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17119513 No.17119513 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommand books that were written by nazis ? Would like to understand them deeply and not just the history they teach us. I also did a ton of research but can't find anything on the web. Thanks in advance.

>> No.17119522

Don't post a wholesome frog next to a disgusting post

>> No.17119530

Being and Time

>> No.17119533

Infographics from pol. Just don't research them.

>> No.17119550
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>> No.17119554

stuka pilot

>> No.17119564

Nazi germany was more wholesome than USA is today no doubt.

>> No.17119566

Myth of the 20th Century - Rosenberg
Political Theology - Schmitt
The Programme of the Nsdap - Feder
Manifesto for Breaking the Financial Slavery to Interest - Feder
The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation - Feder

>> No.17119575

my diary

>> No.17119577
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robin d'angelo - white fragility

>> No.17119580

One day you'll realize that misusing the term the way all of you do, and calling anything on the right Nazism, is just crying wolf, and that if ever anything actually similar to Nazism returns, no one will listen to you because you've made the term meaningless and lost your credibility.

>> No.17119586

What meaning does an action have if the action is forced? If people aren't choosimg wholesomeness for themselves then wholesomeness doesn't exist, only the illusion of such.

>> No.17119599

Dude...Rush is based and redpilled. You clearly haven't read him.

>> No.17119604

Do you read German? Try Rohkramer's Fatal Attraction of National Socialism and Another Modernity, it's one of the best books on the topic. Armin Mohler's Der Nasenring is also good. If you don't read German, Rohkramer's other book A Single Communal Faith is good too. You could start with Hitler's Green Party by Bramwell, which shows some of the sincere social reformism of the Nazis. Many fascists simply wanted something like Red Vienna, plus autarky from the Anglo-American banking establishment. The more openly left-wing side of the party like Gottfried Feder and the Strasser brothers were mostly suppressed but their ideas are worth looking into. Read this:

There is no one Nazi philosophy so it's hard to recommend single things. Heidegger and Schmitt are some of the two most interesting Nazi philosophers but they don't purely represent "Nazism" and Nazism does not represent them. Mussolini's Intellectuals is a good book, as is Fascism and Modernism by Griffin, both of which will tell you about many authors that you might like.

It's also worth reading about social credit, Mussolini's Fascism, Peronism, Falangism, the Iron Guard, and others. The rest of the articles linked above are an overview to the social and economic rebellion of fascism against international capital:

More Bolton:

>> No.17119610

He's not a Nazi, whether you construe that term positively or negatively.

>> No.17119616

I was forced to get an education. Still learned a thing or two.

Habits can be developed by force.

>> No.17119617

>Rush is based and redpilled

>> No.17119619


>> No.17119629

Bro yes he is. So is qanon. You have no faith

>> No.17119632

Try following your leader you fucking chinless loser

>> No.17119638
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>> No.17119639
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The /nsg/ threads on /pol/ have some Mega folders with a lot of pdfs, you should check them.

>> No.17119642

first you need to learn how to read cletus

>> No.17119644

Are Mosley's late writings good?

>> No.17119646


>> No.17119653

Read the Italian Fascists instead. They were far superior. Gentile and Sorel are good starts.

>> No.17119670
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>> No.17119675

kill yourself op

>> No.17119685

Try communism fren. It was far more nationalistic and seems to be a longer lasting more viable system. Plus you still have a dictator you can kiss the ass of.

>> No.17119745

I'm always open to suggestions, any good books about communism ?

>> No.17119748

wow this is very helpful, thanks

>> No.17119773

Given that Franco and Salazar were a thing, there's a case for the long-term stability for fascism even if not Nazism. Nazism though is part of the Fascist family of ideologies even if it isn't itself Fascist.

>> No.17119779

somewhat unrelated but is "Hitlers revolution" any good?

>> No.17119783

I haven't read all of his texts, but what I've read so far is pretty good.
You're welcome anon
Neither Franco nor Salazar were fascists. Stanley G. Payne explains it on his book on fascism.

>> No.17119805

yes this is the kind of books I was looking for, thanks. https://archive.org/details/HitlersRevolutionByRichardTedor_383/page/n1/mode/2up

>> No.17119807

Ernst Niekisch and National Bolshevism

>> No.17119808

I've read that book. Frankly, I find his conclusions on what generic fascism is to be odd given the narrowness of the definition. I get that he's trying to differentiate Christian authoritarianism from Fascism but one can have Christian authoritarianism and Fascism as well as Christian-oriented Fascisms.

>> No.17119812

> Can anyone recommand books that were written by nazis ?
Obviously look into memoirs of the party members
>Hitler's War - Irving
>Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny - Stofli
>Hitlers Second Book
>Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor
>Three Faces of Fascism - Ernst Nolte
This one is extremely important

>Into the Darkness - Lothrop Stoddard
>Imperium - Yockey
>Men Among the Ruins - Evola
>The Sacred and the Profane - Eliade
>For My Legionaires - Codreanu

>> No.17119825
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>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and the example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in creasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area.” In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.17119859

Well, I'll save you the suggestion of Marx and give you some different suggestions.
More Contemporary general overviews:
Why Not Socialism by GA Cohen
Main Currents of Marxism by Kolakowski

Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxembourg
The State and Revolution by Lenin
Soviet Politics 1917-1991 by Mcauley
Lenin and his thought by George Lukac
Socialism and Man in Cuba- Che Guevara
Selected Works of Mao Tse Sung

>> No.17119882

although there are some english translations, most books that were written by party members, affiliated intellectuals (even if they changed their views on the nazis, often during or before the war) were never translated and never reprinted.
>mein kampf
>manifesto for breaking interest slavery
>myth of the 20th century
>goebbels diaries
>rosenberg diaries
>conservative revolution in germany (written after the war by a sympathizer, it details public figures and intellectuals that were relevant to ideas similar to the nazis' or are generally thought to have been. many of the featured authors were opposed to real-existing national socialism though, they are sometimes referred to as fascism's trotzkyists. it gives you a very broad overview, i recommend it if you want to seriously engage the topic)
other interesting authors that were not nazis per se but flirted with some aspects
>the worker by jünger
>martin heidegger (too unfamiliar with his work to recommend something specific other than his speech upon tenure)
>drieu la rochelle's later works (he was more of a leftist eurofascist)

in german
>vom mutigen leben und tapferen sterben by kurt eggers
>der nordische gedanke by hans f.k. günther (not too influental since hitler wanted his people united and not divided among inner-aryan lines (nordic, dinaric, etc) during the war
>das gesetz des krieges by goebbels (last work, authenticity is unverified)
>whatever was recommended soldiers read (there are cheap paperbacks from the war period still floating aroumd flea markets and used bookshops)
good look anon

>> No.17119890

Why would anyone want to read this theoryless dreck? Posturing that boils down to "I dont like foreigners and need someone to blame my problems on". Fascism is an embarrassment not rooted in reality.

>> No.17119894

Before you read this read the Spandrells essay on Bioleninism on why absolute abortions are attracted to such ideology
Then read Spengler’s Prussianism and Socialism, Man and Technics and watch him BTFO Marx

>> No.17119906
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God bless his soul

>> No.17119936

Before you go to some Qoomer flat earther site. Read Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt to understand why such anxious little crybabies are attracted to Fascism.

Then read Fascist Spectacle by Zamponi to learn how they prey on weakness of human thought to indoctrinate the stupid.

Then read Albert Einsteins essay Why Socialism.

Spengler was kinda cool so I'll leave him alone.

>> No.17119963

So we don't turn into someone like you who has an opinion on things he hasn't read

>> No.17119970



>> No.17119976

Also Adorno Authoritarian Personality, Oscar Wilde The Soul of Man Under Socialism, and Wilhelm Reich Psychology of Fascism

>> No.17119992

Yes. Read Hilbergs book as well. This has nothing to do with Origins of Totalitarianism though fren. Hannah studied under Heidegger, Husserl, and Jasper I hardly need to champion one so well established.

>> No.17120018

doesn't change she was a sleazy plagiarist cunt also it's jaspers

>> No.17120045


>> No.17120058

> Read Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt to understand why such anxious little crybabies are attracted to Fascism.
Lmao do you want me post inbred mongrels of the left? Hell you shits still seethe about NS

> Then read Albert Einsteins essay Why Socialism
Holy Fucking retard
Literal kike bullshit

I won’t tell you to le read theory
Just show me a single state that was able to revitalise and bring about Spirit>>17119825
Leftist go on mental gymnastics and ebin theory because it is against the natural character of man
Right/NS/Fascism/Monarchy don’t need theory because it is the natural state of man

>> No.17120059

his recommendations are all good, i say we shouldn't become an echo chamber like the commie trannies and engage with criticism of fascism

sorry for the pedantic jasper/jaspers correction that was petty i just hate arendt for fucking over hilberg

>> No.17120063

anti-intellectualism because your movement is based on hate, myth, and emotion

>> No.17120069

Georgi Dimitrov - The Struggle of the Working Class against Fascism

>> No.17120077

Hannah Arendt = jewish
Wilhelm Reich = jewish
Einstein = jewish
Else Frenkel-Brunswik = jewish
Theodor W. Adorno = jewish
Oscar Wilde = homosexual
nice try shlomo

>> No.17120078


>> No.17120082

The discourse in this thread is laughable

>> No.17120086

no his recommendations are all garbage jewish pedantic essays

>> No.17120088

discourse between nazis and commies have always been laughable

>> No.17120091

no theory, no argument, no engagement with the text or criticisms. this is why you will lose. your ideas do not hold up to scrutiny.

>> No.17120095

oh look more jewish buzzwords, face the wall now shlomo.

>> No.17120096

Exactly. This thread is no different and it pleases me to be entertained in such a manner.

>> No.17120100

are you 12? south park is more eloquent than this

>> No.17120101

you will always be a pseud

>> No.17120103

this thread is an example of why liberals and capitalism control the world. you do their work for them.

>> No.17120122

>yeah, just read this and this and this
>no theory, no argument, no engagement

>> No.17120127


>> No.17120156

Yeah, that was funny.

>Here's some of our literature
>No, read OUR literature about THEM; immanent critique of fascism from the point of view of the fascists isn't needed here, only what we say
>no u and you're a jew and so is your literature

>> No.17120216

Hitler's revolution by Tedor is a good condensé of national-socialism by a foreigner.

Other than that, Hitler's letters and notes (ed. Maser), speeches (My new order), Mein Kampf and the Second book of course. Complete it with Ryback's Hitler's private library to get an understanding of what interested Hitler.

For broader discourse, Germany speaks, Landmark speeches of national-socialism, Goebbels' Battle for Berlin.

For an unexhaustive history of intellectual discourse in the Third Reich, Chapoutot can be interesting (but he focuses on himmlerites and has a distorted view on the essence of national-socialism since he adheres to the "nazi =antichristian" cliché), and this website too https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/
The nazi primer lets you see how the youth was being formed.
About race, Walter Gross and Hans Günther.

>> No.17120244 [DELETED] 
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The Myth - Alfred Rosenberg’s Magnum Opus

Gottfried Feder -- Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money (1919) - Full Audio Book



>> No.17120270 [DELETED] 
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you can say the exact same thing for degeneracy. You think that's air your breathing?

>> No.17120301
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>try communism
Materialism with no higher purpose than distribution of wealth. Gay and cringe.

>> No.17120303 [DELETED] 

Not him but I'm your huckleberry. What did you have in mind? Arguing with Jews is generally fruitless but I may be willing to tea bag you for lolz if you are interested in some verbal jousting

>> No.17120351

Intellectualism is the beginning of an end to a culture so anti-intellectualism is inherently based.

>> No.17120658

Books written only by national socialists? Sure

>The Myth of the 20th century - Alfred Rosenberg
>Memoirs - Alfred Rosenberg
>Immorality in the Talmud - Alfred Rosenberg
>The Party Program - Alfred Rosenberg
>Ich Kampfe
>Mein Kampf, obviously
>Zweites Buch - Adolf Hitler
>Bolshevism in Theory and Practice and Communism with the Mask Off - Joseph Goebbels
>Europe in the year 2000 - Joseph Goebbels
>The Nazi Sozi - Joseph Goebbels
>Joseph Goebbels Speeches And Articles 1927-45
>My Part in Germany's Fight - Joseph Goebbels
>Everything by Leon Degrelle
>Everything by Heidegger and Carl Schmitt, both were members of the NSDAP
>Germany Reborn - Hermann Goering
>Everything by Gottfried Feder
>What The World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers
>Germany Speaks - by 21 leading members of the NSDAP and State
>Fascist Voices: Essays from the'Fascist Quarterly
>Handbook of the NS propagandist
>Mein side of the story - Adolf Hitler, M.S. King
>Landmark Speeches of National Socialism - Randall Bytwerk
>The Riddle of the Jew's Success - Theodor Fritsch
>Kurt Eggers - Kurt Eggers The SS Warrior-Poet: Collected writings
>Faith And Action - Helmut Stellrecht
>Freemasonry - SS Guide - Schwarz Dieter
>The Celebrations In The Life Of The SS Family
>Skorzeny’s Special Missions - Otto Skorzeny

There's more, but these are the ones I quickly searched for. And there's a lot more if you can read german. Now these are the ones written by nazis, but I don't really know what you mean by that or if you also meant books on it

>> No.17120673

The guy keeping and translating all those articles on Calvin is super based

>> No.17120683

I hear Argentina is very nice this time of year

>> No.17120722

The democrats are the real nazis.
So much for the tolerant left

>> No.17120729

Faith and Action by Helmut Stellrecht.

>> No.17120815

Muh hooman nature is to obey. Ok cuck.

>> No.17120839

It's no big deal. Thanks for sharing, I never heard that story from Giobert before. I only included my suggestions because I was asked to anyways.

>> No.17120852

Now explain why these are inherently bad

>> No.17120871

Do Nazis not realize that there would be no Natsoc without Marx and Socialism?

>> No.17120883

Read Hitler's response to Roosevelt's speech if you want a condensed summary of a lot of their perspectives. Mein Kampf is also a great suggestion if you haven't read it yet.
lmao based
based retard
The ultimate eternal anglo is a pretty good writer desu. Smooth reads.
Communism only uses nationalism as a tool, communists don't actually believe in nationalism. You can try NazBol or something else along those lines if that's what you are interested in, but I recommend against communism for people who are into nationalism/traditionalism.
OK liberal.

>> No.17120884


>> No.17120890

Nice refutation.

>> No.17120905

Is there any good fiction written by nazis?

>> No.17120941

IDK about Nazis in particular but there have been many writers associated with fascism more broadly. For Nazi fiction, the only one I know is Goebbels's "Michael". It's semi-autobiographical afaik.

>> No.17120953
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LOL big coming from a leftoid kneeler

>> No.17120965

Why do we pretend leftists love corporations? I thought that was us. Corporations are great. What would Hitler be without the Krupps or Mussolini without the board of Fasces and corporations or Franco without the CIA and American corps?

>> No.17121025

Retard doesn't even realise what National socialism is


All marxism is is literally a materialistic response centred on capital that denigrates human beings to economic units of money and production and centres its whole conception of reality on this

>> No.17121081

>proceeds to criminalise nazism and holocaust denial

>> No.17121087

I'd go for a more balanced mix of contemporary witnesses, authors who were alive during the time of the third Reich and preferably lived as german citizens or under german occupation. some good ones I've found who have interesting perspectives on what the third Reich meant or represented or whatever:
>Stefan Zweig
>Stanislaw Lem
>Max Frisch
>Ernst Jünger

>> No.17121091

The Concept of the Political, Carl Schmitt
Not directly a nazi book, and so, in a way, it's even more important and insightful.

>> No.17121093
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>proceeds to spew leftist bullshit
Nice try faggot.

>> No.17121109

Your seething is delicious, but here, I'll give you something to seethe about. What would heckin wholesomerino Lenin be without the Kaiser's millions of gold marks and Wall Street sponsorship? What would cute chungus Mao be without the Kuomintang libtards? Can you even imagine muh Catalonian commune without the loving support of the hecking bourgeois libtard chonkers of the Spanish republic? All of these are way more real than whatever collusion you imagine there was between capital and fascism.

>> No.17121134

It always makes me chuckle that the Koch family fortune got kickstarted by Stalin bringing in Charles Koch to build the USSR oil refineries.

>> No.17121141

The Nazi ideology is very backwards, which is why it's so hard to comprehend how anyone could go along with it the way they did in Germany.

Basically, Hitler wanted Germany to be an autarky, not dependent upon foreign trade for its food and oil. So he made a plan to conquer Eastern Europe, Poland, and the Baltic States; to deport, kill, "Germanise" 80% of their population, leaving 20% to work as serfs on farms; to settle those lands with German colonisers; and finally to establish a German empire which would use the farms and oil sites of Eastern Europe for its own benefit instead of having to trade for it.

Obviously this springs from a deeper racial hatred of Eastern Europeans, not just geographical convenience, which ties into his crazy beliefs about Germanic peoples being the most superior and greatest people who should not mix their blood and who have the right to rule over everyone else. The Jew was obviously an internal threat that needed to be eliminated, as well as the gypsy (which is the only understandable part).

>> No.17121164

Is that true LOL? I have never heard that part before. That's incredible.
It's not hard to comprehend at all, though? It's not "backward" either, since everyone else and especially the liberals were doing equally insane shit. At the time, this type of policy was possible for Germany. It is no longer possible and definitely not desirable, but it was possible back then, so some people adopted it. Simple as.

>> No.17121170

>So he made a plan to conquer Eastern Europe, Poland, and the Baltic States; to deport, kill, "Germanise" 80% of their population


Do you actually believe this? The surviving text of Generalplan ost is literally a CRITIQUE by the Main SS office stating it will never happen. He explicitly wanted to avoid war. Read
Specifically the chapters on Poland and Czechoslovakia

>> No.17121210

How was it possible for Germany if they were defeated in the war, moron?
So you, an internet nazi, know more than all the historians?

>> No.17121226

You have not read any historians

>> No.17121247

It's pretty much historical consensus that Germans wanted to colonise Eastern Europe and set up an autarky in Germany. It's literally the whole point of Hitler's plan of securing Lebensraum (living-space) in the East. It's literally the whole point of invading Russia, and why they focused on the South instead of marching to Moscow like Napoleon -- they wanted the farms and oil.

>> No.17121268

>How was it possible for Germany if they were defeated in the war, moron?
Because they almost won even though they fucked up half of their diplomacy and strategy?

>> No.17121273

Russia was invaded solely as a pre-emptive attack

>> No.17121322

Okay? But they lost.
Either way, a lot of things are possible. It's possible for the Indian Army to bomb the fuck out of the Sentinelese people and chase them out of their island and slaughter them all. Doesn't mean it's not backwards.
You're a moron. The Soviets weren't even ready militarily when the Germans attacked. Stalin was caught off guard and surprised. That's why the Germans were so successful in the early part of the Russian invasion. Clearly there was nothing to pre-empt against.
Plus this is a tiny minority view in the historical community, only adopted by nazis.

>> No.17121332

The reason they were off guard is because they were in offensive positions, and not defensive positions. Literally no historian disagrees that Stalin was preparing for war with Germany, its only disputed WHEN he would have done it

>> No.17121403

That's the most moronic thing I've ever heard in my fucking life. You think that armies are so inflexible and stiff that if they get attacked whilst being in an offensive position they have literally no way to defend and can only turn around and surrender huge swaths of land like the Russians did?
I don't say Stalin would never have attacked Germany, both the USSR AND Germany had expansionist ideologies, it's just that Germany's was based in vile ethnic hatred and genocide whereas the USSR -- not that it counts for much -- had good intentions.

>> No.17121411
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>the USSR -- not that it counts for much -- had good intentions.

>> No.17121431
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>the USSR -- not that it counts for much -- had good intentions.
this is bait right

>> No.17121461

I'm Latvian not Jewish. The USSR occupied my country but they did not pursue a policy of genocide and enslavement, they never drew up plans to deport/kill/Russianise 50% of my countrymen, they never barred the Latvian language, nor do anything based on ethnic supremacy and destruction, like the Germans would have.

>> No.17121478

>the USSR -- not that it counts for much -- had good intentions
For your sake, I seriously hope you're being ironic

>> No.17121523

Also none of that happened in the neighbouring country of Estonia. And it's not like the population has not yet recovered from the deportation and slaughter.

>> No.17121524

LMAO seething loser

> USSR -- not that it counts for much -- had good intentions.
Holy fuck
The absolute state of leftoids
The Holodomor, Cheka/NKVD going around liquidating, Gulags, et cetera were all in good intentions so iz all gud man


Arno J. Mayer
Read his works on le ebil nozis

>The Illusion of Victory - Fleming
>Hellstorm - Goodrich
>Stalin's War of Extermination - Hoffman
> The Black Book of Communism

>> No.17121574

I mean, even Adorno just wrote the Authoritarian personality to get his US visa, it's not really the best work he did.

>> No.17121595


Woah, excellent post.

>> No.17121596

Lmao, pay attention kids, this is a real-time example of how cringe and unhinged most Nazis are.

>> No.17121602

I hope he felt bad about it at least, I think that test alone contributed massively to our current shallow understanding of totalitarianism

>> No.17121609


>> No.17121625


>> No.17121626

>Okay? But they lost.
That's why I said "possible", not inevitable. No one knows what is inevitable. The Nazis saw their chance and they took it, that they failed is besides the point.
>Doesn't mean it's not backwards.
"Backwards" is a spook. "Enlightened" and "progressive" nations have done equally bad shit both before and after the Nazis. The list of American atrocities, for example, is very long now.

>> No.17121627

>seems to be a longer lasting more viable system
By what measure? This trope is peak Marxist economic pseudo-intellectualism. The Nazis didn’t collapse. They were taken out by a collective of other nations which, unlike Communism, didn’t have sympathizers in their institutions. At least not to my knowledge.

>> No.17121633

Deportations happened in all the Baltic countries, but it's nothing compared to 85% liquidation of Lithuania's population, 50% of Latvia and Estonia's, and 100% of Latgalians, on the basis of German ethnic superiority, which was being planned by the Germans.
Of course it's silly to compare atrocities like this, but it's obvious the Germans were worse.

>> No.17121677
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Isn't it something that it's almost impossible to find pro-Nazi, Nazi-authored, &c. literature via search engines? If you try, you get inundated with pages from the SPLC, ADL, or Jewish Virtual Library. Really makes you think.

>> No.17121682

This post is gold.

>> No.17121686
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>> No.17121692



>> No.17121693

>Really makes you think.
not really. just because people try to control your thoughts doesn't mean they think they're lying. they might just not believe in your right to choose for yourself what to believe. I believe the world is round, even if it's clear that the flatearthers are being suppressed for "the good of society"

>> No.17121701

I can use the same argument against you

>> No.17121709

yes, so? you'll just have to make up your own mind as to whether you buy my argument, dumdum

>> No.17121711

>USSR -- not that it counts for much -- had good intentions
Ingrians, Karelians and Red Finns would like to have a word with you about these good intentions.

>> No.17121712

>just because people try to control your thoughts doesn't mean they think they're lying.

I don't think these people think they're lying, but they've been lied to.

>> No.17121714

Lol not a single reply
Unironically btfo

>> No.17121729

my argument is simply that the fact that people try to exert control over what you think isn't even soft evidence that they're wrong (though obviously they're wrong to transgress against your right to choose what to believe). you have to examine the facts for yourself. that's all there is to it.

>> No.17121744

Rightists belong in camps

>> No.17121754

i laughed

>> No.17121822

good fuckin post

>> No.17121897

>you have to examine the facts for yourself.

That's part of the issue, though, right? If you don't know about something, you also don't know what you don't know. In that case, if you get these spoonfed results, you will almost certainly never find out that there is another side to it. If you did, you would then find it extremely hard to find out the specifics and details of that other side. That's why the whole thing is so fucked up.

>> No.17121947

Can't remember publisher but is same one for english translations of Feder. Look it up on amazon. Go to their website. They have lots of books by 3rd reich intellectuals like Hans Gunther and so on. Feder is the absolute first source you need to go to to understand natsoc after Aristotle though. Most natsoc thinkers build off him.

>> No.17121986

>u think that armies are so inflexible and stiff that if they get attacked whilst being in an offensive position they have literally no way to defend and can only turn around and surrender huge swaths of land like the Russians did?
god you are a fucking idiot

>> No.17122131

Sanctuary press?

>> No.17122220 [DELETED] 

Indeed anon


>> No.17122894

If you count Vichy collaborationists as Nazis there's a lot of great literature

>> No.17123076
File: 15 KB, 304x499, 41QaLAN-dwL._SX302_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far the most comprehensive book about Hitler and a detailed and accurate imagining of if he returned.

>> No.17124283

Blessed post, thank you anon.

>> No.17124456

Fucking hell anon be nice to the handicapped

>> No.17124564


Start with Hitler's Revolution.

It is an excellent starter insight into what you are looking for.


>> No.17124689

Can some frens recommend me some books on the Wehrmacht? Like on weapons, campaigns, generals and intelligence

>> No.17126068

Is there anything written by Nazis that isn't about Nazism? What were some non-political books written by Nazis?

>> No.17126237

Wholesome level: Keanu chungus minecraft

>> No.17127053


>> No.17127100

Why not? I research them all the time. I couldn't believe how right they were about so much. Although they exaggerate a lot of things they're generally more right about things than the average american. Closer to the truth without a doubt and extreme or cold in their proposed solutions.

>> No.17128632


>> No.17128662

A lot of great writers like hamsun, celine, and pound were fascists. Dont know anyone who was actual member of the party and wrote good nonpolitical literature

>> No.17128794

you will never be a woman

>> No.17128799

there is a much deeper sense in which you will never be a man

>> No.17128814

I still have my manhood while you have nothing, tranny
neither man nor woman, but an abomination
No one will accept you. Even you know that you don't pass as a woman

>> No.17129777

yeah it sucks, and doesnt fit the rest of his work at all