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17137023 No.17137023 [Reply] [Original]

How to sit down and read when you have severe, life-destroying tinnitus?

>> No.17137033


>> No.17137046
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kill yourself and then go next life and read a book there

>> No.17137062


>> No.17137073

Just sit down and read, what’s the issue pussy?

>> No.17137093

My ears have been blocked full of wax for a month and a bit now and the tinnitus was easily ignorable after the first week. Put a fan on, champ.

>> No.17137094

That’s easy to say when you don’t have it. I used to read all them time now all I can think about is driving my car into the river. I’m being tortured every second of the day. It’s like a steam train right behind me slamming on the brakes endlessly. I hear it over everything. I can’t focus. I can’t think clearly. I’m always anxious now. I’m so depressed. I can’t just sit and read. I fucking wish I could. That’s my issue.

>> No.17137099

I hear it over the fan. I hear it over the shower. God, people with mild tinnitus are the fucking worst. No sympathy at all. Just because you’ve got it easy doesn’t mean we all do. I’ve had it for two years now and it’s only gotten harder.

>> No.17137103

I do have tinnitus and that’s why I called you a pussy - I just deal with it. Did you get it very recently? You’ll get used to it.

>> No.17137104

My headphones do this to me but I don't get tinnitus I just stop wearing them and take baths until my ears get unclogged.

>> No.17137108

Stop wearing in ear headphones dude

>> No.17137115

>Did you get it very recently? You’ll get used to it.
See >>17137099

>> No.17137119

its just like cicadas only in your ears and year round

>> No.17137127

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's my headphones too - I could clear the wax out every few months for a while, but not this time.

Honestly I was being a dickhead about it but consider that people learn to cope with all sorts of impaired or outright lost senses. If blind people can get lead around by a fucking dog probably you can get over permanent screeching in your ears.

>> No.17137134

Right, then the problem is that you’re a pussy. Did you get suicidal by the sound of the wind, you breathing, you heartbeat before? This is just what silence sounds like now. It’s fine, seriously.

>> No.17137150


>> No.17137442

>Find the closest musical note to your tinnitus
>Listen to instrumental/ambient music written in that key, or even a fifth above it
>e.g. If your tinnitus is close to a G note you should listen to music either in any key of G or C major or minor.
The result should turn your tinnitus into a high-pitched drone in the music, it might even sound nice at times.

>> No.17137473
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You are not born with tinnitus, its a choice. Just dont have tinnitus, its that simple.

>> No.17137493

Have you tried over-the-ear headphones with white noise playing?

>> No.17138267

Gone through the same as you, it used to bother me so much I was considering suicide, after a year or so you get used to it and stop giving a shit, use white noise while reading

>> No.17139025


>> No.17139199

Tinnitus is a mental problem. Your psyche has decided it's more interesting to continue to be bothered by a sound than living your dumb life. It's just an obsessional fixation. If I try to hear ringing in my ears, I can at will. I can also go back to not hearing it. You don't go back to not hearing it because you enjoy your perceived torture.

>> No.17140289

How did you get it? My cousin is deaf in one ear with loud tinnitus because when he was 9 my aunt ruptured his eardrum with a cotton bud. At 26 he is one of the happiest, strongest, most confident people I know and he says it doesn't bother him at all anymore. You'll adapt, you just have to be stoic about it and not think yourself into a hole.

>> No.17140327

its the ear being too sensitive to your bloodflow or something

>> No.17140961

Fucking idealists should off themselves.

>> No.17140971

This is actually how most cases tend to be

>> No.17140989

It isnt that bad. Tinnitus is just white noise, ignore it and it will fade into the background as you read, just as it fades into the background while you browse fourchan.

>> No.17141019

You think that's bad? Try sitting for extended periods of time with chronic prostatitis.

>> No.17141133

>people die because they want to die
>people become retarded because they want to become retarded
>people are poor because they want to be poor
This board is something else

>> No.17141156

I listen to music that doesn’t distract me

>> No.17141347

I've recently gotten it pretty bad. I think it's linked to a bad case of food poisoning which caused me to have all sorts of head/sinus issues.

Mine is worse when I over do salt/booze/caffeine/get dehydrated/stressed.

Often I forget I have it if all those points are ok.

>> No.17142085

A great deal of tinnitus cases are psychosomatic, obviously not all of them though
t.have been one of those

>> No.17142566

do that thing where you tap the back of your head to make it go away. also there's something called lenire from ireland that supposedly can soothe symptoms.

>> No.17142576

White noise generator/rainymood/wind chimes.

>> No.17142592


CDP-Choline. Helps with P50 gating

>> No.17142708

Learn from these men’s pain. Treasure your faculties like gold.

>> No.17142749
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Have tinnitus myself

>> No.17142771

P50 gating can be measured. P50 gating problems are the reason schizos and autists have troubles with noise. p50 gating issues can cause tinnitus. you can't will it away. schizo can be detected on a brain scan. basically, you're wrong. at least some cases of tinnitus are physical and cannot be willed away, though you can medicate

>> No.17142785

Rainy weather white noise. I have it took but sounds like it's not as bad as yours. I can't remember a time when I didn't have it, so I suppose I have it way easier.

>> No.17142818

There is some evidence that mega doses of psylocibin mushrooms can cure tinnitus. It rewrites neural pathways used for hearing or something.

>> No.17142933

>mega doses
How much we talking? Like it would be more cost effective to grow them yourself, multi-doses?

>> No.17142962

How did you get tinnitus?

>> No.17142967

White noise machine, my dude. I got one for Christmas. It's great for reading and sleeping as well.

>> No.17143008

For me it was just there since I was a kid, or teenager at any rate. Probably worsening though gradually. I’ll be taking the shroom path. I can take the trips.

How much?

>> No.17143041

I have no idea. I just heard it in a documentary I saw about people with cluster headaches who take them, and it was mentioned that tinnitus is another chronic problem they can treat.

>> No.17143048

I got it for Christmas, I don't know ;_;

But they are on Amazon for a whole variety of prices. Some are more customizable I guess, but I think a good quality speaker is most important. My mom had one back in the early 00s that sounded like a rainstorm in a tin can. Worthless. Mine has all sorts of noises but I prefer the steady white noise. The fireplace and gentle rain ones can be nice for reading as well, it adds a bit of an atmosphere.

>> No.17143097
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free white noise generator: https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/whiteNoiseGenerator.php?l=51474239343027242118
highly customizable
this url is my favorite preset

>> No.17144481

Stop acting like a fag, this isn't pol.

>> No.17144502

It’s literally in the hearing section of our brains. It isn’t a choice.

>> No.17145396

White noise

>> No.17145505

Do a 40 days water only fast. After 30 days, your tintinus will be so much your body last problem that it will possibly disappear.

>> No.17145516

idk mate, i had it since forever
i can read a book tho, unlike op

>> No.17145520

I have it for more than four years.
Read 'Tinnitus retraining therapy'.
in short:
accept that it's always gonna be there
accept that your brain will start to ignore it when you have accepted the above
accept that living in complete silence is not natural, so always put on some background music or nature sounds or violet noise or something
enjoy life again

It took me about 1.5 years to get over it, I'm now happier than before I had it

>> No.17145524

I'm the guy who wrote this and also a medical student,don't go around looking for cures outside of yourself, it's all placebo or stuff for the far future, nobody cares enough about tinnitus that it will get a real cure because it will be complex and expensive and almost impossible

>> No.17145534

Shit I also wanna add: there are some causes of tinnitus that are probably curable (like if your ear is full of wax, or maybe something with bloodflow around the ears + hypertension), but you probably don't have that (most people don't)

>> No.17145562

U sure u aren't victim of 5,g attack?