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17140577 No.17140577 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite book written by a woman?
Serious answers only.

>> No.17140599

Trick question! Women are inferior subhuman retards and I have tons of sex.

>> No.17140612

>favorite book
>written by a woman
you're funny

>> No.17140619

my diary desu

>> No.17140621

Virginia Woolf has a couple good ones. I liked Orlando

>> No.17140622

To the Lighthouse is heavenly music transformed into prose. How the fuck did she do it, the mad lass.

>> No.17140632

I like Clarice Lispector specially água-viva I dont know the translation sry

>> No.17140660

We have always lived in the castle by Shirley Jackson.

>> No.17140678

I enjoyed rummaging through Lydia Davis' purse and reading her receipts from Whole Foods.

>> No.17140699

Good Morning, Midnight - Rhys
Rebecca - du Maurier
Female Quixote - Lennox
Oroonoko - Behn
Any Woolf, really (though I really like The Waves)
Katherine Anne Porter’s shorts
Anne Carson’s work

These are probably my favorites

>> No.17140707

The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath

>> No.17140712

Memes aside Lydia Davis’s translation of Proust is fantastic

>> No.17140729

Wave's is Woolf's best and probably THE best
Some others:
Alexiad by Anna Komnene
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
More genre but Christie is pretty good
I think Tale of Genji is very overrated but by no means bad

>> No.17140732

Atlas shrugged

>> No.17140742


Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

They even thought it was written by a man at the time. They couldn't imagine a woman would have written that.

>> No.17140760

Pride and Prejudice
Princess de Cleves

>> No.17140796
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>> No.17140810


>> No.17140811

Flannery O' Connor's works
The Underpainter and Whirlpool by Jane Urquhart

>> No.17140812

Harry Potter.

Yes, I do hate tranys.

>> No.17141069

I don’t get it

>> No.17141118
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Phenomenology of the Fat Penis by Lady Hegel

>> No.17141131
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Haha just kidding!

>> No.17141169

the poems of Emily Dickinson
it's actually criminal that there isn't a good selected Dickinson. She has marvelous poems that get mixed in with the mediocre ones. People read her at random, come across the middling poems, and discard her prematurely. It would be as if you swore off Henry Miller after only having read Sexus

>> No.17141175

What's she doing there?

>> No.17141223
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this. you better read it btw.

>> No.17141315

Emily Dickinson.

Lispector is shit. She can't write. That woman uses ten abstract nouns for every concrete one, and unites them to create an endless heap of pseudo-profound "ideas" which have no relevance whatsoever, not even psychologically.

I am left speechless by people who criticize parnasians like Olavo Bilac for using pretty words without content yet fail to criticize Lispector for the same reason: she is nothing but a psycho-parnasian. If only she had Bilac's sonorous music, but not even that! The rhythm of her prose is unremarkable and exhibts a not very rich understanding of Portuguese sounds.

If you want a serious psychological novelist writing in Portuguese, read Antonio Lobo Antunes instead. He is more similar to Faulkner than to Lispector, though (thankfully).

>> No.17141322

Mein Kampf

>> No.17141510

>ten abstract nouns for every concrete one
VILE. Thank you for warning me; I've scratched her name off my list.

>> No.17141614

Ok then, I like it anyway :) have checked out Os cus de Judas, it was very good. Do you speak portuguese?

>> No.17141659

I am Brazilian.
May I recommend also Exortação aos Crocodilos. Of the Antunes's books that I've read, this has been the best.

>> No.17141665

Inbreeding is the only way out for Islamic incels

They have even FEWER options due to polygamy (rich chads take all the girls).

>> No.17142377

What has this got to do with books written by women?

>> No.17142995

South Riding by Winifred Holtby, surprisingly hot.

>> No.17143458

A fisherman of the inland sea

>> No.17143477
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"Possession: A Romance" by A.S Byatt is grossly underrated. It follows two modern day scholars' discovery of love letters between two fictitious Victorian poets based off of Robert Browning/Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Emily Dickinson/Christina Rossetti. Absolutely stunning prose, but what's even more impressive are the poems that she wrote in Victorian style. Fantastic novel.

>> No.17143734

h yu nnmk

>> No.17143755

Sexual Personae - Paglia. In it she identifies Sappho and Emily Dickinson as the only two female geniuses in literature. I would add Camille Paglia to that list (although she is a literary critic). I've also enjoyed Susan Sontag. Of course they were all lesbians, psychological androgyny must be a prerequisite.

>> No.17143908

And Then There Were None
Ella Enchanted
Dragon Rider
Little Women
Anne of Green Gables

>> No.17144117
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Top 3: Iris Murdoch, Doris Lessig, Toni Morrison.