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1710895 No.1710895 [Reply] [Original]

When the shit did authors start going up and speaking in front of public audiences?

I don't read about Fitzgerald and TS Eliot reading their pieces and arguing with people in public. And now you have these guys like David Foster Wallace and Christopher Hitchens (and all the other "New Atheists") going out reading their pieces and speaking about their viewpoints. Is it for publicity, or is it just to satisfy their egos?

>> No.1710897

it's because they have opinions people like /thread

>> No.1710896


>> No.1710913

what the fuck are you talking about, authors have done things like give readings, give lectures, etc for a mad long time. the lecture circuit and the debate circuit were well-worn during the time of Eliot - HG Wells for instance made nearly a living off debates and lectures. and the idea of a 'public intellectual' given speeches and talking in public is old as fuck. this is not a new development. recording these things is a new development.

>> No.1710912

From the Washington Post, 1927:
>>Paris, Sept. 25 (A.P.). -- Andre Maurois, whose studies of the British, living and dead, have made him one of the most popular of French authors with English-speaking readers, is going to the United States this autumn to lecture at Harvard, Princeton and Columbia, as well as on more public platforms.

So, it's been going on for a while. Consider that authors typically do not make all that much money and are in the business of peddling ideas, which means they are attractive as speakers. It makes sense.

>> No.1710917


>> No.1710919



>> No.1711006

Hitchens is more of a journalist than an author.

>> No.1711009


they have to educate the populace because people still believe stupid shit (religion).

>> No.1711011


/lit/ should be an 18+ board. It might prevent these people from posting so often.

>> No.1711015

The entire website is 18+. It's one of the first general rules I think. And I agree, that way we wouldn't have so many kids who think that they're edgy because they're atheists

>> No.1711022


Not >>1711009, and wouldn't have phrased it as such, but his statement isn't false.

Just you wait Double-0-9, wait until you get out into the real world and the whole mass of all those idiots comes to bear on you.

It's a crucible that makes you stronger.

>> No.1711023


Being atheist isn't sufficient for wisdom or being edgy, but it is a necessary pre-condition.

You live and learn.


>> No.1711024

Goodness, are you retarded? For fucks sake, Dickens went on tours to do public readings. This is not a new trend.

>> No.1711025

The idea of God isn't nearly as ridiculous as being religious. But it's close.

>> No.1711026
File: 83 KB, 1000x928, atheists vs theists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee thanks i never would have known who said that since it doesn't say in the name field or anything

>Being atheist isn't sufficient for wisdom or being edgy, but it is a necessary pre-condition.
guess i just have to pull out this pic again
Theists: 1
Atheists: still at 0

>> No.1711027

There is nothing inherently 'stupid' about religion. To use OP's own poorly chosen example, DFW argued that it is impossible to not be religious in the sense that it is impossible to not worship something.

>> No.1711029


Why are you dumb, Quentin?
Is it nature or nurture?

Let me know.

>> No.1711030

if you could give me an actual reason as to why you think i'm dumb rather than attacking my understanding of history maybe i'll consider answering your question

>> No.1711031


True. But there is nothing "inherently" anything about anything.

The point is, every instance of religion happens to be stupid. Also, the mentality of taking something "religiously" inevitably ends up creating fullretards.jpg.

I don't write the rules, that's just how the world works.

>> No.1711032
File: 51 KB, 1400x1050, the victims of atheism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah atheism has never turned out bad

>> No.1711035

>I feel like part of the vanishing breed that thinks a writer should be read and not heard, let alone seen. I think this is because there seems so often today to be a tendency to put the person in the place of his or her work, to turn the creative artist into a performing one, to find what a writer says about writing somehow more valid, or more real, than the writing itself.

>> No.1711037

Your points aren't worth addressing. I think this illustrates that poster's point about an age requirement.

>> No.1711038

>TS Eliot reading their pieces
Research your trolls better, Quentin:


Numerous modernist authors gave lectures, or taught in universities themselves, or published in academic journals in formal arguments with critics.

>> No.1711034


One good reason would be that your arguments consist of stupid pictures and tired memes.

Beautiful Anon:1

>> No.1711039

a picture is worth a thousand words
my visual artistry can express my ideas much more clearly than my written works can

>> No.1711042


Mustached men killed more people than non-mustached men.

>> No.1711044

Quentin's argument is a fallacy of mistaking correlation for causation.

tripfags be trippin

>> No.1711049

So far his arguments for theism consisted of

1. Appeal to Celebrities
2. Fallacy of Causation

>> No.1711048

ohh shit nooo way man. i totally see it now

>> No.1711052

>lectures in universities & writings in academic journals
>public & live audience

>> No.1711053

Theism is also responsible for the dark ages, and general human ignorance. Preventing the development of science and medicine by attributing diseases to demons and preventing the spread of knowledge and the questioning of dogma.

As a result billions of people died.

If only the enlightenment and atheism could was allowed to begin 500 years earlier. We would have had world peace by now and every stupid theist would only exist in works of fiction and fantasy.

>> No.1711054
File: 93 KB, 640x735, lol religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need I post more?

>> No.1711055

if theism was preventing science then how come all great scientists have been theists?

inb4 "society made them they had no choice retard tripfag!"
belief is belief.

>> No.1711058

Where do you think almost all of these lectures and debates happen? At grocery stores?
Doesn't change a damn thing. People pay to hear them in school, or at a school.
I know you're a troll and you're not bad with this niche you've carved out here on /lit/. I'm done now, enjoy yourself sweetpea.

>> No.1711060


Scientists were religious because of culture and frail human psychology. It was also safer.

They also didn't want to end up like Giordano Bruno. Being executed for being pantheistic and thinking the universe is infinite.

Or like Galileo.

>> No.1711062


Anon > Quentin

Quentin is probably ugly as well as a poor debater.

>> No.1711064

>he thinks i'm ugly
Maybe if you have a bad taste in boys
for those who can recognize beauty, i am certainly up there on their lists of most handsome teenage boys

>> No.1711065

Quentin is clearly a masterdebater with years and years of practice.
He's definitely ugly, too.
And also a troll.

>> No.1711995

bump maybe less retards are online?

>> No.1712011

DFW Hated public speaking appearances. He only did it as part of his contract. He has said many times that he tried feverishly to avoid any form of public appearance.

>> No.1712015

turned down the simpsons too

>> No.1712020

it's been going on for quite a it wasn't unusual for popular authors in the 19th century to do reading tours where they would read their books to audiences or lecture in topics of their research.

>> No.1712022


nah dude, you're still ugly

>> No.1712043


>> No.1712071

Just satisfying the demand. People want to hear them speak. It's not like they are forced to be there.

>> No.1712084

I like going to those things but my fellow audience members always make me want to retract my head into a turtle shell and die

Once you master the art of laughing your ass off the second Bill Murray shows up on screen in a Wes Anderson or Jim Jarmusch film, you graduate to reacting to some droll remark Michael Chabon makes about Edgar Allan Poe like you're in the audience for Eddie Murphy Delirious

>> No.1712159

Anyone who disagrees with my belief in God is an egomaniac trying to be edgy.

/thread again

>> No.1712607

does it count as a successful troll if i don't get mad but i am genuinely confused as to whether you're trolling or just stupid

>> No.1712621

David Foster Wallace wasn't an atheist, and he hated doing readings. I think you be trollin'.

>> No.1712647

hitchens would have been pretty handsome if he hadn't been a fat bloated blotchy-faced drunk

>> No.1712659

Hitchens is also a debater and public speaker. I think he enjoys doing it (or feels a conviction to do it). I don't really see a problem at all.

>> No.1712834

since time and fucking memorial.

>> No.1712835

7.3/10 for me

>> No.1712899

One of your apparent favourites, Oscar Wilde, did a grand tour of America doing lectures, debates, etc.

I'm beginning to think that you actually are fucking retarded, not just a troll.

>> No.1712920

For the same reason why every music group has to tour, money. You can't just write anything anymore and expect to make all your money through that, you have to tour, either singing, speaking, debating, etc., to make what you used to make back with just writing.

>> No.1713160

Oscar Wilde.


>> No.1713163

Sure did a great job in court.

>> No.1713166

mark twain had a lot of speaking engagements. he was greatly in demand. fitzgerald was not or you bet he would have done it. he was fucking broke and needed the money. t.s. eliot did lectures. after strange gods was published from some of them.

>> No.1713179


Wouldn't have worked nowadays either. He fucked boy prostitutes dude.

>> No.1713181

The very act of being an author implies you have some kind of ego that needs boasting. That is...you know...where the word author derives from....AUTHORITY.

>> No.1713184

that is reductionist and just silly

>> No.1713186
File: 28 KB, 464x272, 1302045090898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if it is reductionist I am sure you can easily disprove it.

>> No.1713188

Quentin is either a really good troll or an idiot. I honestly don't know which, which I guess says a lot about his hypothetical trolling abilities.

>> No.1713193

all writers have one motivation. really.

>> No.1713205

Writing is an egotistical pursuit at its core. Really.

>> No.1713238

Bertrand Russell did, but he was really a mathematician and philosopher rather than an auther.

>> No.1713253

Dickens did public readings.

>> No.1713378

They need money. It has nothing to do with ego or publicity.

>> No.1713389

even kafka did readings to friends and family

and in fact standing in front of a crowd and saying what you think/defending your views predates the invention of writing

>> No.1713426

the "New Atheists" are a journalist, philosopher, biologist and a neuroscientist. Of course they're going to have public debates and lectures.

>> No.1713447

>burrtrained russlleh

>> No.1713460


you don't mean that...speech came before text?