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17147676 No.17147676 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of writing a book which plot is about a nazi native american uprising in the USA...
Does the plot sound retarded?

>> No.17147814

i know the nazis romanticised the indians dont know much more about their relations than that. and in australia the fascists bankrolled the first aboriginal newspaper and idealised the abo life.

>> No.17148183

Ask your self if you would read a book with that plot. If you would read a book with that plot, write it. You have probably heard this statement time and time again but I shall echo it once more.
Write about what you would read about.

>> No.17148221


>> No.17148250

Unless it’s about a brilliant and kindhearted nazi scientist who, after becoming disillusioned with the way the war is going, escapes in a time tunnel with a truck full of supplies, ending up in 1830s Colorado, where he befriends the natives...

>> No.17148258

>Ask your self if you would read a book with that plot.
Well I would definitely be curious about that plot like why would native americans of all things succumbed to nazism?

>> No.17148742

Yes, it does sound retarded, partly because it is, but also because that picture and your grammar don't exactly radiate competence in the craft. Post prose.

>> No.17148765

I think it sounds a bit unrealistic. Not much about known Native culture seems to preclude Fascism. T'would be dope if Natives repelled colonialists and discovered their technology through books and a captured colonisl nerd who taught a prominent Native chad how to read. That's my idea though so fuck off

>> No.17148870
File: 13 KB, 1000x563, Flag_of_the_ethnocacerist_movement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about Nazi Native Americans in the USA, but they're a thing in Peru.

>> No.17148902

>T'would be dope if Natives repelled colonialists
Yeah this is why they adopted nazism in my story, they see it as their salvation to reclaim their lands due to militaristic nature of it.
They also grew bitter toward american jews since they are allowed to have their state but them as ethnic americans don't. They feel neglected by the US's government.

>> No.17148913
File: 32 KB, 1204x650, 20201229_203555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, also here's their flag in my story

>> No.17148923

Calling them nazis is retarded. Making them ethnonationalist in every way except directly stating it is a good idea. You’ll make fashoid burgers seethe against fascism, and you’ll make leftoid burgers praise fascism.

>> No.17150329

this is true as a leftoid lol a lot of burgers will just buy anything if you word it right. see: cultural appropriation

>> No.17150339

Yes, but all that matters is how you develop it.

>> No.17150348

Write a paragraph and post it here, not even something you’ll actually use but enough to give us an idea of how you’ll try to actually pull it off. If you can write it well you can get away with almost anything.

>> No.17150876


>> No.17150890

Shut the fuck up, trannyfly.

>> No.17151117

Yes. But, if you made it a surreal comedy it'd probably blow up considering the native Americans I know absolutely adore Nazis.

>> No.17151204

I'd read it. I'm curious how you'd unite so many unique tribes under one nationalistic ideal though. Sure, they share the same race, but as far as that goes, Cherokee and Comanche couldn't be more different from one another.
There's also the issue of racial purity, which is a stance I don't think Native American fascists could take considering their dwindling numbers.
There's a lot of angles to tackle, at the very least it's an interesting thought exercise.

>> No.17152198

That's not a plot.

>> No.17152390
File: 489 KB, 750x1465, notyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you should definitely do it.

>> No.17152434

i cant tell whether this picture is ironic or not

>> No.17152440

Set it in the 70s.

>> No.17152447

A little out there, but I'd read it out of interest.

>> No.17152454

Here's the thing: saying I would read it does not include what I think about the story or why I'd read it. I'd read a gay scat fanfic about Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky out of morbid interest, but by no means should that ever be written.

>> No.17152476

Wtf why did nazis like native Americans and why do native americans like nazis?

>> No.17152516

Really? Not one person who's responded knows it's already been done before?

OP, check out "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis.

>> No.17152587

sell the screen play
shoot over to biz
invest profits in the latest
Shilled shit coin

>> No.17152628

its an interesting idea. what other elements would you think of incorporating into this possible novel (i.e endnotes like Infinite Jest or heavy use of esoteric scientific concepts like Pynchon)? Also don't use the word 'nazi' too much. Judging that your book is native american, your terms are more 'tribalism', 'ecofascism' and 'primitivism'. Remember that Nazism is just a German illustration of fascism that incorporates a collectivist economic plan and a bold ethnonationalist agenda. Use those at your own will. I wish you more than luck. :)

>> No.17152647

Giving a shit about indigenous cultures was invented by Rousseau, and Rousseau’s Volontè General in favour of Jeffersonian democracy is the precursor to fascism

The civilised liberal and the practical Marxist looks at primitive cultures with disdain. The fascist admires the barbarian and falsely attributes virtue to a system perpetuating economic retardation

>> No.17152710

when OP says native american he is talking about indians.

>> No.17152814
File: 23 KB, 400x413, red-cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't heard of Chief Red Cloud
There already was a Nazi Native American uprising, the leader of the movement had to be suppressed and threatened by the ADL because things were getting out of control.

>> No.17153169

I could see that being an interesting read, an ethno-nationalist uprising from some impoverished reservations. But you have to ask yourself some questions.
Is it the whole plot, or the backdrop for a smaller plot?
How do you plan to express the plot? Like a traditional 3rd person story or more of a Mein Kampf 1st person style?
What's the trigger?
Are the conflicts realistic?
How in-depth do you plan to go?
How is it going to end? Can't be writing some grand never-ending story fanfic as these tend to really suffer from the end of the beginning to the end of the end.

>> No.17153181

Nazis liking native Americans I think had something to do with the Hyperborean racial origins theory of theirs (the Nazis).

>> No.17153183

Nazis had a thing for nature and saw that in Native Americans. Native Americans have a thing about prior lands getting swallowed up by a foreign entity and saw that in Nazis.

>> No.17153710

>Is it the whole plot, or the backdrop for a smaller plot?
It's the summary
>How do you plan to express the plot? Like a traditional 3rd person story or more of a Mein Kampf 1st person style?
From the point of view of a member of the "Aryan brotherhood"
>What's the trigger?
Mostly build up hatred and fear of extinction in total indifference.
>Are the conflicts realistic?
Native American will have help from a certain other nation.
>How in-depth do you plan to go?
I don't really know, the problem is that...if I write it, some peoples might think it's an apology of nazism since I would basically said that "well it's understandable if native americans give in to this ideology unlike the germans..." I must be careful and think about it longer
>How is it going to end?

>> No.17154589

Bump, sounds interesting

>> No.17154905
File: 31 KB, 276x480, ryushika2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it "Nazi Injuns stole mah Girlfriend"

>> No.17155607

OP it is trully this simple >>17148923

Retarded americans think that indians are these noble savages. In reality pre colonial peoples were just as imperialist as the romans and had clear cut identities that they pushed upon others who they conquered.

Read about the Inca empire and read about the Mayans and Aztecs. Watch the movie Apocalypto if you haven't. There have been radicalized suprematist assholes through history. It's perfectly plausible to have nationalistic, racist and genocidal indians.

>> No.17155876
File: 29 KB, 300x400, Chief_Neptune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17155903

If you can write well, just about any premise, as retarded as it may sound, can be made into a masterpiece. If you challenge yourself to make this something actually worth reading, substantial and enjoyable, you may create something good.

>> No.17156009

It's hard to speak definitively about the natives since it's a very broad group. It's like taking WW2 era Europe and talking about the widely disparate societies as if they're a homogenous group. Aboriginal Americans of differing tribes tended to have different customs. The Puebloans are the obvious example of an indigenous peoples that overwhelmingly does conform to the stereotype you're excoriating.

>> No.17157293

Make the title:
The Trail of the White Man's Tears

>> No.17157754

That wouldn't be accurate to my story:
The native americans seek to Holocausted everything that is not a true american, so they will kill afro americans, jews and asians too.
I still don't have a title in my head but the cover would show the statue of liberty with a war bonnet instead of a crown and will do a sieg heil instead of holding a torch.

>> No.17157800


>> No.17157821

The words "noble savage" are already in Dryden and the conception in Montaigne

>> No.17157835


>> No.17157850

>The Red Dam Breaks
>The Summer of Scalps

>> No.17159821
File: 158 KB, 1200x823, best story told.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey retard stop the presses, the greatest story barely told awaits.

>> No.17160656

Indians are literally too stupid and weak to considering anything other than drinking themselves to death and getting pregnant at 14