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/lit/ - Literature

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17141558 No.17141558 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow /lit/izens. I have good news, I've finally managed to obtain a librarian big titty gf. What are some good books for fostering high intellect in an admittedly normie-tier female reader? She first got into reading with Harry Potter and Twilight so I'm talking real low hanging fruit. I've tried getting her to read personal favorites, but I think that my taste is much more developed than hers.

Fem-anons who are into romance and fiction, are there any essentials?

Bonus points if it includes sexual debauchery (no NTR) that results in her being more sexually adventurous or lustful.

>> No.17141584

Just nibble on her huge titties and post pics please

>> No.17141620
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>> No.17142070

me too

>> No.17142079

anais nin - Delta of venus. Its feminist enough and horny.

>> No.17142301

I’ll check it out, thank you anon.

>> No.17142500

Make her read the Scarlet Letter:
1. Because is beautiful
2. Has a woman protagonist to her sympathize with
3.This way she might eloquently justify cucking you

Sounds good, it doesn't?

>> No.17142534

50 Shades of Grey, obviously

>> No.17143225


If you have IQ 135, 145 hobbies and she has IQ 90-110 hobbies, your hobbies will not be a source of common affection

>> No.17143241

>What are some good books for fostering high intellect in an admittedly normie-tier female reader
> I think that my taste is much more developed than hers.

You are gonna fuck this up so hard, pls post as it happens.

>> No.17143877

Recommended she read Anna Karenina and she seemed bored by the suggestion, honestly I'm just enthusiastic to find a woman who can tolerate reading at all.
>You'll fuck it up.
Unlikely, I'm a bit socially retarded IRL but I'm very handsome and women are impossibly shallow in the first few months of any relationship, I have a fair amount of money too so you could say I'm two for three for attracting a mate.

I legitimately do have a 138 IQ but I'd guess she's more around the 110- 120 range - straight A student but ultimately spends most of her time on womanly vices like television and gossiping. Hardly perfect but I love a short hot brunette with big bobas, throw in that she's a librarian and she's a childhood fantasy come to life.

>> No.17144010

Disclaimer anon, if she likes what she like, you aren't gonna be able to convince her to expand her tastes. She is her own person at the end of the day.

That said, I'd recommend to her *we are no longer here* by Ramona ausubel, and *the orchardist* by Amanda Coplin. Both are beautiful books great writing and written by female authors. I think it would be a good introduction because they are pretty easy to read, but deal with adult themes and make you think. If you start right off the bat with very difficult books or books that don't invite you in to read, rather you have to force it, I don't think you'll be successful in expanding her tastes. Hope a woman's opinion helps.

>> No.17144116

This is a bit off topic but I wonder if women never being particularly selected for intelligence like men were had a major dysgenic effect.

>> No.17144142


Most definitely. Many premodern moral codes across the world warned against men if high status marrying down for fear of lowborn offspring

>> No.17144187

You'll be pleased to know that selection for intelligence in men is highly likely to transfer to both sexes. Traits contributing to intelligence do not seem to be encoded in sex chromosomes(so far). The difference can largely be accounted for by the neuro-developmental effects of testosterone.

>> No.17144386

Is that so. I figured it was kinda like height, children being about as tall as their parents relatively are compared to other people of the same sex as them. So smart dad + hot mom = smart and hot descendants?

>> No.17144609


Just fuck your big tittied librarian girlfriend and don't worry about the fact that her bookshelf is entirely YA.

>> No.17145590

She sounds like a keeper. Happy for you, bro :)

>> No.17145599

>Unlikely, I'm a bit socially retarded IRL but I'm very handsome and women are impossibly shallow in the first few months of any relationship, I have a fair amount of money too so you could say I'm two for three for attracting a mate.
Based OP. Kek

>> No.17145621

>Just fuck your big tittied librarian girlfriend and don't worry about the fact that her bookshelf is entirely YA.
Redpilled. There are more important things in a woman than that, OP. Don't worry about this stuff, you can always have lit/ to discuss your big brain books.
Go cuddle with your cutie, FOR US.

>> No.17145667

Critique of pure mind if course. After she finishes test her knowledge and if she fails beat her and make her reread it.

>> No.17145714

Austen, obviously
You can start with Ólafsdóttir; mine loved it.

>> No.17146044

Best advice. Do not be rarted

>> No.17146088

How big are her tits? is she fat? have you already taken her to the bed? anyway congrats bro

>> No.17146433

Why am I not selected despite having 140+ IQ? I’m not even that ugly

>> No.17146559

>women never being particularly selected for intelligence like men were
I think this is a bad assumption. "Men will fuck you even if you're stupid" doesn't imply that intelligence is useless for women. Surviving long enough to pop out multiple babies and securing the resources needed to raise your children both seem to favor higher intelligence.

>> No.17146876

Based coomers are degenerate

>> No.17147682

Great recommendation, from the summary I think she'll really like it.
Don't worry I'll still fuck her regardless of her choice in reading. I'm not expecting her to start digging into philosophy, any reading is good to be honest, just so long as it's a better read than Twilight. I honestly think that supersaturation with media causes long term damage to the ability to hold attention, so having a girlfriend who can actually pick up a book and read it is good enough for me.
I was blessed with having two parents who were intelligent, attractive, and in my dad's case highly charismatic. Regardless of the passage of intellect genetically the fact that my mother was a reader and a writer had a profound effect on my childhood. I fuck around, but I want my eventual offspring to be as lucky as I was.
She's got huge double D's, literally has to get bra's custom made just for her, and nah I don't date fat chicks. We fugged, it was great and she swallowed which was a first for me. >>17146433
High IQ oftentimes corresponds with atrophied social skills, oftentimes high IQ women I've dated in the past have a fear of being dependent on men and so end up either lesbians or single. My first serious GF was a big brained Senior, I was a Junior in HS at the time, a total degenerate who spent his time smoking pot in the bathroom and reading banned books in class. She was a straight A honor roll art hoe girl, barely 5', flat chested, but damn she was smart. Helped that her mom was my English teacher. She ended up dumping me because I wasn't ambitious enough for her. Now she's bisexual, lives in Silicon Valley, and works for Google.

>Mfw she also has a big titty gf

>Mfw my relationship with her was the closest I've ever gotten to a threesome.

>> No.17148670

Men are selected for applied intelligence (like smart people having an easier time climbing the social ladder due to their skills, long-term planning, and such), not intelligence in itself.

It wasn't useless, but women were selected for health much more than they were selected for intelligence. Literally the only thing a woman needs to pass her genes on reliably is to not die before, during, or after childbirth. You could argue that crafty women had a higher chance to secure the survival of their offspring, or had easier access to mates with better genes, but the effect is quite negligible compared to the selection women were put under when it comes to their health.

>> No.17148707

well it seems you hit jackpot desu, I'm sure with your influence she will get better taste in books. Enjoy her and her puff puffs

>> No.17148734
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Northanger Abbey by JAne Austen is short, easy to read, considered high-brow literature, and utterly delightful. Good entryway into actual literature