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17135003 No.17135003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the state of journalism these days? Does the negative perception of it disturb you, or do you think it was a much needed reckoning?

>> No.17135013

If I could kill every Trump supporter on Earth, I would.

>> No.17135018

the time is soon coming when we unseal voting records and summarily execute everyone that voted trump and place their children into re-education camps

>> No.17135019

Journalists are mostly horrible wretches. But actual independent journalists are good people

>> No.17135029

If I could look every spook-endlaved retard, there'd be only me and butterfly left to repopulate this cursed planet..

>> No.17135031

unique and thought provoking take on a plausible scenario


>> No.17135038

g u l a g

these fuckers have no qualms about sprading corona
theyll kill grandma to make boeing richer

>> No.17135049
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It isn’t journalism. It’s just corporate state propaganda

>> No.17135056

Journalists are useless faggots. They deserve every single bit of shit that gets thrown at them. They have no useful skills and require the action of others to even have a life. The world would be a better place if every journalist was thrown in the fucking ocean.

>> No.17135069

That fucking butterfly tripfag is a tranny, I sear to god they are the only people on earth who are as annoying as actual women.

>> No.17135073

Most journalists are corporate whores writing propaganda for the Jewish rags

>> No.17135074

Real journalists are absolutely needed. Julian Assange especially

>> No.17135075


>> No.17135076

assange is a traitor and russian intelligence asset, not a journalist lmao

>> No.17135080

Official Pardon when instead of all the criminals in Trump's debt?

>> No.17135090

Fucking moron. He exposed crimes as a publisher journalist
You a second amendment fag? Why do you not respect the first?

>> No.17135094

I respect whores who suck dick (like your mother) to put food on their table more than a journalist, reporter of pretty much any “media” person.

>> No.17135095

Get in the helicopter, tankie, first ride is free

>> No.17135096

uhh, what are you stuck in the bush era? the left hates assange now cuz he works with the russians to undermine democracy doncha know? i know you still post those lame anarchist books from 2009 so maybe its time to get with the times and learn your new leftist talking points, assange bad!

>> No.17135099

read a book burger

>> No.17135103

Comrade your grandma is going to die anyway, if she’s not working to contribute she’s just a waste of resources.

>> No.17135105

wow nice foxnews talking points chud!

>> No.17135107

You are trolling right? The Russia gate bullshit was discredited ages ago.

>> No.17135112
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I hate Trump supporters and all, but I hate journalists far far more

>> No.17135113

Whats this new liberal edgy toughguy act on here

>> No.17135117

he is a rapist and a criminal who is little more than a front for russian intelligence to publish hacked materials

>> No.17135122

it has nothing to do with the practice of journalism in itself, but the contemporary politics and policies of prominent publications.
it disturbs me because it extends the crisis in media Habermas describes in 'The Transformation of the Public Sphere', but I think hatred of journalists is an understandable reaction to experiencing the current state of the 'industry'
by voting democrat, we can now have our private prisons owned by brave transgender PoC and cute enbies
i hope my rifle gets confiscated by an epic girlboss

>> No.17135125

Fuck you, butterfly. But I agree. Based

>> No.17135128

Russia is many things, but it is not your magic 8 ball of excuses every time you see information you don't like

>> No.17135131

>He exposed crimes as a publisher journalist
No, that was Woodward. Assange just publishes whatever the GRU tells him to.

>> No.17135133

i thought butters was a feminist, how could she support that rapist

>> No.17135143

>Russia hacked the DNC and passed emails to Assange for distribution:
>Russia hacked RNC and kept information from Assange to help their candidate win:

>> No.17135146

lmao at butters getting on the trump train with only a month left, haha

>> No.17135147

journalists are literal swine who work for the status quo and deserve to be shit on 24/7

>> No.17135151

Uh, what? Real investigative journalists have pointed out Assange's long time connections with Russian Intelligence for decades. Sorry to piss on your rapist hero.

>> No.17135155
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>Uh oh! Looks like this thread has gone down the /pol/ drain!
>Only one way to save it now!
So, uh... Lolita! Hell of a book am I right?

>> No.17135161

Journalism has been cringe for a while

>> No.17135164

I think anyone who actually reads a lot still enjoys the work that some journalists and reporters do. You’d have to be an actual bumpkin with no artistic soul whatsoever to not know and appreciate some of the better stuff out there. I think the side of journalism that pisses people off on the internet (and places like here especially) is that sort of elite culture writing circle that acts like it has the monopoly on what people’s political and social sensibilities should be. During the trump years especially that shit has become a lot louder and more prevalent, and it understandably ruffles some feathers. Just think of that whole gamergate debacle.

24 hour cable news is sensational trash nature too, and that doesn’t do much for how the institution is viewed by many

>> No.17135165

Based Sherman, I named my dog after him, and much like the man, my dog hates native americans and southerners

>> No.17135179
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The Jimmy Dore train

>> No.17135180

*sensationalist trash by nature

>> No.17135183

God damn, I like your dog already. What kind of dog is it?

>> No.17135187


>> No.17135194

Journalism is not inherently bad, but Anglo journalism is completely and totally owned by neocons and big tech. All the dissenting voices get sent to Substack where they compete with genuinely crazy people for money.

>> No.17135197

Jimmy is a crypto reactionary freak grifter like Greenwald. Shit taste butters, but we all knew that.

>> No.17135201

i don't really think this mindset is productive
is there something inherent in the practice of journalists that entails this?
if not, might it actually be instead that all of the journalists you are exposed to are literal swine who .... etc?
thinking about specific features of the contemporary news media landscape, its history, and how you are exposed to it is more likely to actually give us ideas for improving journalism, rather than just discarding the idea entirely
yeah a lot of journalists and "public people" aka blue check marks seem to believe they can just feed their opinion to their readers, which is so sickening because if they actually could accomplish that, they would be much more fascist than they seem to think our president is
it's certainly a good day to be a horse fucke--owner i mean

>> No.17135217

>nooooo, you can't criticize my race gnosticism, that makes you a heckin' crypto-reactionarino

>> No.17135218

Deerhead Chihuahua, he’s pretty smol only about 4 pounds.

>> No.17135222

Do you know why you hate them?

>> No.17135228

Nice, I've never been a big fan of small dogs, but he sounds cute

>> No.17135364

Imagine going to school for 4 years to learn how to write about people who are actually doing something with skin in the game. Name the industry politics, sports, tech, business. Journalists are all trash. Right wing. Left wing. Center. Progressive. Religious conservative. All 100% Grade A fucking trash.

>> No.17135371

What kind of writing do you think is acceptable anon?

>> No.17135382

Is that the new CNN Tagline? Catchy

>> No.17135401

I thought "Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ" was the ideogram for "Botched Bottom Surgery"

>> No.17135449


>> No.17135453

lmao can't unsee

>> No.17135460

>muh old good journalism!!!

It wad always a trash field

>> No.17135461

disgusting thread. journalists do great work

>> No.17135486


>> No.17135494

Now make my latte journo major

>> No.17135507

Tech, geopolitical, entertainment, health, science, business.... name a single field of journalism that is anything but bought and paid for shite?

>> No.17135512

what's a bottok is that like a buttock but hipper

>> No.17135524

>these days
Journalism has been reviled for a long time, you just need to accept that when people speak loudly they are speaking with a specific worldview and agenda, which is only going to partially be the truth some of the time.

>> No.17135540

Journalism should focus more on local politics and how things work instead of doing it for entertainment

>> No.17135554

Ok, this cover is a little on the nose.

>> No.17135589

It’s a vagina pulled open

>> No.17135596

A politician, a lawyer, a used car salesman, a credit card sales telemarketer, a journalist, and a Nigerian email scammer walk into a bar and sit down together. The politician remembers everyone's order and tells it to the barkeep. The lawyer offers to pay for the drinks at the end of the night. The used car salesman tells a joke that makes the waitress laugh. The telemarketer suggests they split the tip. The journalist excuses himself to the bathroom as everyone gets up to leave. The Nigerian email scammer notices that someone left without paying and walked off with all the tip money.

>> No.17135600

Were journalists always bad?
Or were they turned that way?

>> No.17135613

Everyone is corruptible under capitalism. The job is a noble enough task done right.

>> No.17135684

I actually legitimately don't have a problem with the threats made against modern journalists in the United States, they've had it coming for decades.

>> No.17135689

Journalism is essentially humanistic since only secular humanists have created the job of journalist and they love the idea of a journalist as the gatekeeper of secular humanism by denouncing some Human rights violations, political scandals and enlightening the plebs, because journalists like any coackroach humanist cling to their idea that they are the gatekeepers of the truths.

All the journalists 100 years ago were already self righteous humanist assholes addicted to their brain poops.
Journalism has always been pathetic.

>> No.17135691

the journalists of north korea are truly incorruptible

>> No.17135709

>triggered by people disagreeing with you
Why are the "facts dont care about your feelings" people so fragile and emotional?

>> No.17135717

Riiiiight. Va-GIII-na. Totally! * wink wink*

>> No.17135890

based name, nu-butters. all you need now is a trip and a few effortposts, and I'm totally on board!

>> No.17135963

I guess I like journalists because I read the news occasionally, and they write it.

>> No.17135966

What are some news websites that aren't shit?

>> No.17135979 [DELETED] 

Useful idiots get the rope first.

>> No.17135997

The entire problem with modern journalism is journalists trying to pass their opinions and beliefs off as objective reporting of the news. In the US pretty much every news network and major newspaper does this.

Just give me boring, bland reporting. Like the BBC does. Or used to do.

>> No.17136001
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Useful idiots get the rope first.

>> No.17136044

Journalism is fucking garbage. I feel like most journalists went into it thinking they would be important, that they could shape opinion and hold politicians to account, only to find that some teenage gamer with a webcam is getting millions of views without ever getting a college degree.

Journalism is mostly obsolete, I don't like "fake news" and misinformation but they're an unavoidable by-product of freedom of information and journalists are desperately trying to act as gatekeepers.

>> No.17136050

That's what really bugs me, I don't give a fuck what some journalists opinion is, just give me the information and stop treating me like a baby.

I can't believe the BBC invented an accent that was designed to not sound like it was from any one place in Britain so as not to alienate any of the viewers and also avoided tones and inflections so when delivering the news they could seem as unbiased and objective as possible.

>> No.17136062

Actual based. Nobody wants schizo fagapedes shitting up real life or the internet. The right needs to return to a more serious and respectable form

>> No.17136083

>more serious and respectable

You realize this is why the Right always loses the culture war, right?

The American Right doesn't need George Will right now, it needs Francisco Franco.

>> No.17136092

Respectable to who? The Left?

>> No.17136095
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>serious and respectable
Imagine being this embarrassingly blue pilled.

>> No.17136124
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>> No.17136162

Francisco Franco, not Donald Trump or Qlarpnon. What will the right do with a leader who tweets and does nothing?he gives people false hope and he does it while looking positively stupid

>> No.17136222
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>> No.17136260

Respecting Journalists is just another form of corporate dick-sucking. If a Journalist isn’t beholden to a corporate overlord, the media brands him as a “blogger” so you literally can’t be a journalist without being a piece of shit.

>> No.17136275

And you never will be able to. Isn't that so sad?

>> No.17136305

Journalists are generally employees of multinational media corporations and governments. They don't exist to tell you "news"; they exist to create entertainment and corporate/state propaganda. Their profession has no inherent link to "facts." There is a myth that they have built around themselves that they are independent purveyors of fact, but there is nothing further from the truth.

>> No.17136311

It's by design, though
Most news platforms are being possessed by financial giants.
If you control information you control everything, from the core beliefs of the majority, to whoever is elected president, it is on purpose that opinions are being fed to you through information.
You may realise that the news is often lying, or imposing view points, but the vast majority of people chose to trust them anyways. It doesn't matter that some people know about the lies, as long as the majority still believes.
Our democracy is a giant joke, financial elites possess tools to manipulate the opinion of the masses, we're just in a highly technocrat and pseudo-democratic feudal system.

>> No.17136328

This is the crisis of the Repubs and Dems alike though. The establishment politicians represent nobody, and the parties run the likely risk of having their power usurped by increasingly radical young candidates.
If neither party can reorient and establish candidates along reasonable, solid platforms then the race to the bottom is just going to continue.

>> No.17136342

There's no going back at this point, we're basically the Late Roman Republic waiting for our Caesar and our Augustus.

>> No.17136357
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It's garbage simply because big media corporations are all swaying to the dollar rather than the truth. most journalists are starving so the succumb to writing about celebrity bullshit and it literally take random people on a computer giving up all chances of making a living to tell the news about how fucked we really are as china is commiting a real genocide and not the info wars trash, countries are warring yet again for stupid reasons. world leaders are acting reckless as hell despite the power that is given to them and if hunter s thompson was here he's have blown his brains out again

>> No.17136416

>If neither party can reorient and establish candidates along reasonable, solid platforms then the race to the bottom is just going to continue.
Do you think they care? You need to understand that they have no concern at all for the well-being of America or its people. Their allegiances have no borders. They are beholden to multinational corporations which can exist anywhere. You're just another pawn they can exploit, and once they've drained you dry they'll move on. They are literal parasites.

>> No.17136422

This is the meaning of globalism. Universal corporate exploitation.

>> No.17136444

People need to understand the difference between journalism and punditry, and then they need to stop settling for punditry.
We should definitely hang the pundits though, and start with fucking Chris Cuomo

>> No.17136480

>Chris Cuomo

Fuck him and fuck his faggot brother. I hate them both.

But that's the problem, right? That's the entire point. Cuomo is technically not a pundit. He "presents the news." CNN doesn't treat him like a pundit, it treats him like the host of one of their news hour.

The seamless blending of punditry with straight news presentation is insidious and infuriating, and I can't think of a single US news outlet that doesn't do it at this point.

>> No.17136598

The media needs to be deflated, it took an impossible importance in our lives. Corrupt politicians are one thing but an entity shaping our worldview in such a way it's making people complacent and blind is far worse. Journalists need to be mocked, they need to be treated as turds so that maybe they'll come to reevaluate their own worth and in case they do not, so that we could function without them.