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/lit/ - Literature

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17153408 No.17153408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does it make you so angry?

>> No.17153415

It's badly written. Hitler was evidently a literaturelet

>> No.17153423

It doesn't he was just a retard

>> No.17153425

A lot of rambling and its not that insightful. He just rants about how he doesn't like Jews and feels Germany was wronged. Hitler is kind of this almost "goth" like character in the modern terminology with a romanticist emotive streak because he couldnt become an artist.

>> No.17153428


because the good and salutary work was not completed.

>> No.17153442

cuz he killed a billion people

>> No.17153450
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Then why does this make you so happy?

>> No.17153455

Because the dream was never fulfilled

>> No.17153457

It doesn't. I fucking hate communists.

>> No.17153463

>hating nazism means you like communism

based brainlet

>> No.17153466
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Why is my struggle a meme, but teds manifesto is seen as some revolutionary work? In 2100 will they laugh at teds ideals because they won’t be able to relate to it?

>> No.17153473
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Why does it make you so angry?

>> No.17153478

It doesn't. It's just super cringe.

>> No.17153602

Badly written, couldn't finnish the thing.

>> No.17153620

A lot of fear over this mere little book. Written by one of history's greatest men. He came from nothing to leave his mark on the world and create a whole movement. Love or hate the man, he was a great man and very impressive. We can learn a lot. He had some truth as well. The Jewish bolshevism he warned against manifests today. Mass immigration, cultural Marxism, and multiculturalism has led to an erosion of white European identity. It is crucial we strive to restore this by fighting immigration from non-white countries. We could learn from one of history's most important figures, and as time moves further away from the war I think we will be able to have a less emotional perception of Hitler detached from his very worst atrocities.

>> No.17153638

Das Kapital is rooted in thorough analysis, philosophical theory, research, and economic data. Mein Kampf is just wank.

>> No.17153653
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>> No.17153657

"if you cant handle me at my worst, you sure as hell dont deserve me at my best" - adi h

>> No.17153667

MK killed less people than DK

>> No.17153676

They still hate Columbus so I dunno

>> No.17153701

t. faggot, don't like either book both are just shit tier larp. Marx was a literal neet although, I suppose Hitler at least accomplished something.

>> No.17153923

Is this like an auto biography or something?

>> No.17153930

Never read it

>> No.17153964

It makes leftists angry because they're retarded and it amuses rightists beause they're also retarded.

>> No.17153970

This, I tried reading it recently, but only made it to page 200 or so (out of 800). I should've just listened to the people who told me its boring instead of wasting my time reading his ramblings. The whole time I had the feeling that Hitler is the kind of author who thinks of himself as super big brained when in reality he's just slightly above average (which incidentally accurately describes the average /pol/tard).
National Socialism is a retarded ideology anyway, fascism is way more reasonable

>> No.17153991

Because you keep forcing it. It's not a great book. It does have historic relevance and all but you won't read this and get great enjoyment from the quality or learn anything new when you attended any decent high school history class. It belongs to /his/ not to /lit/. It's not even a well written historic document. The only reason someone would like this as a piece of literature is being edgy.

>> No.17153999

>(out of 800)

>> No.17154026

depends on the edition, but yes, roughly 700-800 pages

>> No.17154029

>The only reason someone would like this as a piece of literature is being edgy.

>> No.17154041
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Goodreads says 400. Are you reading a book with 2x footnotes, introductions, notes, and kvetching, or is the goodreads one abridged without a clear mentioning of it?

>> No.17154053

Maybe if the pages are din a4 with 6pt font it will be under 400 pages, but for normal sized books 700-800 without any annotations.

>> No.17154070

Guess I'm not gonna read it anytime soon then.

>> No.17154081

Its not worth it anyway, unless you are a nazi and want to get social credit points from your peer group

>> No.17154087

Can't be much worse than almost every other garbage that was published in the 20th century.

>> No.17154112
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>the badly written meme

>> No.17154115
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>new things bad

>> No.17154142

doubt it. as humans become more disconnected from nature, the more violence and mass murder will become commonplace. eventually people will ask themselves why, or they won’t, because most people are retards. the idea that you can take a semi-wild animal, cram it into a confined space, force it to act accordingly, and then act shocked when it kills someone is out of question to some

>blackfish: hey what’s did you expect? you can’t treat an animal like that and not expect to lose its mind

>modern man: hey what’s this guys problem? we just crammed him into a cage and told him to suppress his animal urges for 50 years. what was his problem??

>> No.17154159

filtered hard

>> No.17154162

>as humans become more disconnected from nature, the more violence and mass murder will become commonplace.
Literally the opposite is happening, the statistics prove it. You are objectively wrong anon.

>> No.17154172

It doesn't, I like it and think he made valid points.

>> No.17154276

Poorly written, not badly.

Go read a book

>> No.17154387

Be thankful you don't realise it.

>> No.17154489

This book is based, you just hate it because you hate the individuals it attracts. I wish we read MK in history class instead of Hiroshima or that gay book about the three kingdoms

>> No.17154493

Hitler is a statesman, not an author. You have to keep that in mind.

>> No.17154999

No anon, I don't dislike the book because of the ideology it belongs to, I dislike it because it's just not a very interesting book. The writing style is amateurish and it offers little to no insights.

>> No.17155003


I'm not >>17153991 btw

>> No.17155010

Oh shit it’s retarded.

>> No.17155021

>I dislike it because it's just not a very interesting book.
So subjective take then. There are many people who think it's a very interesting book.
>The writing style is amateurish and it offers little to no insights.
It was dictated (but not amateurish by any means even though it is somewhat rough around the edges) and it offers many insights, even if you personally may not like them.

>> No.17155157

>There are many people who think it's a very interesting book.
[citation needed]

>> No.17155165

Why are you shilling so hard for this book? It's not a secret that the book is quite a boring read, even people at the time when it originally came out said this (including party members)

>> No.17155166
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Retard, I don't like Marx or Das Kapital but I'm not going to pretend many people don't find it interesting.

>> No.17155176

I could also ask why you're trying so hard to make the book seem worse than it is. It's not the best book ever written, but it's not a bad book by any means.
>It's not a secret that the book is quite a boring read, even people at the time when it originally came out said this (including party members)
It's honestly not boring unless you have the attention span of a goldfish, which some people in his time apparently also possessed.

>> No.17155177

I have never met a non-ideologically blinded person who liked either of these books.

>> No.17155179

You should go out and talk to people more often then. Also, liking something =/= finding it interesting.

>> No.17155195

>unless you have the attention span of a goldfish
I have read much longer books, it has nothing to do with my attention span. I know it's hard for a Hitler fan boy to accept that his book is boring

>> No.17155214

The fact that you equate longer with attention span is telling. I have read short works that required much more attention than some long works which were relatively simple.
It's still not a boring book though, although some parts could potentially be boring if you're not as widely interested in historical and cultural phenomena as Hitler was.

>> No.17155244
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>implying Mein Kampf isn't simple to understand
You need to go back to your containment board

>> No.17155254

If it's so simple, why did it filter you (and many others) so hard then? Lmao.

>> No.17155297

Because despite being easy to understand the amateurish writing style makes it hard to read. He rambles to much instead of making good, concise points. Too little substance for this many words, hence what makes it boring to read (unless you're already a Hitler fanboy)

>> No.17155302

Shirer strikes again.

>> No.17155342

Still a subjective take, it's telling that so many people like yourself are blinded by ideology to revert to saying it's bad or boring just because you dislike the subject matter. The writing style isn't amateurish either, it's just written in the style of his speeches (which admittedly work better when spoken).
>a Hitler fanboy
Me saying the book has value and is not boring nor badly written makes me a Hitler fanboy now? Absolutely retarded take, anon.

>> No.17155368
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>Still a subjective take, it's telling that so many people like yourself are blinded by ideology to revert to saying it's bad or boring just because you dislike the subject matter.

>> No.17155375
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>> No.17155408
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>> No.17155421

I doesn't, it fills me with a sense of melancholy.

>> No.17155422
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>> No.17155459
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Last one
And remeber:
>you'll never live in an ethnostate
>you'll never have a trad gf

>> No.17155502
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>Still a subjective take
The absolute state of /pol/niggers, now you need objective data to say a book is boring and whiny.
Get back in your containment camp.
>inb4 tranny reeee
Pic related, you keep whining you'll get Knitler and Eatler too.

>> No.17155528
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>> No.17155534

>The absolute state of /pol/niggers, now you need objective data to say a book is boring and whiny.
Are you retarded? Do you know how discussions work?
Cope harder, tranny.

>> No.17155554

Kek, he inb4'd you and you still couldn't come up with a better insult

>> No.17155563

I don't need better insults when trannies are this retarded

>> No.17155587
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>discussion of art must revolve purely around objective measurements
Methinks you confuse art and science.
>Cope harder, tranny.
I warned you, reddit immigrant.
Pic related.

>> No.17156194
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Lotsa angry ppl in my thread...

>it’s boring
>nobody liked it

>commies faces when pic related...

>> No.17156208
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>> No.17156221

This if hitler was such a bad author then why did MK sell out arenas and TIME magazine suck his divk.

>> No.17156223
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>> No.17156338

Because it's far better than anything I could ever write and it makes me insecure.

>> No.17156362

How bad could it be? Could it really be worse than Obama's "long-legged socialists"? Americans are delusional.

>> No.17156395

Hitler was a socialist

>> No.17156401

>National Socialism is a retarded ideology anyway, fascism is way more reasonable
It's all the same post-enlightenment humanist shit.

>> No.17156414

He wasn't a communist though. Marxists don't have a monopoly over socialism.

>> No.17156473
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You know that most of the copies were given away for free paid for by the tax payers, r-right?

>> No.17156481
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>natsoc and fascism are humanist

>> No.17156500
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Not that anon but they were indeed based on the same post-enlightenment thinking out of which humanism also developed.

>> No.17156502

Why do marxists seethe over nazis as if we are still in the middle of WW2? Fascists aren't your opposition anymore, the neoliberal capitalist overlords are.

>> No.17156510


Because then they'd have to admit that their humanist experiment failed. If they can blame it all on fascists, they never have to give up.

>> No.17156568

prove it.

>> No.17156579
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>> No.17156581

What so funny is about this book is that monolingual mutts read the translated version. The same people that the nazis would have put against the wall without hesitation

>> No.17156594

The man was so legendary a western magazine giant wanted an interview with him

>> No.17156608

What, are you saying that fascism isn't a decisively modern philosophy that exalted man over the divine?

>> No.17156610

Shaddup eurodung, the chads are speaking.

>> No.17156622
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>> No.17156624

It's based on creating a humanist utopia without the need for God. Essentially the enlightenment/post-enlightenment thinkers believed we humans can perfect our morality and our systems of government through our own rational faculty and understanding of the material world. The national socialists/fascists fell in line with the Nietzschean will to power since without God there is no objective morality therefore we had to invent our own morality even if it's completely flawed because humans by their nature are flawed and will create a million dystopian before they create a utopia.

>> No.17156645

The nazis repeatedly tried to work together with the British, and they hated American culture but not necessarily (European) Americans. Retarded take.

>> No.17156657
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>> No.17156674

Why did white men hate each other so much back then ? Even in literature about the wars people fucking despised germans

>> No.17156681


The semites promoted brother wars.

>> No.17156685

anglos feel insecure because of the culturally superior Germans

>> No.17156698
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>> No.17156717

ok, makes sense
Although I wouldn't really agree that fascism seeks to create a utopia

>> No.17156721

Nahhhh fucking Churchill sounded like he hated Germans like they were gonna fuck his mom or something. And Russians fucking raped the shit out of them. And Germans looked down on their white brothers over the seas.

>> No.17156722

This >>17156681
But also because you don't know what you've got until it's gone. It was them against each other over who could conquer the world instead of them against the world. Things were very different.

>> No.17156734
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>> No.17156735

>Why did white men hate each other so much back then ?
because we always have. The myth that we whites are one race and need to stick together to defeat da jooz is a modern invention. Even if Europe somehow returned back to a bunch of ethnostates it wouldn't even take a decade for a major war to break out

>> No.17156743

Look up who his advisors were will you
Look up who came up with their ideology will you
They didn't, they hated American culture but not European Americans themselves.

>> No.17156758
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>> No.17156779

>Fascists aren't your opposition anymore, the neoliberal capitalist overlords are.
The left are the neoliberal capitalist overlords.

>> No.17156807

I think it did in a way even if it was trying to create a society of Overmen to pave the way for a utopian society. But I'm glad it makes sense, the enlightenment and it's products was a failed humanist experiment.

>> No.17156909

>nazis repeatedly tried to work together with the British
Is that the reason why they bombed the shit out of them. Next thing you say is that hitler was fond of eastern europeans and that the concept of lebensraum is just propaganda

>> No.17156943
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They refused to bomb civilian targets while the British combed German cities. Rudolf Hess tried to negotiate with the British far into the war. Hitler wasn't fond of Eastern Europeans but the same goes the other way round, they weren't fond of Germans. No, they wanted to take land in Eastern Europe for themselves. Just like the other way round.

>> No.17156948
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>But I'm glad it makes sense, the enlightenment and it's products was a failed humanist experiment.
you're a fucking religicuck aren't you?

>> No.17156960

I know who Churchill’s advisors were but the man was hellbent on stopping a German empire. And what about the British antagonizing of the Irish? What did those jolly potato eaters die to deserve such ill treatment. Russians are also fucking bloodthirsty, the only white people I know that chimp out are Russians. And Germans wouldn’t stop fucking with the poles. Let’s not even start on about white men in America cutting off a three thousand year old heritage and starting something new because of a little bit of taxation. Or the fact that same group then killed each other for black people. And then there is the French. That revolution by Robespierre was insane and then of course Napoleons quest to ransack Europe. I’m just saying that to me it looks like White men constantly attack their own. Some things I see Jews involved like Cromwell literally choosing to give Jews high banking positions instead of his own people, but other stuff like the old Ottoman Empire(are they white?) killing Greeks and Christians makes me wonder

>> No.17156966

I don't think there was any definitive proof that Lebensraum was an actual German policy.

>> No.17156976
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>> No.17156987

Anon, please read a fucking book. Hitler made multiple attempts at making peace with the british after France had fallen. They refused, so Hitler bombed them hoping this would demoralize the population and make them sue for peace

>> No.17156988

Why did Adolf break so many treaties with them?

>> No.17156995

It doesn't but it's written by an angry man.

>> No.17157000

Can't disprove anything I've said. Seethe harder please.

>> No.17157002

>refused to bomb civilian targets
Civilians were there main target to slow down production in factories. What shit do you smoke that you glorify pseudo rules in times of war?

>> No.17157006
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>I don't think there was any definitive proof that Lebensraum was an actual German policy.

>> No.17157021

War is inherently human. I don't disagree with you. Europeans were just geographically disadvantaged, plus spiritually as well. Jews just capitalised on it and made it worse.

>> No.17157022

>never heard of generalplan ost
Take your meds schizo

>> No.17157032

Well they broke the treaty with the UDSSR and assaulted them with operation barbarossa to wipe out their kind to make room for germanic people

>> No.17157043

Because the treaties were made to be broken, it's not like the British didn't either

>> No.17157048
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>humanist countries are the richest countries on earth
>religious countries are literal shitholes
>IQ and religion are negatively correlated with each other

>> No.17157054

I've read about it and looked into primary sources of the origin of the supposed document that doesn't exist.

>> No.17157061

white countries*

>> No.17157064

>Correlation is causation
Big brain atheist

>> No.17157065

Because you are a mutt that is afraid about the idea of being killed by white people. You aren’t white

>> No.17157083

I never claimed to be white and that had nothing to do with what I said, you mentally ill dog.

>> No.17157090

What about the night of the long knives? Kinda grisly desu

>> No.17157103

Do you name everything propaganda that hurts your fee fees you special snowflake??

>> No.17157146

What about it?

>> No.17157148

Japan isn't white

>> No.17157155

What are you even saying? Lmao
>This is your mind on /pol/

>> No.17157173
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>correlation is never causation

>> No.17157185

>too stupid to look for documents of lebensraum
>muh pol boogeyman
Typical commie behavior

>> No.17157196

Japan is honorary white

>> No.17157204

>correlation and causality are independent but not mutually exclusive
Time to put on your thinking caps liberal arts majors

>> No.17157211

>Asians are actually white
>heres why

>> No.17157215

So isn’t hungary and russia, what’s your point

>> No.17157216

You're making sweeping generalisations without putting anything into context. Also you'd have to be absolutely pants on head retarded if you genuinely think modern secular/cosmopolitan society isn't pure degenerate, materialist filth that's incapable of producing anything beautiful.

>> No.17157223
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How about you use yours to debunk this?

>> No.17157227

>slavs and medis aren’t white
>here’s why

>> No.17157248

>he never heard of art deco

>> No.17157258

Japanese are the white people of Asia, slavs are the Asians of Europe

>> No.17157304
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sure nigger calls us nonwhites while jews and niggers rape your """"white""" countries

>> No.17157341

It's modernist garbage that tries to have some level of aesthetic respectability. Post-enlightenment modernism will never produce beauty and you have to live with this until the day you die.

>> No.17157356

>slavs are the Asians of Europe
Slavs are the slavs of asia
Hungarians were never considered white by white people and antisemite doesn’t magically make you white

>> No.17157445
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>Hungarians were never considered white by white people
like i give a shit what some mutt thinks about me. but dividing the west (or europe) will only help the kikes
>muh antisemitic!!!
nice buzzword retard

>> No.17157446

>Post-enlightenment modernism will never produce beauty and you have to live with this until the day you die.
keep seething retard, I already named one art style that I find appealing, there's plenty more cool shit to see.

>*returns to tradition*

>> No.17157516

You're a retarded faggot with zero class. I studied aesthetics for years and everything modern in both art and architecture is trash. Just because you like a slightly less retarded genre of art doesn't give your garbage atheist worldview any saving grace.

>> No.17157527

The same reason Arabs hate each other, or east Asians hate each other

>> No.17157544

>new things good
I don't have any basedjaks saved, but I assure you, had I one, I would be accompanying this post with it.

>> No.17157557
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>I studied aesthetics for years
from your armchair?

>your garbage atheist worldview
keep seething faggot, the days of organized religions are coming to an end. People aren't ignorant enough anymore to blindly follow the doctrines of whatever religion they happen to be born into

>> No.17157563

A small wooden shack is more beautiful and more virtuous than your apartment.

>> No.17157572
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>if you dont hate all new things you must love all new things

>> No.17157575

>People aren't ignorant enough anymore to blindly follow the doctrines of whatever religion they happen to be born into
That's right- the converts of the modern day do so because they know exactly what they're getting into.

>> No.17157587

I'll give you the floor. What large, new changes to society do you dislike?

>> No.17157610
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>> No.17157612

You're acting like people before the enlightenment were brain-dead retards, this assumption of why people choose their religion tells me more about your lack of understanding about this topic than anything else. If you're older than 20 you may as well kill yourself.

>> No.17157624

>unironically being a ChinksectCom
On the eve of victory, it is the revolutionaries who are first into their graves.

>> No.17157634
File: 60 KB, 768x432, jacob-riis-tenements-515412054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all people lived in comfy norwegian wood houses back then
absolute retard

>> No.17157661

>the poor and the homeless existed back then
Wowie-zowie, I didn't know that! Tell me more, history man!

>> No.17157707

Doesn’t make you white though

>> No.17157713

Try again

>> No.17157724

>being this retarded
anemoia is one helluva drug

>> No.17157884

Try what again? "You" win, (You) die. Those are the simple facts of the matter.

>> No.17157900

Provide one of the following, bug.
1) A large-scale 'new' change to society you don't like
2) An example of postmodern beauty

>> No.17157976

1) political correctness
2) Why postmodern? When did I say I like postmodernism? Or do you retard not know the difference between modernism and postmodernism? Furthermore I a) already gave you an example of modern art I like and b) no matter what examples I give you, you will always respond with
>huurrr, but *I* don't like it
So stop wasting my time and neck yourself retard

>> No.17157993

Stop assuming vices and try to actually think about what I meant with the post

>> No.17158003

centrist cuck

>> No.17158011

I see, a fellow virgin windmill.
Carry on.

>> No.17158022

The only thing that upsets me about Hitler, is that despite his greatness he looks unfit. I wish Hitler had looked massive, like a tall muscular chad with strong facial features.

The fact that he looks like a basedboy with a moustache irks me the wrong way

>> No.17158026

Mein Kampf is a wonderful book

>> No.17158144

It has already been Finnished. The name is "Taisteluni".

>> No.17158234

Ok retard, let me spell it out for you
>Q: okay go ahead and pick which murderous failed ideology you want to support
>A: Yes (pic related)

>> No.17158246
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 1E0839CB-7626-4474-8FFF-A3E800242B05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you find out you are 2% true germanic

>> No.17158554

God bless Hitler in paradise.

It's obvious that jews are the worst of God's creatures.

>> No.17158586

Hitler is the greatest man who ever lived. Easily.

>> No.17158606

I've read it in the original German and I dislike the fact that he writes to entertain the populace. He's a smart guy but to see him dumb down his points feels like looking at the smart guy in class never trying to fulfill his potential.

>> No.17158624

China is a mature fascist dictatorship, not a communist country.

>> No.17158664

Zionism is nazism of the jewish "people".

National socialism of the gentile nations is for their welfare. Jews have no right interfering in other people's affairs. They cross all limits in trying to control everything hence they get punished each time.

How vmcan such evil, greedy and selfish people be God's chosen?

That God is a demon trying to take over this world.

>> No.17158691


God must or should be ashamed of himself for creating jews.

God should be ashamed for choosing this jews as his chosen, but it's obvious that jews are satan's chosen, not God's chosen.

>> No.17158711

The bible and the koran both state that jews are cursed. Upon them is God's wrath.

>> No.17158722
File: 41 KB, 400x395, ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17158751

How many nations and civilizations have these oven dodgers been rejected from ?

Egyptians. Romans. Babylonians. Arabs. Persians. Germany. List is endless. Soon from America then China. Hitler did nothing wrong and there will be a second holocaust this century.

>> No.17158775

Do you think Poland will be invaded by germany again?

>> No.17158873

Americans are sick of jewish infestation. Expulsion no 1033 or worse if they don't leave willingly as they didn't in Germany.