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17119243 No.17119243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be zoomer
>into philosophy and history prior to 2014 and before it was normified with political compass faggotry
>know a lot of zoomers that suddenly started reading marx and other leftists solely based off of pop youtube pseud philosophers and political compass
>immediately disregard anything they say
any books on this?

>> No.17119250

>reactionary based off /pol/ memes
>immediately disregard anything they say

>> No.17119266

found the political compass faggot

>> No.17119295

who cares, its irrelevent, you're reaction to their reaction is another side of the same coin.

>> No.17119299

too late, if you want to be a leftist now you have to deal with the fact that it's made up of half trannies, half DSA progressive-liberal normies who like to make guillotine jokes while their parents pay their rent, and 100% rich people who say shit like "i'm not even rich, my dad is like, self-made, and we only have three houses, and one of them isn't even.... (etc)"

any event you go to, any group you join, will be 99% normies, trannies, and rich people playing pretend leftism, because it's a fun excuse to socialize and fill their social media feeds. for them it's just the same old liberal politics-as-can't-we-all-just-get-along (enforced by the capitalist state), with a little extra edginess sauce of "hehe guillotines am i right ;)"

doesn't matter if you disregard them, because they are 99% of the movement. anything you try to get done has to go through them, and they are designed to be easily distracted by constructed narratives.

>> No.17119312

there is nothing worthwhile you can gain from reading fascist delusions. i might as well read schizophrenics rambling on /x/

>> No.17119320

>normies who like to make guillotine jokes while their parents pay their rent

Exactly this. I knew two self professed “communists” in college who called me immature for committing property damage against a frat house down the street whose only source of income throughout college (not even an internship or part time job) was their parents.

>> No.17119360

post-leftism is for you OP.
see you on the other side >:)

>> No.17119378

>im like really smart. Like into pol and stuff before 2014. I hate leftists amirite guys.

The state

>> No.17119397

Why is it so goddamn shallow? Has it always been this shallow, or is it becoming worse? Capitalism has fucked our sense of culture... I don't think the solution is leftism per se, but a denial of materialism. Part of me wants to gtfo before zoomers come of age, but to where?

>> No.17119426

leftism has become a fashion trend, the essence diluted into a neutered identity politics victim narrative that is able to coexist within the capitalist system. leftism for these people is about signaling they are moral and righteous, theyre down with da brothas, that they are not like dem yokel trumpers. they couldnt tell you shit about surplus value or dialectical materialism. they can barely tell you who karl marx is

>> No.17119452

same shit as the alt right in 2015 Spencer declared it a white nationalist movement. the second this wave of "leftists" gets clearly she publicly defined as well see a similar trajectory of excitement, media coverage, incident, implosion, infighting, total discreditiation

>> No.17119453

The zoomer collapse is going to be fucking amazing when it happens. Millennials are all narcissists on three different prescription drugs to help them function and get to sleep at night, but zoomers were raised by computers to think that paying for your classmate's onlyfans in high school and having gay orgies with trannies is normal, but families aren't. At least millennials still residually valued family, which stabilized them slightly. The zoomers literally don't understand that being a 17 year old perpetually masturbating internet person doesn't last forever and eventually you're just an anonymous old guy who needs money to eat.

The general incompetence level of the average worker and citizen is already through the roof and zoomers are only just now cycling into the workforce. Blacks and "latinx" are barely sentient, people who work and live with them know that they are square peg in round hole level retarded on average.

No matter how deliberate the evil of capitalism is, its recruiting pool of workers and footsoldiers is made up of barely sentient mulattos, pill-addicted utterly demented millenials, and zoomers who don't even know what century they live in but they can tell you every detail of the 50 netflix shows they binge-watched last year. Capitalism has to rely on these people to create and distribute propaganda, to manage the machine, to pull all the levers and push all the buttons. Imagine what happens when some serious stress begins to be applied to this system, social or economic, let alone military. It is the most dependent, most perpetually confused and lost, most overstimulated and chemically/psychologically "altered" population composition in human history. It will be like unplugging billions of people from the matrix instantly and leaving them to their own devices.

>> No.17119455

If I was a leftist I would be a class reductionist (because anything else isn't leftist). But because because people are this fucking gullible it wouldn't be a good idea, at least not now

>> No.17119480

No I don't think it will collapse rapidly, we'll just slowly fall to pieces and lose our sense of culture. Not all zoomers are like how you said, but a lot are. The optimist in me wants to see the zoomer generation pull their heads out of their asses, but this likely won't happen. The pragmatist in me wants to get out of the anglosphere asap, but western europe is almost as fucked as we are

>> No.17119488

>who called me immature for committing property damage against a frat house down the street

Like, do you seriously expect us to take your side here?

>> No.17119495

perhaps some sort of authoritarian state or culture/value system instilled into people to help guide them may be necessary lest they be driven down consumerist hedonist paths driven by corporate interests profiting off their self destruction, as well as a system that encourages opportunity and maximization for the educated, intelligent, or high potential in society. does society need some restraints of its worst instincts or for them to be directed to other more productive ends?

>> No.17119498
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>I don't think the solution is leftism per se, but a denial of materialism.

You're almost there.

>> No.17119510

>millenials are all narcissists on three different prescription drugs
n-not me, anon-kuun....

>> No.17119548

I worry that an authoritarian can be bought and subverted by vast corporate power. If the people don't wake up and reclaim their nations I believe we're doomed

>> No.17119551
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People are doped up just like Brave New World. The spectacle has overtaken our very being. Simulation and images have replaced our perception of reality. The zoomer generation does not know a pre online world. They are pacified and one with technology. Real is no longer real but blurred with the digital. Corporations can shape our minds, desires, thoughts, who we are and what we think. They can psychologically manipulate us using sophisticated technology, propaganda techniques, and billions in funding. Entire identities are created from prefabricated tropes that marketers know how to pigeon hole for certain product XYZ. Advertising is so omnipotent it no longer feels unusual. Resistance gets reabsorbed into a marketing gimmick. The system co opts everything and anything because everyone is immersed in it and a product of it. Leftism itself has become simulacra.

>> No.17119567

bro thats class reductionist and brocialist wtf

>> No.17119569

No because the corporate power in the long term destroys the quality of the populace, breaks up homes and dissolves passions into mere materialism. What you talk about has already happened, china is much younger than us in this respect

>> No.17119572

One might almost suggest that the authoritarian would have to be someone nasty enough and cruel enough to kill a few people just to make a point. In the end, the State has the one thing corporate power does not, yet have: a monopoly on violence, as Hobbes says. There is an extent to which corporate power has been spared the State's power to inflict violence, and perhaps that needs to change for corporations to be brought back into line.

Honestly, that's one thing that I've noticed, relative to Zoomers: they may have an appetite for rebellion, but not for violence. I wonder how they'd react if they ever legitimately tried their revolution and the shit hit the fan nastily. What would they do, if they saw their comrades getting their heads blown off around them? If the streets and walls around them became painted in blood, and organs and body parts were everywhere?

You need to have a certain tolerance for violence and nastiness if you really want to change the world, and it seems like the vast majority of Zoomers don't.

>> No.17119591


>> No.17119600

Not necessarily. Advertising and media have changed the world. Corporations have control of these. You don't need violence when you can manipulate the real, violence is bad taste for them.

>> No.17119606

>bad taste

Precisely why it has always and will always retain its power. The man who doesn't want to get his hands dirty is the one who can be beaten by the man who does.

>> No.17119622

>The zoomers literally don't understand that being a 17 year old perpetually masturbating internet person doesn't last forever and eventually you're just an anonymous old guy who needs money to eat.
I was cruelly laughing. But then I realized I am a millenial at age and kind of a zoomer at heart. :/

>> No.17119624

Yeah, I agree that it's immensely difficult, but far more difficult in my opinion is finding one or even a small party of those that can be trusted not to be agents of corporate interest or being turned into such.
I'm pessimistic in the heart of the Dictator. I understand the state has all of the violence, but the corporate state is immensely powerful as controllers of public thought. The public must reject them. I don't think any radica should be naive about revolution. It will be bloody and horrible and inmeasurable damage will be done.

>> No.17119631

Sure corporations act within the limits the state sets for them, but liberalism minimizes the state to be less involved in this respect. The problem is that because we have an electoral process, democracy leads to plutocracy due to advertising. You can't get into office without selling your soul, consequently the difference between corporation and state is much less of a difference and more of a bureaucratic time constraint.

>> No.17119652

kys philosemite

>> No.17119680
File: 638 KB, 1518x2100, Ascension_of_Christ_LACMA_M.2007.105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world!"

>> No.17119713


> Written in 1981

I am convinced Baudrillard is prescient. The System of Object (68) perfectly diagnosed the zeitgeist of the western liberal bourgeoisie, and S&S perfectly diagnosed the intensifying zeitgeist of society at large, and both are still fully applicable to this day.

>> No.17119723

The strength of capitalism lies in it's ability to commercialize everything. That is why these reactionary doomers who claim Islam will conquer the west are delusional. Capitalism will just commercialize and water down Islam until it can be mass produced and sold to as many as possible. If you know anything about history, you know Islam is very vulnerable to decadence.
Same for communism. How much do those guys from chapo trap house earn on their patreon? Can you call that communism at all?
All those social justice movements have been coopted by the corporations. Yeah there have been stores burned down in the riots but that isn't going to make a dent their revenue. At worst they see a 1 percent drop in revenue, while their mom and pop store local competitor goes out of business.
And it's not like china is any better. How many rich apparatchiks and managers are sluicing their money to the west? Investing and perpetuating those same multinational megacorps?

>> No.17119769

"Shower upon him every earthly blessing, drown him in a sea of happiness, so that nothing but bubbles of bliss can be seen on the surface; give him economic prosperity, such that he should have nothing else to do but sleep, eat cakes and busy himself with the continuation of his species, and even then out of sheer ingratitude, sheer spite, man would play you some nasty trick. He would... introduce into all this positive good sense his fatal fantastic element... his vulgar folly... to prove to himself... that men still are men and not the keys of a piano..." - DOSTOEVSKY

>> No.17119800

>reading philosophy
>reading at all for that matter

>> No.17119810

I’m a zoomer and read ~40 books of /lit/ core this year. Zoomers read more then millennials ever did in my limited experience