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17118963 No.17118963 [Reply] [Original]

What did Tolkien think about race and was he a racist?

>> No.17118979

This is a meaningless question and the concept of "race" and "racist" are almost entirely meaningless.

>> No.17118994
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>race of short, ugly mountain dwellers that horde gold and have been displaced from their homeland
gee I wonder where he got that idea from

>> No.17119014


>> No.17119024

no, he disliked nazism if that matters.

>> No.17119026

Go fucking ask him. Oh right, you can't. Guess we'll never know beyond inferring from his writing. How bout you go fuck off and do some inferring?

>> No.17119030

he was a steadfast catholic, so he wasnt racist in any meaningful or absolute sense.

>> No.17119260
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Merry Christmas

>> No.17119309
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No not really, and if he was would it matter?

On a similar note, Tolkien, who was born in South Africa, was kidnapped by his African nanny as a baby. Apparently the lady wanted to show the white kid off to her neighbors.

>> No.17119385

No, Tolkien wasn't a racist. Not by a reasonable standard anyway. It's likely that he and his work can be read as racist using shallow idpol driven literary criticism, but this says more about the reader and our "intellectual" millieu than it does about Tolkien. What Tolkien did do was use race as ta driver of conflict between the peoples of his fantasy world. But he did this in a way that is more reminiscent of fairytales and myths and old ancestral grudges than it is of the fashionable ideas in 19th-20th century eugenics. The father of racism in modern fantasy fiction is by far Robert E. Howard, who similarly used race to generate conflict in his stories, but absolutely did not use abstracted and refined fairytale races... instead he played with very unsubtle racial stereotypes and racial anxieties in his stories. Conan the Barbarian himself is basically a valorization of all the old Irish racial stereotypes.

>> No.17119401

He had an old-school Orientalist perspective, though.

>> No.17119540
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>> No.17119552

Are you implying he was sinless? Maybe racism was his vice.

>> No.17119570

Well he didn’t specifically describe Black, indigenous, Latinx, two-spirit genderqueer Elves in his novels, so yeah, he’s basically a white supremacist on par with Hitler.

>> No.17119576

Numenorians are a taller and a more noble race than common humans. Aragorn is the true king of gondor because of his heritage...

He wasnt a racist for sure, maybe more like a race realist

>> No.17120087

Tolkien was born into Victorian British society and undoubtedly was socialised into some of the thinking of that era and it does bleed into his books. While never explicitly racist, there is certainly an element of racialism in his works. Nevertheless, Tolkien also demonstrated a remarkable ability to develop his sensibilities on race and as the Nazis rose to prominence in Germany, Tolkien began to realise the folly of racial thinking. Notable example of this include telling the german publisher to fuck off when they tried to ask him if he was jewish. He also hated white supremacist thinking and lamented how words such as nordic had been appropriated by racists.

>> No.17120567
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Yes, when do we cancel him?

>> No.17120706

As western nations get down to about 40% white you're going to see some serious shit.

>> No.17121129

Pretty much everyone of that era was 'racist'.
I doubt he harboured much in the way of hatred towards other races, but would have had the Imperial-Anglo paternal view of 'lesser races'.
Racism isn't a sin.

>> No.17121243

he was into racemixing (Aragon-Arwen) so he was based
oy vey
le onion shelf

>> No.17121253

>Open up ebook of LOTR.
>CTRL+F for "nigger"
>(234 matches)
Yeah, he wasn't racist alright.

>> No.17121565

No, he was classist like smart people are.

>> No.17121666


>> No.17121936
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>> No.17122035

don't know what the word means?

>> No.17123335

Super racist