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/lit/ - Literature

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17155105 No.17155105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so /lit/, are you ready to decolonize your bookshelf?

>> No.17155129

I hate jews

>> No.17155133

I only read dead white males.

>> No.17155151

I’m going to read some Frederick Douglass desu

>> No.17155159


>> No.17155191

weak bait

>> No.17155247

OK so outside of the whole neo-cultural revolution thing, which publishers are running this racket?
They obviously have an interest in squeezing out old out of copyright books.

Mao made millions from his little red book, the nazi's too
so there is a real precedent, that's how these things work, there's always a profit motive somewhere.
Identify them and we solve one problem.

>> No.17155251


>> No.17155262

See >>17155129

>> No.17155286

It's not all jews and they aren't all jews, just the cabalists running the charade
Let's identify the specific publishers since that gives us a target, and we can make use of the cynical copyright argument to rally more defence.

>> No.17155296

Funnily enough, this will just turn kids off. They already dislike reading and they further dislike being preached to by teachers.

>> No.17155317


>> No.17155390


>> No.17155400

>It's not all jews and they aren't all jews, just the cabalists running the charade
Not all... Yes we know, but the jewish identity of the "cabalists" is part of why they do what they do.
>Let's identify the specific publishers since that gives us a target, and we can make use of the cynical copyright argument to rally more defence.
How do you propose that works? And it's all the major publishers, which are all run by jews.

>> No.17155403

But anon, it doesnt matter what race or creed, only that it is written by men

>> No.17155413

I'll let others do that. My kids will grow up reading the great dead white male canon while their peers read retarded woke garbage written by affirmative action authors

>> No.17155419

>all the major publisher
Which can be leveraged politically, In this fight we need every tool we can muster. and copyright is a racket.

>> No.17155442

>their peers read retarded woke garbage written by affirmative action authors
Who will muster large scale ideological support and find themselves in positions of power. they're cucking themselves out of a future by not encouraging self reliance but with enough of hem screaming it won't matter and those who know how to leverage the masses for power will use and dispose of them as they see fit.

>> No.17155444

>Which can be leveraged politically
((politics)) is rigged from the start. If you play by the rules and your enemy changes the rules while playing, you've already lost.
>In this fight we need every tool we can muster.
I'll agree there though.

>> No.17155447
File: 106 KB, 1531x818, 1607477678123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The existence of antiracist baby implies the existence of pro racism baby

>> No.17155467


>> No.17155482

And antiracist baby is will just go extinct.

>> No.17155490


>> No.17155503

Yes. I will start by getting rid of Charles Darwin. Suggest what book I should read instead.

>> No.17155508

Penguin Young Readers Group... literally all of them

>> No.17155511

That would be every white baby

>> No.17155512
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idk guys I feel like you guys are being too hard on this

>> No.17155514


>> No.17155516

note the logo bottom right

>> No.17155520
File: 56 KB, 680x424, borgesandi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ironic that the greatest literature of the twentieth century was written by a South American mulatto

>> No.17155524

Most white babies are tranny babies
I physically cringed my god

>> No.17155530


>> No.17155531

I have books from all across time and space
Chink pornography, beaner novels, nigger poetry, poo linguistics, nafri historiography, mayo aesthetology
But no, I don't have the garbage in the OP

>> No.17155532

Is this intended as a modern work of radical satire?

>> No.17155535

Yes but did he write self-insert fantasy lives which he then sold to kids because his writing wasn’t good enough for anything else? No. So get HIM out of our classrooms!

>> No.17155540

>did he write self-insert fantasy lives which he then sold to kids

>> No.17155545

Stop being chuds. Feminism is about equality and is very based

>> No.17155556


>> No.17155558

feminism is only based but if it excludes trannies, in which case it is unfathomably based

>> No.17155576
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This is r/asianmasculinity tier lmao

>> No.17155592

the only feminism I support is one that frees women of having to deal with all that boring politics stuff that men forced on them so they can focus on what really matter to them, their children.

>> No.17155616

Should we start developing some kind of secret curriculum to put our kids through at home, on the chance that the future is lost to this type of shit?
Jewish kids go to jew school to retain their culture, mormons have seminary classes before or after school.

>> No.17155628

How to structure it?

>> No.17155672

Before school we read and discuss whatever important texts are suppressed in the future, assign homework for the next day. Three or four times a week, parents take turns teaching class for two or three month stints.
Maybe couple with some weekend camping trips and a christmas party, I dunno.

>> No.17155678


>> No.17155701

I read that one of the reasons Scientology got so big a while back was they were looking for a new cover because the jewish identity wasn't working for them as well as it used to.

>> No.17155738

pilot for pro-racism baby:
Exterior: Million dollar 2 bed 1 bath bungalow obviously in the bay area, two or three homeless men walk by on street with shopping carts full of cans, one openly brandishing a machete. Machete man grabs bike from front yard, rides away on it.
cut to interior:
A 40 year old woman, clearly about to go to work, is feeding her infant son in a kitchen, table is clearly scandinavian designed, some meaningless art on the walls, a pile of antiracist literature is on a nearby bureau next to some dusty IVF brochures. She is exasperated- ready to go to work shortly, as soon as the nanny shows up: laptop bag ready by door, messy bun shows graying/thinning hair, wearing full designer athleisure/professional clothing which reveals sagging ass and tits.
>Goo goo ga ga
*Baby spits up some of his baby food*

>> No.17155751

>Before school
why waste your kids time? just homeschool.

>> No.17155764
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until you figure out a way to distiguish between run of the mill working class people who happen to be jewish and those jews who are overrepresented among the power elite, I'm not gonna be on board with this.
For example, sepphardic jews are pretty chill people and almost universally hated by the ashkenazim. Most ashkenazim are autistic urban dwellers, they have some retarded beliefs but no access to the levers of power.
A select few ashkenazim go on to become hollywood, government, social engineering, AIPAC, epstein types.
I'm never gonna be on board for wholesale slaughter when a more careful approach would get rid of the problem with significantly less collateral damage.

>> No.17155777

social development. I went to public school, I'm doing great, not a degenerate, and learned a lot of social lessons from dealing with large amounts of normal people which make me more successful in my day to day life. My parents supplemented my education at home, which is why I'm excellent.

>> No.17155833

>portland, oregon

>> No.17155842

How did we pass on customs and knowledge before the invention of the school system?
1) learnt at mother's knee
2) playing with other kids
3) rituals and festivals
4) sports
5) social gatherings and feasts
6) saga's nursery rhymes, games
Just a few examples. probably a lot more examples

>> No.17155855

sounds good dude, good ideas. Also, more sustainable than an early morning class.

>> No.17155867

Weren't The Sephardis/maroonis the guys that ran the slave and opium trade though?
Definitely a lot less neurotic than the ashkenazi.

>> No.17155882


Implying the FBI has to sow infighting in leftist circles lmao. They do it themselves and they DO IT FOR FREE.

>> No.17155893

yeah they also make up the majority of the federal muscle of the state of israel, Mossad and shit.
But they're born soldiers, they would do that for us if we compensated them better, gave them something more meaningful to fight for.
I guarantee having a bunch of ashkenazim as your bosses sucks more than if we were their bosses.

>> No.17155897

Really? Tell me more.

>> No.17155898

What was that video of the conference where every retard was arguing for a point of personal privelege?

>> No.17155904

Wrong, that's a myth, correct spelling is marrano, which is offensive btw.

>> No.17155913

I agree with your main takes, but I'm so tired of
>I'm never gonna be on board for wholesale slaughter
Why do people automatically equate addressing a problem with genocide? It makes me think you're glowing.

>> No.17155917

I don't remember, I found it mentioned somewhere and they showed some evidence with all the dumb hollywood cults

>> No.17155918

Who cares
Also, Sephardis did run the slave trade, at least from the Low Countries.

>> No.17155925

The FBI has figured out how to marginalize competent people and ensure the promotion of incompetents. Really easy work, and ensures zero serious challenge to the reigning political powers.
They do it in far right circles too, probably moreso. And if they can't weasel their way in and socially destroy it from the inside, they just firebomb it. Much more brutal with rightoids, but that's because rightoids tend to be more galvanized towards a violent insurrection, which is fucking insane and would never work but FBI guys won't take the risk.

>> No.17155937

I remember when I entered my college they gave everyone a novel about immigrants (a couple) from Iraq or somewhere and their journey to Europe from their war torn country, and the hardships they go through, it was also taught in the baseline English class... puke

>> No.17155938

Good point man, I always assume when someone's talking about handling the jewish problem they're talking about day of rope, race war type shit. Not a lot of pragmatic solutions on this website. I agree with the problem but some of the comments of seen on here, likely written in anger of course, I'm not sure.
I can promise you I am not glowing.

>> No.17155953

>social development

this is a meme. you really think kids socializing with kids their own age is really worth exposing them to public school?

>> No.17155958

I've always seen "Day of the Rope" as often more catharsis than anything else.

>> No.17155961

Like I said, I turned out fine and benefitted.

>> No.17155972

In Spain, Portugal, the English colonies, regular Christians dominated, since unlike usury, there was no prohibition for Christians to engage in slave trading. In the case of the British this trading also took the form of the piratical theft of slaves from Spanish slave ships.

>> No.17155973

White men are the only authors worth reading

>> No.17155974

Yeah I know a lot of it is emotional fantasy stemming from understandable fury. This is not the place to discuss real solutions or build coalitions. But I honestly have no idea where would be the place for that.

>> No.17155983


>> No.17155985

Yet you're here shitposting on an inuit snow angel appreciation forum?

Supposedly there's a difference between boys and girls, and that girls need to learn the social ropes more or they struggle later in life, while the boys aren't as badly affected

>> No.17155993

They should diversify the classroom by not having the same holocaust unit year after year. I can't begin to remember how many times I was assigned to read Night.

>> No.17156003

Did you highlight all the testimonial inaccuracies and scribble sources to conflicting documentation in the margins?

>> No.17156017

Give me a source please.

>> No.17156020


>> No.17156026
File: 172 KB, 650x865, ohboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, it's not like classic literature is going anywhere soon and it's good to step out of your own culture every once in a while.

Plus no one's forcing you to read these books if you really take issue with it.

>> No.17156027


>> No.17156034

Anglophones always want to push this shit, right up until the moment you start speaking to them in your native tongue and encouraging them to read books in it. They don't want to decolonise shit, it's the same old trick they used to get people to read their Bible and convert.

>> No.17156048

>in your classroom
>nobody is forcing you
Retard or leftist rat.

>> No.17156071

Yeah dude, most of the time I'm talking about books

>> No.17156097

There were no more Jews in Spain after the mid 1500s, for one, so it's hard for them to be doing the slave trading for the empire. Especially as they were being expelled from Portugal and the Italian States around the same time. As to your claim about Jewish slavers predominating in Holland or whatever, I'd have to be an idiot to take your opinion as even being remotely accurate considering the predominance of alt-right mythomaniacalness here.

>> No.17156101
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By this logic then anything you have to read for school is "forced". I also doubt schools are going to stop teaching shit like Gatsby or Animal Farm. There still has to be some form of academic merit that can be justified. Hell, when I was in high school a decade ago we read 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' and 'A Long Way Gone' (both black lit) along with 'Catcher in the Rye' and 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. Stop being a child and inventing a boogeyman just because you're scared black people.

>> No.17156124

If you're looking for pragmatic solutions on this website you're looking in the wrong place. But yeah I assume most of the edgier comments are blowing off steam, I don't think there's many people besides glowies actually up for that.
It's part of how they've abused language against us though, they have made it seem like every criticism of them automatically means physical harm will occur. It doesn't.

>> No.17156150

>literal baby's picture book
Burgers don't really . . . do they?

>> No.17156152

I have plenty of books by Africans, South Americans and African Americans. They aren't pop-lit best sellers like what is usually suggested with these movements though.

>> No.17156153

But we encourage people to read the greeks and romans?

>> No.17156164

I asked for a source not for a politicised tirade.

>> No.17156170

Too nuanced for most of the board. They are looking for an easy scapegoat, not a solution

>> No.17156174

>read only authors with the most modern progressive western mindset
>but different skin colours
Isn't it a clown world where the edgy 4chan racist will read a genuine diversity, from ancient Greece to Iceland to Israel to India to Japan, to renaissance Italy to enlightenment Russia to 20th century South America, all while the proponents of so-called diversity read literally only one kind of thought and dismiss all other as being something-ist.

>> No.17156175

> As to your claim about Jewish slavers predominating in Holland or whatever, I'd have to be an idiot to take your opinion as even being remotely accurate considering the predominance of alt-right mythomaniacalness here.
This is no secret, there were only a handful of wealthy families running the slave trade and more then a third of slave traders from the Low Countries were Sephardis originally from Iberia. You sound quite biased in the matter.

>> No.17156178

>by this logic then anything you have to read for school is forced
>have to read
Correct, retard.
>Long unrelated tangent about a point no one made
They glow.

>> No.17156179

>Telling people you like philosophy
>Never read W. E. B. Du Bois

Guaranteed psued

>> No.17156180

>They aren't pop-lit best sellers like what is usually suggested with these movements though.
As I said it's a publishers racket.

>> No.17156198

>It's impossible to learn from a mentor unless they are the exact same as you

>> No.17156214

>There were no more Jews in Spain after the mid 1500s
I recall reading how pissed the spanish were at how the sephardis had been capturing christians, castrating them and selling them into the muslim slave markets.

>> No.17156217

There is no ancient person by that name, and hence that person cannot be relevant for philosophy.

>> No.17156231

Exactly, the Sephardis all went to Holland where they became haute-bourgeois merchants. When Ashkenazim arrived from Eastern Europe later they treated these poor as little more than shit.

>> No.17156248

In translation. Reading classical languages (dead languages that pose no threat anyway) is for a tiny few anyway.

>> No.17156249

>Says a sociologist is a philosopher
Not gonna make it

>> No.17156269

The Ashkenazi were the real Khazar gangster psychos.
Sephardis often ended up in poor ghettos relying on the rag trade, but weren't the rothschilds and their kin sephardi?

>> No.17156294

>Implying the theory of Double consciousness isn't philosophical important considering we live in a post British Empire and international slave trade world

>> No.17156297

True, but given the hegemony of english as a lingua franca for media it is difficult to pick and choose a foreign language to read in, if you learn spanish you're missing out on French, Chinese, Russian, Farsi etc, etc

>> No.17156299

Where are the classics?

>> No.17156318

You racist bigot transphobe. You're looking at the new classics.

>> No.17156329

A classic has to stand the test of time.
If you're going to diversify your classroom's reading material, one ought to pick some time-hounoured colored literature.

>> No.17156386

>implying everything important must be philosophically important
>implying that sociological views can have significant implications on philosophy
Explain the philosophical implications of double consciousness, if you're so fucking confident of it.

>> No.17156402

>Implying double consciousness exists in the postcolonial world
You're working with an outdated model.The subaltern mind today exclusively devoted to hating the west and trying to destroy it.

>> No.17156409

>one ought to pick some time-hounoured colored literature.
Yeah, make the kiddos read Iceberg Slim, the only based negro.

>> No.17156442

Right, except for all those Sephardim who went East to the Ottoman empire or North Africa. Yours is the only comment that is even minimally cogent here on the subject.

>> No.17156450

qrd on these?

>> No.17156462

Forget "decolonization". How do I colonize my bookshelf even further?

>> No.17156476

Get rid of everything except Rudyard Kipling and the Aeneid.

>> No.17156497

I wish someone would. Imagine looking at White America and thinking this way of building and running a society should be preserved

>> No.17156511

Listen to the History of African Philosophy podcast, there is plenty of interesting suggestions of classic books by Africans and African Americans.

>> No.17156530

Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España - Bernal Díaz del Castillo

>> No.17156572

Do they recommend anything by Thomas Sowell?

>> No.17156597


>> No.17156604

>Imagine looking at White America and thinking this way of building and running a society should be preserved
I can agree with you on this, but I don't think anything with the potential to replace it offers anything better except for maybe the Chinese.

>> No.17156634

Anarcho-Syndicalism like Catalonia in the Civil War
Fully automated luxury communism with the abolition of work and profit motive
Bookchin-esque library socialism

To be honest, pre-language nomadic hunter gathering would be preferable to America in the 21st century.

>> No.17156663

Take the pastoralist Nomad pill

>> No.17156772

Total human extinction is preferable to that.

>> No.17156903
File: 45 KB, 300x214, thumb_i-my-job-smug-frog-enjoys-classy-dinner-while-wage-51516024[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you have to spend tens of thousand of hours doing something you don't care about with people you don't care about, that serves no actual purpose in the world other than making numbers on screens change just so you aren't made homeless and starve, but you defend people who make millions by doing nothing other than predicting which of those numbers on the screen will change because they are the job creators and one day if you work really hard you might become one

>b-but my economics!!!
>b-but muh supply and demand!!
>b-but muh human nature

>> No.17156918


>> No.17156965

Who do they name
>Hardmode: no nafris

>> No.17156982

>The only alternative to neobiberal society is to be cavemen with iphones

>> No.17157034

It's not the only one, but it sounds like a good one. I'd prefer if they were Fairphones though.

>> No.17157294

That's like saying the soviet union was about communism.

>> No.17157313

i cant tell if this is real or a /pol/ pasta

>> No.17157333
File: 41 KB, 389x386, 1579944627590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it feel like everyone in modern society has schizophrenia and I'm the only normal person left
wtf happened in the past 10 years while I was immersed in anime

>> No.17157334
File: 11 KB, 90x230, IMG_20201228_165221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop being chuds. Feminism is about equality and is very based

>> No.17157353

Debunked by based Bob Black

>> No.17157394

sounds fun, link?

>> No.17157404

smartphones and social media, imagine a world trained on facebook likes and news snippets.

>> No.17157428
File: 2.02 MB, 2100x2831, 204030165304195bed159cb991e2405d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only social media I get (I guess I use discord and IRC to talk to people but that's it) and I don't read news
I just don't understand these people and how they think. It's like they live in a different society from me when I swear it was the same last time I poked my head out of /a/

I feel like a foreigner in my own country these days when it comes to discussion.

>> No.17157454


>> No.17157456

Also bots and group conformity tactics, did you not see the whole George Floyd PsyOp?

>> No.17157475

Wasn't that some American who was shot and people started protesting?
IDK as I said I only get my news from /pol/ spillover on other boards

>> No.17157577

Well the CIA and other deep state actors staged a sort of color revolution starting with a bunch of white on black false flags and the death of a guy called George Floyd who starred in porn and had a police record for burgling a pregnant woman at gunpoint.
this apparently led to entirely "spontaneous" global riots but mostly in Demonrat controlled cities of america, utilising an entirely coincidental black and yellow colour scheme and the movement "Black Lives Matter" and "Antifa" who just happened to be funded by some fat hungarian Jew named George Soros who has taken vulture capitalism to a new art by funding demonrat cities and their subsequent rapid descents into liberal hellholes.
basically it was all a massive disruption campaign to push out Trump and the Republicons and hand all economic power hegemony to china.

>> No.17157630

This is alongside news that a Massachusetts school district is getting rid of teaching The Odyssey for YA pablum like this.

>> No.17157734

my god, this sounds like an old MDE sketch

>> No.17157784

W.E.B. DuBois was the Ibram X. Kendi of his day.

>> No.17157826

fuck off back to bunkerchan tankie

>> No.17157841

No, i'm going to order Imperium now.

>> No.17157864


>> No.17158029

isn't this a capitalist start up buzzword?

>> No.17158244

What does OP's post have to do with anti-capitalism? You can be anti-racist and still be pro-capitalism you know? Not everyone buys into the leftwing or rightwing bundle of opinions like you do.

>> No.17158665

No. It would be the chink baby asking the black baby why he looks like poo. The white baby girl would be encouraged, by her parents, to go on "play dates" with the same black baby boy so that the parents can post the pictures on social media.

>> No.17158721

from wikipedia:
>Borges's mother, Leonor Acevedo Suárez, came from a traditional Uruguayan family of criollo (Spanish) origin. [...]
(i.e. 100% Spanish blood)
>Borges's own father, Jorge Guillermo Borges Haslam [...] was born in Entre Ríos of Spanish, Portuguese, and English descent, the son of Francisco Borges Lafinur, a colonel, and Frances Ann Haslam, an Englishwoman. Borges Haslam grew up speaking English at home.
Nothing against mulatos (Machado de Assis, for example), but, as far as we are concerned, Borges wasn't one.

>> No.17158804

yes, their "diversity" is reading only something-americans or easily digestible americanized foreigners.

>> No.17158835

amen, brother

>> No.17158880

Sounds like somebody hasn't heard of "intersectionality".
Go tell any other self-proclaimed "anti-racist" that you're "socially liberal, but fiscally conservative"
Even they will call you an unprincipled degenerate

>> No.17158932

You're living in radical internet world. The majority of people who are anti-racist, (and I mean this in the literal sense of the word, they are against racism), are normies who are neoliberal and probably generally not that into politics. Look at how many people were at the Floyd George protests who were just normal people who didn't like what happened and don't like the fact people are racist. There are plenty anti-racist people who are pro-capitalism and don't even know what intersectionality is.

>> No.17158936

Close. Biden "overperformed" yet somehow a bunch of Republican senators did the same.
I haven't seen any of those Republicans contesting the blatant ballot dumps with no vote watchers, or even bring up the compete obliteration of records of custody of entire counties of votes.

>> No.17158972

>There are plenty of degenerates who just agree with whatever their told to
And I'm anti-racist in the literal sense, but for some reason blatant destruction of cities, dismantling the police, and legalizing crime doesn't really strike me as a good idea, and I don't appreciate being told that I have to if I want others to consider me anti-racist