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/lit/ - Literature

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17133542 No.17133542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your most pretentious opinions?On the other hand, what aggravates you?

>> No.17133558

My diary as a whole, desu.

But I don’t think being pretentious is a bad thing, Consistently seeking to be better than what you are is the key to genuine refinement. As Pliny says at some point, perseverance is the stone of the wisdom

>> No.17133575

long books are retarded, you absolutely can explain what you're thinking in a faster way you retarded graphomaniac

>> No.17133651

If /lit/ stops being pretentious about it’s fiction choices then it will very quickly become a board for the discussion of pop-culture for people who are bigger fans of multimedia IPs than of literature trying to browbeat everyone into loving anything “fun” with no questions asked

>> No.17133713

Fanaticism thinking/religious thinking/coincidence fixation belongs to the realm of literature alone and is potentially disastrous when applied to real life. Hack writers elevate coincidences interwoven with chosen symbolism to imbue an ordinary relationship with seemingly transcendent meaning. It is nasty wish fulfillment that cheapens the real meaningful mundane ways humans connect and forge relationships. Every starry eyed young man and woman is poisoned by media elevating the transcendent fabricated stranger and blind to the organic signs of connection they are already surrounded by. This fantasy mindset has contributed greatly to the atomization of the modern individual.


>> No.17133726

Looking at evil is some objective fact here is useless, evil is a categorization that requires a subject to give that judgement and differs between subjects to the differences between brain to brain (including experience). Now to say suffering is inherently “bad” is closer to a more fruitful argument, as it is hard to create any conception of bad without suffering’s existence. Looking at good as some objective fact here is useless, good is a categorization that requires a subject to give that judgement and differs between subjects to the differences between brain to brain (including experience). Now to say pleasure is inherently “good” is closer to a more fruitful argument, as it is hard to create any conception of good without pleasure’s existence. Most religions usually attempt to overcome this by deifying a subject (usually a metaphysical or metaphorical one) and using his prescriptions and categorization as universals for us to follow, and though it provides metaphysics (and subsequent morality & ethics) to the masses, but will never be an honest inquiry of truth or fact.

>> No.17133727

Based. We don't need this place to turn into /r/books.

>> No.17133792

Philosophy is fucking retarded. Most of this is shit with no basis in real life at all. Philosophical problems are mostly artifical and made up by retards who don't have bigger problems in life.
Most philosophical books is a complete gibberish written by people who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.17135584

The world is evil

>> No.17135609

There exists much Eastern literature that is equal to or greater than some of the Western greats.

Absolutism, >>17133726 is well connected to this.

>> No.17135627

The best writers wrote for themselves, were published, remembered, and critiqued for reasons completely unrelated to the actual work itself.
You cannot seperate the art from the artist, however lots of reasons people would cancel the writer actually makes them a better writer.
The writer has no moral obligations.

>> No.17135645

Gatekeeping is a necessary evil because without it your institution will eventually be consumed by demands for increased inclusivity that culminate in it becoming an aesthetic extension of whatever the dominant cultural movement is.
>what aggravates you
Duginists and Spenglarians are very annoying to me, especially the ones who bitch and moan about how they hate being a Faustian westoid instead of a Eurasian/Chinese/ person.

>> No.17135677
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>Most pretentious opinion
My most pretentious opinion has to be that everyone is a nihilist, because any reasonable person comes to the conclusion that life is meaningless. The reason people (Nietzsche included) are always mad at nihilism is because they have been over-socialized into caring too much. So being anti-nihilism is actually the ultimate in what Nietzsche called slave-morality.

>What aggravates you?
The constant /lit/ circle-jerk of irrelevant philosophers that they've never read.

>> No.17135687


/lit/ should become a poetry board. Poetry is the form of literature which makes the greatest attempt at expressing some higher beauty.
Verse is also the greatest pleb filter
good take, too much of the discussion on here is taken up by the discussion of philosophy, particularly edgy continental stuff. Philosophy should be lived, not read. Plato is based however.

>> No.17135703

Most pretentious is that epic poems are the greatest forms of literature.

What aggravates me is post modernism, pseudo philosophy like Nietzsche, and any French nonfiction.

>> No.17135737

>epic poems are the greatest forms of literature.
correct and indeed pretentious
>French nonfiction.
any examples?

>> No.17135752

Nihilists that think they exist outside the rules of the game, and don't realise they still playing when they spout their defeatist non-sense

>> No.17135757


I once considered writing all my posts
As only perfect 10 syllabic Verse
Just to train myself more so with that form
But I figured it looks like a gimmick
Otherwise I would do so every post

>> No.17135787

Derrida, Foucault, Rousseau, Voltaire, de Man, Deleuze, de Sade. They’re all fucked up, out of touch, and simply wrong.

>> No.17135862
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Indeed my friend to do so would be based
What care have you for scorn and reproval
of lesser men. For did our fathers not
In this fair mode of speech not only write
But even think. So brother fear not then
The ire of men who know not poesy's muse
Go forth you shall and be not cringe but based.

>> No.17135975
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I agree. Philosophy is pretty gay and a waste of time for most people. I like some Greek/Roman shit like stoicism, but most other kinds just seem like ways to become depressed or a pseud, and won't be useful to your life at all

>> No.17135982

Real men only write posts in a perfect Terza Rima. I am not a real man

>> No.17135988
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Nihilism is gay
Everyone should be Catholic
Most philosophy is gay
You're gay
I'm not gay
People ought to be bullied more
And women should not be allowed to vote or hold public office

>> No.17135993
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>> No.17136005

You're not entirely wrong, but you're still gay

>> No.17136064

>And women should not be allowed to vote or hold public office
Only good take here, and it’s too obvious of a take for me to give you points for if

>> No.17136202

>If /lit/ stops being pretentious about it’s fiction choices then it will very quickly become a board for the discussion of pop-culture for people who are bigger fans of multimedia IPs than of literature trying to browbeat everyone into loving anything “fun” with no questions asked
Based. Totally agree. We should bully HARDER. We got too tame. If this wasn't true we wouldn't have a rap thread at this right moment.

>> No.17136207


>> No.17136225
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probably the reality theory i have.
essentially similar to parallel realities who have no effect on our reality there are perpendicular realities. those that are influence by the reality above them. we are essentially the reality above the ones we write and have direct influence over them. but the realities we write probably perceive their own reality as real as we do. thus what if their is a reality above us that is directly influencing our reality?

>> No.17136234

>There exists much Eastern literature that is equal to or greater than some of the Western greats.
Recommend me something.

>> No.17136245

what leads you to believe this?

>> No.17136279
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It's kinda just on alot of assumptions that when a story is created it is not just put on paper but rather birth the existence of a new world in a way. or that parallel universes even exist. if the former is true then who is to say that our universe is not one of many perpendicular universe? it's just a really weird thought i've had brewing for a few weeks

>> No.17136294

also seeing the validity of quantum theory that we have given it it's not too preposterous that universes can diverge into different ones making them ever growing and changing. they constantly split apart and end at certain point continuing at other

>> No.17136423
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All popular fiction is trash not worth reading

>> No.17136427

No novels are worth reading
And no, I’m not a non-fiction or philosophy fag

>> No.17136446

>Most pretentious opinion
Women, with nearly no exception, lack the necessary faculties and dispositions necessary to produce great works of literature
>What aggravates me
Today's literary journals. They're so busy catering to the voices of the "historically disadvantaged" and playing identity politics that they've lost sight of what literature is supposed to be about.

>> No.17136518

One of many: "Because he felt like a grotesque unloved cockschafer, a mixed race pest or vermin compared to his physically and psychologically imposing father, he felt like the colony and colonized to his existential, unresolvable, undeposable hegemony over him. The father was the literal patria, pure, potent, towering in its determining and defining phenomenological imposition over him and he, Kafka, kaffir, cockschafer, a mere imposter and poseur, a deluded and diluted parasite or bug compared to the paternal force that had despotically engendered him. His father was the classical age, if perhaps already in a decadent stage, whilst he, the son, the most pathetic and unseemly form of decadence: weak, effete, malformed, impure in body and mind. No worthy successor to a master, rather a shameless, wretch of a masturbator spilling all that remained of his theretofore noble inheritance on the sheets of his rat's nest of a room: eventually those stains would literally grow legs and shameless, shameful eyes of a lust for father, mother, sister, self, wet nurse, all women, all mankind made incarnate in the form a sexless insect, devoid of all human form and identity, save for an inkling of suffering, ever-to-be damned spirit. Who was the cause of all this: he the bedeviled son, or the bedeviling father? Probably the answer lay in an original mistranslated dialectic, a wrong primeval hermeneutic that would go on to make a hermit of so unfortunate a subject, such a subject so unfortunately and twice!y conceived: first in the loins of two, then in the mind of one who had fateful!y at some infantile point read into himself the key to his own undoing and acted on it, however subconsciously, to spite his father precisely because he loved his father with an unnatural, unnameable love, whose very pronouncement was the worst of capital sins, entailing the worst of all capital Punishment: namely reversion to the unformed, nameless, knowledgeless, state of the feminine element itself: the shame or impure uncontrollably open female receptivity, the eye that never closes, the lust that never sleeps, the obscene origin du monde, so close to shit, so far from spirit."

>> No.17136524

That's not an opinion -- that's just a pretentious description.

>> No.17136541

I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Nietzsche did not have a single original philosophical thought in his works

Nietzsche never did anything else but paraphrasing his worldview from wildly picked sources.

I am a german Nietzsche Scholar so I can know.

>> No.17136542

It's obviously both, how could it not be?

>> No.17136555

Couldn’t agree more, any literature along these lines?

>> No.17136560

My reddit history, desu.

>> No.17136579

A description from a piece of horribly overwritten prose isn't what OP was asking for. And for the love of god, get your head out of the thesaurus.