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File: 500 KB, 605x903, scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17129248 No.17129248 [Reply] [Original]

Noam Chomsky on Roger Scruton:

HM: It is astonishing to me that you are saying that Scruton is worth reading. I actually liked his book How to Be a Conservative. Do you like him as an author? I am asking because he denounced you in his article If Only Chomsky Had Stuck to Syntax. He has also attacked Edward Said in his books.
NC: I would pay attention to what he says about me if it made any sense. Since it was simply ignorant ranting, I couldn’t care less. And I’m sure he produces stupidities about Said and probably others. But he at least makes an effort to present a reasoned form of conservatism.

>> No.17129256

Yep, that's Scrutn

>> No.17129280 [DELETED] 

btw vote blue

>> No.17129302

I miss him so much bros :(

>> No.17129343

Deep lore lol

>> No.17129349

To what level was he a conservative?

>> No.17129353

Scruton or Chomsky? Scruton was as far as you can get.

>> No.17129356

Scruton. How far?

>> No.17129363

Like if the farthest was on the right and the not farthest was on the left he would be farthest to the right

>> No.17129392

I notice Chomsky often deflects criticism with that kind of off hand matter of fact dismissal. He's such a complete hack.

>> No.17129422

>Scruton baaaaaad
Wow, Chimpsky, what amazing criticism
If he had stuck to syntax though, he would not have built his personal cult and we could have gotten rid of universal grameme a few decades ago but now we have to wait until all the retarded cultists die out

>> No.17129430

nice to see chomsky being based for once

>> No.17129446

The point isn't about the meaningless criticism but Chomsky bringing up him as someone worth reading who presents a reasoned form of conservatism.

>> No.17129462

I mean, Scruton likes traditions, very gradual shifts and old school aesthetics
He isn't exactly what you'd call a far rightist unlike whatever a poster above is saying

>> No.17129492

Far right isn't conservative.

>> No.17129549

The British school of conservatism is just an impotent mourning of things that are gone, and while Scruton nails down the lack of these things and its ill effects brilliantly in his writings, there is little impulse into the direction from which new value that is worth conserving could stem. Ultimately, he's a lone guard manning a post of an empire that's perished a long time ago.

>> No.17129555

how so? Define conservatism

>> No.17129593

Mishima's aesthetics > Scruton's pissfart aesthetics
Never trust the brits desu.

>> No.17129599

Fascism is modernist. It was invented in the 1920s and it's all about progress. There is nothing traditional about a fascist state that kills portions of the population.

>> No.17129604

What actions could be taken to help actually conserve beyond writing and mourning?

>> No.17129635

The creation of environments in which art that develops the form language of its respective culture may flourish again, a task to be undertaken on a societal, maybe even civilisational scale, carried by extrapolitical organisations and executed by politics. And yet, we've seen little of the sort even in the conservative/right wing populist governments of the recent years - instead, they'll vanish without little lasting traces, see Trump.

>> No.17129642

Fascism is leftism. Nice try though.

>> No.17129645

Perhaps there are some progressive ideas in fascism but you would never find their purpose and final end to be a progressive ideal.

Plus, Scruton wasn't a fascist.

>> No.17129679

Conservatism isn't just about policy it's about the structure of society and all that jazz. Fascism is counter to all of this which is why traditional conservatism is extremely anti-fascist.

>> No.17129682

I thought it was authoritarian centrism?

>> No.17129688

Please don't turn a thread about Scruton into the eternal discussion of what defines fascism.

>> No.17129740

I'm a marxist leninst, convince me to bec ome a conservative guys its so empty here

>> No.17129741

empty where

>> No.17129749

being a leftist feeels empty desu

>> No.17129753

Maybe read Scruton, then. He literally has a book called How to be a Conservative.

>> No.17129754

Both of them suck dick. Read better thinkers faggot.

>> No.17129757

>being a conservative
>in a universe where entropy inevitably forces everything to be in a state of permanent change
Literally why

>> No.17129759

Empty, as in it's a soulless ideology? You would be right then.

>> No.17129763

The book they're seething about is pretty hilarious
Lukacs getting in a cult and the Lacan bit were the best
He also drew a pretty bittersweet portrait of Foucault
He barely talks about Said though, dunno what they're on about, he dismisses him as a hack
Come to think of it, he barely gives Horkheimer any time either and rather focuses on Adorno and his epic struggle against pop music

>> No.17129764

Stalin was conservative

>> No.17129778

atheistic materialism feels empty though :(

>> No.17129791

He's very liberal, neo-liberalism and liberalism in general is pretty bad

>> No.17129839

I'm a left wing conservative. I'm socially and economically left wing but the left wing view on society is so deranged that I consider myself a conservative. The insistence that culture and beauty aren't real or don't matter. That no tradition is worth saving and should be left to die. The extreme identity politics. They want to tear down all the structures of society but have nothing substantive to rebuild. I look at all the things conservative want to protect and they are the best things in life like beautiful art and beautiful communities.

>> No.17129854
File: 158 KB, 1271x714, Trump Election Ideology Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your position is actually where a lot of Trump's base comes from. Most of them are social conservatives that also acknowledge the need for some leftist economic policies.

>> No.17129867

So you're just a retard then

>> No.17129881

I've talked to many Trumpers and they've all been Alex Jones tier retarded. I wouldn't consider them left wing in any capacity or even traditionalist in the vein of Scruton. These are people who can't read.

>> No.17129889

Not an argument

>> No.17129894

I would theorize a lot of the Trump supporters that are grouped into left wing economics support protectionism. Trumpers are a populist group as seen by the data. I'm also pretty sure Scruton supported Trump if I recall.

>> No.17129909

>Oh your son wants to be a girl? Well the world is always changing (science) so it's okay lol.

>> No.17129910

>Conservative thinkers have on the whole praised the free market, but they do not think that market values are the only values there are. Their primary concern is with the aspects of society in which markets have little or no part to play: education, culture, religion, marriage and the family. Such spheres of social endeavor arise not through buying and selling but through cherishing what cannot be bought and sold: things like love, loyalty, art and knowledge, which are not means to an end but ends in themselves.

>About such things it is fair to say that Mr. Trump has at best only a distorted vision. He is a product of the cultural decline that is rapidly consigning our artistic and philosophical inheritance to oblivion. And perhaps the principal reason for doubting Mr. Trump’s conservative credentials is that being a creation of social media, he has lost the sense that there is a civilization out there that stands above his deals and his tweets in a posture of disinterested judgment.

>> No.17129923

Alex Jones is smart and is right 90% of the time it's pretty amazing you have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. But that's pretentious redditbois for you

>> No.17129929

I haven't met one conservative that gives a shit about art or the community or knows shit about art. All of them just posture. When they mention art it is for propaganda purposes they don't know anything about art itself. They say they are for community yet they haven't done anything for the community in their entire life and they try to destroy and dismantle any social programs and further any repressive policy. They say they are trying to protect these things while they are in fact destroying them. Disgusting people and you are a retard if you associate with them and think they care about you or the community or art or whatever.

>> No.17129935

I don't associate with them. I associated with Traditionalist conservatives like Scruton not redneck trumpers.

>> No.17129943 [DELETED] 

Same thing

>> No.17129945

>if we don’t let CEOs, fundies and nazis dictate every aspect of our lives, the blue haired lady will cancel my peepee from my pants

>> No.17129949

Scruton is part of the conservatives that I am talking about here.

>> No.17129951


>> No.17129955
File: 414 KB, 658x557, 6d08f13450ffa5c8940d3c8e57ec8afe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would actually disagree with Scruton here, although I see his point. Trump does come off as someone who is very pro free market even if he supports a lot of protectionist policies. However, I have seen numerous times were Trump comes in to defend traditional social issues that have arisen within the political sphere today. For example, he was against the taking down of confederate statues, he constantly praises the traditional American history and American exceptionalism. Pic very much related. He may not be the ideal conservative but he's the best conservative America has gotten as president since Nixon maybe.

>> No.17129968

Ah yes we should allow the blue haired lady to control us instead.

>> No.17129971

When you're a public figure like Chomsky that's the only sensible way to respond to criticism. There's a whole industry devoted to criticizing him. Do you really expect him to spend all his days defending himself? Casual dismissal seems like the healthier response.

>> No.17129976

see pic related >>17129955

>> No.17129977

You know have no idea what you are talking about if you say Scruton doesn't care about the art.

>> No.17129985

Cheating on your wife with a porn star while she is pregnant in the hospital is not exactly "family values"

>> No.17129992

I said he wasn't the ideal conservative.

>> No.17129996

There is nothing artful or tasteful or traditional about confederate statues. Statues have been toppled for millienia. There is nothing artful about some military punk on a horse. There are thousands of them around the world and they get toppled throughout all of history. There is no meaning or anything artistic about them they are just propaganda pieces. And there is nothing tasteful about old good new bad. You know nothing about art or architecture. Rightists are so fucking tasteless. Disgusting people.

>> No.17130003

Scruton's attack boils down to this

>...his habit of excusing or passing over the faults of America's enemies, in order to pin all crime on his native country....

Basically Scruton thinks that Chomsky is one of those people who calls America imperialists but ignores other nations when they behave imperialistically. This is ridiculous. Chomsky is not going to write a treatise about Botswanian foreign policy for obvious reason. This somehow upsets Scruton.

It's like when someone points out sexism in the corporate world and incels reply "yeah but what about sexism towards men in the justice system?" Yes, nobody is denying this, it's just not what the present issue is.

If anything, it's Scruton that's coping with his whataboutisms.

>> No.17130004
File: 256 KB, 521x768, 3aupaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll feel empty either way because politics are useless. Look for the ideology that benefits you the most (hint, anything fascist doesn't benefit you in the slightest unless you're huwhite). Most people that "care about politics" are doing this unconsciously, I'd argue it's almost entirely posturing.
Here's a good example of the usual loud, politically active conservative: >>17129929
You'll find a lot of derange lefties as well, this is where le ebin SJW memes come from. A lot of them are just what-would-be insane religious people that can't believe in religion, so they look for a new religion: politics. And like most religious people, that haven't even read The Bible (in this case the fucking Capital).
Care about politics but only superficially, to get an idea of how the world works (you're not far off from the truth being a Marxist already). I recommend not being a conservative because it's delusional and mental torture, just live with "conservative values" (most people do) and let trannies be trannies and Drumpftards be drumpftards. Politics are mostly not even real but mere spectacle; voting hardly does anything, especially if you're murrican. You might find that voting Trump didn't erase trannies and installed the Fourth Reich like so many delusional /pol/tards fantasized about, and he was quickly exposed as another "Zionist pet" and a charlatan, pure spectacle.
Basically, just take the grill-pill.

>> No.17130007

>there is nothing traditional about conserving your traditional heritage as a nation.
I don't care about your personal opinions of the art itself.

>> No.17130015

This is seems like bait. I don't think there is any indication that he is actually conservative. He says what he has to at his events to get elected but nothing in his life indicated that he was ever conservative.

>> No.17130030

Confederate statues aren't heritage they are propaganda pieces.

>> No.17130037

>lowest immigration since 1920s
>stopped illegal immigration
>appointing pro life judges
>defunding critical race theory
>defunded 1619 project
>wants to maintain neo classical architecture
I don't care about his personal life.

>> No.17130038

Which? The one that lives rent free in your head?

>> No.17130041

Conservatives tend to uphold old-fashioned Roman republican principles, as opposed to the far right who defend things like monarchism and feudalism. The left thinks of conservatives as far right because capitalism tends to end up looking a bit like feudalism.

>> No.17130053

this plus his trade policies and his struggle against tech dominance and censorship.
call it conservationism or something else but sign me up for it

>> No.17130056

So what's the difference between Mount Rushmore and confederate monuments? Is stone mountain a propaganda piece or was it put there by people wanting to honor their past?

>> No.17130057

What distinguishes heritage from propaganda when the object in question is a statue commemorating a man of war on horseback?

>> No.17130064

Those are things he has to do to stay elected along with whatever input he gets from his cabinet. His entire life is in contradiction to everything he says.

>> No.17130066

The difference is the confederates were fighting for slavery, which means they were evil.

>> No.17130071

All military punk on horse statues are propaganda pieces there is nothing trad or artful about them they are all over the world and they all get toppled at some time. They tell nothing about heritage. Also all the Confederate statues were built after the Civil War in reaction to Blacks getting rights

>> No.17130075

What is trad or artful?

>> No.17130078

This doesn't address your previous point at all. I could care less if they were "evil."

>> No.17130086

He's a pretty smart businessman that understand his target customers that's for sure.

>> No.17130093
File: 141 KB, 850x916, le ebin tradthot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of 'trad" retards have surface-level understanding of tradition, so it's mostly just one big LARP.

Cool historical statues, women in kitchen dresses wearing an apron, muh based Christ, etc. etc.

>> No.17130102

Can't believe there are so many trumptards and cuckservatives on this board that follow these brainless and tasteless hacks. I'm too old for this place

>> No.17130105

Although if you think about it it's pretty much in line with traditional behavior. Cheating is one of the few traditions that have survived unhampered into the 21st century.

>> No.17130106

you're retarded if you don't think liberal politicians aren't playing you. Do you think 75 year old Joe Biden wasn't against gay marriage, trans rights, immigration 30 years ago when those were the democrat talking points?
Politicians do things for money or power, not principles. Even AOC will sell you out for 40 million dollars. The thing about Trump is he was able to transcend all the politics for a just a time. For four beautiful years, some people say the most beautiful

>> No.17130108

I'm the left wing conservative but not that retard you are talking to. I don't think it matters how deep your knowledge is as long as you actually believe in it.

>> No.17130121

ok it's bait

>> No.17130124

You can deeply believe in transforming into a Super Saiyan, doesn't mean it will happen.

>> No.17130137

I agree. Trad/traditionalism is also retarded to begin with. I also hate the word trad.

>> No.17130138

this, and I don't even particularly like Chomsky as a political writer and I definitely don't agree with his lefty politics.

>> No.17130152

A fourth rate thinker. Read a real critic.
A third rate.

>> No.17130167

Who do you consider a first rate critic?

>> No.17130184

William Hazlitt

>> No.17130185

Sick argument

>> No.17130188

Say that to the entire British system of law (aka the worlds legal system).

>> No.17130193

>>17129929 is a loud mouthed libtard actually, not a conservative. If you have 0 reading comprehension why should anyone listen to you?

>> No.17130200

Walter Benjamin is one of the best

>> No.17130204

What can Hazlitt tell me about cinema or the decline of society due to the internet?

>> No.17130213

I didn't comment that that was another anon

>> No.17130221

The universe changing into it's most stable state. Maximum entropy, where every place is at it's lowest energy point, where difference is minimal and equality is maximal, is a dark, cold expanse of emptiness without even fecundous stars and hungering black holes: utter death.

>> No.17130224

I'm not even remotely conservative but I liked Scruton quite a bit. His stuff on aesthetics and the Why Beauty Matters doc were pretty nice.

>> No.17130239

I don't care about your opinion now since you said Walter Benjamin lmao. Obviously underage.

>> No.17130253

Why does conservatism fail? why are we overtaken by leftoids intent on destroying the world?
what is the answer to this problem? I don't see conservatives as a valid means to lead to a better culture, only a way to slow down the collapse into failure, true visionaries must come forth to propose a different system to the left

>> No.17130260

They oppose all the wrong things.

>> No.17130261

Chomsky & Scruton are both bad though.

>> No.17130264

and... scene!

>> No.17130267

That's why left wing conservatism is the future. It picks the right things.

>> No.17130272
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1588246674484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftoids intent on destroying the world
This place is so retarded. It's like all rightists have just never grew up from 2014. Embarrassing.

>> No.17130273

It lets the people pick what they want most. Yeah.

>> No.17130278

yeah because communism was such a roaring success

>> No.17130280

>That's why left wing conservatism is the future
It's not. All conservatives are tasteless nincompoops. You are a tasteless nincompoop.

>> No.17130288

Explain cancel culture to me and tell me how it isn't leftist authoritarian censorship

>> No.17130301

>has 20 funkopops

>> No.17130327

Authoritarian censorship is good I wish we actually had something like that.
>Cancel culture
I hope you are under 18 and a gamer or something otherwise you are an embarrassment.

>> No.17130329

Thinks a blank canvas with a single black line is genius and will write 3000 words on why he thinks it is

>> No.17130342

ok bootlicker

>> No.17130344

It’s that carefully cultivated IDpol left-liberal crowd trained to pay attention to only ID politics and nothing economic. They’re obvious fools and will go along with a weird brand of fascism. But this kind of authoritarianism isn’t any better than white supremacist fascism. It’s not leftwing even if it thinks of itself as such.

>> No.17130347

>If i lick the boots of the state then it's ok!

>> No.17130350

I hope you're attempting to present an actual argument that it isn't

>> No.17130355

So what exactly do you see the true left wing as?

>> No.17130370

You don't know who Chomsky is do you?

>> No.17130375

Those that want a plurality of rule, the democratic dream of greater freedom. That’s always what the revolution has been about.

>> No.17130392

Chomsky has licked plenty of boots of state commies that he supported

>> No.17130406

through plebiscite? How does it avoid mob rule?

>> No.17130408

We can debate this but you will lose so it's better for both our day if you don't respond to this.

>> No.17130421
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, consumerism is a choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17130429

“Mob” rule is an elitist slur. Yes, the masses rule. Themselves. They’re perfectly capable.

>> No.17130433

You cannot escape the iron law of autarchy.

>> No.17130438

Ugly and stupid, as all blowjacks, but yeah, kind of agree.
One doesn’t have to be Amish though

>> No.17130445

Not the anon you were talking to but this is genuinely the most cowardly thing I have seen in a while, you are a weaselly faggot. I sincerely hope you were just a troll who got bored, either way kys.

>> No.17130451

My advocacy of direct democracy doesn’t contradict individualism.

>> No.17130464

I've done this debate like 184 times so check the archives if you want to read one. It's boring now.

>> No.17130468

oh so you are much closer to an anarchic republic?
do you select representatives through sortition?

>> No.17130489

I’m not them, we’re not then. But I imagine they could if they wanted to. Any representative positions ought to be temporary though. What I’d recommend

>> No.17130528

I see, I tend to favour some form of hands off monarchism myself whose only focus as national defence and combating corruption,
But I can see either end of the extreme working under different circumstances.

>> No.17130532
File: 1.37 MB, 2060x1556, Nuremberg_chronicles_-_Burning_of_the_Jews_(CCXXv).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under your form of democracy, i.e. mob rule, the uneducated peasant masses that make up the body politic would be doing shit like undermining basic rule of law and burning Jews and that's a good thing!

>> No.17130564

If you are this shy to have the argument in the first place you should be this shy to share your opinion faggot.
And anyway, you actually dropped the conversation midway, it wasn't like you decided not to start one. You have no excuse.

>> No.17130576

>the uneducated peasant masses
...would not exist because we have a whole new socioeconomic system that frees us.
> basic rule of law
Would be unwritten and similarly free

>> No.17130577

Do you mean the Iron Law of Oligarchy?

Autarky is economic self-sufficience.

>> No.17130602

Yeah I fucked up. Iron law of Oligarchy, I've not read up on this in a while, the memory is a little patchy

>> No.17130617

Ah. Well yeah. We can break with this iron law once we have a shared economy and no chance of such corruption

>> No.17130630

>...would not exist because we have a whole new socioeconomic system that frees us.
there are millions and millions of people in the united states that only go to school because it is mandated by the government. if you make it legal to drop out in kingergarten, ppl will do it.

>> No.17130643

Yet humans are naturally diverse and competence hierarchies are inavoidable.
how can we deal with the 15% <85IQ and the 2% >130IQ elites?

>> No.17130659

Where do they go? A basement to play video games?
Eventually we educate people to do things to support the community. Handcrafted furniture or food preparations and such. But they wouldn’t have to do it for long dumb hours. Another position would be teachers, mentors.

>> No.17130664

>Where do they go?
the corner of some block in south side chicago

>> No.17130671

Butterfly you are based but you need to drop the anarcho. It's really cringe. You can be libertarian but anarcho in 2020 is star trek tier

>> No.17130678

>deal with
Did your mother measure you and your siblings the same way? Did the lower score have to live in the closet with table scraps?
The justifiable hierarchies will become apparent, but no one needs to be star ed of food, shelter and culture

>> No.17130687

>but no one needs to be star ed of food, shelter and culture
How do you avoid freeriders gaming the system?

>> No.17130689


To play some hopscotch and dominoes. Neat.

>> No.17130691

You sound like Whittaker Chambers desu. You should read Witness.

>> No.17130703

Like Forest Anon?
They have a smaller life. Let them alone.

>> No.17130712
File: 65 KB, 575x407, Baldknobbersrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this delusional
How the fuck are you going to have a standard of justice if you don't have Law? Mob justice is inherently irrational and is motivated by emotion with no sense of logic.
You litterally just supported lynching, vigilantism, and this shit:
>Mob justice is when a person suspected to be a criminal is beaten by a group of people or crowd with clubs, stones, machetes, or anything they can lay their hands on. In some cases the alleged criminal dies in the process due to excessive beating or they are set on fire using old car tires and fuel. Mob justice, also known as ‘instant justice’ or ‘jungle justice’, occurs in various towns and cities in Ghana. According to the laws of Ghana, this act is illegal and intolerable, but it occurs at an increasing rate. People who engage in this act are usually onlookers or people passing by or an organized group also known as "community vigilantes" whose aim is to protect the community from criminals.
Not to mention that tyranny of the majority necessarily means that minorities like trannies are going to get fucked over so you are basically committing suicide by ideology. Your stupidity knows no bounds

>> No.17130714

You will grow out of it. Probably once you get into geopolitics or econ.

>> No.17130731

What happens in a time of war when our anarchist drones learn of new information and need to strike immediately? Do they have to wait on the vote from the neighborhood council or does the military have free rein?

>> No.17130739

all you have to do is watch the video of that antifa thug soccer kicking the head of that guy sitting on the ground who got pushed there because he was defending a transgender woman who being bullied by a blm mob. you want to live in a world where the kicker not only goes unpunished by the police, but IS the police? ok but good luck with that

>> No.17130748


>> No.17130757

lmao u never saw that? it was one of antifas greatest hits of 2020, and it turned out the kicker had actually been convicted of domestic abuse for beating up his baby momma, so woke! feminists are going to love calling the "public safety committee" and having that dude show up

>> No.17130762

When I'm working out I sometimes (honestly) imagine myself going Super Saiyan and it helps me achieve excellent results.

>> No.17130776

The younger children obey the older children in absence of their parents. Accordingly, the older children tend to have the most ability to run the household after their parents: to cook, to clean, to nurse, even to bring home the daily bread as my mother and father did for their siblings.

The children are taught responsability by being charged with chores and punished when they do not perform, because that increases the burden on the rest.

Only the most feeble minded relatives are spared from all duty and it is by that same cause they don't get a say in how the household is run.

>> No.17130777


not the raw stream, but local news coverage with some context

>> No.17130861

The concept of law or rules predate writing. Things ran smooth enough then I think, we can and should return to the less rigid/more fluid form.
Very trad.

Hopscotch? Yeah. Don’t play that anymore

This is a very complex answer. And frankly I have to run. Öcalan probably answers it

Sounds reasonable. I would haggle over this punishment though. This is how a nice large community can also work. A lot more complex I know. But no one deserves to be starved or made to sleep in a ditch because a bank needs “their” buildings empty

>> No.17130916

>This is a very complex answer. And frankly I have to run

>> No.17130927

Later then.

>> No.17131057

I am an incel so I don't talk to girls. What do they think about using the word "pussy" as an insult?

>> No.17131065

I think conservatism would already go a long way if it started properly attacking the liberal bourgeoisie instead of their radlib useful idiots

>> No.17131074

>If you have 0 reading comprehension why should anyone listen to you?
That very thing I ask to you anon. Are you american by any chance?

>> No.17131131

Wtf? Yes Faggot, I'm an American. Why?
It doesn't change that you are illiterate and still managed to call the (apparently) vehemently anti-conservative anon a conservative.

>> No.17131208
File: 93 KB, 611x611, 71AD4157-4118-457A-A4D1-692F06CCA3D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17131213

Well considering mount Rushmore was built on American Indian land, it probably is a propaganda piece

>> No.17131262

Oh, so you're just not going to actually give an answer...figures, faggot.

>> No.17131378

based retard

>> No.17131433

Not that you would know

>> No.17131449

>m-muh Said

What a fag

>> No.17131652

>Auth left is more likely to support Trump
>There is more auth left than libertarian in America

>> No.17131702

A pleasant surprise, isn't it?

>> No.17131799

It would be a waste of his time.

>> No.17131964
File: 194 KB, 720x480, 92718020-B768-48CE-9E0B-EFB142D507DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. This is framed to ask what would a grouping of ancom communities do to make a preemptive attack on some place. “New information” or whatever. On its face it sounds just fucked up and I’d rather not hammer it into some scenario. So lets start from the beginning.
As we are now we need to organize. Though I want a peaceful transition and we should do everything we can to save lives, in the long run we may act too slowly and actually allow enough time for complete extinction. So we have to also prepare ourselves militarily. Like the Kurds we should have full training of just about everyone. Defense of our homes and loved ones and support for our neighboring communities. The enemies are the state and their nationalist (statist) dogs. Once this phase passes, what kind of world is left? Ideologically there can be some debates in many corners of the world on how to carry on, but the main principles everyone ought to agree on may just be written in stone as: Leave each other alone. And: Mend the environment. Basically.
An organized world is decentralized. Some pockets of reactionaries may do something stupid here and there, but peace treaties and counter-bullying strikes may be needed. I really doubt these will ever become full scale “wars”. The new way people would govern themselves just wouldn’t allow it. In fact they’d act to counter any future outbreaks of antagonism, large or small.
How they go about an offensive, say against a crazy cult leader maybe, would indeed have to be considered. And the more people attending the meetings for such an action, voicing their opinions, the better.
So yes.

I personally don’t care, but find it really inverted logic. Pussy is tougher than scrotums. It’s just true.

>> No.17132127

Only the economic program of the Marxist left can save what is left of society; with without the morals of the right, nothing is worth saving.

>> No.17132129
File: 47 KB, 500x375, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, and you're a fucking dumbass. He was referring to the conservatives that that poster was describing--the conservatards who don't "give a shit about art." Not the poster himself. Jesus fuck christ learn to read. Pic related.

>> No.17132152

Well the left/right dichotomy is a bit muddy. What morals are you talking about? If it starts with religion, forget it. Later utopians had some fine ideas (haven’t read Blake, but Morris is good)

>> No.17132163

It's not opinion. It's a fact. Statues of American generals are not art. They're kitschy rip-offs of Roman originals.

>> No.17132602

fascism isn't right or left. It wants to completely get rid of both sides of the parliamentary chamber and stick a bullet in anyone that wants to bring it back

>> No.17132615

So reactionary authoritarian rightwing

>> No.17132624

its far right reactionary bullshit

>> No.17132639

More like Roger Scrotum.

Also, good luck conserving anything when you’re dead lol

>> No.17133235
File: 1.58 MB, 1179x1684, 1606882153128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically read Witness by Whittaker Chambers, and Death of the West by Pat Buchanan. Also not trying to derail, but what race, age and sex are you? Not judging in a pol way im just curious.