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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 105 KB, 1059x794, 1293242091860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17110348 No.17110348 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that NEETs are the chosen race to lead a flawless /lit/ life. You can't be a literate and a normalfag in this oversocialized age.

>> No.17110353

What a disgusting image.

>> No.17110355


>> No.17110367

I’m a NEET by the way, but there’s little to nothing respectable about our position in life.

>> No.17110375

who is the character?

>> No.17110384

t. normalfags
Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière

>> No.17110407

Why are you a NEET? I’m one, because I graduated, but never took any initiative while at university, so now I’m just jobless and living with my parents.

>> No.17110432

i stopped going outside after the pandemic outbreak and didn't make a single friend in 3 years after moving out, also classes aren't resumed until the next semester

>> No.17110438
File: 76 KB, 240x300, 1496014882862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a based image.

>> No.17110468

Thanks anon, I'll watch the anime when I have time.

>> No.17110509

NEETs are the new aristocratic class

>> No.17110799

not being a neet samurai that reads 12 hours a day

>> No.17111125
File: 106 KB, 599x846, 1599264653456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excerpts from The NEET Manifesto (WIP)
>All meaningful developments in society have as their foundation freedom from labour. Our earliest ancestors—who does not properly deserve to be called ‘Man’—lived only for his subsistence; in the bloody slough of nature all struggled only for his next meal, trapped in a cycle of prey and predation; a life of impermanence, a perpetual present, where nothing lasting could be made. But from this chaotic period arose, as if by divine providence, the invention that would raise man from beast and lay the foundation of the gradual, glacial emancipation of mankind—agriculture. These earliest farmers barely lived better than their bestial forebears, but they were capable of some permanence—to reach and claw at the future, and heave, if only a little, of his work there. So the first act of defiance of man against time. These early men are our Prometheus: who, willing to have his liver pecked out by a thousand back-breaking days, passed us a most treasured gift: the possibility of freedom from necessity. Through ingenuity and craft, little by little, they improved their yields; now a little seed saved, now a bountiful harvest, now an extra row tilled, each time eking out a little more from the jealous clutch of nature. From this process a miracle occurred, the greatest miracle of all humanity: Enough was produced so that one was able to live off the labour of another, without the need to labour himself. This marked the end of an epoch, and the beginning of another—the invention of the division of labour. So exploded human development, where those freed from direct subsistence could explore the new summits of the human mind. In metallurgy, in poetry, in religious rites, in astronomy, mathematics, geometry, philosophy, science—all first required liberation from subsistence labour.
>History is divided between two groups: those who worked for their subsistence, and those who subsisted on the work of others.
>The Brahmin of India, the Buddhist Bikkhu, the Rabbi, Priest and Imam—all spiritual leaders are freed from labour and employment, respected by all, to pursue the highest spiritual and intellectual pursuits. All espouse forsaking the path of greed as required for salvation. The medicant a symbol of the nobility of his position.
>Aristocrats and Nobles, elevated above subsistence by the labour of others, shared this gift with the artistic class through systems of patronage, bequeathing the world with the treasures of the human spirit.

>> No.17111138

>All wage labour is subsistence labour. All wage labour is slavery. The slave, the peasant, the serf, and now the wage labourer, all gave their life so the benefactor of their labour may live. The original sin of Calvin and Luther would break this symbiotic relationship, where labour served only to expand labour, forcing all into bondage. The slave cum wage labourer labours for his subsistence; the bourgeoisie, possessed by the spirit of capitalism, labours hollowly for a creed long dead. Each is a cog powering a pointless machine. Each creates nothing but his own denial.
>The wage labourer is fascinated by his baubles and trinkets, living under the illusion that resting his tired and broken mind in front of bread and circus is the highest attainment; Unable to ever buy his freedom, he is blameless. The merchant, the company owner, the landlord and speculator, the politician and bureaucrat, the modern descendants of the aristocrats of old: This class I charge with dereliction of duty. They waste the flame passed to them by the groaning Prometheus, and use it only to widen the net of labour, enslaving ever more and catching themselves in the process.
>But in this heaving dynamo there has emerged a new successor to aristocrats of old. The product of the subsistence labourer is sought by all. This labour, sweeter than the sweetest ambrosia, is fought for bitterly; the business man, the bureaucrat, the politician, each claw and fight to suckle on this primordial teet. But in their fight, they squander its gift. Some of this life-giving force finds its way down from this profligate feast to the institution of welfare, and from welfare into the hands of this new class. Not borne of power, or wealth; not of royalty nor buoyed by trust funds; free from the chains of the world, free from expectation, free from the consuming struggles for material gain. This unlikely new bearer of the torch of humanity:
>The NEET.

>> No.17111146


What synthesis will come out of NEETdom and Jordan Peterson's "clean your room" philosophy, is what I wanna know.

>> No.17111149
File: 494 KB, 554x1160, anzu5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's progress going?

>> No.17111152

We provide robot maid sex bots to NEETs in order to maximize their potential

>> No.17111163

>after moving out
After moving out? You're not a NEET.

>> No.17111183

not that anon, i'm just reposting it from the archives

>> No.17111203

I DON'T wanna be associated with this kind of shit!

>> No.17111263

She's incredibly sexy.
The artist is very good.

>> No.17111309 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 626x256, @mammoth_2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine squeezing her cute and small butt lightly.
Imagine kissing her entire belly and chest.
Imagine sucking on her bee sting nipples as you feel her body temperature slowly rising, her breathing getting heavy and her face becoming red.
>O-oni-chan, don't touch me there. You are making me feel funny.
Then imagine inserting your 22 year old cock in her cunny. It's difficult even with plentiful lubricant and she even bleeds a little while she squirms on the bed
But she's so tight, her cunny tightly wrapping itself along your shaft that you feel you won't be able to last more than 3 pumps. Then you coom.

>> No.17111327

You also can’t be /lit/ if you drink shitty processed corn syrup and spend any money whatsoever on anything cartoon/anime related

>> No.17111357

wrong and wrong

>> No.17112624

Writers probably

>> No.17112661

Literature makes me more social and romantic.

Also fuck anime and fuck needs, I work my ass off and read in the evenings and on wekends. Anime is just disgusting, its a primitive art style.

>> No.17112671

I can understand someone being between jobs, but there is no excuse for fetish pillows, if you own those you are just a creep and a loser and should die.

Nobody here believes you read and like anime the two do not go together. Anime is made for the masses, lit is for the elite.

Go work you wont make use of your spare time anyway

>> No.17112698

>Anime is made for the masses, lit is for the elite.
Thats factually wrong though.

>> No.17112706

>i stopped going outside
you are a hikki not a NEET

>> No.17112710

>between jobs

>> No.17112714

can't be between jobs if you've never had a job, chief

>> No.17112729
File: 57 KB, 800x600, my-youth-romantic-comedy-is-wrong-as-i-expected-anime-hachiman-hikigaya-youtube-sarada-uchiha-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't be a literate and a normalfag in this oversocialized age.

Try finding a middle ground, you twat.

>> No.17112736

Both are (with few exceptions) though

>> No.17112744 [DELETED] 

The wage salve diet is horrific, a true NEET takes his time to prepare healthy food.
Nice. I would buy a copy
Petershit is for failed normalos

>> No.17112750

The wage slave diet is horrific, a true NEET takes his time to prepare healthy food.
Nice. I would buy a copy
Petershit is for failed normalos