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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 333x500, 51-ALt1GgOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17143803 No.17143803 [Reply] [Original]

I thought it was fake

>> No.17143829

I work at a library in a predominantly black community and these are the only books black women read

>> No.17143926
File: 13 KB, 139x140, 1606775321298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mein nigger

>> No.17143944

have you flipped through them? they look pretty entertaining desu

>> No.17144009

> Also, just wanted to say that roaches are a re-occurring theme in this book as it’s frequently mentioned. Not a metaphor for anything though. The author means literal roaches. I have to say, the way the author describes things in this book is very unique and very entertaining, I couldn’t help myself from smiling as I read it. The roach was described to have “Wings (that) were so long and thick, that muhfuckin’ roach was offering first class tickets to fly other critters to Dubai and shit.”

>> No.17144013

This made my night

>> No.17144037

Is this a big thing? Are the people telling me about black voices not being published just fucking lying to me?

>> No.17144041
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>Wings (that) were so long and thick, that muhfuckin’ roach was offering first class tickets to fly other critters to Dubai and shit.


>> No.17144042

black media has always done its own thing

>> No.17144060

I'm loving the 'publicly anti-racist shitlib going on safari' vibe in this

>> No.17144068

>The roach was described to have “Wings (that) were so long and thick, that muhfuckin’ roach was offering first class tickets to fly other critters to Dubai and shit.”
Better than most contemporary fic desu

>> No.17144089

you know those muhfuckin shitlibs are racist AF girlllll

>> No.17144099

I remember taking my sister to a job interview at a city library. Prominently the was a sign directing to mystery, and African American mystery. Every book looked like this. Also had sharps containers in the bathrooms lol.
I can imagine this shit being hilarious , I always used to read the local black 'crimefighting' newspaper, that would commonly used verbs like 'butcher-knifed'.

>> No.17144100

This but unironically, white liberals are this age's version of "white man's burden"

>> No.17144111
File: 1.04 MB, 769x1216, 71FEDE06-7CC0-4BD3-B3E4-CC38208C6C4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Quan Millz the new darling of /lit/???? His work looks amazing desu

>> No.17144113
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Found my pic from three years ago lol

>> No.17144122
File: 61 KB, 480x720, 33CBDDCA-1F12-4A4C-A9DC-A43C1452EAD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one. These covers are insane

>> No.17144128

>that would commonly used verbs like 'butcher-knifed
That's a valid approach to writing. Sounds (ironically) like the shit H.P Lovecraft was always pulling.

>> No.17144134
File: 52 KB, 311x475, 90C7B85C-556A-432C-B7EA-30D7E2344488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy digits ITT. Kek loves Quan Millz.

>> No.17144139

>"master, what IS the African American mystery?"
>"you will know, WHEN YOU ARE READY!"

>> No.17144150

so does no one have longer excerpts?

>> No.17144160

I think this suggests the "African American" genre takes up its own shelf and a shelf it shares with the mystery genre.

>> No.17144165
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I'm dying bro. I gotta read these

>> No.17144189
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A real pertinent morality play.

Raisins in the potato salad? That’s a little far fetched

Quan. You been readin Terry McMillan to get this idea?

>> No.17144212

tell me someone has pages. this quan millz could be a genius

>> No.17144217

oh my dog if this guy is actually white or jewish i will lose my mind

>> No.17144223
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authors strive all their lives for reviews like this

>> No.17144231
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I want to buy this so bad but it's digital only. most of his books are digital only. fuck I love owning ironic books.. it wasn't meant to be

>> No.17144240

this prose is undeniably captivating. Joycean in its vividness, Dickensian in its riotous characterization. 10/10

>> No.17144244
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fuck it here's the cont.

>> No.17144246

bro he's on a podcast!

>> No.17144251


>> No.17144263
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the man himself

>> No.17144268

Damn so I'm looking around the internet and I'm actually finding so many people accusing this guy of being white and he sounds kinda white in the interview I found, there's no face pics at all and no contact or about info anywhere.
i would bet MY ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS that this guy is a jew i swear I actually would

>> No.17144269
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>> No.17144277

many people calling this pic fake

>> No.17144280

I sort of hate it, but there is definite skill in there.

>> No.17144282
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how dare you taint this thread, disgusting pseud freak

>> No.17144289

It scares me that this is BY FAR not the worst thing I've ever read.

>> No.17144290


>ChiRaq savage

>Muhfuckin kids

This reads like it's pol tier.

>> No.17144293

i'm actually dying laughing reading these, this work was a labor of love and joy for this author

>> No.17144299

Same. Unironically so much fun to read. I totally get it now

>> No.17144301
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>> No.17144304

>Rev. Dr. Lucious Roachson III presiding
I'm dying. This shit is gold

>> No.17144317

truly, genius can come out of fucking nowhere

>> No.17144329

That's why this "We can say it but y'all can't" idea doesn't hold water. it becomes a fetish enjoyed in our homes that bothers us in public, causing us to bristle and judge people's cultural upbringing when someone of questionable cultural heritage uses it. As a black dude I don't drop N bombs, it makes people uncomfortable no matter what race they are.

>> No.17144332
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fuck it let's do another section. I gotta know about the roaches

>> No.17144337
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>Fredquisha - better known as 'MooMoo' in the streets

>> No.17144339
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>> No.17144347
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>> No.17144351
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>> No.17144353

> So many urban fiction writers love writing over-the-top thug romance stories that in reality fantasize the very pathologies that I try to erase through my characters and have them overcome them. I do not like glorifying drug trade, kingpins, etc. I hate alpha male thug romance stories. But the reality is there is a strong demand for that type of literature and I respect it. I just choose to write the stories I want to write that I feel reflect realities for a lot of black folks who live in the working class and poor neighborhoods. Sorry if I’m rambling I just…ughh. I’m kind of heated because I already have to deal with controversy within the urban fiction writers’ community for my choice of titles. I get it though. But then I don’t like it when these stay woke cultural elitists see it as an opportunity to tear down writers and the readers who write urban fiction and street lit.

Quan Millz hates woke culture. He's officially /our author/

>> No.17144357
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>> No.17144362
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>> No.17144363

These embedded social narratives are actually legit >>17144339 this is actually great shit man. Can't believe my eyes

>> No.17144368
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end of preview.... damn

>> No.17144371
File: 32 KB, 960x635, 5777B2A0-E742-40FB-8E8F-3E1208BFB6BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants to see your stank ass panties, kid.

>> No.17144390


you're out of your element, 'Fly. there are dozens of other threads for you to soil with your self-absorbed white girl autism. this here is Quan's domain, and a splendid domain it is.

>> No.17144394

>(((Judge Kathleen Steinberg))) and anti-male courts

>> No.17144400

Quan Millz is /ourguy/

>> No.17144413

And people say there's no good conservative literature.

>> No.17144427

I’m not competing with the thread topic. You don’t deserve to be subjected to that guy’s smear campaign

>> No.17144432

>Fredquisha had the girl diagnosed with ADHD to get them social security-federal government coins
Millz is redpilled as fuck

>> No.17144452

WTF I'm not racist anymore????

I love that embedded within these glorious and delightfully vivid proses are conservative social values, and that, as QM describes, 99% of his readers are black women. Has /lit/'s eyes been opened to a new literary dynamo, whose work encompasses both complex political analysis and Chaucer-tier satirical depiction of the wayward undercommons...?

>> No.17144456
File: 1.15 MB, 1380x841, Screenshot 2020-10-15 094251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read all of that. I'm 100% sold

>> No.17144468

DESU this is pretty good. It's honest, you can tell he's writing from the heart and being himself. It's a stark contrast to phonies like Waldun

>> No.17144495

It's because I'm racist that I can enjoy this literature for what it is. A truly anti-racist white person would call this a racist caricature or avoid talking about it entirely.

>> No.17144497

he suckered us in with the surreal roach genocide before redpilling us with scathing critique of the justice system and ghetto culture.

>> No.17144529

In my purview,
"racist" = race realist
"anti-racist" = white man's burden = racist

QM's work is race realist in the sense that it makes no concessions to woke culture and accurately (if satirically) depicts the lives and habits of its subjects. but it does so with intelligence, humor and empathy. i'm picturing older black ladies reading this and laughing, but also thinking about the (((problems))) int their communities and the (((degradation))) of their race. it's really interesting and it definitely doesn't make me think "oh le heckin white people are so superior."

>> No.17144583

Yeah he actually seems really interesting. Thanks /lit/, I would never have done more than just laugh at this stuff if someone hadn't posted samples.

>> No.17144618

Dollar to doughnuts Quan is a college educated white man

>> No.17144641

This is the Faulkner of our age

>> No.17144669

Schopenhauer would approve of this.

>> No.17144848 [DELETED] 

This author is gold solid, I need physical copies of all of his literary works.

>> No.17144860

This author is solid gold and based as fuck, I need physical copies of all of his literary works. It's like Borges but with talent.

>> No.17144903

we all deserve to be rid of you once and for all

>> No.17144909

“Ya little strippin’ friend’s mama came into my Facebook inbox crying! Talkin’ bout you got her caught up in some mess!”

“How the fuck she even find you?!?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care! All I know is I know what yo nasty ass has been up to. We talked about this and now I’m gonna run down to the judge and tell them to take away ALL of your custody. You are a HORRIBLE mother AND a daughter. Got me out here lookin’ crazy!”

As soon as she said those words I was ready to wrap my hands around this bitch’s throat. My mother was one of those fake ass, born-again Christians who swore she was better than everyone else just ‘cuz she knew Jesus. She always was judging people when the bitch had a past herself. Her ass USED to be a crackhead! And she used to let all types of niggas run through her tired ass.

Now that she was on some holier-than-thou bullshit ‘cuz she found Christ, she was going around acting like she was the best mother and grandma in the world.

“Bitch, try me if you want to! “I said as I balled my fists. I needed to calm down or else I was gonna catch another charge.

Mama saw me balling up my fists. “OR YOU GON DO WHAT?!? Lil girl, you need God! That’s what you need! But I ain’t playing with you. Darquayvious needs a better mother. You are reckless!”

“Bitch! Fuck you! You’re the reckless one! Reckless with your mouth. You used to be a fucking crackhead but now you think you better than folks ‘cuz you read the bible and pray. Bitch, pray for a better job and a wig!”

“See! There you go! That attitude! That mouth of yours is gonna be your undoing. I’m serious, too, NuNu! I’m getting full custody over Darquayvious. And by the way, once I do, I hope you know the State will be sending me a big ole nice check to take care of him, too. If you wasn’t so busy popping pills and smoking that reefer, maybe he wouldn’t be autistic.”
That was it. I had enough.

“BITCH! I’MMA FUCK YOU UP!” I screamed and lunged at my mother. I didn’t care anymore. Lock my ass up ‘cuz I was finne beat a bitch's ass!”

>Excerpt From: Quan Millz. “My Pastor Got a Stripper Pregnant.”

>> No.17144910

Educated definitely, but why white?

>> No.17144929

the only jokes are the names (book titles and character names), everything else is dead serious

>> No.17144936

You know, I always assumed that when I saw people write names like this mockingly, it was some kind of racist caricature. Now I'm not sure what to think.

>> No.17144943

Think Dickens and all his crazy exaggerated names, because that's the trip /oursatirist/ is on.

>> No.17144947
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>> No.17145139

Which one of you wrote this? It seems to have the dialect down (not that I'd know), but there are words slipped in there that seem incongruous.

>> No.17145176

Unironically flows really well and is always comprehensible despite the massive amount of imagery.

>> No.17145198

It looks like you know all about smear campaigns

>> No.17145236

>crush their organs, killing them on instant impact
It veers into how a white guy would right it now and then. I bet this guy is secretly white, or at least, mostly white. The act of over clarifying and over explaining rather than just keeping it vague or reworking it to make it simpler when you reach a part where your not sure how to communicate what’s happening seems like a white thing.
Listen to that voice. Real interesting mr Quan

>> No.17145245

>uses a metaphor comparing roaches to a family of muslims going to Mecca
And a hardcore Zionist jew at that

>> No.17145259

He’s obviously black and I would wager he’s gay as well
/pol/niggers can’t cope with the concept that a non-white could possibly create something intelligent, redpilled and entertaining. Quan writes his books in all of a week or two. How’s your novel coming along coper?

>> No.17145311

No I have trouble believing a guy with a voice like that isn’t white

>> No.17145325

I thought this was about fruit salad at first but realized my mistake. Goddamn bitch what? Raisins in potato salad?

>> No.17145331

This is like those erotica amazon books but only aimed for black women. While white women prefer power fantasy getaways I've noticed black women prefer theirs to be either a dangerous fantasy or something that's shitposty like blackpeopletwitter

>> No.17145386

do you know any educated black people? i’m guessing not because he sounds like all the ones i know

>> No.17145521

>a library in a predominantly black community
Wait, what?

>> No.17145759

>QUAN MILLZ is the profound and prolific writer hailed for being an emerging urban fiction mastermind. Poetic, intelligent and graphic with his words, Quan Millz’ writing talent accurately captures and conveys the rawness, grittiness, emotion, and controversy that too often defines black urban life. It’s no surprise readers easily become addicted to his dark yet comedic urban tales. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois and is tirelessly working to make his crazy and addictive stories come alive onto the television screen.

>> No.17145810

underrated kek

>> No.17147230
File: 27 KB, 333x499, 51bDPW9nM3L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole trilogy is peak /lit/

>> No.17147247

This is,based

>> No.17147343

>i would bet MY ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS that this guy is a jew
same, my judendetektor is off the charts here

>> No.17147629
File: 29 KB, 506x481, 3A783B5E-7E32-451E-8C86-325EB9616E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das is racis

>> No.17147675
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If anything I see white girls being the most offended by the book, calling it racist. Pic related is this author's main fanbase.

>> No.17147728

It’s legit from the amazon

>> No.17147769
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>The biggest roach — Daddy Roach Sr. — embarked on a journey to lead his family to a mecca of stale food

>> No.17147854

The more I read from this the more impressed I am. It first comes off as a parody. The plots are ridiculous and the dialog is so raw that you question if it is genuine. Then the characters get more to them. Under the absurdity of their plot, they seem to have problems that resonate with the reader. At the end, you realize he is actually making a critique of modern culture that you do not get from other writers today.

>> No.17148068

my guess is he’s half jew, half black, like Drake

>> No.17148818


>> No.17148861

It’s pretty good.

>> No.17148919
File: 48 KB, 720x775, E8DB14E1-9A3D-4843-9F37-D4BC3DE1A4A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Amazon synopsis is amazing

Austin Watkins, 35 and a single father, finds himself in a precarious situation. Currently locked up in Chicago's Cook County Jail, he knows that Fredquisha, the trifling mother of his only daughter, is a despicable, careless and reckless THOT who is the antithesis of caring, loving black motherhood.

Wanting to see her son gain full redemption from his current situation, Delores Watkins, better known as Mrs. Watkins, is also hellbent on rescuing Austin’s six-year-old daughter, Myyah, from the clutches of relentless psychological, emotional and physical abuse she suffers at the hands of Fredquisha. Hoping her son works hard to change the course of his life for the betterment of his daughter, Mrs. Watkins explores the possibility of challenging Fredquisha’s custody of Myyah. But as she navigates the complex, red-tape filled bureaucracy of child welfare services, Mrs. Watkins decides to take things in her own hand and is willing to put her life on the line for the salvation of her granddaughter.

Fredquisha Pierce, a native of the dangerous Englewood, Chicago, could give a two sh!ts about the welfare of her daughter. Her mission in life is simple. Get money, smoke good weed and ride bomb d--k. Nothing more, nothing less. After meeting a potential new bae, Fredquisha needs to make some lifestyle changes so she can upgrade her section 8 squalor living situation. However, a looming pregnancy threatens to unravel her plans for a big come up.

This book is another episodic chronicle born out of the dark, gritty, social drama storytelling talent of urban fiction mastermind QUAN MILLZ. THIS HOE GOT ROACHES IN HER CRIB will deliver a gut-punching blow to those who don't understand the many trials and tribulations single fathers go through to rescue their children from manipulative ratchet women who use the family court system to their advantage.

>> No.17148944
File: 109 KB, 1080x1349, authorquanmillz-___BysNhvhDVHD___-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't seen nothin' yet!

>> No.17148949

The way he writes has a certain vibe I cannot explain. It’s a gut feeling. He does sound white in that interview someone posted in this thread.

>> No.17148968

he doesn't sound white at all, wtf

>> No.17148993

Alright let’s meet in the middle and agree over here >>17148068

>> No.17149004

>damn bitch you live like this?

>> No.17149229

My thick ass legs were wide open like a football field, and now I had this old, crusty ass nigga playing in it like he was a quarterback. Except, Pastor Wilson wasn’t running a ball; old fuck nigga was running his tongue in and out of my pussy AND my ass.
That nigga was truly an MVP. Somebody needed to come give this nigga a ring and induct his ass in a pussy-eating hall of fame!
Shit, truth be told, this nigga was like OJ. And yes, OJ…’Cuz this old Morgan Freeman-lookin’ ass muhfucka was murdering my clit. Even with all types of scripture laced in his tongue. Heaux, I was shooketh right now! You hear me!
Nothing but the sound of pussy juice slurps filled the cognac and Newport-smelling air. The slurps bounced off the walls of the dark, musky motel room, mixing in with both of our nonstop moans and groans.
I couldn’t believe this seventy-year-old man was eating me out like this. In all of my days I ain’t never had a nigga have such perfected head game. This shit was amazing. Here I was, twenty-three-years-old, thinking that someone’s nasty ass, ‘bless the hands of the cook’-praying, worms-havin’ granddaddy wouldn’t dare know how to handle some young, tender pussy.
“Come fuck me now, fuck me!” I said.
“That’s what you want?”
“Yeee-ughhh!” I moaned as my pants seemed to get heavier.
Pastor Wilson propped himself up and rubbed his dick against my soaking pussy. “Put it in me,” I begged.
Pastor slid right on in…Nigga walked that dick through the doors of my church – Mt. Nashawna Missionary Baptist Pussy.”

> Excerpt From: Quan Millz. “My Pastor Got a Stripper Pregnant.”

>> No.17149303

Sounds unironically based

>> No.17149366

Damn that shit sounds intense

>> No.17149459

What do they talk about

>> No.17149524

This genuinely reads like a /pol/ anon wrote it

>> No.17149563

I'm dying lmao

>> No.17150299

There's no way this isn't EmptyHero. This literally sounds almost exactly like the book on Barack's Apocalypse: Yurope 2.

>> No.17150350

maybe we was roaches all along..

>> No.17150412

I wish I wasn't uncomfortable around black people. not for their sake or anything, I just feel like I'm stuck in a mechanical loop of neurosis that will one day bring about the apocalypse of my social standing when I finally blurt out something sufficiently retarded. I do not know how to stop myself feeling this way.

>> No.17150419

holy fuck

>> No.17150424

Wez all equal tho

>> No.17150557

Sneaky fuck nigga roach

>> No.17150768

he's clearly black

>> No.17150790

This book may be ridiculous on the surface, but it has a strong moral core, unlike 90 percent of Netflix show protagonists who are just narcissistic individuals pursuing their own shallow ambitions. This resonates with me. These characters are stereotypes but they feel complex and REAL. I can’t believe Quan has done it. Mr. Millz is a gem