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17110878 No.17110878 [Reply] [Original]

What's the value of reading Philosophy in the long run?

>> No.17110887

when you finally get to zapffe and everything makes bleak sense

>> No.17110889

each philosopher provides ways of thinking about reality. The insights allow us to be more open minded and knowledgeable when making moral judgements.

>> No.17110893

It helps provide answers to some big questions and a way to explain certain complex phenomenon in life. You can also use some of the ideas in your day to day life or in something you write for instance. Reading more philosophy allows you to connect together certain ideas and concepts from different philosophers and expand your understanding. You can devise your own unique creative philosophy built upon the great thinkers of the past

>> No.17110923

It helps me think about politics

>> No.17110993


>> No.17111000

convincing yourself you are not missing out on having sex

>> No.17111016

this is unironically my reason desu

>> No.17111052
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Nothing has value in the long run, but I do get a lot of short term validation out of being able to dominate people in debates. Most normies have zero experience with anything deeper than surface level philosophy and politics, so reading just a little bit a day has been enough to get me the reputation of being smart and gifted. Nobody suspects that I'm actually just a midwit pseud.

>> No.17111080

What's the value of having sex in the long run?

>> No.17111090

Probably the belief that procreation is the penultimate part of life before death

>> No.17111095

Please elucidate the value of sex.

>> No.17111096

and it really works, too

>> No.17111101

so the point of life is to make more life. Seems kind of circular.

>> No.17111103

but in this context we are likely referring to casual sex and hookups. these are more about hedonist pleasure seeking and are temporary, ephemeral rather than rooted in a long term romantic connection or reproductive purpose

>> No.17111110

this, I read philosophy for only two reasons:
>for fun
>to make normies think I'm smart
there's unironically no point otherwise unless you actually major in philosophy, other than it can also work as self-help except not embarrassing and shit

>> No.17111111

anime get

>> No.17111113

it is effective for political strategy and theory

>> No.17111114

"All human beings, Socrates, are pregnant both in body and in soul, and when we come to be of the right age, we naturally desire to give birth"
I can just have mind babies, superior to flesh babies. Inferior only to butt babies

>> No.17111122

The pleasure principle is powerful

>> No.17111126

So true kek

>> No.17111128

>anime get
Weebs win again, nice gets

>> No.17111169

yes but most of us aren't engaged in politics

>> No.17111182

Different perspectives.

>> No.17111187


>> No.17111254

There isn't one. It's fun for those who find it fun and a means to cope with depression and suicidal thoughts by many.

Most people who dive deeply into philosophy are not the most satisfied people. Ask yourself, what kind of person would have such strong existential crises to be willed to seek out the answers to the big questions?

If you're approaching philosophy with any kind of seriousness, you're a damaged human. I'm sorry. I read it for fun because it's fun to see people try and answer big questions and never really land somewhere satisfying. It shows how limited humans are in thought.

If you don't find it fun and aren't one to have many existential moments in your life, there really is not much value. Read things you enjoy in that case.

>> No.17111288


>> No.17111302


>> No.17111331

i only got to philosophy after getting tired of sex desu

>> No.17111338


>> No.17111358

If you read valuable philosophy, it changes your life.
If you read worthless philosophy, you get bored and nothing happens. Unfortunately most is the latter.

>> No.17111388

What is the value of anything in the long run? In the long run we will all be dead. Read philosophy if you feel the urge to think about the big questions. If you don’t, go do something else. There is no value in it, nothing to gain, no profit to make, no women to seduce, and yet...

>> No.17111406

digits confirm

>> No.17111409

Suppose that Truth is a woman, what then?

>> No.17111426

Stoic philosophy directly improved my mental well-being in a very short amount of time (in conjunction with therapy). I'm diagnosed mentally ill though so it might not be as useful to everyone.
How I'm dipping toes into philosophy in general and starting to clarify my own views to myself. This is also improving my mental stability, and cutting through a lot of mental noise I was too lazy to consider on my own.

>> No.17111434

Run game on her.

>> No.17111465

So drown her in the icy waters of instrumental rationality, so she cannot elude you. Of course, by then the spark in her eyes is gone, as is her mystery, and your pleasure becomes hollow

>> No.17111480

Exactly! That's my point! It helps those with mental instabilities and crises. It's basically a medicine for the mind and soul.

If you don't need that though, it's a bit useless unless you just find it enjoyable. Mentally well people of intelligence don't really dive into philosophy, normally because they've already developed their own philosophy either through upbringing (such as church) or their own thoughts.

>> No.17111522

I would not describe drowning a woman as running game. But I'll never hate another player, do what works for you.

>> No.17111556

I was doin a heckin' allegory :0(

>> No.17111567

Some kinds of truth must be finagled, massaged, indirectly approached, while other kinds of truth must be slapped, choked, and dominated. That's what I took from that Nietzsche line

>> No.17111767

And running game on truth is like wrangling truth with mathematical and logical rigour, reducing and instrumentalizing. Truth loses its magic, and its life. Nietzsche's "Über das Pathos der Wahrheit" captures this. Running game on truth (or women) will not achieve what you seek.

>> No.17111779

I would argue that it's the highest level of conceptualization. Entire nations have been built off the ideas generated by philosophy. Philosophy generates the goal and science generates the facts.

>> No.17111783

t. Philosophizer KANG

>> No.17112105

i agree mostly but say you are overestimating how many people we consider normal are happy. and overestimating how much thinking they do, and how much they pay attention in church

>> No.17112153

I've only really found Geneaology of Morals and Philosophical Investigations interesting. And I know they aren't philosophy proper. The Greeks are good, too, when I'm in the mood.

I prefer philosophical bits through fiction. Maybe when I'm older I'll get through Kant or Merleau Ponty. Now, I don't have the desire.

>> No.17112164
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To rehearse for death.

>> No.17112176

I'm not wrong.

>> No.17112178

why read philosophy and try to decipher what some autistic germans are talking about when i can read something fun?

>> No.17112183

I think that's fine. You should really only settle on a few books/authors in life and go back to them rather than primarily reading new things.

>> No.17112188

because you will learn lessons and ideas that can help you on the path to greatness

>> No.17112211

Because what you find "fun" is usually simple and leaves you unchallenged. Reading challenging works can change your neural networks significantly enough, leading you to more ably produce and understand complex ideas.

>> No.17112231


>> No.17112251

That’s life, baby

>> No.17112852

Because you should be doing it for fun. And the people that have the most fun are also the ones who gain the most insight. And those that gain the most insight are also the ones that realize its beneficial. Philosophy isn't just a tool, its a character disposition.

>> No.17112853

And does your penis not just convince you that you like sex?

>> No.17112856

Getting to the yolo point as Socrates said

>> No.17113649

This, only in my case unironically.

>> No.17113809

>Because you should be doing it for fun. And the people that have the most fun are also the ones who gain the most insight.

You sound like you were raised by a single mother.

>> No.17113869

It makes you think

>> No.17114047

Because "fun" won't help you not break down in a depressed mess when someone close to you dies or when you get betrayed or when you get sentenced to death, etc.
Philosophy can help you gain a semblance of emotional maturity, but I wouldn't call it necessary. After all even children die indiscriminately so what does it matter if men in their 50's start weeping like little girls when their time comes? Rehearse death. Or don't. The people who do it do so because they want to be prepared for the blows that fortune might dish out later on in life. Like doing evacuation drills even though your house might never catch on fire, they want to be sure they're not going to hang themselves overtaken by emotions when their wife leaves them or something.

>> No.17114165

none, it's not selfhelp, not mistical, not religion, not anything that you can sell as a product, ok?

>> No.17114200

deciphering what some autistic germans are talking about IS fun, you were handed an NPC brain. not much you can do about it

>> No.17115460


>> No.17115504

>based chrollo poster
Philosophy is its own value, not a tool (though it does have some uses and its effects dominate culture a few decades downwind, along with transforming one’s perspective on just about everything). Read philosophy only if you are troubled by the questions. Read philosophy because you can’t just leave those questions unexplored. Because you are uncertain and troubled. Read philosophy because you’re compelled to. Though you know that you’ll never arrive at anything solid, you can’t help but swim as far out as you’re able into the unknown and the unknowable.

>> No.17115612

Logic and epistemology help with critical thinking which is very a important skill. It's the also the only way to have morals without religion.

>> No.17116315

Digits of truth

>> No.17116648

Philosophy is kind of a hobby or a trade, like carpentry. Reading philosophy makes sense if you want to be a philosopher.

A lot of philosophers don't really offer valuable insights, they just produce language that build on or counter other philosophers.

>> No.17116807
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>> No.17116853

Some Germans are fun but fuck Hegel and Kant. Nietzsche is fun. Schopenhauer and Heidegger are fun in a weird way.

>> No.17116858
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>> No.17116882

None. Fucking none.

>> No.17117501


>> No.17118407

checked and based

>> No.17118815

giving your self some form of mental illness

>> No.17119226

People can cope their way out of losing a debate easily though.

>> No.17119246
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It provides concepts to highten the consumption and creation of art. Sometimes it inspires something instrumental in science. Mostly so you can sound smart and bang university chicks who wear glasses and no bras under their sweaters.

>> No.17119270

You sound like a wimp

>> No.17119273

Plis gib essential books for midwit pseudery.

>> No.17119337

Everyone telling you that philosophy is useless hasn't lived long enough to even evaluate its usefulness AND most likely lacks the mental ability to sort useful philosophy from garbage philosophy. It is useful and good when you need it, if you have the brain for it.

>> No.17119427


>> No.17119503

What philosophers does Chrollo read?

>> No.17120800

Provide examples.

>> No.17121713

Based weeb

>> No.17121833

I don't think it has any in the long run. You feel invigorated and enlightened for a short span of time, and then you revert to your default state, whatever that may be. People don't change and are incapable of living life in accordance with "principles". Most decisions that you'll ever make will be the result of random impulses

>> No.17121842

Based fatal determinist

>> No.17121860

frankly nothing: it’s overrated. it’s great at first with the first few partners you have, but it becomes mundane. once you nut, you lie there and feel like it wasn’t all everyone tells you it would be. the only thrill of sex at that point is seeing if you can get more women in bed with you, not the actual sex itself. a gf is nice but frankly i never felt that sex with someone that you have an emotional attachment to is any better than sex with a rando. don’t put pussy on a pedestal because it will only lead to your own disappointment. that said, do at some point lose your virginity because if you don’t you’ll feel like you have a chip in your shoulder for most of your life.

bros, whats the god damn point of continuing? nothing brings me satisfaction any more except being by myself and reading and/or writing, but even that’s starting to not fill the hollow void i feel inside

>> No.17121875

>muh value

>> No.17123064
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>wouble triples
The post that saved /lit/