to heaven

>> No.17157689

this tranny used to do the same shit on /his/. no biggy my buddy is going to drop his dox soon

>> No.17157691

Hmm... maybe you are pretending to be ignorant to hedge your bets?

>> No.17157698

>savanarola who embarrassed himself so bad had to drop his name still seething

>> No.17157708

You're a fucking embarrassment as well. What the fuck are you talking about? All you do is seethe and make unsubstantial arguments for your Protestant point of view. Even the fucking Buddhist LARPers and Guenon/Evolafags manage to argue better than you do.

>> No.17157709

Do you have a source that Jesus founded the catholic church you idiots?

>> No.17157720

More like having stopped philosophical tradition for 1500 years apart from Augustine and Aquinas. Since 1500 you have a breakthrough in philosophy every 100 years or so.

>> No.17157722

you're a really pathetic person. not a Christian either. you don't have a life outside 4chan and will always be alone. I like the dox threat though that's a nice touch. Better than just calling people niggers. The catholic church would literally kick you out if they knew what you posted lol.

>> No.17157723

It's called the Holy Bible, maybe you should read it.

>> No.17157727

oh... so know it isn't about what the catholic church teaches, way to move the goalpost, they taught you right at wtv is the presbyterian watchtower

>> No.17157728
File: 3.01 MB, 2400x9150, Pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matthew 16:17-19

>> No.17157737

Catholics have the Church Fathers, St. Ambrose, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Isidore of Seville, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Meister Eckhart, Kempis, William of Occam, Dante, Petrarch, Bocaccio, Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Erasmus, Ariosto, Ronsard, Cervantes, Rabelais, Shakespeare, Tasso, Calderón, St. Theresa of Ávila, St. John of the Cross, Bartolomé de las Casas, Descartes, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Mariana, Suárez, Pascal, Bossuet, Burke, De Maistre, Baudelaire, Donoso Cortés, Chesterton, Huysmans, Belloc, Bloy, Bernanos, Girard, Unamuno, Maritain, Papini, Tolkien, and Benedict XVI among others

>> No.17157744

I am an african american, all of my relatives and friends are african american and we all go to church every sunday. We don't mind catholics, they are at least nicean christians... but we hate Presbyterian crackers. We beat the fuck outta them in front of there wives, we disrupt there churches, we breed their wives, anything to stop those pagan predestination crackers... catholics, lutherans, anglicans, AME, we all brothers against the wh*Toid presbyterians

>> No.17157746

Catholics are dogs, abandoned by all Men of strength or intellect

>> No.17157751

Nice projection. We know that the entirety of this post applies to you, especially seeing that you were dumb enough to become a namefag so everyone knows and can look up how often you post your fucking drek. Also, I'm not even Savonola or whoever, you schizo.

>> No.17157755


>> No.17157761

Flannery O’Connor

>> No.17157768

Wow this is honestly the best you can do... yikes

BTW savanarola just fyi: now that you brought up doxing, just keep in mind that YOU actually have been doxed and I literally know your personal information, as does half of discord. I would hold off on such threats if I were you. I won't dox you but I reserve the right to do so any time. I would strongly suggest you get a grip and stop posting here. I can spot you a mile away name or not so take my advice and stop posting on 4chan altogether because the next time you liss me off it might be your last. No need to have your name associated with all the times you've spammed the n word here and on his, is it?

>> No.17157780

ah i see, you are an insane person. take your meds schizo

>> No.17157792

holy cringe...

>> No.17157796

how do presbyterians explain the decline of all reformed churches on earth? maybe people are rejecting their false autistic teachings. there is not a single nation where calvinist teachings are doing well

>> No.17157805

This would unironically be based if true.

>> No.17157809


>> No.17157814

Stop posturing. I'm serious. Now the time for games is over. Go get a life now. Since I'm a Christian I'll forgive you but this is the last time. Time to face reality. Go away or face the consequences of spamming the n word for a year on his.

>> No.17157815

Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.17157817

you callin me a liar whiteboy?

>> No.17157831

good thing I don't post on his

>> No.17157846

lol you can't do anything pussy. you got nothing, you are nothing. maybe if you weighed less then 300 pounds people would take you more seriously

>> No.17157853

Hey bro, how do presbyterians explain the decline of all reformed churches on earth? maybe people are rejecting their false autistic teachings. there is not a single nation where calvinist teachings are doing well

>> No.17157867
File: 801 KB, 1600x900, 563772_031815-wls-presbyterian-5-vid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof, probably the biggest joke church of all

>> No.17157880

talk shit get hit

>> No.17157891

>Catholicism had taught me to think like a Protestant, because, as it turned out, the Reformers had thought like catholics.
Kek. This sounds like Chesterton.

>> No.17157899

Well I guess you just fucked someone else's life up for no reason then! Damn... sucks for him. Aka you. I was on the fence but your threat to dox me earlier just made me realize that you would actually do that and so there's no reason to be a nice guy even to someone who is a racist psycho. Weird flex. What I don't get is: did you think your anonymity was safe? I mean you being doxed is a well known thing. Seriously.

Anyway you can still apologize if you want, I decided. You can do it as anon yo spare your pride. But afterward you need to stop posting.

>> No.17157920

From the carmelites to the scholastics, from the church fathers to the desert fathers, from marxists like althusser and habermas to conservatives like maistre. And then there's Simone Weil.

>> No.17157926

lol you cant do shit white boy

>> No.17157934


>> No.17157945

you have more to lose
its funny i got you so worried

>> No.17157965

Why does the cath*lic Pope-Kang like to kiss nigger feet so much?

>> No.17157969

can you explain the complete global decline of calvinist churches?

>> No.17157971

Kierkegaard criticised protestantism tho, by his philosophy he was closer to Catholicism
Also Catholicism has all the church fathers and philosophers till Luther, and many after Luther like Pascal

>> No.17158006

wtf is happening

>> No.17158047

>getting this mad on chinese cartoon forum

>> No.17158053

Ok I'm Savonarola, say the first letter of the city where I live and if you're correct I give my word I'll leave 4chan. You were arguing with a guy who wasn't me, take the pills before posting please.

>> No.17158072

>>Protestants have Kierkegaard
>>Orthodox have Dostoevsky
>Catholics have whom?
Basically all the interwar degenerates.

>> No.17158073

Some discord tranny + /his/ squabbling, I think.

>> No.17158094

Lol, the only religion worse than Catholicism is Protestantism. E Orthodox are the only valid form of Christianity.

>> No.17158097

St. Thomas Aquinas

>> No.17158098

Graham Greene

>> No.17158121

>schism every day

>> No.17158185

Are you referring to Protestants? Wait, they’re not an actual Church so they can’t schism. Lol

>> No.17158312

I think the OP is about religious traditions in the context of existentialist writers. The first point is valid though.

>> No.17158330

This. The Puritans already took Calvinism to its logical conclusion and failed.

>> No.17158344

glorious thread, calvin virgins having meltdowns is always fun to see

>> No.17158362

hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah //////////////////thread

>> No.17158411

lmfao based.

>> No.17158437

>Protestants have Kierkegaard
ok, retard.

>> No.17158480
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catholics have whom?

Catholics don't need incel writers.

>> No.17158520

Catholics have the eternal favor of God, they have no need for hucksters trying to sell them bargain bin spirituality.