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17132970 No.17132970 [Reply] [Original]

Is the blindpill a counter to burgerpunk?

>> No.17133438

They complement each other

>> No.17133687


>> No.17133882

I don't get it, what the fuck is the blindpill?

>> No.17133893

How the hell is Infinite Jest even a blindpill?

>> No.17133895

awareness of technology and mass media's effect on society and humanity

>> No.17133905
File: 51 KB, 708x800, 6E87F4D8-8918-423C-A487-F9BE8DE4C313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marx along with Baudrillard and D&G

>> No.17133913

if you had read the books in the chart you'd know marx is helpful to understanding a lot of them.

>> No.17133917

not just this, but the enforcement of capitalist hegemony in every sphere of life. images replacing reality, desires shaped and manipulated by corporations and so on

>> No.17134068

These books ruined my life.

>> No.17134276

As one of the main posters in the ol' burgerpunk threads, I can say for a fact that the blind pill is more an explanation for how we got to burgerpunk than anything else.

>> No.17134505

This, and these:
Are the reasons. You'll become very faithless in modern world, and in the end of it you will understand why Mark Fisher and DFW killed themselves.

>> No.17134522

debord as well


>> No.17134544

Can someone explain the whole blindpill thing to me? I don't know what any of these books are about

>> No.17134587

Read the text in the picture.

>> No.17134593

About a year ago an anon attempted to force the blindpill meme, it did not go well for him and it never made any sense, as his chart shows. Then he moved onto the burger punk meme, which went a little better but still forced and he had a vague claim towards validity, but he still forced it. Seems now he is trying to pull the blindpill out again and connect them.

>> No.17134627

The eventual goal is the foundation of a new pomo branch, Burgerblinder Schule

>> No.17134663

The noise and sensory overload that the modern world assaults you with on a daily basis. All these things keep the human brain constantly stressed and engaged with the technocapitalist singularity. Information overload is unnatural. We have not evolved to the point where we can fully handle the onslaught we are bombarded with daily. We are flooded with so much info, ideas, culture, etc that is reduced in its value to sheer commodity, and we are flooded with it to the point where it pacifies and paralyzes us into submission. It has consumed us as we consume it.

Culture no longer has meaning when the supreme goal has become economical and functional management of existence. Culture, what it has become globally, as understood as cultural production and consumption, is made in the image of material production. The means of cultural production are controlled by corporate conglomerates. Culture is reduced to product. . The cultural economy of the average citizen, if it exists, has a surplus of supply over demand. The unchecked promotion and amount of cultural products and media exceeds the human capacity to absorb them. We are held hostage by pop culture, ads, media, institutions, and corporations who see us not as living beings but numbers on a spreadsheet, who control the apparatuses that inform our perception of the world and surround us. Art has the traits of a material good: built in obsolescence, forced production, accelerated recycling. Art becomes ephemeral to adapt to the trends and transience of the market. Rather than decadent, art is degradable in line with the physical fate of a degradable world. the fate of our cultural signs no longer vested with a strong sign value, they are divested and travestied confined to the pure and simple differentiation of degradable products.

>> No.17134682
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I think I might choose to remain ignorant seeing as half the authors in this list killed themselves after publication

Anime is comfy and distracting

>> No.17134693

what do we do about this?

>> No.17134701

This is why the next book you have to read after reading the list is Suicide Note by Mitchell Heisman

>> No.17134709

These are only worth reading if you're already a tradfag/conservative/incel whatever. If you're engaged with society at all, don't care about "degeneracy", are OK with modern life and are attached to any sort of art or media made after fucking 1900 do not read them.

>> No.17134717
File: 50 KB, 712x518, 1596130497168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt know mark fischer killed himself...

>Fisher argued that "the pandemic of mental anguish that afflicts our time cannot be properly understood, or healed, if viewed as a private problem suffered by damaged individuals."

>> No.17134718

most of these writers are leftists though. they seem to hate consumerism more than "muh trannies" or whatever

>> No.17134735

Exactly, which is why conservatives are generally retarded and their "retvrn to tradition" BS is pure LARP and posturing. I always find it funny how they shit on fucking Adorno and see him as some destroyer of western culture or whatever when he actually cares about culture and art ten times more than any of them. The Peterson-induced hate on post-modernism is dumb as well.

>> No.17134761

Also generally I just meant if you're already in discontent with modern society, technology, whatever. I'm not sure if you could even convince a conservative or a nazi LARPer to read some marxist theory because daddy trump told them communism was evil or something like that.

>> No.17134822

>left and right dichotomy
You're still not seeing straight.

>> No.17134842

I'm talking about the generic conservatives that openly describe themselves as right-wing.

>> No.17134852

>These are only worth reading if you're already a tradfag/conservative/incel whatever.
Then this statement is retarded

>> No.17134862

Yes it is, I was barely paying attention when I wrote it, sorry.
>>17134761 is more of what I meant.

>> No.17134949
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Your heroic battle against this enemy is a lie you tell yourself. You are no hero and you are not impressive. shakespeare would laugh at you, walking farce #blindblindpill

>> No.17134968

there are good intentions behind this but once you feel like you need a "pill" you already lost. the idea is just dripping with blatant consumerism

>> No.17135274


>> No.17136932


>> No.17136952

>Public Opinion - Lippmann
>Propaganda - Bernays
>Crystallizing Public Opinion - Bernays
>Propaganda - Ellul
>The Hidden Persuaders - Packard
>Manufacturing Consent - Chomsky
>The Image - Boorstin
>The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion - Zaller
>The Spiral of Silence - Neumann
>Mein Kampf (Volume 1 Ch 6 + Volume 2 Ch 11) - Hitler
>The True Believer - Hoffman
>The Crowd - le Bon
>Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego - Freud
>Rhetoric - Aristotle
>PR! - Ewen
>The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere - Habermas
>On Communication and Social Influence - Tarde
>Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses - Althusser
>Crowds and Power - Canetti
>Distinction - Bourdieu
>The Battle of the Mind - Sargent
>The Rape of the Mind - Meerloo
>Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism - Lifton

>> No.17136967


>> No.17136971

Post on 4chan.

>> No.17137086

deleuze also killed himself. (and Benjamin, though that was due to other circumstances).

>> No.17137257

>ugu don't read stuff that opposes your opinions! It will hurt u >.<
Im a national socialist and I still want to read Marx because its interesting. Please grow up and get out of your comfort zone from time to time.

>> No.17137279

What is burgerpunk

>> No.17137282

soulless consomerism basically

>> No.17137304

read lenin what is to be done

>> No.17137353
File: 108 KB, 785x757, 7FD01729-3ECF-4FA1-99B4-96244CD684ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read THIS, tranny!

>> No.17137372

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17137396

soviets btfo hitler. nothing tranny about it. thats western liberal bullshit

>> No.17137429

ANOTHER fucking thread trying to turn /lit/ into “marx with books”.

>> No.17137456

marxism is a significant school of thought desu. it will inevitably come up when you wish to critique society in depth

>> No.17137488

>what do we do about this?
Follow Deleuze, Debord and DFW .

>> No.17137547

sit and watch.

>> No.17137566

This is actually an excellent list well done lit. Truly one of the last bastions of 4chan. I love it here.

>> No.17137573

As far as I understood the book, it is also about people being addicted to things. One of the main one of those is mass media.

>> No.17137623

Watch netflix you mean and the latest newstory (You won't believe what happened!)

>> No.17137625

This is a really forced meme

>> No.17137628

4chan is part of this btw.

>> No.17137669

needs mcluhan

>> No.17137693

Another derogatory term designed to denigrate Western civilization, this time with a Platonist flavor

>> No.17137713
File: 29 KB, 472x315, bourdieu-arret-sur-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to see Bourdieu's "On Television" in this meme chart.
I wish this short essay would be more widely read in the Anglo world, because I feel people are rightfully fed up with mainstream media but can't articulate why, and tend to fall into the trap of re-framing their distrust of it by using the very same political dichotomies that have been invented by mass media (i.e. "MSM bad because they are libtards" instead of "MSM bad because it's ADHD inducing").
I suspect some part of this essay are also relevant to why Twitter is a dumpster fire, but it has been almost ten years since I last read it, so I can't guarantee it.

>> No.17137741

Well in that case the list should only contain authors who suicided. Or maybe that could be another, more exclusive list. The Blackpill reading chart.

>> No.17138157

This is an altogether better list than the one in the OP image.

>> No.17138219

What is the burgerpunk?

>> No.17138242

This cringe thread again. Stop conflating marxist critique with critiques of the necessary consequences of managing a mass society. Even Ellul, an avid fan of Marx, left him at the door when he wrote TTS and Propaganda.

This isn't happening because (((They))) want to sell you Coca-Cola, it is happening because in order to keep a society cogent when it is cosmopolitan, massive, complex, some organ must be maintained which inflicts order. A modern, massive, complex socialist society or fascist society or whatever would engage in the same techniques of psychological warfare and social control. Ruling men is like herding cats and with no meaningful, divine organizing principle man will turn toward his own wiles to make the job manageable. This chart is retarded and needs some heavy editing. It will send the credulous down the wrong rabbit holes chasing red herrings.

>> No.17138278
File: 605 KB, 500x500, 1596733233064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world is an illusion i'm going to kill myself waaaaah
Lots of non-pomos have recognized that the world is appearance and their solutions did not involve suicide. The answer is not a literal return to tradition but to apply premodern perspectives to postmodern problems. Once you understand that you are dealing with sorcerors and their apprentices you will see market driven technologies of alienation and cyberbetic consumer data-driven predictive product cycle iterations as efficacious forumlae in the hands of dueling magicians. But we don't get to the bottom of images, that is the innovation pomo is afraid of (hence the backstopping of everything with Marx). Something has to be real, like the working classes or bourgeois exploitation of them. But it is turtles all the way down and none can prove otherwise without entering the domain of faith, of tempered doubt.

>> No.17138573
File: 616 KB, 595x842, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17138620

I hope to see little Caesar's in the cybergerpunk future, they truly deserve it

>> No.17138627

is fear and loathing burgerpunk?

>> No.17138638

I got to experience neoburgerpunk before the covid lockdowns and it was pure kino. I never knew how good touch screen tendies could be. An employee still has to hand them to you so we aren't ready to go full burgermancer yet where you wirelessly connect with the kiosk and have the tendies experience sent directly to your nervous system, but the dream of touching a picture of fast food and experiencing it immediately is closer than ever.

>> No.17138924

my fucking sides

>> No.17138965

Mona Lisa Supersize

>> No.17139882

yes, we are trapped in a money grubbing machine ran by sociopathic capitalists who have no sense of morality or ethics beyond the almighty dollar. the media and tech are simply one arm of it all.

the power of the corporations and banking overlords in capitalist democracy is inescapable. these financial giants control the government, which has become their puppet. they control the media, which controls the minds of the subjects. they control the money and own the system of currency through the federal reserve. its all intertwined.

>> No.17140311

Why would I read all those books if I can just turn off the glowscreen?

>> No.17140394

Take the seeingpill anon. Read Plato and Homer and the ancients. Take hold of your life. Master yourself. Impose your will unto world. Celebrate your wisdom. Take responsibility. Live a virtuous life. God will judge you accordingly. You won’t be of the society of the spectacle, nor will it be of you. Why should you care anyway? Baal, Moloch, Beelzebub, Satan, Yahweh, Allah, Science, Marxism, Capitalism, Motherland, Social Media, the Unconscious, the System, Maya, CIA, archons, whatever you call it that which you think tries to control you, deny it. Live as if you are free and you are free. No one can then defeat you. Godspeed.

>> No.17140618

This is the biggest cope I've read on /lit/ in months. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.17140780

Cope is the thing you say to yourself not to get things done and blame others. These whole Marxist critique of society is cope. You hot it backwards.

>> No.17140912

read the neetzche

>> No.17140928
File: 66 KB, 600x623, 1591819455967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "The Blindpill"

>> No.17141585

Ridiculous disingenuous LARPing scum

>> No.17141618

He's already taken the blindtotheblindpillpill