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17114307 No.17114307 [Reply] [Original]

Youre a wrongfully convicted death-row inmate awaiting lethal injection a week from now (no exoneration possible)

You are entitled to read one last book and order your last meal before parting with life.

I’ll start
The Brothers Karamazov and feast mode from The Boiling Crab.

>> No.17114343

I'm between "The Horse and His Boy" and "A Little Princess".>>17114307

>> No.17114361

The Rainbow Fish

Ramen noodles

>> No.17114369

The Bible

The Bible

>> No.17114406

I write Greg Abbott asking for a hanging or firing squad. I read nothing because I'm vomiting from the fact that I'm going to die in a week. There are no last meals in Texas. Hopefully God decides to grace me with the gift of faith before I die.

>> No.17114460
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>shoot the first couple of guards coming towards me
>save the last bullet for myself
You faggots ain't taking me alive

>> No.17114512

Putting them in a bulletproof room with a gun in it and waiting for them to off themselves would be far more humane than the weird chemical stuff we do imo

>> No.17115784

My first book was a children's edition of Swiss Family Robinson.
My last book will be the original Swiss Family Robinson, too.
My last meal? Lammlachse w/Pfeffersauce, Steak with Gorgonzola spinach sauce, A selection of malty beers, indian chicken curry, a selection of sushi. Katsudon, esterhazy torte, ice cream...
I'll probably die of a perforated stomach, but what the hell, amirite?

>> No.17115813

The 1001 Nights

An entire cooked whale

>> No.17116920

The Bible
Baconeggcheese burrito, XXX habanro hot sauce
Coffee with plenty cream lots of surgar
NutterButter cookies.

>> No.17116928

Give me a copy of Phenomenology of Spirit, and hold off my execution until I fully understand it.

>> No.17117072

>You are entitled to read one last book and order your last meal before parting with life.

I simply wouldn't part with my life. Easy

>> No.17117109

This is the least interesting, funny, or original post I've ever read. A vacuum

>> No.17117278

- do you have any last words?
- yeah, i really need a poo

>> No.17117301


>> No.17117320


The Trial.
Don't know for the meal is it gonna be prepared by prison cooks? Cuz I ain't trusting sushi from these cunts.

>> No.17117344

Fear and Trembling

A loaf of freshly baked sourdough bread and good quality butter

>> No.17117355

It was honestly OK. B-

>> No.17117488
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The Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.17117580

The Epic of Gesar Ling
Carbonara with the water from the fountain of youth

>> No.17117581

The tales of watership down
it's the book I got for christmas

>> No.17117611

How to Escape from Prison
a cake with a hacksaw baked inside of it
;) lol no i'm jk

>> No.17117651

Ride the Tiger by Evola and a hard piece of bread. Then I ask to be executed by firing squad instead.

>> No.17117684

>Ulysses by James Joyce
>Crab, lobster, black pudding, garlic mashed potatoes, blue rare steak, and a Reece's peanut buttercup blizzard from Dairy Queen

>> No.17117794

Dirt Cookies

Things Fall Apart

>> No.17117860

>a rebours
>deep fried chicken

>> No.17117864

no food, Anon?

>> No.17117879
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Mein Kampf

Tendies, sauce, and fries

>> No.17117891

Dr Seuss "Cat in the Hat"

KFC bucket with a side of corn

>> No.17118171

Alan Watts - 'The Supreme Identity'
2 bricks of dry instant ramen noodles.

>> No.17118195

Additional question.
If you were allowed to listen to music during the execution process, what track do you want to go out on?
For me, it's this

>> No.17118204
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>the francis of the filth
>fried snowflakes

>> No.17118206
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>The Trouble with Being Born
>Vegan pizza.

>> No.17118242

Based except it should be a small black coffee and one cigarette.

>> No.17118249

ironically this
unironically between the bars
based af
natalism is coping

>> No.17118250
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Incredibly good taste

>> No.17118277

this, but only for criminals with three digits IQ

>> No.17118294

Wallace Stevens Collected Poetry
Just a big bag of nuts

>> No.17118330

Wow, let's hook up. Read them aloud since I can't read and you can suck my big bag of nuts aswell. I'll have KFC bucket, a big greeny salad and a raspberry milkshake

>> No.17118346

>Youre a wrongfully convicted death-row inmate

Already you've broken the immersion. This is a fiction that people invented to avoid the reality of blacks' social impact.

>> No.17118355

No boo, and a glass of water. Just get it done with.

>> No.17118423

based and either/or pilled

>> No.17118461

The Old Man and The Sea, one large glass of warm water

>> No.17118468

Incredibly based

>> No.17118481

Ohh man me too. Fucking maximum comfy.

>> No.17118517

>final book
either demons or ningen shikkaku so i look forward to dying
fresh oysters followed by strawberry shortcake

>> No.17118657
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>a river runs through it
>the world's rarest truffle

>> No.17119020

Based Texan. I also ask to hang from the neck until dead or death by firing squad. I didn't know we don't get last meals but I would refuse one anyway. It doesn't matter what book I read last, whatever book is next on my list.
I'm not being flippant, it took me a while to think on this. Stimulating question. Good thread OP

>> No.17119793

A KJV but I’d only read Ecclesiastes in repetition
As for food, probably just a fat, juicy morel mushroom; I’ll request a couple cigarettes as well

>> No.17120260

Count of Monte Cristo / Salmon, Broccoli, and Mashed Potatoes

>> No.17120287

The Bible
Black coffee with bread and butter, with a few strong French cigarettes and hopefully I'd be allowed to enjoy this in a garden on a sunny spring day: I'd like to enjoy nature knowing that I'll die just after.

>> No.17120325

the stranger - camus
anything cooked by my family

>> No.17120333

>hopefully I'd be allowed to enjoy this in a garden on a sunny spring day

If you're on death row, I doubt it.

>> No.17120335

unironically my diary tbqh. reflect on my life lived and make some final contemplative notes

some fruits, bread and butter.

>> No.17120391

true, maybe I could see the sunlight on a tree by the window in my cell, that would be quite enough

>> No.17120406

Thx anon

>> No.17121223

Seneca's Letters and I would skip the last meal to avoid wasting resources.

>> No.17121242

The Bible
Scrambled eggs, sausage links, french toast, sushi, monte cristo sandwich, pepperoni pizza, mac n cheese, buffalo wings

>> No.17121327

>I am haunted by waters.

Nice choice, anon.

>> No.17121485
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Rabelais' complete works
Lot of good wine and a huge cassoulet
If I'm going, might as well go with a good old fashioned fart. I'd hold them back until the end, so that I'd only fart at the exact moment of my death, I'd also pay a guard present at the execution to say "his spirit is leaving his body" as I let off my last fart. I'd do a lot of bad pun prior to that, like when they come to take me I'll tell them "where have you beans? and where are going friends? I hope it isn't too fart". I'll wink at each pun and try to touch the guards asses to make them awkward.

>> No.17121486

Multiple States of Being by Guenon

>> No.17122707

The Bible, and no food please, never understood why anyone would want to eat before they die anyway

>> No.17123073

Kolyma Tales

2 lbs. Of rye bread

>> No.17123214

Clark Ashton Smith's "Emperor of Dreams" collection of stories, and a philly cheese steak sandwich with thick cuts of onions, green peppers, provolone cheese, a few shakes of black pepper, and some mayo(maybe.) Tater tots glazed with cheese sauce, and a six pack of Blue Moon or a full glass of Maker's Mark. I'll then ask for a revolver with a single bullet so that I may shoot myself while listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYzlN_fTflI&list=PLWvekjMc31453izKlKgZr-9eoxhYgSxm5&index=7

>> No.17123267


>> No.17123294

The Odyssey, and a quality beef roast with mashed potatoes, a good tomato soup, and a coke.

>> No.17123311

No book. I cannot read. Microwave spaghetti.

>> No.17123334

Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius... Though I might refuse a book and instead write and read out a letter protesting my innocence.

As for a last meal... I think I would order a crapton of food and then not eat it. It would be my last act of defiance, I wasted all this time and money of the jailers to gather this food. And I don't take a single bite because essentially the 'last meal' is to assuage the conscience of the executioners and make them feel that they are doing something charitable. I wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction.

>> No.17124087

Why cause you might get food poisoning and die? You’re on death row, mate. It doesn’t matter.

>> No.17124105

30 Years of Laughs and Lasagna: The life & times of a fat, furry legend!

And an entire tray of lasagna

>> No.17124174

You can only order off the set prison menu, dummies.

>> No.17124201

>are these people having light-hearted fun? I must prevent them at all cost!

>> No.17124247

>The Consolation of Philosophy
This is the right answer on the book question.
Surf&turf for the food

>> No.17124275

The Little Prince, because it was one of the few books I've read that moved me to tears. And I guess if they make me a peanut butter sandwich with raspberry jelly, that'd be ok I guess

>> No.17124291

When they fry you guys it gonna stank the jail up bigtime

>> No.17124300
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>> No.17124320

If your meal answer is a small unsatisfying piece of food and a cigarette, you're the biggest pseud there is

>> No.17124343

Dude they do studies on wrongfully convicted not "innocent" convicts. Yes a lot of guys in American jails commited crimes it's just that a lot of the time not necessarily doing time for the ones they actually did.

>> No.17124363

It's not like they'd give your food to some homeless bum so STFU and eat something

>> No.17124377

John Wayne Gacy didn't

>> No.17124430

Cigarette and a Diet Coke

>> No.17124509

Naked lunch and a gallon of horse semen.

>> No.17124515


>> No.17124523

Id choose Fear and Trembling too

>> No.17124532

honeydew or cantaloupe melon

>> No.17124536

Has anybody actually read it, is it good?

>> No.17125794

Eragon & fried okra, white pizza w/ salted tomato slices, kfc mash and gravy

>> No.17126727

Franny and Zooey

Plain rice and beans like my mom used to make

>> No.17126735

The New Testament

Beef wellington

>> No.17126832
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>complete diagram of the prison facility, it’s workings, utilities, vents, etc...
>methamphetamine laced chocolate

>> No.17127338

Infinite Jest
Hemlock tea

>> No.17127398

Joke's on them, if they kept it a comfortable temperature I would be perfectly happy in there for the rest of my life.

Food poisoning is uncomfortable and comes on relatively quickly. You would die with some combination of fever, nausea, vomiting, and the shits.

>> No.17127503

Most states have stopped providing last meal requests because of stunts like this. You're not sticking it to the man: you're just ruining it for everyone else like you.

But then most people on death row end up there because they're selfish and impulsive. So you probably wouldn't care.

>> No.17127560

The printed version of Wikipedia and a large calzone with a surf and terf on the side and for drink I’ll have a that huge bottle of a&w rootbeer. With refills. Hopefully when they do hang me ill be to fat for rope and it will snap off. When it does ill run off with my fat legs

>> No.17127572

>ruining it for everyone else
Yeah those dead people sure do regret not gorging themselves one last time while they were alive

>> No.17127673

I'm sure the anticipation of a luxurious final dinner has been the only consolation for thousands of executees. The gustatory activity itself is barely significant compared to the months of looking looking forward to it.

>> No.17127934

What a pathetic, death-obsessed existence
>muh last meal ever
>this one is gonna be different than the meal I just ate, I know it will

>> No.17128245

First consider the nature of the experience itself: the absolute privation and the ever-present countdown to the final moment.

Now consider the sort of individual who finds themselves in that situation. Overwhelmingly they're going to be stupid, impulsive people. Someone who walked into a liquor store with a pistol aiming for booze and a few hundred dollars. A drunk who clobbered another drunk to death in a bar parking lot with a hammer. A nigger who killed another nigger for his spot on a corner. A mestizo who tattooed the crime scene of his drive by on his chest all of these happened. You think they're going to be contemplating Aristotle's Metaphysics while they wait to be strapped in? Or are they going to obsessing about the needle or the gas for years like a caged animal.

This is an argument for eugenics btw.

>> No.17128409


What a load of bullshit.

>> No.17128414

>one last book
Plato's Phaedo.
>last meal
Boypussy, with hemlock as a drink.

>> No.17128435

But they have all these books? You’ve probably never even been on death row.

>> No.17128544

I laughed, get fucked

>> No.17128560

Most people shit themselves upon death actually so perhaps the fart will give it a propulsive quality.

>> No.17128588

The collected works of Jim Davis, and a Lasagna. I respectfully request to pass from this mortal shell on a Monday

>> No.17128665
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Ahahah nice one

>> No.17128707

Madness and Civilization by Foucalt and I'll eat a huge margherita pizza with garlic bread

>> No.17128860

The Bibble
A can of pepsi

>> No.17129245

yeah, but by then it's not my problem.