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File: 107 KB, 718x563, 2A084C12-E5EC-42F3-9A98-CA44AB97B05A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17144836 No.17144836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they the modern day equivalents of mythological archetypes?

>> No.17144838

me on the right

>> No.17144840

You forgot the new nigger ones

>> No.17144843

Hot, although I'm not that into fake hair colour

>> No.17144852

Women should be banned from showing that much legmeat

>> No.17144853

neither am I but it succeeds in making more people subscribe to my onlyfans

>> No.17144854

doomer fits lots of old archetypes
zoomer can be shoehorned into some
that dude on the right? chad? yeah chads are definitely an old archetype

then theres 2 sluts and tradwife
>is good woman an archetype
yes just like good man is

these arent even archetypes
theyre just types

these- like many modern categories of personality- are much simpler and monotonous in comparison to whatever old archetypes you are thinking of

>> No.17144886

I think the zoomer is the fresh faced boy who knows not the horrors of his future, due to coddling and glorification of conflict. Think the kids going into WW1 but worse.

>> No.17144895
File: 84 KB, 736x1107, 60F7E580-533D-4BC8-A84E-FAD3B5EB9833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be blindfolded

>> No.17144898

zoomer is the hero before the heroes journey, doomer is the hero at his lowest, Chad is the hero transformed at the end. the sluts are just sluts, obviously.

>> No.17144902

Yeah that's a good take

>> No.17144905


>> No.17144917

Fuck marry kill go

>> No.17144923
File: 98 KB, 800x530, 26F2D03E-ECF9-4BE2-9F79-2938E7B665F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eats, shoots and leaves

>> No.17144924

Fuck and marry: tradwife
Kill: sluts

>> No.17144927

Fuck - goth black hair girl
Marry - blonde tradwife
Kill - pink hair e-girl

>> No.17144931

Incredibly wishful thinking to have the trad girl looking at the zoomer fag

>> No.17144938

who is she, butters?

>> No.17144956

Can’t double pick for one person

>> No.17144965

>Looking at someone means the woman wants him as partner
I've got bad news for you buddy.

>> No.17144971

This image offends me
plz delet

>> No.17144982
File: 117 KB, 981x720, 9D16D567-32D1-4584-B567-3CD36D61CC37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allison from The Breakfast Club

>> No.17145018

Posed this on /adv/ when this pic was posted there, hope you like it:
I like this pic :)
I imagine they're uni students, something like this.

>CS major, freshman.
>Eager to learn, excited about memes, Fortnite, etc.
>Friends with Doomerette, Tradgirl, and Egirl. Is mentored by Yesman, appreciates the help.

>Electrical Engineering major, junior.
>Is depressed about state of the world, but not so much after he started dating Tradgirl.
>Gym-buddies with Yesman.
>Older brother of Doomerette (he worries he leads her down the wrong path.)
>Enjoys nightwalks and has started going to church with Tradgirl.

>English major, junior.
>Enjoys British women writers, is going to write her thesis on them.
>Yesman's little sister and Doomer's girlfriend.
>The unofficial "mom" of the group, she is a source of advice and support for everyone, especially Doomerette and Egirl.
>Permanently appointed the designated driver, frequently has to make late night trips to pick Egirl up from parties.
>Plans on doing a masters, but she is currently busy in her schoolwork, part time job as a tutor, and convincing Doomer to quit smoking.

>Math major, sophmore.
>Idolizes her big brother, has copied his style and music/art tastes.
>Enjoys playing vidya with Zoomer and Egirl.
>Plans on getting a PhD and then becoming a professor

>Philosophy/CS/Bio Triple major, senior (Yes, really).
>Unofficial leader of the group, everyone goes to him for advice.
>Set up gym-bro Doomer with his sister (whatta Chad)
>Is going to a MD/PhD program in the nation's top uni
>Married to Mrs. Yesman (not depicted)
>Has a job as a software engineer, will continue it on top of med/grad school
>Source of optimism for the gang

>Bio major, freshman (She's a premed)
>Has an unsuccessful Twitch career
>Tried to get Zoomer to simp for her, ending up simping for him
>Is a student in a class Yesman TAs
>Tried to join a sorority, left once hazing started
>Is a frequent partier, but a little naive.
>Will end up as Zoomer's gf

>> No.17145034

This is a much more accurate scenario than most bitter people would come up with

>> No.17145055

I kinda like this

>> No.17145073


You clearly have no idea how mundane cs and software engineering is

>> No.17145077

I am a CS major :)

>> No.17145090


Full time CS coursework with a full time programming job sounds stressful as hell and is suicide fuel with any more tedium added to it. Imagine thinking that 70 credits of under grad sound cool

>> No.17145097

Well yes, the "Yesman" character does lean into the absurdly chad a bit.

>> No.17145098

Baudrillard weeped.

>> No.17145128

Yeah, weeped cum out of his ass

>> No.17145141

True. The real struggles of this life are parodical cartoons

>> No.17145250
File: 507 KB, 542x677, EqNOetzWMAE9-qO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people murdered my boy

>> No.17145278


>> No.17145290

>Is going to a MD/PhD program in the nation's top uni
No Chad does that only suckers do that.

>> No.17145296

That's pretty funny man, thanks for posting that. I like cum jokes and fart jokes so it's like a double whammy because he's farting cum out his ass, haha.