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17125557 No.17125557 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here actually own this book?

>> No.17126134

my friend recommended we watch that when we were tripping extremely hard on lsd, and it gave me this weird closure on having dropped out of high school while all my friends had recently graduated. i also interpreted everything to be a message that i'm an immature asshole. it was torturous but therapeutic. i still have no idea what the fuck it was about.

>> No.17126136

Holy shit they made a book off that movie

>> No.17126149

That sounds like an interesting experience, have you ever watched it since?
Haha you're so funny.

>> No.17126247

i tried to look for clips of it on youtube, but all i can remember with certainty is a part where they go to some girls house and her mom pulls a shotgun or something on them, i can't find that scene on youtube though, so either that never happened and i just hallucinated it which is quite a possibility, or it was a totally different movie, oh shit

>> No.17126271

That did not happen in the movie, nor did anything resembling that occur in the movie. Parents are mostly (or maybe even entirely--I can't remember for sure) absent from the story.

>> No.17126283

ohhhh shit no dude i found it, it was dazed and confused! woah haha i search 90s high school movies then put their name and "shotgun mom" on youtube, that was the third one


>> No.17126304

I see.

>> No.17126320

ugh now i feel depressed that's like opening a psychic can of worms

>> No.17126623

This movie was pretty funny because every male character looked like a young version of Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.17126644
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post your feet

>> No.17126655


>> No.17126670

That sounds like River’s Edge only it was the father not the mom.

>> No.17126728

That's Dazed and Confused, I think (although it wasn't made in the 80s). It has a similar 80s aesthetic and has a scene exactly like that.

>> No.17126846

yeah, I have the book. my mom gave it to me early this year. it was a fun read. I thought it was interesting how the author went to a California school and pretended to be a student and befriended almost every student in his book (it was for his articles). it's also weird considering that in the book the high schoolers talked about their sexualities (how did he get their permission to tell him that? must be one charming motherfucker or something?). you also don't have to know too much about late SoCal teenager culture which is good. one kid was cucked by his best friend and had the gall to call Jeff Spicoli loser. check-in the mirror sometime won't you? at the end, they all went to Disney land and one of the teen ( in the book he used to work at a wendys, but I think in the movie they put him in some made-up restaurant. I don't know, I haven't seen it.) that worked at a gas station stopped a robbery. I thought it was good. I was thinking of putting this on internet archive but I don't know how to do that. i forgot there were an abortion and a suicide in the book as well

>> No.17126868

Your mom bought you a 500 dollar book?

>> No.17126884

no, it was a lot cheaper than that. maybe 20 or 30 dollars

>> No.17126889

I doubt it, where did she find it?

>> No.17126956

I don't know it just came in the mail. I know my mom won't buy a book for over 50 dollars. so she must have gotten it while it was cheap on amazon or maybe just got it from a different website that solded cheaper

>> No.17127029

The only way you could get it for that low of a price is by random chance at a book store that didn't realize how rare it is or if you bought back when it first came out.

>> No.17127035

Most high schoolers even the ones at the top of the pecking order are completely obsessed with fitting in and frantically afraid of being an outsider, unless they are so fucking weird they can't help but be an outsider so they take an anti-establishment mindset and own their weirdness, they're all so wrapped up in their little bubbles and lacking in empathetic intelligence that they can't see every other kid is also self-absorbed and thus doesn't care about them in turn.

Once you hit 23-24 at the latest you realize how little the opinion of others matter on anything and can approach goals with confidence and a clearhead. Take some average 23 year old fucker that just has baby face and insert him in any high school and he'll be king within a month

>> No.17127059

Plus the dude had just spent like 5 years travelling with totally debauched rockstars while writing for Rolling Stone.

>> No.17127098

That too ofc but my point is more that even a normie could probably pop every cherry in that bitch, if he could infiltrate successfully

>> No.17127112

I am not understanding this thread at all. Maybe because I have been for a long time, or because I am post-fap. I've never seen posters of this sort in any thread, nothing is making sense

>> No.17127120

Youth is wasted on the young etc.
I'll say it again, "huh?"

>> No.17127143

I dont understand it man. Like just now, you said "I'll say it again" but you never said it the first time. The fuck's going on here

>> No.17127154

I did say it, here: >>17126655

>> No.17127164

Thanks. Now, what is it about this book? Why is it so expensive?

>> No.17127174

It is out of print and the basis for a popular music. People want the book cause they know the movie but the book is pretty rare.

>> No.17127183

Had a retard moment and typed "music" instead of "movie."

>> No.17127234

I did say it, here: >>17127120

>> No.17127853

Having been will do that to you.

>> No.17128446

That's the basic surrounding of the interest.

>> No.17128469

Dazed and Confused is set in the 70s and it’s some of the most awful boomer self gratification you will ever watch, almost as bad as Almost Famous.

>> No.17128474

>wah wah boomers
Doesn't this ever get tiring?

>> No.17128481

I don’t complain about them often. I just hate the sort of boomer nostalgia flicks Hollywood pumped out in the 90s and 00s.

>> No.17128643

God forbid anyone look back on their past.

>> No.17128655

The self-congratulatory manner in which boomers did it is particularly insufferable. The way gen-Xers have been doing it is pretty terrible too, to be fair, and I’m sure the way my generation will attempt to do it will be just as obnoxious.

>> No.17129618

Cheapest is $250 on abe right now. Books prices are volatile.

>> No.17130008

Is that for the original cover or the movie tie-in? And still a good sight higher than 20.

>> No.17130045
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Fast Times at Ridgemont High is smut for atheists. Women are whores and men are cucks, wew breaking news.

>> No.17130059

had a similar experience with dazed and confused

used to love high school movies now they just make me nostalgic and sad

>> No.17130060

Huh? Teenagers have sex and talk about sex in real life, why is it so wrong to depict that? Because it gives you a boner and that makes you ashamed?

>> No.17130115

I don't remember a father pulling a gun on anyone in River's Edge either. Just the crazy dude who has the sex doll.

>> No.17130884

you're thinking of a scene in dazed and confused

>> No.17130900

most people will happily share their deepest darkest secrets with a relative stranger provided he's willing to listen. it's literally how con men operate

>> No.17131933

Teenagers do almost nothing but talk about sex with other teenagers.