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File: 25 KB, 400x224, la_serie_vinland_saga_continue_de_se_devoiler_a_travers_une_5e_bande-annonce_10461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17134047 No.17134047 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write sincere stories without being seen as "edgy"?

>> No.17134057

how does sincerity = edgy

>> No.17134082

What do you define as "sincere"?

>> No.17134086

Nothing ironic, or self aware.

>> No.17134098

If you are sincere you can't be edgy

>> No.17134613

Dont use edgy tropes, edgy is actually quite distinctly defined.

>> No.17134728

Edgy isn't distinctly defined. It's a "failure" at trying more mature themes that gradually turned around into nothing more than a code word for "I-I'm offended! ;-;'

>> No.17134919

Develop a non-edgy personality.

>> No.17135542

If its sincere it cant be edgy
It might feel edgy at first, but it'll have a moral backbone

>> No.17136271

Be edgy, write what you want, tell the story you want to tell.

>> No.17136292

DFW just hung himself again.

>> No.17136399

I would do it too, if I was such a gigantic midwit

>> No.17136548

Try writing something like the farmland arc.

>> No.17136559

>gradually turned around into nothing more than a code word for "I-I'm offended! ;-;'
yeah in internet lingo this is by far the most common usage today

>> No.17136578

If you're sincerely edgy, that is to say suffering from anhedonia sufficient in duration to not only lack desire for more life, but to not even notice that lack, I can only advise you to not pollute pages with the screeds-in-narrative-form that would emerge. At least for the time being, since that malady may pass. (Rant, satire, and over-the-top dish that burns with the pale but dazzling fire of somatic illness are of course excepted, and welcome, since that's something entirely different, which doesn't reflect numbness.) If that's not the case, D. H. Lawrence comes to mind for examples of sincerity combined with vitality, in poetry and prose, essay and narrative. His best is miraculously beautiful compared to the shit that came out of his antithesis, DFW. That more preliminary and universal standards of self-comparison---for instance your responsiveness to a summer's day, in the literal and the metaphorical senses of it--are naturally matters seldom raised in this dump, should also be a clue about what to do, if it's in you to do it.

How, exactly, do you like it is the question that sincere writing addresses, though if the answer is deeply hideous no reader who is capable of enjoyment will enjoy that answer, and the rest simply don't matter as far as art is concerned, whatever their status in other respects. As for my motives for putting this in some detail, that's mostly to make the difference between irony and cynicism as clear as it can be.

>> No.17136589

>implying edgy stories can't be good
Just B.E. yourself

>> No.17136637

Someone is always going to dislike your writing. There exist people who think Joyce was a fraud and a hack. Blood Meridian is an incredibly """"edgy"""" book, but it's also one of the best written in the latter half of the 20th century. Something like edginess is ultimately meaningless. Why worry about it?

>> No.17136794
File: 120 KB, 1080x1504, depressioncured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, just stop caring

>> No.17136835
File: 409 KB, 705x1112, Rilke 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ask whether your poems are good. You send them to publishers; you compare them with other poems; you are disturbed when certain publishers reject your attempts. Well now, since you have given me permission to advise you, I suggest that you give all that up. You are looking outward and, above all else, that you must not do now. No one can advise and help you, no one.

>There is only one way: Go within. Search for the cause, find the impetus that bids you write. Put it to this test: Does it stretch out its roots in the deepest place of your heart? Can you avow that you would die if you were forbidden to write? Above all, in the most silent hour of your night, ask yourself this: Must I write? Dig deep into yourself for a true answer. And if it should ring its assent, if you can confidently meet this serious question with a simple, "I must," then build your life upon it. It has become your necessity. Your life, in even the most mundane and least significant hour, must become a sign, a testimony to this urge. [..]

>If, as a result of this turning inward, of this sinking into your own world, poetry should emerge, you will not think to ask someone whether it is good poetry. And you will not try to interest publishers of magazines in these works. For you will hear in them your own voice; you will see in them a piece of your life, a natural possession of yours. A piece of art is good if it is born of necessity. This, its source, is its criterion; there is no other.

>> No.17136850


>> No.17136884
File: 61 KB, 1200x1200, letters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like those passages you should definitively check out "letters to a young poet".

Here is the first letter, as a taster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5tZ8X-EnAg

>> No.17136895

thanks, I'll check it out :)

>> No.17136934

By buying a fedora and tipping it at least once a day

>> No.17136942

U won't find the answer here whenever any depth is reached the thread is nuked

>> No.17137191

Learn to read and write, then think about actually writing.

>> No.17138662


>> No.17138670

Quit being a zoomer fascist and develop an actual evidenced and cultured worldview.

>> No.17138854


>> No.17138871

Write without fear of being "edgy." People who avoid the stories that naturally come to them aren't writers

>> No.17139255


>> No.17139364

Try not to make the prose sound like you're trying to impress people.

>> No.17139374

Describe reality, not what you wish reality to be.

>> No.17139381

and at the same time try to make your prose impress people

>> No.17139396

The point of Thorfinn character in the first arc is being edgy blindly following revenge and hatred only to be left with nothing. Farmland is the one that serves for finding the purpose.

>> No.17139406

I mean DQ did the second one and was pretty well-received. You just have to lean into it, not away from it

>> No.17139446

How are sincerity and self awareness mutually exclusive?