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17125368 No.17125368 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosophers are a waste of time?

>> No.17125371


>> No.17125377

all of them

>> No.17125378

All of them.

>> No.17125381

all of them

>> No.17125384

If you are a brainlet, none.
If you are a STEM chad, all of them.

>> No.17125386

Pomo shit usually

>> No.17125406

even if a philosopher supernaturally gave you more time it would be wasted because it was given to YOU

>> No.17125411

Sartre, for sure.

>> No.17125423 [DELETED] 


>> No.17125467

Platonists, neoplatonists, essentialists, idealists, logical positivists, and everyone German other than Meister Eckhart, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Reich, and Husserl. Basically, France is the origin of most things of worth, and a few shitty ideas that were worthwhile at the time.

>> No.17125476


>> No.17125481

All save Derrida

>> No.17125483

>Basically, France is the origin of most things of worth

>> No.17125498

>t. G*rmoid of some variety
Your opinion doesn't matter unless you are a petite twink in which case I'm listening

>> No.17125505

All of them except Stirner

>> No.17125521

>Meister Eckhart
Agreed. Dietrich Eckart was based as fuck.

>> No.17125553

In no particular order:

Heraclitus, Aristotle, Epicurus, Aurelius, Hume, Locke, Voltaire, Mill, Russel, Foucault, Rand, Camus, William James, Freud, Wollstonecraft, Po(o)pper, Chomsky, Satre

Fuck Empiricists and fuck Hedonists,

>> No.17125559

You do not deserve to speak

>> No.17125560
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lmao seethe

>> No.17125569

I am but you are dilating

>> No.17125575

not a tranny

>> No.17125581

Anything but Uncle Nick

>> No.17125583

Or so you say, person who dares to not like Herclitus.

>> No.17125591

>posts aunt ted
>not a tranny

>> No.17125605

You've got to pick a side between Parmenides and Heraclitus. For me, it's Eternalistic Monism. Heraclitus' conception of time is outdated (A-theory is no longer relevant given Einstein's Special and General Relativity).

>> No.17125630

>the father of dialectics isn't worth reading, but Parmenides is
What I feel can only be conveyed by posting one of Nietzsche's rants on the French, ironically.

>> No.17125641
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>Heraclitus' conception of time is outdated (A-theory is no longer relevant given Einstein's Special and General Relativity).

>> No.17125658

Okay, I'll admit that I only dropped Heraclitus due to his Presentist philosophy.
I'm a humanities fag and know nothing of the specifics. All I can say with certainty is that Newtonian time is bullshit. Our experience of time is locally synthesized (Deleuze) and is a condition of experience alongside space (Kant). There is no logical reason as to why someone would persist with Presentist A-Theory time.

>> No.17125669
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>> No.17125670

Deleuze is the theater tranny's Heidegger

>> No.17125676

>Okay, I'll admit that I only dropped Heraclitus due to his Presentist philosophy
W-when you say dropped you don't mean you didn't finish reading his stuff did you? You wouldn't call someone worthless without reading at least most of their work right?

>> No.17125680

99% of them

>> No.17125682

Presentists and Endurantists must go.

>> No.17125686

And you are illiterate

>> No.17125715

Honestly, I don't need to read Wollstonecraft to drop her.
A) Women philosophers aren't worth reading
B) A quick summation of a philosopher's political or philosophical opinions are enough to warrant judgment.

The largest thing I've heard from Heraclitus is his theory of time, which Parmenides BTFOs

Agreed. On the topic of identity, I'm a conceptualist. I agree with Deleuze in that identity is something we impose onto the phenomenal world (BwO). As a Monist, I think the world in itself, noumenally, is one, but its extrinsic appearance or representation (Schopenhauer) appears to us as multiplicitous. Just to avoid misunderstanding here, I'm also a panentheist.

>> No.17125731

>he hasn't even finished reading Heraclitus
>he hasn't read Wollstonecraft at all
>plebbit trying to fit in with the boys "women aren't worthwhile" shit
You have to go back

>> No.17125738
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You're either a woman or a leftist. Neither are worth awknowledging.

>> No.17125748

Platonists, NeoPlatonists, Nietzsche and Carl Jung

>> No.17125755

>haha I don't read but you're x nono person
You have no opinion, you have a hole where opinions should go, as such I can not judge you.

>> No.17125756


>> No.17125765
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>> No.17125773
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>> No.17125780
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>> No.17125789
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>> No.17125792


>> No.17125803
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>> No.17125811
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>> No.17125826
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good fight

>> No.17125837
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Can Cao is the ultimate rebuttal, I am once again victorious

>> No.17125849
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Who's that? Some Finnish dude?

>> No.17125868
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He's a HAN BVLL thank you kindly

>> No.17125874

France was once a great nation but not always and bedsides that's done now. The West is finished, France along with it.

>> No.17125875
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>> No.17125891

I can't hear you over the sound of a twink's ass cheeks clapping from being pounded out of the physical realm by my member

>> No.17125918

In reality you're just another enervated white coomer posting on a dumb website.

>> No.17125934

I have a german twink harem and you can't prove otherwise

>> No.17125950

Also I am 0% white thank you very much

>> No.17125988

>You've got to pick a side between Parmenides and Heraclitus

>For me, it's Eternalistic Monism. Heraclitus' conception of time is outdated
This is so fucking stupid. You can't say you prefer eternalistic monism and then call heraclitus «outdated» (and you used «Einstein» as a contrast LMAO)

>> No.17126021

Literally impossible unless you're an uncontacted tribe, whites colonized the whole world.

>> No.17126024
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Special Relativity implies Eternalism. Don't see the problem there. Eternalism has remained a popular position since Parmenides but was criticized due to the Newtonian/Aristotelian view. Aristotelianism eventually fell, thank God, and the transition from Newtonian Physics to Relativistic Physics is greatly important in the Philosophy of Science. STEMFAGS are educated on this stuff to this day, meaning Einstein isn't dated.

>> No.17126051

What is considered a waste of time?

>> No.17126052
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This is only argument in the thread I cannot refute, fuck man why would you remind me of this. I-It's only like 1% tops right haha...

>> No.17126070

Nigger don't tell me you're ashamed of your whiteness? Whites, Finnish people, and Japanese are the only GOOD races.

>> No.17126083

All writers of worth are either Han Chinese, Persian, a Semite of some kind, or Mediterranean, not white.

>> No.17126093

Why is Apu shitting in the sink?

>> No.17126097

Holy shit I've never heard a worse opinion. Holocaust affirmers, Biden supporters, Homofascists, Libertarians/Ancaps, and Furries are all more respectable in their positions. This is such a shit-take. It's funny to think that there are people like you out there though.

>> No.17126105

No philosopher deserving of the name is a waste of time. You will develop your ideas just as much (if not more) through critical and resistant readings as you will through sympathetic reading. That being said most an*lytics don’t deserve the name...

>> No.17126124

When will people get it through their twice-tempered skulls that the French don't have philosophers. Antiquity had philosophers, that's it. Philosophers don't exist anymore. Philosophy has been exported to a realm of specialization. Germans have logicians. French have social theorists. English have linguists. Italians have drama queens. Russians have whiners. Spanish have comedians and other circus acts during intellectual downtime.

>> No.17126161

You do realize that Semites are no longer some homogenous ethnic group right? It's a culture now.

>> No.17126336

>dropped Heraclitus
>cites Deleuze

>> No.17126352


>> No.17126416

all of them are waste of time.

>> No.17126445

well, youtube deleuzianism has gone that far. You only need to see all those american golems that believe Deleuze was a procapitalist philosopher because of what nick land says.

>> No.17126481

Yes, Deleuze was ultimately a reformist Marxist, but he did consider the Accelerationist approach (to speed the process of Capital, so as to achieve self-destruction). Also, Deleuze's approach to time was far different than Heraclitus. The only common ground I see is Empiricism (Deleuze was a Monistic Transcendental Empiricist).

>> No.17126563

Deleuze was not a monist. He was closer to Heraclitus than you think: the plane of immanence is not concrete, but abstract, so it cannot --literally cannot-- being monistic. His whole plane of immanence/war machine parallelism is equivalent to the fire/war parallelism on Heraclitus.
t. deleuze scholar

>> No.17126580

Okay, you're more knowledgeable on him than me, but wasn't he a huge Spinozist?

>> No.17126588

because if so I would then assume him to be a monist. Might be mistaken though.

>> No.17126618

Yes, he was, but it doesn't mean he was monist. In fact, I don't believe that «monism» is an useful idea when discussing Spinoza at this point of history.

>> No.17126659

Interesting, but from a basic understanding of Spinoza I associate him with Dual Aspect Monism, Pantheism (which later inspired Panentheism among German Idealists like Hegel), and the emphasis of immanence over transcendence. It's all Monistic to me without ever having read him. Also I just ctrl F'd his wiki and some scholars think Deleuze to be a Monist. He's a tough cookie though so misunderstanding is to be expected.

>> No.17126664

Every philosopher after the eleastics

>> No.17126768

Derrida, Hegel, Marx, Engels

>> No.17126804

coping hard

>> No.17126820

Id say that philosophers with no contribution, but impoverishment, on their fields and/or schools of tought: Habermas, for example.

>> No.17126883

Yes we're all coping with the shitty world those pseuds created.

>> No.17128894

None of them. Search of truth, goodness, and beauty is the ultimate virtuous act and all of them in one way or the other put you in that path.

>> No.17128898

You have to go back.

>> No.17129220

those are contradictory one to another, its like saying "if you are dry wetness"

>> No.17129221

Jordan Peterson

>> No.17129228

Aristotle, german idealism, analytic philosophy in general, and everyone else I dont like

>> No.17129230

Feminist philosophy and the second half of every marxist book ever.
Marxs marvelous writing on the problems of capitalism and the shit take how to fix those problems

Walther Benjamin for example too, marvelous writing on art and reproduction, shit take on how art should be political

>> No.17129235

All of them

>> No.17129566

Anything with a pessimistic outlook. Especially Schopenhauer. His mom was correct about him.
Also Derrida and Lyotard are the worst of the postmodernists, because they cannot affirm anything and are just crybabies just like Schopenhauer. Deleuze on the otherhand (who is cool, if you turn him right-wing via Nietzsche) along with Foucault are readable tho.
Analytical philosophers besides Wittgenstein are pretty crap too.

>> No.17129569

>everyone German other than
>doesn't list Wittgenstein

Kill yourself now.

>> No.17130373

> Muh Schopenhauer pessimist
As dark as his outlook is, in the end it made me deal with life in a much better way.

>> No.17130400


>> No.17130442


>> No.17130454

All of them.

>> No.17130501
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Here's a general rule.
Applies to every single book, movie, song, videogame, whatever.

If it was made by a kike, do not fucking consume it. Literally. Just. Don't.
It is guaranteed to contain nothing useful or interesting and has a 99% chance of being poisonous to your brain.

Everything else can mostly be figured intuitively, just don't be afraid of not finishing a bad piece.

>> No.17131005
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Philosophy is vital for good /sci/ence, otherwise you are left with science-pseuds like the right half of pic related.
also cope faggot >>17129220

>> No.17131019
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>> No.17131105

kek was about to say that.

>> No.17131554

>Newtonian time
You haven't read Newton. Whoever you're referencing also didn't read Newton

>> No.17132288


>> No.17132313

Deleuze for sure, and probably whoever he was friends with too.

>> No.17133454

Foucault, right?

>> No.17133523

You just made me get rid of a considerate portion from my reading list for the next year. Thank you sir

>> No.17133577

Excluding Math, those are are all grounded on materialism and materialism is depressing and sociopathic. Just because it’s rigorous and empirical doesn’t make it valuable.

>> No.17134347

More like which philosopher isn't useless amirite

>> No.17135380

What books were you going to read anon?
Where they written by Dawkins et al.?

>> No.17135452


>> No.17135563


>> No.17135705

The Dawkins quote isn't that bad. The first one is even complimenting philosophers.

>> No.17135720

>(who is cool, if you turn him right-wing via Nietzsche)

>> No.17135734

>Why yes, my memory palace is in fact a white room with an interactive iPad on the wall, how did you know?

>> No.17135840

all of them probably have something somewhat interesting to say, though post-modernists can become kind of annoying at times, especially contemporary ones like judith butler

>> No.17135854

you and 10 other people, it seems

>> No.17135855

Ew, that is disgusting.
My memory palace is a Gothic style Castle that exists in perpetual darkness, with many dungeons, artwork, statues and prisoners, all of which are mythological creatures, specifically demons.
With a very seductive succubus that acts as a tour guide, and encourages me.

>> No.17136002

Young Adult philosophy like schopenhauer or camus

>> No.17136033


>> No.17136073

The one that one coworker makes fun of you for reading

>> No.17136079


>> No.17136106

You're joking right...

>> No.17136138

This thread is shite.

As a STEM "chad" I would say science could benefit from a lot more philosophy so that the STEM chuds can reflect on what they are actually doing.

>> No.17136204


>> No.17136210

the ones that don't agree with me

>> No.17136296

based proud robot calculator

>> No.17136871


Deleuze isn't anyone's anything.

>> No.17136877


What about the rigids?

>> No.17136896


>If you turn him right-wing via Nietzsche

Lmao imagine having the arrogance to think that one of the most complex minds of the 20th century is at the whim of your amateur philological acrobatics.

>> No.17136927

top kek

>> No.17136964

Absolutely blessed

>> No.17136976

Commies, anarchists, socialists, degenerates, Jews, etc.

>> No.17136981

implying it's reddit to not read women

actual retard

subhuman nonwhite detected



>> No.17137908

all of them, didn't you watch Soul (2020)?

>> No.17137927

Any thought resulting in dead-end philosophies, namely Existentialists, Sollipsists, anti-Natalists, etc.

>> No.17138337

Any philosopher who was not also a warrior.

>> No.17138683

That is literally what Deleuze did to other thinkers. Interpret them in ways that might seem blasphemous, yet have an internal logic.
So let a man have his interpretations.

>> No.17138732

Just read what you are interested in. The only waste of time philosopher is the one(s) that you don't care about. If you ask this because you want to get a broader knowledge of philosophy, and you are not sure who to skip. I can recommend you to read books about the history of philosophy or you can ask yourself what are you especially interested in. ( I mean like for example: do you want to know how does mind and body relate or how political systems justify themself etc.) And go from there.

>> No.17138762

Only good answer in this thread. Rest are pseuds in a dick measuring contest

>> No.17139756
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Redpill me on Soul (2020).

>> No.17139858

I think autism like Kant or Hegel is beyond worthless, but if people like reading that shit it's fine. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.17140517

All the ones who aren't Christian, and I say this as a former atheist retard