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17125602 No.17125602 [Reply] [Original]

why did he steal the pear?

>> No.17125633

It was an excuse to get his parents off his back, he was an asshole who wanted to lord people around and Christianity offered him exactly what he wanted while his public diary showed his sociopathic attitudes in a good light for gullible idiots. If there's a man who's responsible for the cultural and social stagnation of the west in the middle ages it's none other than him.

>> No.17125995

Because he and his friends used to delight in evil for its own sake, as he said. This is, of course, the way original sin works in man, as it is the separation from original justice: we know the good, and know even that we ought to love it, but we do the evil and love it.

>> No.17126001

Mmm sweet pear, filled with bright sun of Africa and water from ancient irrigation channels, uniting them in her womanly shape, with rosy face of a virgin, filling your mouth with her nectar after you finally take her maidenhood with your teeth.

>> No.17126089

How would stealing pears and giving them to pigs later get his parents off his back?

>> No.17126127

He was metaphysically miming creation in order to get the message through his thick skull when he got older

>> No.17126160

nigga wuz hungry

>> No.17126185

Reddit tier comment and proof you never even read confessions.

>> No.17126245

he was a sus imposter indeed

>> No.17126305

He was black, so that makes sense