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/lit/ - Literature

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17146048 No.17146048 [Reply] [Original]

What would you write as a suicide note or a goodbye /lit/ ?

>> No.17146054

Goodbye fuckers.

>> No.17146062

Nothing, because I'm not a faggot

>> No.17146084

A book.

>> No.17146093

"yall niggas gay as fuck."

>> No.17146119
File: 76 KB, 960x960, -lit is gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just this t b h, never was much of a drama queen

>> No.17146761

"it wasn't suicide" + a couple random numbers written on the back of a gas-station receipt and wadded up into my sock.

>> No.17146799

I remember when I was young and we had to write a letter to some book character as a language exam. I analysed the guy's motivations, the author's life, the whole work, and wrote a suicide letter. The guy was suffering and regretting, his whole life fell apart, I wrote it as a suicide letter.

I got a bad note because I "didn't understand the book" lmao

>> No.17146943

"i came here for tendies and a will to live yet found neither."

>> No.17146950

This. I hope to grow to enough prominence, and get a reputation as a weird kook, that people would believe that someone was out to kill me.

>> No.17146977

The CIA would probably write it for me.

>> No.17146979

Based NPC education

>> No.17147077

My wife is a cunt.

>> No.17147104

I was blessed with a great childhood, wonderful and intelligent parents, fun and supportive siblings, and great relatives and friends. I have no real excuse to have killed myself, except that I let myself get addicted to alcohol and it has made my existence little more than suffering. No one could have done anything differently short of locking me up against my will until I was sober; doing so, however, would have angered me severely and would have resulted in a worse outcome, believe it or not. I leave this world with nothing but a deep sense of gratitude for the people I got to know and love.



P.S. In my lockbox you will find some personal notes, writings, letters, passwords, and my last will and testament which, I hope, clearly outlines everything and makes it easy to tie up my affairs.

>> No.17148552

I blame the jews.

>> No.17148563

"it's been"
"I've had a time"
"I wish you all a life"

>> No.17148572

“The butler did it.”

>> No.17148587

I’d write the n word a few times and call it a day.

>> No.17148773

The saddest thing a person can do in the face of rejection is try harder for approval. I'm not desperate. I know I could've done great things, but not very many of you saw it, so I'm not gonna give you an ounce of me. Fuck you.

>> No.17148778

lmao based narcissist

>> No.17148790

>My body is in the bathtub, it may be traumatizing to see, please let EMS handle it
>This is nobody's fault, I love you all and I hate to hurt anyone by doing this
>The money is in X Y and Z accounts, my parents can have it all
>Sorry about the mess

>> No.17148803

based anon coping with the fact that suicide is the most immoral act, and to afflict that pain upon others is akin to murdering them, and implements a small act of courtesy to rationalize such a horrific thing.

>> No.17148846

Every suicide note is the act of a narcissist. At least I'd be honest about it before I faked my death and went to live in the woods

>> No.17148879

lmao hell yeah man destroy everyone's lives, fuckin based hermit SOCIETY = CANCELLED

>> No.17148884

Being alive is fucking gay. That's why I killed myself. Don't be sad you selfish pricks. This is what I wanted.

>> No.17148901

Yeah, basically I would just try to soften the blow as much as possible for everyone else involved. But this is all hypothetical. In reality I would not kill myself out of depression because inflicting that on others is a horrible thing to do. Only in a very narrow range of cases where suicide would be more virtuous than living would I consider it.

>> No.17148904

Why didn't you just write the n word on your post instead of writing "n word"? Genuinely curious anon.

>> No.17148917

Racism outside /b/ is a bannable offense.

>> No.17148931

The strains of modern society have left us in want. Our problems with the world will only increase with global communication and common greed. Control of a people through modern technology has become easier and easier, and will continue to do so.

Instant communication began with the telegraph, followed by the telephone, and the radio. The invention of the radio brought people closer together, made the world seem smaller. Then came the broadcast of television, putting anything on that screen in everyone's living room. Soon after, the personal computer and communication through the internet. Then the smartphone with instant communication around the globe - in your pocket!

These inventions should have brought mankind closer and closer together, but now we have advanced so much that we are controlled by it. Not just controlled by the cruel people that run it, but we have become slaves to ourselves.

The intention of these inventions cries out for global unity and peace. My words here are broadcast to the world, and those who choose to read them shall do so. Just as everyone has a voice on the internet, so too does the powerful have control over what is seen. We see this every day, and for many - every waking minute of their lives.

We must turn our backs on technology, because people create annoying threads on Venezuelan Potato Farming forums. They destroy the little integrity left of the Mongolian Basket Weaving forums. They penetrate this garbage into our minds!

It is because of this, that I must an hero.

>> No.17148947

At least I was not a nigger

>> No.17148953

Suicide is the nigger of deaths

>> No.17148959

true, when you die by suicide you're reincarnated as a black

>> No.17148967 [DELETED] 

That'd imply Niggers have souls
Not really, snapping your neck doing that retarded nigger mating dance probably is tho

>> No.17148979


>> No.17149046

I would try my best to write something that would take away the guilt that my suicide would cause the people who i love - really try to reduce suffering.

>> No.17149060

for any of you niggers out there who plan to pretend they have ever read my suicide note don't even bother mentioning once about it
in fact never talk about it
just as you never noticed I existed;
I know you can do it; finish what you started
that would be far better off than everyone talking for 5 days about how I committed sudoku and then after 2 weeks completely forgetting about me
at least my existence will be forever erased from your thick NPCs skulls
fuck you all desu, it's all your fault!

>> No.17149082

based message though it will be ignored and forgotten in less than 1 week

>> No.17149587

>you are worth something!!
At least "do a flip" makes no pretense about giving a shit. I despise this false concern so much.

>> No.17149610
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>when you die by suicide you're reincarnated as a black

>> No.17149637

"Well, that sucked."

>> No.17149645

Dont call me bubbly.

>> No.17149648

Have fun cleaning up

>> No.17149669
File: 46 KB, 720x571, fdf4a7bfb6314b78edf7093688f11dda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"there's a sandwich and soup in the fridge, heat the soup for about 15 and you'll be right as rain. "

>> No.17149681

ohai clayton bixby

>> No.17149728
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"i fear i may have slipped while fixing the fan with a rope. could you be a dear a slide the foot stool to my feet?"

>> No.17149773 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 976x549, 1609277070185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I was sitting here wondering how both hemingway and kurt cobain were able to accomplish so much being scatterbrained. then, like an explosion, it came to me"

>> No.17149817

Who is that?

>> No.17149822

It's best not to ponder such things; such thoughts are not healthy.

>> No.17149826


>> No.17149841

Nothing, don't want to leave clues to when I'll strike.

>> No.17149844

no idea, it's one of the results of a google image search for "british teeth"

>> No.17150088

4/10 dropped

>> No.17150147
File: 184 KB, 1412x1412, 71el2ukF6BL._SL1412_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lyrics to Sound System by Operation Ivy.

>> No.17150167

I’ll put a bomb inside of my journal so that when it is opened, someone will join to give me company in the afterlife.

>> No.17150171

who was the guy that wrote that longass novel as a suicide note?

>> No.17150189

found it https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9429159-suicide-note

>> No.17150201

If you're too much of a coward to say nigger on 4channel.org/lit I doubt you'll do it in your suicide note

>> No.17150246

Im gonna publish my 10,000 line epic poem on the book of job
It might even be longer by then

>> No.17150367

post it

>> No.17150465

I'm thinking about the same thing
to them it seemed to be natural

>> No.17150678

What does that have to do with racism being against the rules? Do you think getting banned is courageous?

>> No.17150705

saying nigger isn't racism, it's normal lingo. e.g. swampnigger, sandnigger.

>> No.17150708

>No fat chicks.

>> No.17150712

lmao britbongs btfo

>> No.17150726

You, the reader, are to blame.

>> No.17150739
File: 24 KB, 385x385, 1608876160135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying nigger isn't racism

>> No.17150749

>Out of all the terrible maladies one could be afflicted with, I had to be cursed with an abnormally large anus. Why, God!? Why would you give me this leaky monstrosity that I have to shove back into myself multiple times a day? What good is a pink sock protruding from me? The stench is alienating! Please, I beg of you, find a cure for this ailment, so no one else has to go through the horrors of having an abnormally large anus ever again.

>> No.17151238

I don't think I'd leave a note. Too dead to care

>> No.17151334

"its not your fault"

>> No.17152093

Racism is good

>> No.17152102

Who cares? It's against the rules on this website outside of /b/.

>> No.17152109

Good day!

>> No.17152133
File: 140 KB, 1180x842, baed781a-ae0f-4db4-9e15-1679896e21b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17152134

You sound like that snobby, meak kid in school that'd always snitch to the teacher cause he couldn't handle reality by himself


>> No.17152138

Yeah, I was the smart kid who got great grades. You must have been the other kid.

>> No.17152175

define racism

>> No.17152179

It wuz gud. I liked. Bye bye

>> No.17152203

And the days are not full enough
And the nights are not full enough
And life slips by like a field mouse
Not shaking the grass

>> No.17152227


>> No.17152238


>> No.17152276

>sell all property and move out
>languish only the street homeless for a day or two
>use what money I have left pitch a tent and buy some heroin
>smoke smack and overdose (totally painless) or hire someone to kill me
>mail my manuscript to my family

>> No.17152627
File: 45 KB, 464x464, _70763342_kt_chasing_464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone that has a strong belief in the fundamentle right of racing

pick related: a racism enthusiast

>> No.17153077

>saying nigger is racism
only in burgerland

>> No.17153104

what was the book?

>> No.17153124

Well duh, who really cares about the norms in your backwater shithole.

>> No.17153191

No, I was the tall guy that got good grades without trying, bullied nerds passively by face mogging them and made them feel resentful when I kissed and groped their high school crushes


>> No.17153201

I define racism as the repulsion one feels at having to live with members of another race, or indulge in their culture. This is absolutely normal, and healthy.
Racism is a good thing

>> No.17153213

Cool, sounds fun.

>> No.17153233

Just be yourself

>> No.17153254


>> No.17153259

I know, it sounds crazy. Yet it is enforced if reported.

>> No.17153261

I didn't know that. Assholes in here regularly say it. How come they don't get banned.

>> No.17153269


>> No.17153274

It comes down to whether anyone reports you for it really. I know it gets enforced on reports here, I dunno wtf goes on in pol though.

>> No.17153468

What book?

>> No.17153475

>yeah bro stay alive because of the whims of others
That’s selfish and immoral on their part

>> No.17153544
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>I will never be a woman

>> No.17154326

rip xd

>> No.17154337
File: 93 KB, 567x879, st-072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to look up little dolls skirt's

>> No.17154502

>What would you write as a suicide note or a goodbye /lit/ ?

Harakiri sometimes makes you win.