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/lit/ - Literature

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17127956 No.17127956 [Reply] [Original]

Post a selection of /lit/ which comprise your worldview

>> No.17127974

I bet you got into 'literature' less than three years ago

>> No.17127977


>> No.17127984

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Bobbit: An Unexpected Tourney
The Crobbit: An Unexpected Gurney

>> No.17127988


>> No.17127993

homosexual racist schizoid aesthete? fun

>> No.17127997

Anti-centralization pro-environment fascist aestheticist.

>> No.17128004
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>> No.17128013

Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation
Derrida - Spectres of Marx
Debord - Society of the Spectacle

>> No.17128017
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history + science + literature

>> No.17128021
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>Anti-centralization fascist

>> No.17128025

Modernity and Cultural Decline
The Culture of Critique
The Technological Society

>> No.17128026

>anti-centralization fascist

>> No.17128034

A rebellion against industrial society necessarily includes a distaste for standardized orthography

>> No.17128038

midwit core at its finest

>> No.17128041

It’s hard to explain. I’m anti big government but I support fascism on a local scale, things like the government working the businesses, promotion of high birth rates, and preservation of group identity

>> No.17128042

your worldview is very hypermasculine. if you are a homosexual i don't mean to criticize that but you seem like a very troubled and unhappy person. what I would recommend for you is to do something fun, like go bowling or go dancing, maybe try to meet some girls, nothing serious, just to have some fun.

>> No.17128043

settlers - j sakai
wretched of the earth - frantz fanon
white like me - tim wise

>> No.17128055

Is Kaczynski the mark of the pseudom at this point?

>> No.17128060

>I’m anti big government but I support fascism on a local scale,
maybe im retarded or misunderstanding but that sounds a lot like a sort of decentralized feudalism

>> No.17128067

City of God--Augustine
Notes from Underground--Dostoevsky
Canticle for Leibowitz--Miller
God and Man at Yale--Buckley

>> No.17128070

>your worldview is very hypermasculine
Never thought it it this way, I always thought it it as quaint, simplistic, romantic and simply rash and practical for its own protection, a sort of two sided nature, violence for the sake of beauty

>you seem like a very troubled and unhappy person
I mean I’m fine most of the time, mostly apathetic, indifferent, perhaps lazy and bored, wanting a bit more out of life but not really wealth, fame or power, just things I find beautiful and security. But I have many moments where I feel down, frustrated at myself for not improving, displeased with my own state in life, longing and day dreaming. Maybe I just need to do more things as a you said.

>> No.17128072
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When can these be delivered?

>> No.17128078

they could read much more valid critiques of industrial society or technology than an edgy terrorist

>> No.17128081
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Evening’ tranny

>> No.17128082

so basic conservative "family values" but you're such a snowflake you have to cite hitler and a literal terrorist to take the same boring stance as your dad

grow up lol

>> No.17128087

The Book of Tea
Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata
Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
Socialism; Utopian and Scientific
Value, Price and Profit
Reflections on Violence
The Accursed Share
Society of the Spectacle

>> No.17128090

Camus - The Stranger
de Sade - 120 Days of Sodom
Stirner - The Unique and Its Property

>> No.17128101
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>> No.17128104

The fact that the WEF is literally trying to FORCE a fourth industrial Revolution and given what they want to turn peoples lives in to, it just shows how right he was about the never ending March of technological “progress” and how it is a threat to our freedoms. I’m not entirely anti tech though, however I think it should be heavily regulated, all technology should be created for the higher purpose of elevating the whole group or discovering new things, as long as not at the cost of nature of the humanity of people, or as Ted says the power process

>> No.17128106

t. Epstein posting from Bermuda

>> No.17128112


>> No.17128114
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secular techno / eco fascist with women enslaved and loli marriage

>> No.17128120

>with women enslaved and loli marriage
Please don’t tack your creepy fetishes onto political ideas to make them more legit.

>> No.17128121

Kaczyinski is a key word linking to terror, that's why he's memed relentlessly on here, same with Evola, so glowies can produce reports about rise in extremist views among online communities thus justifying budget increases and more glowie surveillance and infiltration. I'm sure they do the same thing with different keywords on lefty boards and muslim boards.

>> No.17128127

i assure you it is necessary and a key integral part of my ideology

>> No.17128132

>same with Evola
What did magic man ever do that was so bad. Wasn’t even that racist or anything and more of a thorn in the fascist regimes foot with his weird metaphysics, though I appreciate his interpretations of paganism and his thoughts on Hyperborea/evolution are quite fascinating. Not one to support the caste system/monarchism he advocate though.

>> No.17128141
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Than I don’t think any sane white man wants anything to do with it. Sounds more like Islam to me, marrying little girls and treating woman like dogs.

>> No.17128142

>muslim boards
Other than the one on 8kun none of those have the same glowie farming capabilities imo

>> No.17128146
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>> No.17128157

>hey mom just got back from the supermarket of ideology think I'm about to have some anti-centralization with a side of fascism and some pro-environment for dessert

>> No.17128159

Im a phone poster, give me some slack I know the difference. This ain’t English class it’s a Mongolian basket waving forum.

>> No.17128164

Yes. He attracts edgey zoomers now.

>> No.17128165

Not just picking things, just was thinning to myself which books I read really echoed my own values/worldview and realized it was these three.

>> No.17128168
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>> No.17128175

>Loli poster
Opinion discarded

>> No.17128182
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Other than the Bible, the works of John Dee, boehme(and boehme’s branches through Hegel and so forth) and abhinavagupta are the biggest parts of my mind.

>> No.17128184

Montaigne -- Essays
F.H. Bradley -- Appearance and Reality
Spinoza -- Ethics
Sun Tzu -- The Art of War
Aristotle -- Nicomachean Ethics
Zhuangzi -- Zhuangzi

>> No.17128185

Not even the loli guy lol

>> No.17128191

Hello fellow Essais poster, mostly good taste but I'll have to ask, what value do you find in The Art of War?

>> No.17128210

>Sun Tzu -- The Art of War
Some friend of my dad who works at a publishing company gave him a copy of it. Not on any of my list rn but I am half tempted to read it since it was quite a nice looking edition and I remember seeing it on the Murdoch Murdoch reading list which I found a lot of cool books on. What perspective is it worth reading from? Historical? Philosophical?

>> No.17128217
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>Murdoch Murdoch
If you're OP this explains your autism

>> No.17128225

Yes. If you have any background in philosophy at all you would realise his writing is hilariously bad.

>> No.17128227

Not OP, just like them cuz their list lead me to my first major redpills, shows is funny but a a bit too charged

>> No.17128232

>Crime and Punishment
>The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.17128241
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Hopscotch, by Julio Cortazar
The portrait of Dorian Gray
The Stranger, by Albert Camus

Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card

>> No.17128246

I mean he isn't that bad, just very underdeveloped. If he had bounced his ideas off other people and read more philosophy I think he could have been more influential and interesting.

>> No.17128251


>> No.17128303


>> No.17128315
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>implying eco fascism is in any way more legit

>> No.17128327

Most of the underdeveloped ideas he has have already been developed by other thinkers.

>> No.17128342

He's linked with the Bologna massacre. It's not about ideas or anything that deep, just names and symbols that can be connected with violent acts.

>> No.17128352

Yeah that's why I said reading other philosophers would have done him good, he was like a college student that thought up platonic forms without having read Plato.

>> No.17128372
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>> No.17128388

Das Kapital
The Lenin Anthology
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
Kim Il Sung - Selected Works
Georgi Dimitrov - The United Front: The Struggle Against Fascism and War
Che Guevara Speaks: Selected Speeches and Writings
Gramsci Prison Notebooks

>> No.17128406

are any of these not bait?

>> No.17128413

I (>>17128087) am being genuine

>> No.17128421

not bad but the maoist/juche stuff is a little much

>> No.17128423

You'd bait more people on /leftypol/ with this

>> No.17128437

Philosophy has always been a circlejerk for losers anyway.

>> No.17128566

KJV Holy Bible

>> No.17128821

This thread explains why /lit/ has gone to shit recently

>> No.17128832

Sounds like a pretty big government

>> No.17129241

>newfags honeymoon period has ended

>> No.17130178

redpill me on boehme

>> No.17130263
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He’s a Nondual alchemist Christian who’s work resembles Paracelsus and has extreme parallels to eastern tantric thought: he is a trinitarian and a nondualist, he is the spiritual and sulphuric where Hegel is pure mercury/logic.

The best introduction of his work that I’ve seen is either to read Hegel’s essay on him here.


Or you can read his works in the order he intended them read which begins very easily and clearly in his short work Clavis.

Clavis, Threefold Life, The Aurora, Questions Concerning the Soul, Theosophical Theses, Mysterium Magnum (commentary on Genesis/Exodus).

It would take many many many posts to produce even a broad outline of his beliefs so I have linked a source far more suited to it than myself.

This diagram is key to his whole model ultimately though

>> No.17130313

Interesting. I will definitely have to look into this some more. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with me, anon.

>> No.17130437
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>> No.17130495

Good list for becoming insane. That’s neither a criticism nor an endorsement.

In his more recently published stuff he admits that he’s basically repeating the same criticisms of technological society that people like Ellul already worked out in far more detail and so he attempts to pivot towards creating a sort of theory of strategy for movement.

In that work he just unknowingly rediscovers Leninism.

Like all Chinese wisdom texts I know of it’s meant to be treated largely proverbially rather than as explicit directions towards specific tactics. It’s for the read to meditate from the specific to abstract principle.

>> No.17130718

Philosophical. It can be used as a way to realistically approach competition, management, and strategizing with other people in all areas of life.

>> No.17130758

these sound interesting

>> No.17130775
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>> No.17130858

David Foster Wallace — Infinite Jest
Thomas Pynchon — Gravity’s Rainbow
James Joyce — Ulysses

>> No.17130882

>Diary of a Country Priest
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Augustine's Confessions
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.17130894


Oh definitely, I’ve seen Dee’s work and tantra break a lot of people, boehme less so because I don’t see many people reading him in general.

>> No.17131123
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>> No.17131270

thanks! To give a little bit more than the picture, I think together they represent a coherent a modern worldview that includes a sort of basic metaphysics, a view of the self, meaning and language, and political commitments.

>> No.17131351

This is very based

>> No.17131637

>He's linked with the Bologna massacre.
How is he linked? I'm not directly accusing you of this, but one of the most exasperating (and destructive) things leftists do is draw these tenuous connections between mass murder and anything they find mildly unpleasant.

>> No.17131678

Unfortunately it looks that way. My band's name is The Ted Kaczynskis' but I'm going to have to change it because it's becoming too cringe at this point

>> No.17131682

Name some, other than Ellul

>> No.17131761
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pic rel, doesn't matter how true or how tenuous the connection is, it's used by glowies to connect others with extremism. if you look up Evola's name on any anti-fascist website (y'know the kind cited as authorities byt the likes of government orgs) you'll see the alleged Evola/terror link crop up

>> No.17131769

It truly scares me, what an abomination

>> No.17131809
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>> No.17131907
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the world is nothing but a confluence of forces in which I am loyal to none but my Self, and take my pleasures in struggle, contemplation, and decadence. what is Good is My Good and is pursued with equal strength as I expect all others to pursue their own Good. I ask nothing of anyone that I am not capable of taking.

>> No.17131948


>> No.17132144

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Caesar, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Cecil Rhodes (books on them, writing fragments, quotations)

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Logic and Biology literature, textbooks and papers (Mainly de Finetti, Turing, von Neumann, Hilbert, Planck, Fourier, Fermi, Bohm, Pythagoras, Euclid, Penrose, Primo Levi, Lavoisier, Haeckel, Darwin, Tesla, Dennett, Blackmor, Lotze, Uexkull, Ellenberger, Galton, Douglas Murray, Dawkins (ONLY FOR BIOLOGY), James Scott)

Buddhism (especially Theravada and Zen)

The triumph of sociobiology
The sexual code
Man-eaters of Kumaon

For economics, business and finance, Schiller, Mandelbrot, Cockshott, Thiel, Feder, Schumpter, Hazlitt

For politics, Schmitt, Kissinger, Ellul, Foucault, Pareto, Gaetano Mosca, Robert Michels, Alinsky, Buchanan, Mencken, Carlyle, Spengler, P. Huntington, Kevin B Macdonald, Marx, Weber, Strauss, Gentile, Snowden, Deng Xiaoping, Enoch Powell, Theodore Roosevelt, Sorel, Byung-Chul Han, Clausewitz, Mosley,
Elul, Wittgenstein, Jung, Machiavelli, Schopenhauer, Spinoza, Michelstaedter, The Denial of Death, Baudrillard, Epictetus, Seneca, Parmenides, Maimonides, Yang Zhu, Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, Zhuangzi, Thucydides, Cicero, Sallust, Epicurus, Herodotus, Plutarch, Vonnegut, Musashi, Tolle, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Heidegger, Freud, Waldo Emerson, Russell, Burroughs, Julian the Apostate, Cioran, Kierkegaard, Aristotle, Plato, John Donne, Thomas a Kempis, Kant, King Solomon, Kafka, Bruce Lee, Turnegev, Mishima, Adorno,

>> No.17132184

You'd be a fun person to talk to at a good party, basically insufferable the rest of the time.

Completely pathetic desu.

I'd like to know how you fit in Spinoza with the other two

>> No.17133478


>> No.17133514

Where's Wally: The Fantastic Journey
Burglar Bill
Alex Rider: Skeleton Key

>> No.17133527

those books look incredibly boring.

>> No.17133556

>The Cantos
>The Rings of Saturn
>The Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.17133740


>> No.17133759

and the meek shall inherit the earth

>> No.17133787
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This thread is 70% cringe 30% very based.

Where did all the newfags come from? Is lit actually trending in coronatimes somehow?

>> No.17133791

You should also read up on the most efficient methods of suicide

>> No.17133794


>> No.17133812

>reading list of a cold war boomer that didn't get the memo that communism failed

should we tell him?

>> No.17133813
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>> No.17133853

In search of lost Time
Death in Venice
The garden of Finzi-Contini
The potrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.17133864

Spengler - The decline of the West
Jünger - The worker
Spann - The true state

>> No.17133868

i am in a marxist-leninist student organization

>> No.17133869

I can't think of any book that "comprises my worldview." Seems kind of like something for pre-teens with very little experience and new to thinking.

>> No.17133901

Well these books I picked less so because I got my ideas from them but rather that I thought they were very similar to my own outlook on life.

>> No.17133920
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I cannot believe the existance of MLs is comforting yet here we are
Greetings from the other side of the pond

>> No.17134453
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You formed your worldview based on just 3 books? lmao ngmi

>> No.17134601
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>> No.17134654

>picture of Liszt
What a stupid book cover.

>> No.17134665

Lol I just picked it cause it was the best cover I could find. I read a gutenberg version of it so I am not familiar with any covers.

>> No.17134668

Hello /a/

>> No.17134670

Not sure if moe anime girls are a worldview but okay as long as they are not lewded

As I said in >>17133901 the ideas expressed in these books were closet to my own

>> No.17134695
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I don’t have any philosophy books, so here are my 3 most /lit/ tier books

>> No.17134714

Not your fault anon, just kinda stupid on the publishers part of putting Liszt, a very culturally dominant figure, on the cover instead of just a random pretty boy.

>> No.17134733
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>open up Evola
>he just babbles about magic for seventy pages

>> No.17134753

Not to mention he clearly had a mental break and a lot of his value judgements about the world arose as a result of being a part of a mental abuse program.

>> No.17134800
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I mean he didn't have any "empirical" evidence but I quite enjoyed listening to him, it was quite poetic, I especially enjoyed his thoughts on the male and female forces, hyperborea, and the cycle of ages.

>> No.17134856
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>The Reign of Quantity and The Signs Of The Times
>The Genesis 6 Conspiracy
>Dark Age America

>> No.17134894

>The Bible
>The Aeneid
>Notes From Underground
>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>The Decline of the West

>> No.17134948

holy fucking baseddd

>> No.17135173

And before anybody jumps on me for having a book about Marx on there, I think Postone’s reconstruction of Marx gives us the basis for understanding the ‘conditions of possibility’ for a properly Republican society, free from domination. IMO Postone’s Marx has very little to do with being a communist in the way that >>17133868 this guy would endorse.

>> No.17136449

>Book of the New Sun
>Fear and Trembling
>Sun and Steel
>The Way of Men
>Dialectic of Enlightenment
>Simulacra and Simulation
>Society of the Spectacle

>> No.17136459

the more you read, the more retarded this idea becomes

>> No.17136463
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How do I get a worldview? Genuine question.

I want one too!

>> No.17136521

Only If you think worldview = some lazy kind of LARP about ideologies from the past

>> No.17137034

How to trigger the most amount of people in the shortest amount of time

>> No.17137047

disappointed how poorly this bait performed to be honest, maybe too on the nose

>> No.17137060

Isn’t that just distributism. Pretty based tho I guess

>> No.17137063

Yeah but his ignoring all prior tradition is a good thing.

>> No.17137066

Answer this question. What do you think about the world? Or maybe, What is the world? How is the world? Your answer to these questions is your worldview.

>> No.17137074

t. sour grapes

>> No.17137092

Dude I don’t know if you’re extremely based or a complete retard.

>> No.17137101

Ok so just browse lit for a while, and then say whatever the people who get called “based” say.

>> No.17137243

You're a child.