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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 961 KB, 1592x4096, Lit2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17143512 No.17143512 [Reply] [Original]

This should be the official chart.

There were two problems with the chart from earlier:

1. The chart was based on old data from the poll rather than the final vote counts as shown on the first page of the Google sheet. The tab on the sheet the anon who made the last chart used (third tab) is out of date.

2. The effects of hordes of poltards and tourists from sci and other boards deliberately ruining the list weren't corrected, hence why most people hated the last list. The original anon wasn't going to do that either, probably because he was a poltard himself.

Those problems are fixed here.

>> No.17143524


>> No.17143529

Aaaaaaah pol is going to get me mommy help

>> No.17143531

Hear hear!

>> No.17143534

>Canticle for Lebowitz, BotNS, Blindsight
Why is /lit/ so ignorant of literary sci fi?

>> No.17143584

The Brothers Karamazov is better than Moby Dick

>> No.17143585

You have The Book of Disquiet - Pessoa labeled as Moby Dick - Melville

Looks better than the chart the other anon posted. But there are some interesting picks on both

>> No.17143590

Do you speak Russian?


>> No.17143597

>No Mein Kampf
The original thread said that all books would be allowed, now you are seething and removing it
Mein Kampf won, cope with it already and stop making this dumb thread

>> No.17143602

Only Mein Kampf isn't really good literature anon

>> No.17143605

newbie here, are all recurring books eliminated, or is it just from the top 100 polls?

>> No.17143614

quit your shit tranny

>> No.17143625


I shouldn't have done this under influence. Too boring otherwise though. Will fix.

To the guy complaining about mk read the op i acknowledged what the other fuck wanted to do.

>> No.17143645

And Fountainhead and the Quran are? Mein Kampf is a book of huge historical and political influence with a great story around its creation, and can be considered one of the early 20th century german anti-modernist philosophical works alongside Jungers, Heideggers, Webers and Schellers works
Learn something new

>> No.17143670 [DELETED] 

Recurring books aren't eliminated

>> No.17143678

The world would be better off without you

>> No.17143810

Can someone please post the complete chart without the seething tranny edit?

>> No.17143813

Recurring books aren't eliminated

>> No.17143815

It's in the other thread dumbass

>> No.17143864

3 Celine's kek

>> No.17143878

The one in the other thread is out of date. People can redo the chart with the current data and no removal of non/lit/ stuff if they want, but I notice this list got rid of lefty refuse like Das Kapital and White Fragility too.

>> No.17143899
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>> No.17143909


>white fragility not crossed out


>> No.17143921
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I don't read /lit/ recommendation.

>> No.17144031 [DELETED] 

Original OP who started the poll here. Sorry guys I lost steam because my mother-in-law got very sick the week before christmas and we were up taking care of her. Just got back recently.

I can share the sheet with whomever wants it. OP here is right that the third tab was last updated only after the first week or so.

>> No.17144075


Sorry about that, but would've been nice if you'd let us know a while back before this turned into a clusterfuck.

>> No.17144080

yeah that is why moby dick is in 58th place
and brothers karmazov is in 3rd

>> No.17144101

So many seethe over the unsurpassable greatness of Dostoevsky.

>> No.17144248

>No Proust, Tolstoy, Borges or Montaigne in the top 10
Funny how it’s a literature board but few people here read true literature. Melville is cool though but the rest are midwit bullshit. Might as well put Stephen King and Goosebumps

>> No.17144252

It's 4chan after all

>> No.17144275

Honestly overrated. Maybe better in French
Dostoevsky shadow looms.
Le quirky man of prose

>> No.17144281

Got the wrong cover for 48 Moby Dick as well OP

>> No.17144288

Nice job keeping Trifles for a Massacre in lmao, that should raise a few eyebrows to those who know what that’s about

>> No.17144343

Quran is miles above Shitlers list.

>> No.17144355

Yes, but Celines work has literary merit. We don't give a fuck about an authors views. MK was clearly memed and brigaded is all OP is on about. Find any well-read indi idual and ask them if they think Mein Kampf is a top 100 book. It's just not. Politics aside, it's just a shitty boring rant.

>> No.17144370

Correct. Also the 10 vote thing was beyond stupid. Someone should've made an alternative way before it got to this point.

>> No.17144376

I mean, it's got the most famous works of Marxists and Fascist thought. I'm not opposed to that list, I'd be more annoyed if it was missing one but not the other.

>> No.17144382

>True literature
Is this a joke? Might as well put Gass on there.

>> No.17144388


National socialism and fascism are different. Fascism would be Gentile, for instance. And Mein Kampf is a bit of a stretch as a book of "political thought." Rosenberg was the real theoretician of ns.

>> No.17144395

I don't see any Sorel or Gentile, and only really see Capital by Marx. Mein Kampf would be like if the Communist Manifesto was number 1 lmao. It just isn't that great despite being wildly relevant historically

>> No.17144473

Commie manifesto is one of the dullest piles of shit ever put to paper

>> No.17144474

National socialism is a naming ploy to get workers to join, but you can separate the name from the system of governance that was eventually employed under that party.. You don’t think China is actually a people’s republic because it’s in the name, do you?

>> No.17144482

Why did you remove the political/sociological books, seether?
Mein Kampf and White Fragility are troll entries yes, but what about Das Kapital, Modernity and Cultural Decline, and Industrial Society and Its Future?

>> No.17144489

It doesn't need to have lived up to its name to have been a distinct political phenomenon relative to fascism, as it's generally recognized to have been.

>> No.17144516

Odyssey and Anna Karenina are too low, and you put Moby Dick twice.

>> No.17144530

>Dostoevsky shadow looms
Ok, just remember that Tolstoy is better.

>> No.17144531

Moby Dick is there twice retard

>> No.17144544

The foundation of Hitler’s and the NAZI party’s rise to power was based fundamentally on nationalism, particularly that revolving around geographical relevance of Germanic peoples, such as those in the Sudetenland. Once in power they became an authoritarian regime based on that nationalist fervor. How is this not exactly the very definition of fascism? Yes it is distinct insofar as no state has the same type of government because each is shaped by characteristics unique to that state, but that does not make it not fascism.

>> No.17144566

Waaa waaa I don't like this book so it doesn't count!!!!!!

>> No.17144572


>> No.17144581


Yeah he fucked up a few things apparently because >>17143625

Anyway I'm just hoping the stupid prick who created the dumb fuck Google poll will eventually pull the dick out of his ass and make a chart that is based on the final voting.

>> No.17144602

what the fuck is up with that spelling of Dostoevsky? It's "Dostoevsky". That's the official way to transliterate it into English. Don't use other transliterations.

>> No.17144629

It's Dostoievsky

>> No.17144638

Dostoyevsky is the most intuitive

>> No.17144664

Transliterations aren't meant to be intuitive, they're meant to transliterate. If the goal were to teach you how to pronounce his name, it would be spelled "Dusta-Yeffsky". But that's not the goal, so it isn't.
No, it's not, based on any standard English transliteration of Russian. There are some transliteration schemes that transliterate Russian e as "ye" rather than "e" at the beginning of words and after vowels, but there are none that use "ie".

>> No.17144667

Moby Dick is in 2nd, tf are you on?

>> No.17144675

please stop posting on this website

>> No.17144779

if only

>> No.17144786

Yes, only slightly better than Mein Kampf

>> No.17144803

im new to /lit is the pic Op posted truly acurate represantation of this boards opinion and why is the bible number one makes me think its a rigged list but I wanna start reading best books so should i go with this list?

>> No.17144823

The entire 2020 top books voting system was retarded compared to what was done in past years. To make it worse the stupid dickhead who started the whole project abandoned it leading to contradictory lists and both of them with mistakes. Ignore all the 2020 lists.

>> No.17144826

Yeah, it's a pretty decent representation of what lit considers great.

>> No.17144858
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>> No.17144871


>> No.17144874


>> No.17144884


>hurr if it doesn't have pol shit on it it's boring

>> No.17144888
File: 221 KB, 600x729, 5c44a984fef2f369360b159fa457c836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even necessarily the polshit, the only highlight of this list is Guénon

>> No.17144907

>Guénon isn't pol shit

kek ok retard

>> No.17144915

No one on pol has ever heard of him retard

>> No.17144920

this lists are always just a big meme, idk why you guys take it so seriously and get butt hurt lol

>> No.17144935


>> No.17144944


>> No.17144972

zoomer faggot

>> No.17144984


>> No.17144990

gnostic cockroach

>> No.17145007

48 is Book of Disquiet not Moby Dick

>> No.17145012

True, the 2019 list is so much better than this

>> No.17145024

Nigger bug

>> No.17145040
File: 135 KB, 756x1176, 7179Oeaa2DL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain how the fuck is London Bridge at 17 while Journey is at 49? Trifles should have been 17. Was London Bridge at any of the previous charts? Why is it so high? Also cringe at Dostoyevsky.

>> No.17145064

Already been pointed out retard. Twice.

>> No.17145102

as a rule of thumb I do the opposite of what Butterfly says. I DECLARE THIS CHART AS OFFICIAL.

>> No.17145149


>> No.17145182
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>> No.17145216
File: 37 KB, 277x450, 1103654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No william faulkner
Op please kys

>> No.17145228

Where is Death on Credit is the real question.

>> No.17145264

It's based on voting that's been going on for weeks, not one guy's choice

>> No.17145477

/lit/ is just dumb unfortunately

>> No.17145514

Very ugly. I’ll go with the other one for purely aesthetic reasons.

>> No.17145570


>> No.17145608

>no Waldun
>no Beleca
>no Gardner
>no bugs,...

This board went to shit!

>> No.17145613

>Why is it so high?
Because it's about Celine having a romance with a 14 year old girl

>> No.17145636

Yeah wtf

>> No.17145683

>no Alex Jones
>no David Icke

You faggots are kidding right?

>> No.17145688

>no steinbeck
>no hemingway
>not enough pynchon

what are you retarded subhumans are doing??

>> No.17145731



Who actually likes that talentless retard lol

>> No.17145787

Retarded mutt

>> No.17145812

better than most on that list, tbqh. start reading, faggot.

shut up dumbass eurocuck.

>> No.17145816

>The amerilard best books collection

>> No.17145832

Get some taste you faggot.

>> No.17145858

>Can't even read french
>Thinks his opinion mattes

>> No.17145867


>knows french
>thinks he's human

>> No.17145870

I was trying to meme, but a sudden realization came to me, that faggots like you actually say shit like this sincerely, and now I want to smash a wall.

>> No.17145881


seethe harder faggot KEK

>> No.17145884

There are some interesting titles, but what a shitty order

>> No.17145909

I will pray for you

>> No.17145940
File: 71 KB, 671x900, 6B29053A-A72A-49F5-809D-EC3C4936B282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re such a little bitch bro, I’ve never seen so much crying from /lit/ before, you guys threw the biggest of fits. Holy shit do you hate hitler that much?

>> No.17145961
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Cope and kys cuck, Mein Kampf is literature.

>> No.17145980

People voting for the bible are /pol/ tourists too

>> No.17145988


Keep crying about your failed, dead, closet faggot German messiah polcunts.

>> No.17146069

>no Mein Kampf
What a joke. This board keeps getting worse every year

>> No.17146124
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>> No.17146138

It won because of raiders. Kys faggot.

>> No.17146153

Which level of irony is this? Stuff like this is ruining my ability to relate to normal people, fuck you.

>> No.17146249

James Joyce for one.

>> No.17146315

Hey fellas didn't wanna make my own thread, can anyone recommend a good book to read bookclub style with my girlfriend. She doesn't read at all so nothing too long or too heady, want something I haven't read either so asking for recommendations, Bonus points for something with a lovestory or themes a young woman might enjoy,

>> No.17146330

So the Bible is fiction I assume

>> No.17146333


This isn't a fiction list

>> No.17146337


>> No.17146339

retarded opinion

>> No.17146438

>Mein Kampf is a book of huge historical and political influence with a great story around its creation, and can be considered one of the early 20th century german anti-modernist philosophical works alongside Jungers, Heideggers, Webers and Schellers works
Fuck off, you revisionist faggot. Go back to whatever hugbox you crawled out of.

>> No.17146841


>> No.17146848
File: 431 KB, 823x1280, 1608495361175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe you tranny kike

>> No.17146867

Nice libel without substance faggot. Everyone eventually dies

Your seething is visible through the screen, unironically

>> No.17146882

is faulkner good or just a meme writer?

>> No.17146978

I'm not seething, nor a tranny or a kike. Kill yourself you dumb, reactionary faggot.

>> No.17147094

These threads should not be allowed. There are no non-European writers or works here.

>> No.17147123

it's full of burgershit what are you talking about

>> No.17147136

Don’t be an idiot anon, use your common sense.

>> No.17147151

Hello /lit/ can someone explain to me why is Divine Comedy considered classic
I have read it and enjoy the plot of it,but i hated that is written like a huge poet instead of a novel
also there is 300 pages of explanations for everything you read making me constantly go to the end of the book reading who and what is going on

>> No.17147213
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I am not a reactionary, I do not seek to return to status quo ante bellum

>> No.17147240

I can't without reading one of his novels. S&F is on my 2021 reading list, about halfway through, so I should get a chance to try in a few months. But it'd be nice if someone just told me whether he's a meme first.
I also don't really know what "use your common sense" would entail -- there are plenty of classic authors that I think this board would call memes. How can I know whether Faulkner is one without reading it myself or asking someone?

>> No.17147280

lmao i've never seen anybody on this board ever talk about céline besides journey through the end of the night and yet you put this unknown (for /lit/) london bridge on 17 fucking kek

>> No.17147297

What do you even mean by meme? Do you also have to ask if Shakespeare is a meme?

>> No.17147309

no, because I've read 7 of his plays and know that they are quite good. However, I also have the advantage of knowing that DFW is a meme without having read of his apparently tedious works because this board has told me.

>> No.17147311

>Aristotle was a Nazi
You can't pin Nazism on Aristotle if Aristotle came thousands of years before. And while it may be true that both of them believed that racial purity was good, I don't think Aristotle necessarily advocated for extermination and subjugation.

>> No.17147314

This is unironically better.
But I'm still surprised that Michelstaedter and Jünger aren't in the list taking in count that
both authors were highly discussed this year on /lit/

>> No.17147316

it's because of pedophilia. it's another meme answer, it's just a bit more of an injoke so it didn't get the blatant /pol/ spamming, just votes from /lit/ keksters.

>> No.17147319

Anon, not everything /lit/ tells you is true. I think you should stick to determining if someone is a meme or not by reading them.

>> No.17147352

>I think you should stick to determining if someone is a meme or not by reading them.
If I had infinite time to read everything that I had a passing interest in, sure, I'd take the time to read Infinite Jest. And at some point in the distant future, I probably will read it. But for now, I read about a dozen serious novels a year and I have a lot of things I want to read, so I try to get advice prioritizing them. If I shouldn't take other people's suggestions about what's bad, by the same logic I shouldn't take other people's suggestions about what's good, in which case I'd just be stumbling in the dark going off of book covers and which titles sound the coolest.

>> No.17147357

Neither did National Socialism.

>b-but the Jews!!!
Hitler never had the intention of exterminating jews, this is proven by the fact there was no such order ever issued about it in any magnitude. As late as mid 1942 Hitler was still advocating the resettlement of Jews to a colony, something they wanted themselves

>He would much prefer to resettle them in central Africa.
Goebbels' Diaries, May 30, 1942 (II.4.406)

>> No.17147366

You didn’t ask if it was bad, you asked if it was a meme, an asinine question.

>> No.17147409

well obviously given it's a classic that has been highly praised for decades, it's not just "bad", hence asking whether it is comically overrated and praised for reasons other than it actually being legitimately good writing. Since you and I both are using this website, I assumed I could use the concise term "meme", but apparently you like to superior about not knowing what words mean. It's pretty silly to be proud of not knowing something -- seems a bit anti-intellectual.

>> No.17147415

Just read it faggot.

>> No.17147440

Bible has been climbing the chart year after year and came second in 2019. It was a matter of time
It is really good, and I think anyone who is interested in literature should read it. Don't get filtered by Leviticus though

>> No.17147444

Found the Holocaust denier

>> No.17147472

Can't be a denier of something that didn't happen

>> No.17147527

You're denying its happening, which is what being a denier is.

>> No.17147556

>E-everyone eventually dies!!"

>> No.17147558

Go back to r*ddit you fucking spastic

>> No.17147563

The holocaust is still happening? Oy vey!

>> No.17147611
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>Can't be a denier of something that didn't happen

>> No.17147689

t. ESLfaggot

>> No.17147700
File: 209 KB, 348x431, puzsor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still a comically shitty book, it's terribly written, uninteresting at best, and thus has no place on the chart. If you have read it in german it's pretty obvious. The only thing it's good for is that it shines a light into the collective brain of the godless midwit that is the /pol/tard, but even for that it's subpar (the shit about jews spreading syphilis through prostitutes was funny, ngl). Still, I'd rather read fucking Hegel. I can't say anything about the Quran since I'm not fluent in arabic, but this isn't the historical and political influence board, faggot.

>> No.17147960

>no mishima

>> No.17148002

the problem is that voting can be rigged. until we can find an anonymous method of voting that prevents duplicate votes then these lists are bound to be rigged.

>> No.17148123
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>> No.17148166

Moby Dick is in 2nd. Don’t feel embarrassed that you didn’t notice and got called out for that mistake, just admit to it.

>> No.17148253

the comment you've been replying to (>>17144080) was quite obviously made in jest. Non-autists don't have trouble picking up on this sort of thing.

>> No.17148262

I'm also not the person who originally made the joke, as you seem to think. Just someone with basic social skills.

>> No.17148328
File: 23 KB, 338x339, 95463983_681249059291726_5629749449770139648_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone with basic social skills

>> No.17148390

The handmaids tale. It's not very long and its unironically my girlfriend's favourite book.

>> No.17148442

Lady of the camelias, portrait of a lady, Madame Bovary, love at the time of cholera

>> No.17148452

Steinbeck is good
t. Euro

>> No.17148496

Because bar the Bible, no other Christian text has had such a cultural impact. Even the Italian language itself was fragmented with hundreds of different versions. The Tuscan dialect became standardised in part thanks to the divine comedy.
Easily the most famous Italian book ever written. And if you're reading a translation it'll never do it justice. For a start, every verse has the same number of syllables, eleven. This is lost in translation. In Italian they follow a verse structure called terza rima, which is aba, bcb, cdc ect. Something which is also lost in translation.

>> No.17148499
File: 22 KB, 560x599, 89722043_141124257395696_4460539951708110848_o (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Quran and Fountainhead are garbage therefore you might well put more garbage on the list
Yes, Rand is a slimy whore and would go into the limepits along with Hemingway (who thankfully didn't make the list this time) if I had my say in assembling this chart, but her inclusion doesn't mean Mein Kampf should ever be considered a serious work of literature. I haven't met anyone who has read Mein Kampf (all of my lifting bros have) to ever even think of declaring it a good read. It's unreadable drivel, and its irrelevance is undeniable no matter how much the neuer rechter Flügel may want to will their precious Jew back into existence.

>> No.17148501

imagine reading all of that text holy fuck

>> No.17148561

The two paragraph of the OP? You know this is the literature board right?

>> No.17148886

admiration or mockery, i don't know

>> No.17148966
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Still no Lusíadas, why do I keep trying?

>> No.17148973

Make some thread and start spamming it. It worked for canticle for leibowitz

>> No.17148984

Our worst one yet. Shame on you op.

>> No.17148986

Threadless reminder that Mein Kampf won and no amount of bunkerchan gay OPers making fake charts like this will change that.

>> No.17149055

That's a fake butterfly you mongs

>> No.17149210

Threadless reminder that Hitler was a literal closet faggot and loser and no one cares about the spam votes of pol retards

>> No.17149241

Raise High is unironically Salinger's best work, glad to see it on here, even if the second part is a bit obnoxious.

I mean it's still better than Mein Kampf and the other nonsense, it's still a very very good book.

>> No.17149277

>very very
your already non-existant literary credentials and right to open you zero (0) IQ mouth breathing mouth has hereby been formally, infinitely, irrevocably revoked by authority of extreme violence thank you my good sir proceed

>> No.17149625

witless toad, now kys. It's a very very good novel.

>> No.17149900

witless.. you say?
the spiral of inspiration has been spun, the greatest shitpost of all time is to be concieved within this very very thread, all just to amuse you
who are you, oh strange shitposter on the other side of that gray ethernet cable slithering across my parquet floor
and who am i?

>> No.17150052

Aristotle didn't believe in racial purity. It is entirely anachronistic to apply the 20th century idea of race to 300BC.

>> No.17150226

thank you anon

>> No.17150444

That's why you vote when the polls are open fag

>> No.17150555

I don't read enough to vote about these things. But seeing Rand there triggers me

>> No.17150574

That's why it's there. Wasted trips

>> No.17150593

The Gormenghast trilogy is missing

>> No.17150601

valiantly based

>> No.17150715

Fuck, this list is actually quite good

>> No.17150762

There were numerous threads about Celine, including his later works in the past few months.

>> No.17150849


Make sure to see the corrected version here fren, typos and stuff fixed >>17148123

>> No.17150912

>2. The effects of hordes of poltards and tourists from sci and other boards deliberately ruining the list weren't corrected,
>his list has the bible as no.1
anon, I ...

>> No.17151014

If the bible is to be taken down, so should the quran. Faggot.

>> No.17151031

The Bible indisputably contains some of the greatest lit in human history you dumbfuck. Even intelligent atheists recognize this.

>> No.17151032

Definitely a very nice list.

>> No.17151388

>[Steinbeck] was of German, English, and Irish descent

can someone explain why meds like Steinbeck while anglos don't?

>> No.17151460

I'm just wondering why tf anyone would vote for any rand.

>> No.17151464

ayn*. fuck

>> No.17151480

>Proust all the way down at #65

Too many Redditors here

>> No.17151498

to troll

>> No.17151902

Nice cope

>> No.17151912

The original still makes sense

>> No.17152231
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Um, anon...

>> No.17152598

seething statists

>> No.17152606

Thank you anon. I started the poll but my mother in law died about two weeks ago (not COVID related) and I didn't have the time and lost track. I was actually planning on showing a top 101 and putting an asterisk on Mein Kampf, noting the large number of 'raid' votes for it (but still keeping it at number 1 because /pol/ does have an influence on /lit/ regardless of how much some dislike it). But this works well enough.

I am disappointed there is no Faulkner, which seems criminal. But the goal with the alternate voting system was to mix things up, which was accomplished; there are a number of old favorites on here but a lot of newer works that we rarely see on our top-100 lists.

Anyways, thank you again and I am sorry that I dropped off like a good-for-nothing loser.

>> No.17152884

Why isn't Raise High in? It was in the other one

>> No.17152903

It is. Number 96.

Sorry about your mom in law. Glad you're happy with list.