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17108301 No.17108301 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read Beer and Racism yet /lit/?

>> No.17108317

>Americans once again mistaking class for race

>> No.17108332


>> No.17108338
File: 27 KB, 680x383, Bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I quite enjoyed the analysis Chapman gives of racial power structures in the brewery, as a microcosmal dialectic related to the mass society.

>> No.17108352

Pretty sure everyone drinks beer

>> No.17108359

i thought that foreword was by kwame the philosopher for a sec and was wondering why he'd be wasting his time with such a white trash book.

>> No.17108372

Why do negroes need to be into craft beer exactly?

>> No.17108383

Publishers at any rate. So much of it comes out of the pentagon

>> No.17108386

muh cia

>> No.17108387

No, because I'm not stupid.

>> No.17108410
File: 262 KB, 1657x932, 2971F88F-12E4-4D97-BADF-B23D53118829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The CIA aren’t real, bro. Srsly!

>> No.17108413

I wonder if this guy even considered the idea that white people are just congenitally drunks. Especially those of German, Russian, and Irish descent who constitute the bulk of the white American population. Niggers probably just prefer other drugs on general.
The fact that different races don't act the same is a constant nagging voice on the head of the multiculturalism that he might be wrong about all peoples being equal and interchangeable.

>> No.17108425
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*in general
Why am I phoneposting? My computer is right in front of me.

>> No.17108444

if I wanted beer and racism, I'd _________________

>> No.17108450

but seriously.

>> No.17108513

Jimmy Dore is a pissant that spits on people he doesn't like, like a child.

>> No.17108516

This but unironically

>> No.17108524

These niggas never heard of Red Stripe?

>> No.17108526

>dnc shill pissed that dore talks about the many failings of obama and biden

cry more

>> No.17108535

The CIA is responsible for a lot of things, but allowing China and communism to over-take the US is not one of them.

It's actually the deep-state actors in the FBI that are commies and trying to subvert the constitution.

>> No.17108541


Fuck those cunts, I hope Nancy Pelosi gets raped and beheaded.

>> No.17108575

Naw. He’s an infowars fanboy that holds grudges for celebrities

>> No.17108584
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>> No.17108596


>> No.17108610

Class doesn't have enough explanatory power. There's no disease which only impacts rich ppl and similarly there's no Japhetic linguistics that can map language to class.

>> No.17108635

He's idiosyncratic but is mature of the bits I've seen of him. He bucked the race aspect. Of what I've seen he doesn't do well with opposing views but he does a good job opposing views by himself

>> No.17108636
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>> No.17108637

>the FBI that are commies and trying to subvert the constitution.
Uhhh. Seriously? Do you this $600 check thing is some kind of accelerationist scheme to get a revolution going? Why wouldn’t you think they’re pulling for a fascist coup?

>> No.17108647

It's hard talking to people as stupid as yourselves.

Why do you think every, single, last, dictator installed by the CIA has been a far right tyrant that executes communists and socialists? It's just embarrassing sharing a board with conspiracy theorists as naive and stupid as yourselves.

>> No.17108655

Based schizo

>> No.17108662

Can't tell if bait but if you disagree w them don't buy their framework then.

>> No.17108663

Aren't the CIA the hand of the Vatican?

>> No.17108671

No. The Jesuits are the "CIA" of the Vatican.

>> No.17108674

i thought that was opus dei

>> No.17108697

All roads lead to the Vatican.

>> No.17108705

Too large of an organization to effectively be a working secret intelligence arm.

>> No.17108712

don't see it on b-ok yet, so no

>> No.17108734

Where did this CIA are right wing maniacs and FBI are commie libshits thing come from

>> No.17108742

I don't agree with them, and I don't
buy their framework. There is nothing wrong with different groups having different preferences. What the hell is so evil about that? Nothing. Why is it so bad that white people drink more beer? It's not; the only reason books like this are written is to keep us pitted against each other for the most stupid made-up bullshit goddamn am I sick of this race-baiting faggotry. These people need to be beaten near to death for the harm they're causing this country. I have no love for them.

>> No.17108743

Could you recommend something to read on all this?

>> No.17108746

Based zlibrary patrons

>> No.17108748

Something to do with Trump opposition maybe. Maybe it goes back further? Not sure.

>> No.17108758

I'll tell you what it really is
>FBI is zionists
>CIA is zionists
It's that simple.

>> No.17108767

He's not baiting, he's objectively correct. As someone with a degree in sociology, nothing they're saying has any merit and is based purely on ideology revolving around marxism and 3rd wave feminism.

Real sociology has no motivated factors, it simply explains how society is. This specifically places motivation upon race, which is an incorrect surmisation from someone who sees themselves as "sociologically driven". It would be like putting a racial motive on AIDS, when AIDS has no motive, it simply is, and is affected in its spread by social implications, although those social implications would place zero blame, it would simply state the factuality of them.

>> No.17108772

Different groups implies different preferences. If you want to critique it you have to find better groups w more explanatory power or critique differences in general or in particular. It's usually bad to use humans, or their sub-parts, as a means to talk about differences because it can't talk about it deeply enough or critique any method of talking about it.

>> No.17108775
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>It's hard talking to people as stupid as yourselves.
>Why do you think every, single, last, dictator installed by the CIA has been a far right tyrant that executes communists and socialists? It's just embarrassing sharing a board with conspiracy theorists as naive and stupid as yourselves.

>> No.17108787

You can start by reading this


It's poorly written and has a heavy left-leaning bias, but it's one of the best independent and free sources I could find.

>> No.17108791

Facebook dad conspiritard groups (unironically)

>> No.17108803

But how do you explain how society is in sociology? Sociology necessarily is biased based on ontological commitments. An example is the material frameworks by liberals etc where you get biological frameworks, geographic, wealth etc (again all liberal frameworks). Sociology will obviously come to these issues as it's not foundational enough to criticize the different currents in it.

>> No.17108835

The (((Bolsheviks))) failed to conquer the world using class struggle. Now they're using discrimination and equality of ethnic, religious, and sex.

>> No.17108846

Modern sociology is biased because people susceptible to marxist theory are naturally drawn to it. I'm simply a high functioning sociopath and wanted to learn how society functions, so I went that route and got a minor degree.

>An example is the material frameworks by liberals etc where you get biological frameworks, geographic, wealth etc (again all liberal frameworks)
Those are all independent and not part of the goal of sociology as a whole. Sociology is still a very new field of study and has a lot of growing up to do before it's ready to be an actual science.

>> No.17108856

I agree it has room to develop into a science but that still refers to foundations undefined, say math interpretations.

>> No.17108874

Its foundations are to find the biological wills that drive social formation and learning. Most of it is based on psychology, also a new field of study, so I'm not saying it's a good field of study. I'd say it has another 50 years before it's actually a reliable field.

>> No.17108891

History, and the fact that there were FBI agents who were actively trying to get rid of Michael Flynn because he criticized China.

>> No.17108899

Remember in 2016 on /pol/ when we laughed at twitter retards who believed Trump was the beginning of fascist America. The year is 2020 and the newfags who populate /pol/ have now become the twitter retards. Muh marxist take over.

Go back to the subredddit you blew in from and stay there you imbecile.

>> No.17108908

As far as I'm concerned beer is brown. You can keep your yellow piss masquerading as the real thing if you like.

>> No.17108911

That's my point you're asserting a biological interpretation of social groups when you can't justify it over say geographical groups. For a counter example, I could say there's a spiritual or metaphysical development that underpins sociological development and it wouldn't need to refer to (human) biology at all and could be applicable to animals as well, say monkeys.
For shits and giggles I could say physics is a better indicator of sociological development.

>> No.17108922

Anyone have the drawn version of that dude? It is great.

>> No.17108938
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Lmao, oh man, you're so terrified of being exposed it's hilarious

>> No.17108947

>For shits and giggles I could say physics is a better indicator of sociological development.

Uh, no, biology is.

>> No.17108968

>That's my point you're asserting a biological interpretation of social groups when you can't justify it over say geographical groups.
That's not my assertion, since an assertion is a statement of a belief supported by facts. Human society IS based on our biology. This is just a fact. Physics has directly affected our biology, so again, if you point it to physics, it's still dependent on our biological capabilities and loops back around to human biology.

Sociology is simply discussing the results of our shared biological construction. Everything you mentioned is a sub-group of our innate biology.

>> No.17108993

>physics is a subgroup of our innate biology
So we need (our innate) biology for physics to exist?

>> No.17108997

Also does this mean no other group can create a civilization or are you limiting your claim to say if they do create one it will be entirely unlike man's?

>> No.17109134

Where do the freemasons fit into all this? I thought they were the communism pushing degenerates?

>> No.17109143

It's more leninist

>> No.17109144

because the fbi tried to cover up obama/hillary getting all of our cia assets in china outed and executed, well they didn't cover it up since it's open knowledge, but there will be no consequences cuz "her email server" is only something republican bad man talk about

>> No.17109149

>brainlet /pol/ infographic
Please leave unless you have something actually worthy of discussion

>> No.17109155

>all of our cia assets in china outed and executed
this sounds bad