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/lit/ - Literature

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17119714 No.17119714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Growing out of my reading phase was the best thing that ever happened to me. What's a better way to spend your life: making 10 figures, getting a beautiful wife and kids and having a life full of adventure, or cowering obesely in your basement and feebly masturbating over some made-up story?

>> No.17119726

it's not an either or, retard. you can live a normalfag life and still read books you know, faggot.

>> No.17119734
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the books made you what you are today faggot

>> No.17119738

How do I make more money and get a wife

>> No.17119741
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Why do people come to /lit/ to make threads about how bad reading is?

What compels them to come here and tell us how much they dislike the topic of this board?

Do people go to /mu/ and make threads about how much they hate listening to music?

>> No.17119743

>go to take a dump
>get bored

>> No.17119753

Based because man of action
But books shouldn't be thrown away so thoughtlessly. Even pulp can have it's place. But you must remember to consume literature, not be consumed by it.

>> No.17119755

OP here.

Don't get me wrong, I still like reading, but only in moderation like with any form of entertainment. Like, you're not going to get the most out of life if your whole existence revolves around playing video games all day, but it's fine to play games to unwind from time to time.

>> No.17119758
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>> No.17119761

You’re definitely a virgin though lol, somorobably not someone anybody on here should take advice from

>> No.17119762

False dictonomy, it obviously never began for you.

>> No.17119763

>Do people go to /mu/ and make threads about how much they hate listening to music?
Take a guess.

>> No.17119772

You sound resentful, angry and afraid. Having a relationship with a woman isn't about being a "virgin" or not. It's about creating a meaningful relationship and a foundation for a family. My oldest son is going into second grade this year and he's already a talented junior athlete. I doubt you're going to find anything in a fictional book that exceeds the fulfillment of having a full and abundant REAL life.

>> No.17119785

Lol, okay virgin
Probably a NEET too

>> No.17119788

What does this word mean?

>> No.17119806


Would be lower but I liked the picture. Hope it was OC.

>> No.17119828

>What's a better way to spend your life: making 10 figures, getting a beautiful wife and kids and having a life full of adventure, or cowering obesely in your basement and feebly masturbating over some made-up story?
not posting off topic shit. kill yourself.

>> No.17119840

>Sees someone succeeding in life
>Instead of feeling sympathetic joy, explodes in resentment and rage

>> No.17119861

Being yourself

>> No.17120241

hard to believe that when you went here to post a thread about how much you don't like reading

>> No.17120319

dude they're just books holy fuck it's not an identity

>> No.17120582


>> No.17120591

Oh wow, 10 figures! Think of all the products you could consume! I sure wish I could consume all the products that you could!

>> No.17120606

>getting a beautiful wife and kids and having a life full of adventure,

you will die alone and poor, bitter flyover.

>> No.17120614

I sure hope penises count as products. I bet he could consume more than any of us with 10 figures. Seriously though he could mean Vietnamese dong. That doesn't buy many products

>> No.17120623

They do if they enjoy the music of Ed Sheeran

>> No.17120739

>Do people go to /mu/ and make threads about how much they hate listening to music?
Yes, all the time.

>> No.17120844
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>making 10 figures, getting a beautiful wife and kids and having a life full of adventure
You aren't doing any of these things.

>> No.17120889

I would write a serious reply but you wouldn't read it

>> No.17120957

You figured it out, the system rewards you for slavery

>> No.17120967

I agree with this wisdom. Reading can become a cope or form of procrastination because generally society views book reading as a virtue and if therefore you dedicate an inordinate amount of time to it and put everything else to the wayside then that's okay.

You should read for two purposes:

1. Entertainment. Meaning you have to treat it like entertainment. You would, rightfully so, consider watching 8 hours of Netflix or playing video games for that amount of time to be wasteful. Likewise you should read only after fulfilling your other duties and meeting the necessities of life (work, relationships, health, home affairs).

2. Instruction. This means reading to acquire knowledge that you need for a purpose like education, work or some other thing. Like reading financial advice, relationship advice, maths, a programming language etc.

I see some people here who I can only assume have never had a relationship with a woman, have no friends and are working dead end jobs but think they're fine because they read philosophy texts (most are in facts pseuds because they seem to obsessed with retards like Hegel and Zizek).

Most philosophy texts and works of fiction are hard to appreciate if you are young, and your youth should be spent on creating memories and enjoying it with all your health. Reading should be something that you do casually. I find it frustrating with some peabrains here who think they need to read the Western canon because their 105 IQ brains will find some new insight into philosophy. I can also see reading in this way being a cope for friendless, antisocial, ugly people. In which case read away.

>> No.17120985

I might add if you are actually interested in becoming knowledgeable and not just having a surface understanding some pseud philosophy like Hegelianism or Idk neo-Thomism spend some time reading text books and taking MOOC.

>> No.17121050

>making 10 figures, getting a beautiful wife and kids and having a life full of adventure
I'll never make a bunch of money because I don't care about making that much money. The pursuit of money is just a postmodern attempt at finding an objective value system. It's a cop out that gives you something to stave off the wolf at the door. For those of the kind of insipid spirit with which all are familiar, the use of money as the foundation of their moral system is taken as a given, and any questioning taken as a personal affront.

"What do you mean my value as a human being isn't defined by how many imaginary zeros are at the end of my bank balance? Are you trying to tell me that I'm not my bespoke suit or my expensive car? How can the metric for life success not be how many times I've stuck my dick in a warm hole?"

They have an awareness that the foundations of this whole charade are rotten, and that everything they do is built on a system that holds no real truth value. This is, in and of itself, fine. But that's not good enough for the fickle "men" whose essence is that of a beaten path. They need to rage and rage against the dying of the light, to pretend that death gives one single, solitary fuck about what they did in life. They need their system to be the correct one, and they need everyone else to think the exact same way because dissent is a reminder that there are rational alternatives to the conventional idea that success is money, sex, fame, love; alternatives to which the only ultimate argument is a circular self-reference. But because their spirits are weak, the idea of alternatives coexisting is a literal existential threat.

>> No.17121231

Now this is a good post. I agree with you and believe consumerist culture is ruining us all.

>> No.17121286

What I meant is consumerist culture is killing our ability to tolerate discomfort in life. It’s warped the minds of impressionable youth to sacrifice family, friends, culture and their own identities to chase fame and empty, emotionless sex.

>> No.17121301

>Most philosophy texts and works of fiction are hard to appreciate if you are young, and your youth should be spent on creating memories and enjoying it with all your health. Reading should be something that you do casually.
Based and Platopilled

>> No.17122460

I know that this is unexpected but I'm going to ask you questions anyway. What is your worldview and philosophy? I am lost and have been lost for years. I only care about my people now. I am spiritually and philosophically lost. Do you have any advice?

>> No.17122480
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>Do people go to /mu/ and make threads about how much they hate listening to music?
It is pretty much a classic theme.

>> No.17122739

>I LIKE being poor and having no accomplishments

>> No.17122748

Who do you consider your people to be?

>> No.17123109

We don’t care. Go back to /toys

>> No.17123141

I don't like it or dislike it, I don't care about it, I'm happy. I thought your argument was to stop reading books and "start being happy" but reading books makes me happy.

>> No.17123920

It's not just about being happy. A guy who's high on crack in an alley is probably "happy." It's also about a sense of meaning and making the world better.

>> No.17123977

People of European descent, my family and my friends.

>> No.17124050

The state of bait in late 2020. Smh.

>> No.17124073

You dislike reading because you didn't take anything out of it.

Just look at the depth of your reasoning and the sort of insight you operate with.
>bro making money >>> reading!!
If that's the intellectual level your "reading phase" raised you to, then obviously it was all pointess. You didn't grow with any of the books you've read, you didn't evolve intellectually or emotionally, you didn't gain any new perspective on life, your eyes were following the words but nothing penetrated your skull.

You're the like kid who goes to the gym for five years, makes absolutely no gains, and then embraces body postivity. The problem is not with the books, it's with you.

>> No.17124093

>white nationalism

>> No.17124096

>You dislike reading because you didn't take anything out of it.
I like reading, sure. But any form of amusement should be taken in moderation. Like your whole life shouldn't revolve around watching TV, with you watching TV for hours and hours each day.

>> No.17124155
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Come home aryan man

>> No.17124165

>10 figures

>> No.17124180

>10 figures
Imagine feeling so pathetic about your life you have to lie about yourself this bad to strangers

>> No.17124184

There’s a balance between giving back to the world and being happy, I don’t think I need to work a five figure job to pay for my existence, I think it is immature to think of lower pay jobs as useless to society, as they are largely its backbones.

>> No.17124203

>guy who reads trying to bait other readers into getting mad

>> No.17124205

Of course it's excusable to make less money so long as you can provide for your family. But the question is: are you really actively living life, or are you lost in fantasies you read out of a book?

>> No.17124216

I was drunk.

>> No.17124219

>I agree with this wisdom. Reading can become a cope or form of procrastination because generally society views book reading as a virtue and if therefore you dedicate an inordinate amount of time to it and put everything else to the wayside then that's okay.
Redpilled. I plan on quiting literature eventually. I have my list of books and don't wanna add anything to it. These are the books I will read my WHOLE life.

>> No.17124246

who cares? society places way too much value on sex and relationships. i gain more reading the great western thinkers than talking to some skank about the latest netflix show

>> No.17124378

>who cares? society places way too much value on sex and relationships.
Have fun living in a world where everyone in your own society dies out with no kids and then ten billion illiterate rapists invade from the Third World.

>> No.17124638
