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/lit/ - Literature

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17118270 No.17118270 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on this Austrian-British Jew.

Anyone seen the Jarman film?

>> No.17118279

He was, as they say, quite based.

Read Ray Monk's bio on him. Fun stuff.

>> No.17118287

I wish I was his husband

>> No.17118300

>Read Ray Monk's bio on him. Fun stuff.
I was about to recommend the same thing.
He murdered a child btw.

>> No.17118307

Typical jew.

>> No.17118312

He invented the modern doorknob.

>> No.17118466
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That film looks so kino, I came across it on YouTube and I've been trying to find a (free) version of it ever since.
Apparently it contains some Homoerotic BS in it though which is pretty fucking gay, it still looks interesting though.
Also wtf are you talking about? I know about the Haidbauer incident but I never heard of him killing any kid, proof?

>> No.17118648
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>> No.17118659

absolutely hate this motherfucker. anyone here actually ever tried reading him?

>> No.17118676

the movie was shit
wittgenstein was an autist who didn't earn his PhD
everything he says is borderline retarded and he was a pure autist born in a rich house

>> No.17118681

Lol, yes the Tractatus. Why?
He's not even bad, why do you hate him?

>> No.17118694
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>> No.17118698

this post smells pungently of cope

>> No.17118705

I have tried to read 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus' in the past, but had to stop, because he proceeds to explain himself by using propositional calculus symbols (not sure if that's the right term, because I'm an ESL) early on, which I admittedly have no clue of. May try again in the future, though.

Is that what you meant? What was your issue?

>> No.17118706

i just hate the logico/linguistic philosophy trend he started. I don't find it interesting or compelling but it's impossible to talk about philosophy now without some pseud bringing that shit up.

>> No.17118758

Legit how else can you speak meaningfully in philosophy without some use of logic and what you mean linguistically, and if you use these tools why don't you use them in a formal way?
We use logic, mathematics, and linguistics to understand the world so why is it bad to see what we can actually say with those tools?
The human mind is a machine (probably not a computer) so it's useful to speak formally about what we can actually say and what we can actually know.
All other philosophy is basically moral bullshit and schizoid ramblings.

>> No.17118773

>all other philosophy is basically moral bullshit and schizoid ramblings
yes and that is based

>> No.17118810

> "Hell is not other people. Hell is yourself."
Yeah, based.

>> No.17118818

>All other philosophy is basically moral bullshit and schizoid ramblings

I wish more people thought like this. Detached and analytical wins the race.

>> No.17118822

It's on Kanopy if your library has it

>> No.17118823

No it’s not. It’s tired and making life worse for everyone.

>> No.17118832

>Apparently it contains some Homoerotic BS in it though which is pretty fucking gay,

Being gay is gay. Imagine that.

>> No.17118839

>making life worse for everyone
please keep telling me how based continental philosophy is, adding this to my thesis on the average analytical philosophy fan vs the average continental philosophy enjoyer

>> No.17118844
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>seething this much
Did old witty hurt you? Are you okay? Do you need to take a brake from /lit/?

>> No.17118930

fuck you for making me look up "pussy milk wittgenstein"

>> No.17118951
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Keked and checked.
lol, I know this is fake but the pure autism of it seems so Wittgenstein-like.

>> No.17118966


>> No.17118986

wittgenstein jr by lars iyer is fiyahh!!!!!

>> No.17119180

My favorite Jew :)

>> No.17119199

>Being gay is gay.
Wow, that's pretty fucking gay dude.

>> No.17119485
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Oh? You seem to have forgotten someone...

>> No.17119637

more like Shittgaystein

>> No.17119654

More like mid-Wittgenstein.

>> No.17119655

>The human mind is a machine
absolutely filtered

>> No.17119678

His cousin was that pseudo-jewish czech Friedrich von Hayek. Not a bad look ngl

>> No.17119694


It’s literally the jewish religion!

>> No.17119697


>Eats bread constantly.

>Refuses milk.

Yep, that’s a moron.

>> No.17119717


He was the one that convince me to dye the sides of my moustache.

>> No.17119781

Whom? von Hayek?

>> No.17119823

Holy shit what do you think it is?
It literally takes input, processes, has a memory, and gives an output.
Not all minds are the same (for example some are defective like your's retard) and they probably can not be classified as computers but they are still a type of machine.

>> No.17120109

That film actually looks pretty good.

>> No.17120153

It's not a real story anon.

>> No.17120177

if it's gay don't watch it.

>> No.17120233

I'm thinking based.

>> No.17120236


why are you all so hung up on the tractatus when his most important contribution came in the philosophical investigation where he btfo philosophy, psychology and all essentialists.

>> No.17120359

Well first, I only read the Tractatus but from what I read Philosophical Investigations seems like it could apply to most of language but not specifically to what we can say when we wan't to say something meaningful, which is what most of philosophy and science is concerned with.
That is that the Tractatus is concerned with what a scientist might be able to say while Philosophical Investigations is a generalization of what the uses of language are, such as it may be used by people talking in say a convenience store.
To me a holistic picture of language (while interesting) contains many things which are only tangentially related to or even unrelated to the main concern of philosophy as a science, which is epistemology.

>> No.17120497

>Well first, I only read the Tractatus
Stopped reading here.

>> No.17120518

Leave this board retard.
Some of us are actually trying to have a discussion.

>> No.17120529

Tractatus is dope you homo. Of that which you cannot speak, you need to stfu

>> No.17120555

>Read Ray Monk

>> No.17120845
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Based Gasparro poster.

>> No.17121084

Lol, Protestants and Jews BTFO.
How the fuck have I not heard of this artist before?

>> No.17121110

absolutely desperate cope

>> No.17121123
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>> No.17121707
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Lol keep seething you utter faggot. England has the best universities in the world.
Old Witty had enough money to go anywhere he could've possibly wanted to but where did he choose to go?
It wasn't Burgerland, Leafland, or Frogland, it was Jolly Old England!
lol, Anglo-supremacy never gets old, Rule Britannia!

>> No.17121715
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>angloid thirdies on /lit/
oh no no no no

hilarious seeing them get reverse colonized after the americans showed them what for

>> No.17121724
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>nooo that german counts as one of ours
guess the WWW is a European/Swiss invention then ;)

>> No.17121841

It was Frege who started it you Mong

>> No.17121945

it's on rarbg

>> No.17121978
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Cope brainlets,
Not "claiming him", just saying it's obvious he realised the superiority of Anglo culture and wanted to be apart of it (which he most evidently was, apparently you lads don't even know who Bertrand Russell is.). Ave, Brittania!

>> No.17122142
File: 7 KB, 254x326, bernard-bolzano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, even Russell comes before Wittgenstein.
What he said doesn't even make sense because even before Frege there was Bolzano and before him it was fucking Aristotle! (and some less significant figures in between.)

>> No.17122554

The grandaddy of transgender sophism

>> No.17122626
File: 38 KB, 782x118, 2020-12-26 15_35_08-Lydia Lopokova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this?

>> No.17122837
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Holy shit that's real? That's actually in her Wikipedia page, lol.
There's also a reference to the incident in an interesting article in The New Yorker about Frank Ramsey, called "The Man Who Thought Too Fast":
>Several Bloomsbury figures were there [at a summer party at Keynes’s country place], including Virginia Woolf and Keynes’s new wife, a Russian ballerina, Lydia Lopokova. Unfortunately, Wittgenstein was, too. Lydia made the mistake of remarking, “What a beautiful tree,” presumably too casually, whereupon Wittgenstein glared and demanded, “What do you mean?” and she burst into tears. Wittgenstein also became annoyed with Ramsey, who took issue when Wittgenstein declared Freud “morally deficient.” Although Ramsey didn’t bear grudges, the two men had no contact for four years, except for a distinctly cool exchange of letters in 1927 about the logic of “=.”

Bros, how do I achieve this powerful level of Autism? Is it too late for me?

>> No.17123012

Why do Luther and Mohamed have halos tho

>> No.17123078
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It's his style I guess.
Obviously though, they should be thought of as "anti-halos" which is why they are black.
Here's another example of this "anti-halo" (In this painting Santa Claus is BTFO the heretic Arius :) )